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David after dentist, high at age 7

Legalization: Yes We Can

dannym3141 says...

Furthermore, how in the blue hell can you put forth an argument against the legalisation of pot based on law enforcement redundancy? It's exactly the same as if we'd continued capital punishment because ridding ourselves of it would put hangmen out of business, not to mention all the large ceremonial axes that would suddenly go unsold. Then whetstones to sharpen them, gallows and rope sales would go down rapidly, gallows builders would have to retrain and possibly go on unemployment, our jails would get fuller, it's all a terrible terrible idea.

You need to have your head examined pal. There are SO many reasons for legalisation of cannibis, and i've yet to hear one against it other than "i don't like it" which often equates to "i don't know anything about it".

All this talk about addiction is fine, but what about alcohol addiction? What about tobacco addiction? You really, really need to think about that in detail and just exactly what the differences between tobacco and pot are. Pot is actually better for your long term health than tobacco, less easily habit forming, and there are no real solid proofs anywhere of mental health issues that i've come across to date. So it's better for you than tobacco, but it makes you giggle and/or trip out a little.


The next argument against pot we'll see is the "strong strains such as skunk are blah blah blah" well you can shove that right up your arse too. I've never tried skunk, never tried any kind of "super strong" strain of it. I've smoked some basic run of the mill weed which i could grow for myself, and i had an absolutely fantastic time doing it. I also alleviated a migraine with it. Never hurt anyone, never hurt myself, never woke up feeling like a sack of vomit and diareah unlike some legal social drugs, never stole anything in my life, never considered harder drugs (other than i'd love to try LSD in a controlled environment with supervision), and i'm pretty damn intelligent to boot.

Spare us all the bullshit and get right down to the truth - you're scared of something you don't understand and have never experienced, and why are you scared? Because that's how you've been brought up, indoctrinated, call it what you will.

An Overview Of Migraines

cybrbeast says...

Asmordean, I'd like to experience an aura because I like to experiment with psychedelics. This seems like an interesting experience. Not being able to drive/do stuff is not a problem, because I take psychedelics in the safety of my home and with the stronger ones (Salvia, DPT) I've been unable to leave my couch or bed for a few hours before.
But still, it really sucks for all you people with migraines, and you have my sincere sympathy.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

Flood says...


I don't know whether spiritual visions are real or not. I doubt that they are real, because I have seen little evidence to suggest otherwise. But I suppose it's in the realm of possibility that someone could induce a targeted vision in another person, albeit not very probable with the technology we have. But I can't say for certain that spiritual visions are not real.

If I had a spiritual vision, I might consider that evidence towards the existence of them. However, I would have to gauge the quality of the evidence. If I was on psychedelic drugs when I had the spiritual vision, I would say that there is strong evidence that the vision was simply a chemically induced hallucination, and not anything spiritual.

I'm glad to hear that you recognized that the gods you interacted with while on Salvia were not real, instead of taking that experience as valid evidence of some kind.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

cybrbeast says...

Flood why would you believe in a spiritual vision? It's either your brain accidentally spilling some chemicals like DMT, an epileptic seizure or other brain defect.

I have interacted with gods on Salvia who seemed more real than my parents, and I have felt the universal consciousness. I'm still an atheist though.

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Napalm:
>> ^Ryjkyj:
If you want to scare me away from drugs, "electric funeral" probably isn't the best music to start with.

I think it's actually the song Black Sabbath by the band Black Sabbath from their album Black Sabbath.

DammiT! Too late to edit it now! ...

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

Enzoblue says...

When I did Salvia with 20x, it was insanely cool at first. I saw a wall of fleur de lis tiles cascading down like a waterfall. Once I got to a couch the visions wouldn't stop when I hoped they would, so I just rode it out and they eventually went away. At no time did I totally get lost though, there was always my rational side letting me know it was temporary.

I think Salvia should be used to teach kids what a mind drug can do, to fill that urge to experiment. It's relatively safe, interesting, and I personally have no desire to try it again.

Writing A Letter To Congress on Salvia

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

NordlichReiter says...

Salvia divinorum is just like Peyote (Lophophora williamsii).

It doesn't take much to see an alternate reality, because it is after all the brain that perceives.

Drugs take you there faster, than repetitive action. When throwing a left hand jab, after 10 minutes of that repetitive action my brain puts that action on a back burner, and i no longer have to concentrate on it. Its almost like the punch is working under a mind of its own.

Its the same thing with drugs, the brain produces a reaction to it, in the same way that the brain produces a reaction to exertion.

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

Napalm says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
If you want to scare me away from drugs, "electric funeral" probably isn't the best music to start with.

I think it's actually the song Black Sabbath by the band Black Sabbath from their album Black Sabbath.

Horribly Funny Salvia Trip

Writing A Letter To Congress on Salvia

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

Fade says...

The first part of this video is actually one of the better descriptions of what a salvia trip is like. Pity he wasn't strong willed or selfconfident enough to handle having the illusion pulled away from him. Being exposed to the bizarreness of reality isn't for everyone.

Horribly Funny Salvia Trip

Horribly Funny Salvia Trip

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