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Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3
>> ^NetRunner:
I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.
I don't think yahtzee dislikes the idea of cover, just the stupid, context-sensitive, stuck-to-wall style of cover.
And as for regenerating health, it has a number of problems. First, it rewards not playing the game. Pinned down? Instead of making a tactical decision about the risk of a fraught run to get that health pack, you're waiting. It robs the game of tension.
And the devs hate this. So how do they counter? With endlessly respawning enemies until you reach a certain point. So you frequently end up making a frantic dash to what you hope is the next checkpoint instead of engaging the enemies.
Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3
I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games. I haven't played Resistance 3 yet, but all I got from this was that he loves it because its mechanics are old-fashioned.
Maybe all of us gamers are starting to get a bit long in the tooth, but I've not become particularly nostalgic for "the good old days" of gaming. I mean, do most gamers spend a lot of time wishing old game mechanics would come back from the dead? I've played enough remakes of "classic" games I loved to realize that most of them don't hold up in comparison to modern games. Gaming has largely moved on.
I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.
Oh, and maybe I just don't play a lot of shooters, but are any of the top-tier series really still all/mostly brown? The only ones I know of are Gears and their first iteration only. From hearing Yahtzee, you'd think this was some mistake developers are still making, but I can't recall the last game I played that didn't make use of a healthy portion of the color wheel.
The Time to Fight the Death Penalty is Right Now
The application of the death penalty should be massively increased. The prison population should be massively reduced, by freeing the people who don't belong in it and by killing the creatures who don't belong outside it. Indefinite and long-term sentences should be abolished.
Kill the useless, free the innocent, and give the remainder a genuine second chance where they are well treated as first class citizens and have access to all the help and tools they need to regenerate themselves into whole people.
Everyone who leaves prison, which should always be after a few years at most, should do so with a high standard of education and training, cash in their pocket, a career lined up if that's what they want, an investment in their society, someone they can call for help if they need it, plus their dignity and a pride in what they've become. A very few do this now, usually thanks to the help of mostly religious charities, and it works.
Rehabilitative efforts are worthless unless they're targeted on those who can benefit from them. We don't have infinite resources to throw at mostly hopeless cases in the belief that some of them will get better. Prison is either somewhere to dump criminals indiscriminately or it's somewhere that makes them better, a real social endeavour - it can't be both. So if you want it to be the latter you should be campaigning not to abolish the death penalty, but for a thousandfold increase in executions.
We have the potential to build a mechanism by which defective, low-performance, harmful individuals are turned into exceptional, high-performance, beneficial ones. The death penalty isn't what's wrong with the modern justice system; it's just one of the more clumsily applied elements of one big clumsy, failing monstrosity, which needs to be completely re-engineered.
Duke Nukem Forever - Launch Trailer
The demo was bad, not because it felt dated, but because it felt amateur. From the general combat (which there wasn't that much of in the demo tbh) to the god awful animations to the generic sound effects. The two things that really annoyed me were: The regenerating health and the only two weapons can be carried at a time fucking bullshit.
With the health, all fights become a matter off ducking behind a rock while you wait for your health to regenerate because the enemies rarely miss and shoot the shit out of you, rather than run and gun. The two weapons... well that's just fucking disgraceful. We get it, Halo did it. It worked for Halo, it REALLY does not work for Duke Nukem. It's not the return to the good ol' days that I was expecting/hoping.
HOWEVER, having said all that, it feels Duke in personality and giving you a taste of interactivity in the first level that was awesome in Duke 3d. There's a lot of cool first person moments and from the trailers there should be more cool shit to come in the full game. The demo was not a good showcase of the full game, imo. Short and very little actual action. I'm still looking forward to the full game, but I look at the demo and think the 2001 DNF trailer looked a LOT better.
Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)
btw dag, my kids just saw your avatar and asked if dr. who regenerated again. ummm.... >> ^dag:
I'm loving Netflix as a source of good movies that didn't get a chance at the Cineplex though. Watched this the other night -it was great.>> ^peggedbea:
one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.
i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.
1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2
etc, etc, etc
i would beg her to watch highlander II.
progressivevideo (Member Profile)
In reply to this comment by progressivevideo:
sorry about the misunderstanding. i really wasn't trying to "promote" this video for personal gain, i just took a look at what i've made in the past and figured that it was something you all might like. i don't make any money on that video if it gets viewed alot nor am i making any money off of them to promote it. i just sent you some points (5) just for being nice to me and helping me understand the rules. you don't have to use them to promote this video. i just wanted to send you some thanks.
In reply to this comment by enoch:
here ya go bud:
power points are not the same as votes (though i do thank you for those).
as a charter you get power points but as i am NOT charter i get ONE power point every two days (which i usually use to promote other peoples submissions that i like).
it takes TWO power points to self promote (unless you are charter).
the gold star achievement is the one where you get the regenerating power points (and best achievement in my opinion).
and no problem with the help.
i was helped when i first started sifting (after YEARS of lurking) and i hope after many sifts of your own you will remember how you were helped and reciprocate in kind.
because at the end of the day is that NOT what makes this world go round?
and we get to meet new and interesting people to boot!
its a win-win.
glad i could help my friend.
kronosposeidon (Member Profile)
Ah, thank you! I will give a *quality to you soon, dear sir! Thanks!
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Shit, it's my mistake you couldn't see it. Sorry about that. I forgot to set the playlist as public, so it defaulted to private.
Stupid internet.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Did you fix some dead vids? Sorry, to me this looked like a 403 page:
As in http protocol 403 forbidden. Cool, I'll get a quality out to you when my power points regenerate in a bit. Thanks.
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Didn't you check the playlist I linked to in my first comment? It has only 4 videos - all yours, fixed by me, only in the last few hours. You must not have understood my Yankee dialect.>> ^blankfist:
@kronosposeidon, yeah, I figure this wouldn't be successful, but I thought I'd try.
blankfist (Member Profile)
Shit, it's my mistake you couldn't see it. Sorry about that. I forgot to set the playlist as public, so it defaulted to private.
Stupid internet.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Did you fix some dead vids? Sorry, to me this looked like a 403 page:
As in http protocol 403 forbidden. Cool, I'll get a quality out to you when my power points regenerate in a bit. Thanks.
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Didn't you check the playlist I linked to in my first comment? It has only 4 videos - all yours, fixed by me, only in the last few hours. You must not have understood my Yankee dialect.>> ^blankfist:
@kronosposeidon, yeah, I figure this wouldn't be successful, but I thought I'd try.
kronosposeidon (Member Profile)
Did you fix some dead vids? Sorry, to me this looked like a 403 page:
As in http protocol 403 forbidden. Cool, I'll get a quality out to you when my power points regenerate in a bit. Thanks.
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Didn't you check the playlist I linked to in my first comment? It has only 4 videos - all yours, fixed by me, only in the last few hours. You must not have understood my Yankee dialect.>> ^blankfist:
@kronosposeidon, yeah, I figure this wouldn't be successful, but I thought I'd try.
Hilarious Team Fortress 2 Bug
Tags for this video have been changed from 'Team Fortress 2, health, regeneration, bug, exploit, tf2' to 'Team Fortress 2, health, regeneration, bug, exploit, tf2, sam and max, cogs in motion' - edited by calvados
Polar bear sees through your pathetic disguise!
So after the 10th doctor regenerated, he became a narrator for a nature show?
Craig Ferguson's Banned Dr Who Cold Open
>> ^gwiz665:
I've not really seen episodes of Dr. Who. But from the clips I have seen, it seems silly. I don't get the rabid fascination people have with it.
I've only watched since the relaunch in 2005, so I can't speak to the older episodes, but you're not entirely wrong. It's very lighthearted most of the time and the 'science' part of scifi is downplayed most of the time. You won't find detailed explanations of the technology or, in many cases, any explanations.
I think the biggest draw is the focus on cleverness. The Doctor operates like Sherlock Holmes and the way a show's mysteries get tied together at the end is often very interesting.
Every time the Doctor regenerates (ie: the role is taken over by a new actor) I think I'm going to hate the new one and so far I've been wrong every time. It's refreshing that the show has a built-in way to go in a new direction without shattering the fiction. David Tennant and especially Matt Smith were/are both great at being somewhat silly characters who periodically become remarkably bad-ass with a few well delivered lines.
I recommend Vincent and The Doctor as, probably, my favorite episode from the most recent season. "Blink" from a few seasons back was much loved for its very creative new villain, but I can't find a working copy online.
The 10th Doctor Who regenerates (David Tennant - Matt Smith)
12 more comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.
The 10th Doctor's Regeneration *SPOILERS*
This video has been seconded as a duplicate; transferring votes to the original video and killing this dupe - dupeof seconded with isdupe by chicchorea.
The 10th Doctor's Regeneration *SPOILERS*
Uno problemo...Vid's dead Fred...Resurrection predicted, even recommended.
>> ^jimnms: