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Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

1)Exactly what in your post was satire? This?….” Dad taught me well and will deal with them according.”? (Now THAT’S satire)
2)Directly on topic…you implied we think your dad must be racist because he’s Republican. I explained. Also, nice you don’t disagree with my explanation, you just incorrectly claim it’s off topic.
3) see #2
4) ? Only a moral and ethical obligation, or to Republicans, no obligation whatsoever. 🤦‍♂️
5) better get it in writing, yes. Even if your siblings agree, their children might not. You could be setting up a future lawsuit or the dissolution of your family. If everyone agrees, in writing, then good on you…..but as I mentioned, it’s not a real offer to sell because it sounds like the couple couldn’t afford any price. A real offer would be to let them rent to own at maybe a slight rent increase….they might be able to take advantage of that offer.

Edit: 6) If they have no new income, and barely bring in enough to pay the discounted rent, how do you expect them to come up with an extra $5k, +$3500 (and rising) per year, + $100+ per month more…especially with the Republican plan to make the poor pay more taxes, and end social security and Medicare/Medicaid …how will they ever convince a bank they can keep up payments? And they wouldn’t get 6%….wtf man? Do they have perfect credit? That’s prime, they don’t qualify for a fixed loan at prime rates if they need discounted rent….and no bank is going to give 80 year olds a 30 year loan. The highest prime rates were 21%, unlikely in the near future, but rates are skyrocketing. Now, if you carried the loan yourself, you COULD offer those rates, but a bank never would.
If their kids have cash and are willing to gift it to their parents regularly, and if your family carried the discount loan, it could work.

Sure, sounds simple, but reality isn’t that simple, especially if you don’t have a net worth more than the loan. Year one they would need a minimum of $10k extra to do this if your loan numbers were right, and they aren’t from a bank. Year 2-30 they would need $5k more than they spend now….+ all repairs, tax hikes, interest rate hikes, etc. a great deal to be sure, but not feasible for poor elderly people who will likely lose all their income if Republicans regain power. It more than doubles their housing costs year one.

bobknight33 said:

1 no joke just some satire
2 off topic
3 off topic
4 Good deal and a kind landlord. That being said the landlord is under no obligation to rent to anyone under current market value.

5 Siblings all agree to let it go to the renters and the 50 to 60% discount . All I need is a email/ letter stating their agreement.

6 I think they might be able to do this at 5% down ( or zero). The bank will see a 50K equity in the new owners the moment they sign the papers.

For 30 years / fixed / 3500 property tax/year
At 120K @6% about 1200/month
At 60K @6% about 800/month
At 50K @6% about 730/month

Current rent 695/month
IF they / their kids can put down 10% ( 5K) payments drop about 100bucks

This is simple. Buy the house for 1/2 off and put 50K in you pocket at the closing.

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

newtboy says...

First, It’s 1.6% - 5% (and rising fast), not .5% bob.

Also, 100% - .5% = 99.5%, bob. Or are you pretending only 1% balks at this idea? Considering your math skills, it’s impossible to know.

If so, why should the 99% capitulate to the 1% of intolerant assholes that insist everyone must eat pizza?

If ther are 100 people going out to eat together daily and 5 are deathly allergic to cheese, are you going to insist you prefer pizza so they should be excluded from the population because you don’t feel like a burger right now so everyone MUST eat pizza, even though the restaurant serves both?

No one is trying to make you eat the burger, they only want you to admit burgers are on the menu and that everyone has the right to choose their own meal, you don’t get to choose for them, nor do you get to deny there’s more than one choice nor enforce that insane denial.

Trans people self determining their gender in no way forces you to do the same thing. Such a dumb argument, Bob. It’s the old Con. argument…“You having a choice infringes on my rights to force my choices on you.”.

bobknight33 said:

The real question is why is 98.5% of Americans capitulation
to he the desires of the 0.5% .

Surely if there are 100 people going out to eat and 99 pick pizza and 1 picks hamburger, why do you need to cave and get 100 hamburgers ?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It dropped precipitously because Elon was buying Twitter and would have to sell billions of stock to pay for it, just to name one self inflicted wound. The economic state should benefit Tesla, as you say, with gas at $5 and rising, ev’s are in high demand.

Gas in Canada is $6.75 US. UK is $5.75 in usd. Europe is around $5.25. But sure, it’s all Biden’s fault. Meanwhile my Exon, BP, and energy mutual funds are reporting record profits….but there’s no correlation. Hmmm.

I guess you didn’t hear Elon decided to cut his workforce by 10% anticipating a slump in sales. Elon doesn’t share your optimism.

Isn’t his major production hurdle a worldwide chip shortage, which he can do nothing about? Not sure how he’s going to ramp up production without more chips.

China isn’t the only economy in trouble….where is this unsold production supposed to go? Europe?…in trouble. US?… looking like we’re in trouble and a logistics nightmare. How much does shipping add to the price too? $5k? More?

All car manufacturers raised prices multiple times last year significantly, they all have a shortage of chips. I think it’s more likely he raised prices because he could without slowing down sales, not in order to slow sales.

Granted, ev’s are in high demand, but the big 3 are ramping up production and will outbuild Tesla in short order, as are European and Asian companies. He’s done great without competition, but some real competition is coming. The electric F150 is going to produce around 15000 this year with over 120000 (edit now 200000) reservations. They built a billion dollar factory for it alone, it will be the best selling full sized ev truck as soon as production starts. They also won’t have a chip constraint because they can take them from their huge f-150 supplies to meet production estimates.

If you want Tesla stock it’s not the worst time to invest, that was last November, but I certainly wouldn’t go all in. The PE ratio is still near 100….GAWD AWFUL. That’s called a speculative bubble….they pop. Ask Twitter.

Sorry about your dad. Mine died when I was 21. It’s never easy.

bobknight33 said:

I respectively disagree.

This is the buy of the year. 40% off from its high. Not from anything Tesla has done ( or not done) but from the economic state America is going through.

I don't think this will turn around till our leadership changes in 2024

Since last qtr 2021 Tesla opened 2 Giga Factories Texas and in Germany. They are ramping up and will get full speed in 2 years. This year expect 200 thousand from these as they ramp.

Giga Shanghai was shut down and lost 50, 000 vehicles of production. They reopened fully 2 weeks ago . China economy is taking a big hit. But what isn't sold will be ship and sold elsewhere.

2022 yearly estimate production is still about 1.5 M vehicles for the year.

Wait time from order to delivery is average 7 months. Tesla increase their prices 8 times last year to keep this 7 months from getting worse.

Demand out strips supply.

Gas at 5$/gal isn't helping the ICE vehicles at all and will push EV demand even higher.

Like I said

This is the buy of the year. 40% off from its high.
Also looks like a stock split of 3 to 1 is coming. This does nothing but make it cheaper for those who would like to enter this. One can do so at a lower, affordable price point.

Buy and hold

Buy 10 shares and hold for 5 o 10 years.

My dad passed away last month on the 28th. I've been out of work tending to him and now settling the estate.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Hard to find complete data on that timeframe….

There have actually been 212 so far just 5 months into this year alone with 251 deaths…if you extrapolate from this year’s rates, that’s 6000 dead in the last decade from mass shootings…but I think it’s less because mass shootings are on the rise since 2016.

And here’s a list of over 10 years narrowed to incidents of 4 or more deaths that adds up to 601 in the last decade…so extremely conservatively at least double that if you account for the vast majority of mass shootings that end with <4 deaths, likely triple or more.

No matter how you count, it’s more than Chicago over one year (including police shootings? Suicides?)
Apples to oranges anyway.

Wonder why you chose Chicago….hmmmmm….why could it be?….

St. Louis, MO (69.4 murders per 100000 residents)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Chicago, IL (24)

bobknight33 said:

Add all the mass shootings over last decade and then compare that number to Chicago's 2021 murder rate Of nearly 800 killing s

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

19 43rd trimester abortions thanks to the right’s “everybody gets a gun” mindset that lets any criminal or nut job buy and carry a deadly weapon in Texas.
I guess those children don’t count, only the pre-children without brains or organs deserve safety.
With The gun laws in Texas, this is as foreseeable as the sun rising in the morning. It will happen again.


Official Trailer | She-Hulk: Attorney at Law | Disney+

GOP Handmaid’s Tale

newtboy says...

No one understands Republicans. Their ideas are completely divorced from reality, science, reason, sanity, and morality.

If you don’t like the law, you can just move (remember, that’s your answer to why it’s ok for Republicans to CHANGE the laws). There are plenty of places where abortion is illegal….mostly shithole countries as you call them. Don’t make America one of those.

More lies and nonsense.
No one kills children like that besides Republicans getting secret back alley abortions…I only know you people do that because you accused others, and that’s a guarantee you guys do it no matter how outrageous and unreal the claim.
That is what WILL happen to embryos (not children you tool) in back alley abortion clinics without the proper tools, doctors, and zero oversight. Abortions won’t stop because you drove them into back alleys, they’ll just get more horrific, and that will be 100% on your heads.

Have Republicans set up agencies to take these unwanted children, over 600000 per year, and raise them all at now $275000 each and rising 3% per year? Have Republican doctors figured out how to force live births (without endangering the woman) at 6 weeks or later, and incubators to bring it to term? That’s probably another million on average. Of course not, let those babies starve or be abandoned to the elements, as long as they get born. You aren’t going to spend money to raise them, that’s the rape victim’s responsibility to raise their rapist’s baby. If they didn’t want that responsibility, they shouldn’t have gotten raped.

Are Republicans prepared to be forced to live in hospitals as living dialysis machines, living blood pumps, and living donors of any organ they have two of? If saving lives is important, you would have done all that before trying to remove women’s rights to their own bodies….but you haven’t done any of that because you don’t see women as people who deserve rights to control their own bodies, what’s put in them, and what they have to let grow inside them. Of course not. That’s inconvenient, so fuck those people who need your organs to live. Saving lives isn’t worth losing YOUR bodily autonomy….it’s only worth stripping others of theirs. Hypocrites.

Republicans LOVE killing, all republicans LOVE the death penalty for lesser and lesser crimes and younger and younger convicts. It’s not about stopping life from starting (which happens at first breath, not conception), it’s about controlling those that are their lessors. That’s why there’s no exceptions for rape, incest, or endangering the mother (except extremely rare cases in a few places). You don’t care a whit about what happens to the baby, even less about the mother, they’re nothing more than an incubator to your incel ilk.

Blobs aren’t children….or is that what you call your children? It would explain a lot. Nerve pulses aren’t a heartbeat without a heart. Humans don’t have tails. Zygotes aren’t people. I know you disagree with these scientific and medical facts, that only proves they’re correct.

Once again, you make up nonsense based on your pure ignorance, Cartman. You just look dumber, more sexist, and more dishonest daily.

bobknight33 said:

I don't understand republicans. Trying to stop the killing of unborn children because the mom finds "it" inconvenient is nonsense .

Woman should be able to kill their child for any reason. Let the DR snip the limbs off, the spinal cord and puree the child in the womb. After all it just a blob isn't it?

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

Are you having a stroke? If you talked like you write, I would call an ambulance. Read it, carefully.

1). Nice misdirection there. Way to completely ignore the accusation, and pretend you didn’t just call yourself and all republicans heavily armed crybaby pussies afraid of a few hipsters holding poster board signs.
Funny, because what you described is EXACTLY what women’s healthcare providers suffer from people just like you on a daily basis…the minimum they must tolerate, Bob. Not what happens TO the right, it’s what the right DOES. That’s called projection, you insane idiot. Those healthcare workers have the testicular fortitude to stand up to it daily, with not just constant protesters but death threats and murders and attempted murders constantly, bombings, firebombs, etc….so much they don’t make the news anymore.

2) I thought you cared about the law (*snickers*), the law doesn’t call abortions murder, neither does medical science…are you talking about Texans who immorally execute the mentally disabled? Or morally bankrupt Republicans who try to prosecute women who miscarry for child murder, with no child involved?

3) Are you really so intellectually bankrupt that you don’t think Republican women get abortions? I know you are morally and ethically bankrupt enough to say it even if you don’t believe it, but I’m not sure even you are dumb enough to think it’s true…but you’ve surprised me before.

4) 16 million? How far up your ass did you reach for that number? There were near 600000 terminated pregnancies last year. Would you like to be taxed enough to support them in state orphanages? Only around $1k per year (and rising 2-3% per year) for your share.

Such a little crybaby. You need a nap?

bobknight33 said:

No just just trying to stop the 16+ million murders that the left that fail to take a moral responsibility for their actions.

Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

TheFreak says...

Holy shit sticks! We're all numb to the nazi Germany comparison being thrown around during arguments.

But the fact is, a description of the social and cultural state at the time of the rise of the nazi movement by a man WHO WAS THERE and fought against identical to what's happening with maga/fox. Trump literally IS a new age, American, Hitler, and Bob and his ilk, the modern brownshirts.

Neo nazis are just niche bigoted haters, but the maga crowd are the literal successors of the historical nazis with the power to actually destroy our society.

Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...

Me neither, but when I looked into what @noims mentioned, that’s what I found.

The overt abuse of power over their own stupidity is outrageous. Worse is the near total support he (and other moronic governors) have from their voters for these spiteful, illegal, retaliatory political moves that hurt them in the first place. It’s so sad the “rational” party has become the irrational party to save itself from extinction. Courting the morons among us was the most anti American thing I can recall.

I’m thinking of Florida, who just refused $165 million per year to cover all infrastructure and services in Orange County in a spiteful idiotic move against Disney for not going along with the anti gay laws the pedophile party just enacted. Not only that, they also effectively blocked Disney from any new construction, as if that’s good for Florida. Non Orange County residents seem to think this is a good move, but they likely won’t when their taxes go way up next year…OC taxes are expected to rise over 25% next year alone, likely far more in the coming years.

Next, maybe Musk can buy Disneyworld and ruin it too, and Disney can move to a state willing to put its sovereignty in their constitution.

spawnflagger said:

I hadn't heard about that story. Funny and sad at the same time. Definitely would get thrown out of court if the prosecutor did bring charges. Reporter did the right thing (telling them), it's a shame he's getting backlash of stupidity.

When it comes to sensitive data, the government and corporations have due-diligence requirements that weren't met here (even if it was unintentional/temporary), so maybe (IANAL) the teacher's union could file a class-action suit? They'd probably settle out of court for 1 year of LifeLock or some other such BS. Maybe the website was created by the Governor's grandson or nephew as a high school project? Mistake is worse than incorrect ACLs on a S3 bucket...

Bernie Convinces Republicans He’s Right

luxintenebris jokingly says...

just a thought...$616 billion is what percentage of the amount taxed?

40 years ago the rate was higher. now it's much lower. could the amount be so large that a slight slice of that pie topples the amount collected in decades passed?

If Bezos can spend money on crap he doesn't need, why shouldn't we be able to spend it on things WE DO NEED?

in short, the message is real. your disbelief does not change the sun from rising. it serves no one well. least of all yourself.

if even a tickle of percipience has stirred your gray matter - then ignore the rest.


"Just proves republicans also have stupid people who do not think ." Very close to the truth, but a lot closer than you think. Like less than an atom away.

what the GOP thinks of your patronage (total debauchary)

bobknight33 said:

[old chestnuts and deflective arguments spiced up w/bulletpoints from Fox hacks.]

The $5BN Mega Resort in the Desert

newtboy says...

I hope this monument to opulence fails miserably and the developers lose their shirts.
There’s no way they won’t damage or destroy that reef.
The first big storm is going to destroy much of the sand island.
But, 10% are special protection zones! Won’t matter, they can’t survive if huge amounts of the non protected reef are destroyed.

Not to mention sea level rise will put it underwater quickly, it’s barely above current sea level in the plans.

Look at Mexico, dozens of comparatively tiny resorts not even on the reefs, but on land, and that reef is not 10% what it was in the mid 80’s. Building ON the reef is guaranteed to destroy it, as is tourism.

I hate when companies are allowed to build on natural wonders to exploit the beauty, they invariably destroy that beauty within decades. That entire reef/coastline should be off limits to construction so the two desert properties have an attraction. When the reefs die from sun tan lotion poisoning, bleaching, sand displacement, accidents with supply ships, the first major fuel spill, etc, that place will be a $5 billion waste, abandoned to the desert.

Remember the “islands of the world” project in Dubai? This sounds even less thought out than they were, more ecologically disastrous, needing more infrastructure to be built, requiring ships to bring fuel as there’s no nearby port to run pipelines from (guaranteeing oil spills). All for what? So billionaires can get off their yachts for a while in luxury?

Wiki-Significant changes in the maritime environment [of Dubai]. As a result of the dredging and redepositing of sand for the construction of the islands, the typically crystalline waters of the Persian Gulf at Dubai have become severely clouded with silt. Construction activity is damaging the marine habitat, burying coral reefs, oyster beds and subterranean fields of sea grass, threatening local marine species as well as other species dependent on them for food. Oyster beds have been covered in as much as two inches of sediment, while above the water, beaches are eroding with the disruption of natural currents.

That was a $12 billion project to exploit the pristine coast and beautiful waters that no longer exist, the islands themselves are sinking and eroding, most were evacuated or never used at all, the water is now mud colored, the reefs are gone. An unmitigated disaster. This sounds extremely similar.

Oppose this and similar projects.

When Gas Prices Are Too High Even For Motorcycles

noims (Member Profile)

When I’m On Cocaine …

luxintenebris jokingly says...

thought crack-babies shook themselves.

sidebar: w/the Tallywackers now boycotting Oreos...w/M&Ms, Keurig, Starbucks, Pepsi...will there be a rise in their cocaine use?

w/o sugar or caffeine, they'll need something. lord help us if they actually hold themselves to their threats. imagine MTG in a more sluggish state?

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