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Why Don't Country Flags Use The Color Purple?

Australian Men Are All Considered Pedophiles

newtboy says...

Hmmmm...Wiki says this policy WAS verified by numerous airlines, but most changed it soon after it became public.

So, this was bombastic, but true, but it's pretty old and no longer I guess I should *kill it, even though it is a good example of why portraying sexual abuse as a one way street is just plain wrong (not that I'm accusing YOU of that, but some do).

EDIT: I might have killed too soon, I misread Wiki, apparently this policy is still in effect on Quantas and Air New Zealand with no plans to review it, and Virgin is reviewing it but hasn't changed it yet. That's some bullshit right there.
I might repost, but if I do, I'll be sure to site the source as being biased.

ChaosEngine said:

@newtboy, you do realise you're promoting the Aussie equivalent of Sean Hannity here, right?

Today Tonight is a fucking joke, and I wouldn't insult the concept of journalism by comparing it what to what they do.

I haven't looked into this particular issue, but I wouldn't be surprised to find it's typical right-wing scaremongering.

Lip Sync: Creature Comforts (Original Short)

A Brilliant Analysis of Solar Energy into the Future

newtboy says...

Not if done right.
There are ways to do it without excessive waste, safely with zero possibility of meltdown or radioactive release, but getting new processes approved beyond experimental plants is nearly impossible.

Also, ironically, it's anti nuclear activists that got America to store rather than re-refine our waste, which adds exponentially to the costs and dangers. Reenrichment on site removes all the dangers of transportation and storage of waste, and means up to 90% less mining for the same amount of fuel....but we don't.

Don't get me wrong....I'm far more in favor of solar, wind, wave, and tidal generation, but I think nuclear power has it's place, and already exists. I just think it's dumb to be doing it as wastefully and dangerously as possible.

geo321 said:

glorified steam machine that creates radioactive waste

Jake tapper schools Ted Crockett

Death Stranding new trailer 2018

lucky760 says...

That's some hardcore stuff right there.

Freaking wow. I've always considered video game storylines pfft a waste of time, but this I could get into (if I were to ever play video games again, which of course I won't).

Isaac Gives Claire Parenting Advice | Orville S1E8

newtboy says...

I thought the same thing after episode 1. It was bad enough that I gave up on it right there.

Drachen_Jager said:

So... as far as I can see it, every clip from, The Orville, is essentially <insert comedy cliche here> but in SPACE!

WTF is the point in this show? I mean, I think some of what Seth McFarlane does is funny, but this is so hackneyed it's not even remotely interesting, never mind funny.

Sharks Attack Submarine - Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

Why The Cops Won't Help You When You're Getting Stabbed

bigbikeman says...

Ok, so....

Cops should just jump on people they think *might* commit a crime because: Reasons .

Good call, citizens!

Due process. Due fucking process.
It exists for reasons beyond your cynical worldview...or even worst case scenarios. It exists to protect the rest of us. The majority.

The cops were right there to take the guy away once he did something stupid. They were also "correct" in not doing anything beforehand. Right before he pulled a knife and stabbed someone, he was just being an asshole, nothing more. That's not illegal. Sorry.

and no: you don't want the police "protecting" you. That's what the Mafia does.

So what's the alternative? Preemptive police takedowns? That happens too, and people scream all the same.

Difference is: I'd rather live in a free society where cops wait for somebody (maybe me) to actually do something wrong, than just leave it up to them to decide when you (or I) *might* be a risk, and then taze or shoot you or me dead.

The police are not there to keep you safe. For one, there is no such thing as "safe" in absolute terms, and in my opinion, if there was, you sure as shit don't want the state prescribing that "safety".

But...that's just my opinion.

Dad Has His Hands Full While Getting Daughters Ready For Bed

Colbert Fixes CNN's Apple (Trump Vs Fact) Ad

RFlagg says...

CNN uses more facts in a day than FOX has total since the days I watched it day in and day out and railed against the commie left, and the dangers of the Demoncrats some 11 years ago (here's a prior version of me on an account I couldn't recover: ... I thought there was another post under that account where I blasted evolution but I don't see it)... had I not opened my eyes and started vetting, I'd probably be right there with you though, so you go and do your thing.

bobknight33 said:

If only CNN use FACTS..

Nice try lib boy. CNN FAKE NEWS.

How one tweet can ruin your life - Jon Ronson

bcglorf says...

That's some cold hearted malice right there.

You start pointing out that the victim described "only lost their job", and then you go on with this little link providing the suggestion that she really was guilty of holding to a hate filled ideology.

All this based on a single tweet in which she was actually making fun of those people holding to hate filled ideologies.

Kind of like when you posted:
"Once you learn to profit from racism then BS like this doesn't bother you. In fact you begin to appreciate all the hard free labor that keeps the dividends flowing."

Imagine if you lost your job because a million folks on the internet all took that as straight faced support for profitting off racism and not the obvious jab at it that it is.

C-note said:

There is Life After Hate.

Car Swept Away In Mini Tornado

School children harassing a shopkeeper

SDGundamX says...

See, if it was me, I'd smile, welcome them in, and give them all a bunch of candy bars (too many to eat right there on the spot).

Then the moment they left the store I'd call the cops and report them for shoplifting. I'm assuming of course that if I'm not yelling at the top of lungs at them they won't be video recording me giving them the candy bars.

CNN: Guns In Japan

SDGundamX says...

Sorry, that's pretty culturally-ignorant thinking right there.

Japanese people are not "meek" or "inhibited" any more so than Americans are. There are different cultural rules about self-expression but there are most certainly loud, aggressive, and flamboyant people here. They just express themselves in different ways than your typically loud, aggressive, and flamboyant American would.

You might think socioeconomic factors were a reason for the lack of crime, but you'd be wrong there too. Japan has a higher poverty rate and lower median income than the U.S.

The low crime rates here can much better be attributed to cultural factors. Every Japanese person is raised with the belief that it is shameful cause problems to the people around them, whether that be family, schoolmates, or co-workers. Getting arrested is about the most shameful thing you could do here. Just being suspected of a crime will likely get you fired from your job, before you are even tried.

And let's not forget the role the justice system here plays. If you get arrested you are almost 100% going to get convicted because the odds are massively stacked against you in the court system. You are basically guilty until proven innocent. Read this for more info about it.

And people here know this. They also know that Japanese prison is hellish. You won't be raped or assaulted there like in the U.S. but you will know exactly what is like to have all of your freedom stripped completely away.

You add to all of this the low unemployment rate of Japan, the high regulation of all weapons (including knives), a robust social system for helping the unemployed (although unfortunately lately a lot of people seem to be falling through the cracks), a nationalized health insurance plan (I pay a $1 co-pay to take my daughter to the doctor and all prescribed medicines are free), a strong social stigma against drug use, and the ability as an island nation to strictly police the borders to prevent the influx of illegal goods (i.e. drugs/guns) and you get the low crime rates in Japan.


There is little incentive to commit crime in Japan because the both social and legal repercussions are extremely severe, and there is little need to resort to crime to survive (plentiful jobs and robust social security). Likewise the opportunity to commit crime is lessened because of the strict regulation of weapons, drugs, and borders.

EDIT: I will say that on more than one occasion I've thought that a career criminal in the U.S. who suddenly found himself in Japan would feel like a kid in a candy store. Because of the lack of crime, people here don't take precautions against it--some people leave doors and windows unlocked when leaving the house, you'll see laptops or iPads left in cars in plain view, and people carry ridiculous amounts of cash on them (I'm talking like on the order of $1000 or more in some cases). On the one hand it can be reassuring but on the other hand I seriously worry about these people when they travel overseas.

jwray said:

Even the non-firearm homicide rate in the US is 5 times that of Japan. Japanese gun control can't take credit for all that. Personality is more than 50% heritable, and by extension, so is violent behavior. (Case in point: the vegas killer's father was on the FBI most wanted list). Personalitywise, Japanese tend to be relatively meek and inhibited. Even if every one of them owned a gun, their murder rate would probably still be a fraction of the US murder rate.

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