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Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception

BSR says...

And you realize you say that as a man who has no womb. You can only base your argument with science without having an incubator of your own.

I realize there are times when a woman can make a decision to abort as in rape but I also realize a woman may not abort in the case of rape.

I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be pregnant.

A decision I would not want to make. But I say that as a man.

For the record "Pro choice."

Leave it up to the incubator. After all, she's the one that has to live with her decision. The father is secondary. If she makes a decision you don't like, cowboy up. That's why you're the man. If she makes a decision she regrets, support her. That's why you're the man.

EDIT: newt's profile page.

I once threatened to sue my parents for depriving me of the bliss of non being through a willful and wanton act of conception.

BTW, did you get any money out of them?

newtboy said:

I don't believe a thing that breaths liquid is a human being. A child, imo, must have taken a breath to be a living human child. Until then, it's only a potential human requiring an actual human to be it's life support system and sustenance. That's worse than any other form of slavery.

Stupidly Expensive Big Box PC Games - $800 Sealed?!?

jimnms says...

Holy shit, I still have the mail order version of Doom in mint condition. I regret getting rid of a lot of my games, but I was broke and had to sell/trade one game to get another. I also never thought they would be collectible and worth something.

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

Forgiven? Absolutely not. Forgiveness without any indication of remorse is acceptance, and his actions were and are unacceptable.
30+ years ago. I would bet he doesn't remember it, seemed like a normal everyday thing for him to violently threaten someone's life, then threaten their safety and freedom if they dared to complain.
It also seemed that he accepted zero responsibility for his mistake or actions, like most cops, something his superiors obviously agreed with. It was somehow my fault he misread my clean license plate, so what would he have to regret?

I learned that day that it's not just individual bad cops, it's top down criminality and disdain for citizens.

Anger and mistrust are proper when you've been abused and threatened and had your trust violated violently....more so when the system totally fails to address it.

If he's Moby, I'm Queequeg, not Ahab. I learned police are dangerous, dishonest, and filled with contempt for those they're duty bound to protect and serve. I didn't turn my life into a vendetta against them, but I sure as fuck know sperm whales are dangerous and will ruin your entire day, and should be avoided when possible and never trusted.

BSR said:

Have you forgiven the cop that put a gun to your head and saved your life and his by not pulling the trigger?

I wonder where he is today and if he truly regrets and is sorry for his actions at that time. It's been awhile hasn't it?

What Happens To Good Cops?

BSR says...

Have you forgiven the cop that put a gun to your head and saved your life and his by not pulling the trigger?

I wonder where he is today and if he truly regrets and is sorry for his actions at that time. It's been awhile hasn't it?

To forgive him would show that you learned something on that day.

If you're lucky maybe he did too and both of you can stop lugging that heavy weight around with you.

If nothing else it would free you from the jail that he did lock in.

He gave you his anger. That makes two bad cops.

He is your Moby Dick.

newtboy said:

So, you think, with no training, no equipment, no pay, and no oversight, I should become an armed vigilante, a punisher, and that somehow addresses police corruption? What?

Police don't do those kinds of studies, why should I? They don't address corruption a bit.


Not a bit motivated to do meaningless busy work at your whim.
You do a study, it has nothing to do with solving police corruption and abuse, why would I?

Since it's your field, how about you do a study on how often police are given a pass on felonies that would put anyone else in prison. Then do another showing how often they get away with crimes that would cost anyone else their net worth. Then do one examining what happens to cops that turn in criminal cops. Then do a study about what happens to cops that threaten other cops off the force. Have your studies verified, repeated, and published, then if you aren't in prison on trumped up charges I'll give you that atta boy you didn't offer me before explaining what a waste of time that was.

Not a bit sure what your point could be. Cops do some needed work, so give all their crimes and abuses a pass?
What are you saying? Nothing rational or helpful that I discern.

Sounds like ' You need farmers to feed us all, so let them use deadly poisons and sell deadly, contaminated, even fake food without repercussions, or consider the implications of having no farmers.' a gnat.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Lethal Injections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

BSR says...

The kit comes with hoses and a plastic bag that goes over the head and sealed around the neck.

Some kits also come with assorted Hallmark suicide note greeting cards with common messages of regret, blame, etc. to round out the experience.

newtboy said:

How big was the room? How well sealed? It has to displace enough of the oxygen long enough to drown you. You really don't wanna get 1/2 way, run out, and survive with brain damage, that's probably not going to help with whatever problem made you try suicide in the first place.

Side note...we are running out of helium, and it's needed for science. Please don't waste it killing yourself people, any gas that displaces oxygen should do the trick.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

I don't know it's true, but on the news tonight they claimed he planned on naming Joe Biden as a running mate, creating a two party ticket, but his advisors talked him out of it and pushed Palin, a suggestion he accepted without getting to know anything about her and one he regretted deeply.

BSR said:

Yeah, I think the Palin pick was rushed mainly because he wanted a woman to attract more women voters. In the end I think McCain realized it was a mistake also.


Ankles Are Overrated When it Comes to Dance

The New York Times Just Hired a Racist

newtboy says...

You say it is OK when Trump and his supporters do it.

Who said Satire? Anyone who looked at context.

"Jeong’s episode has also raised complicated questions about the stubborn nature of harassment that women of color face online. In a statement she posted to Twitter on Thursday, Jeong said she regretted the tweets and that they had been made as a satirical response to people who had harassed her because of her race and gender online. She included an image of the racial slurs directed at her and said she had used language that “mimicked” that of her harassers."

bobknight33 said:

So racism is OK?
Who said satire?

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Try reading again. You have it totally backwards.

When was I insulting or dismissive? Because it was unforseen that educated people would elect a bombastic insulting sexist popularist con man who was obviously lying to them simply because he wore a red hat and tie? Those are facts, not opinion. Many of them are saying how much they regret it now.

I offered solutions you appeared to agree with, like funding lower education so everyone has a decent, if not equal, opportunity to get an education.
Using race as ONE criteria amongst many for admission is not ideal, as I said, but until a better system for identifying and addressing financial and societal issues that stymie opportunities for people often based on their pigmentation is created, it's the best we've got.

What we don't have is what you imply is the white men with 1570 SAT scores (old school SAT, I don't know how it's scored now) and 3.9 gpas are not being turned away from Yale to make room for indigent African American women with 990 SATs and 2.7 gpas...but the Latina woman with 1550 and 3.6 gpa earned while raising 2 siblings and holding a full time job, yeah, she gets the slot, and that's proper. One skewed test that benefits one privileged group is hardly a decent measure of their work ethic or intelligence....often it's only an indication they hired the right student to take the SAT for them. There were at least 3 hired test takers out of 30 students taking the PSAT when I took it, we talked afterwards.

It is the right (and people making the arguments you are) who are far more insulting and dismissive of non white people's frustrations at being racially discriminated a level and consistency exponentially higher than the trifling discriminations whites suffer. That doesn't mean some whites don't suffer some deleterious effects, it means they come out way ahead in the discrimination game.

You wish to ignore all racial discrimination and racial obstacles except that single instance you can point to where it doesn't come out in your favor, then suddenly racism IS a problem that needs eradicating....but only the kind that harms white guys, forget the myriad of insurmountable racist mountains non whites climb daily, both institutional and societal, this speed bump for whites is unconscionable and must be removed immediately!

Come back and whine about institutional anti white bias when anti white racism permeates every facet of your life but not when your race doesn't give you a free leg up that one time. Maybe talk to your right wing friends about why funding education for others is good for you as step one towards eliminating programs like this that address inequities in opportunities, and giving the less fortunate extra opportunity to overcome their situation is good for all. After reasonable basic educational opportunities are available for all, schools will still take the student's home life, finances, and extra curricular activities into account....with luck that will be on an individual basis eventually, but that's not likely until education reforms occur that give everyone an opportunity to display their skills on a more level field..

bcglorf said:

Being insulting and dismissive of people's frustrations at being racially discriminated against as your post appears to do just makes for more division still.

Man dives into a vat of oil

Man confronts Superintendent about Bullying in Katy ISD publ

MilkmanDan says...

Two thoughts:

1) Remembering something shameful or terrible can cause a person discomfort that they don't know how to deal with particularly well. They might go numb and blank. They might cry. Or, they might laugh -- which can seem incredibly inappropriate from an outside perspective.

2) Even if one were to give Lance the benefit of the doubt here with regard to part 1 there, a person in a position of authority (like a Superintendent) needs to follow up and try to make amends, along with showing some empathy and understanding that it is his job to try to prevent that kind of shit from happening NOW.

I guess it is possible that after the meeting, he went out and apologized and said that he regrets what he did when he was a young, stupid kid, and that that motivates him to work hard to prevent that kind of stuff now that he is in a position to do so. Possible, yes. Likely, no.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

It's the mentality, not the degree.
Ruin them all, let God sort it out is really what's happening, and it leaves those of us looking for equality and justice with a bitter taste and serious reservations.
Relatively minor? Career and reputation eradication isn't minor, especially based on accusations....once they're proven or admitted, ok.
I don't know what's happening with Asis, but the intent was clearly to ruin his career over his dates belated regrets, and refuse to acknowledge there's any difference between his inexperienced bumbling and forceful sexual abuse. That is unacceptable, and if that's what #me too is about now, fuck them...I'm out.

That is why you don't overreach, and don't lump minor offences with major ones. It turns reasonable people against your cause.

Again, if making distinctions are not proper, why is the minor distinction between the sexes on this issue front and center? Why are there no #me too accusers going after women?
This really is turning into a battle of the sexes rather than an honest attempt to solve a real, serious issue, sex abuse.
I think that's horrendous, and damns the needed movement to likely failure, certainly it begs for opposition.

ChaosEngine said:

I must have missed the news cycle where Weinstein, Spacey, etc were murdered, 'cos last I checked not only were they still alive, they were still free people, who so far, have suffered relatively minor inconveniences for the crimes they committed.

I think you have confused "telling people how someone assaulted you" with "calling for a lynch mob".

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

Asis Ansari denies anything untoward or intentionally is admitted by his accuser that's trying to have him convicted in the court of public opinion and blackballed....over her regretting having had bad consensual sex.

A bad date isn't rape, bad consensual sex later regretted isn't rape, an argument isn't rape, no chemistry isn't rape, only rape is rape and your contention is that this doesn't matter, they are equally guilty and deserve equal scorn and hate?!? Being weird is the same as being a rapist?!? Jesus fucking Christ, I always thought you were rational. This position you're taking is not rational, and drives rational people away from the movement....and will destroy it before it has any effect.
Being weird is a good thing, just look at the "normal" person and tell me they're worth emulating.

Don't stop using your brain.

Does this go both ways? If a man has a bad date, or bad sex, can he accuse the woman of exaggerated disgusting behavior publicly by lumping her in with serious abusers to hurt her professionally and personally as revenge for his own inability to say "stop" or "no"?

I hope that girl you had a bad date with in high school doesn't come back to show you the error of your position by adding your name to the "me too" list, destroying your career, family life, and future with no recourse to prove your innocence...all because she didn't orgasm.....but I do hope you see the error.

BTW, the next time you're caught saying something disturbing to someone else, you need to remind them you aren't trying to murder them. Your position means if you upset someone, that's the same as the worst thing you could have done, torture murder. There is no distinction.

In fact, your post did upset me, you fucking child raping monster. That's not overboard at all according to you, and you are exactly the same as a serial chomo...until legal sentencing time. That is what you advocate.
Fuck. People have all lost their fucking minds over this issue.

ChaosEngine said:

Good points Bill.

Next time I'm breaking some dudes leg with a baseball bat, I'll be sure to remind him that he's not being murdered.

But hey, congrats on one thing. I was kinda unsure about Sam Bee's video until I saw this... now I'm 100% behind her.

So let me mansplain the fuck outta this.
Yes, rape is worse than groping.
No, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
Yes, some drugs fuck you up more than others.
No, that analogy doesn't fucking apply here.

Honestly, the more I watch Maher, the more I'm convinced he's actually a fucking moron who, by sheer coincidence, happens to agree with some smart people on some things, but when left to his own devices, hasn't a fucking clue.

The senator is EXACTLY right. Right now, we don't need to have a conversation about the varying levels of how fucked up groping or harassment or rape is. If and when people are being sentenced to death and/or extreme prison terms, yeah, let's talk about proportionate response. Right now, let's just keep telling dudes (and be honest, it's mostly dudes) STOP BEING WEIRD, GROPEY OR RAPEY. It's just not fucking cool.

And if it takes "ruining someone's career" to do that... well, boo fucking hoo.

And as for the people claiming trial by media, I agree, that's fucked up. And when one of the accused people actually denies what they've done... I'll happily give them the benefit of the doubt.

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