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Aubrey Plaza stole from the whitehouse

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Conan, OBrien, Joe Biden, vice president, parks, recreation' to 'Conan OBrien, Joe Biden, vice president, parks, recreation' - edited by xxovercastxx

What Miss Iowa Has to Say About Marijuana...

What Miss Iowa Has to Say About Marijuana...

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

RedSky says...


I'll address by paragraphs:


The reason I suggested that you are implying that the US is more violent by nature is because statistically it is far more murderous than a country of its socio-economic development should be. Have a look at Nationmaster tables of GDP/capita and compare than to murders/capita in terms of where the US sits.

If we take the view that you are suggesting that we should simply reduce violence globally then that is a laudable goal but it would suggest that the US is abysmally failing at this currently. I happen to believe this reason is gun availability. I see no reason to believe this abysmal failure comes from gross police incompetence or any other plausible factor, rather the gun ownership and availability that sticks out like a sore thumb when you compared to other countries such as those in the G8.


I think that we would be both agree that there are more gun enthusiasts in rural areas. Many of those would also own collections of guns for recreation rather than merely what self protection would require. The article below cites a study from 2007 by Harvard that says 20% own 65% of the nation's guns.

There is no reason to suspect that these people are any more violent than your non gun-owning folk. The issue is not so much ownership levels, but the availability that feeds a would-be criminal's capacity to carry out a crime.

While actual ownership levels might be lower, guns can no doubt be purchased for cheaper and within a closer proximity in densely populated cities. This availability feeds the likelihood of them being employed as a tool to facilitate a crime.

This is also incidentally a key misunderstanding of the whole gun debate. No one is (or should be at least) implying that recreational gun owners are the problem. It is the necessity for guns to be freely available to gun enthusiasts among others for them to enjoy this hobby that causes the problems.


Building on my above point above, gun control shouldn't be seen as a punishment. There is no vidictiveness to it, merely a matter of weighing up the results of two courses of action. On the one hand there is diminished enjoyment of legal and responsible gun owners. On the other hand there is the high murder rate I discussed earlier, which really can't be explained away any other way than gun availability.

Let's do a back of the envelope calculation. Australia and the US are culturally relatively similar Anglo-Saxon societies. Let's assume for the sake of argument that my suggestion is true. Referencing wiki here:

The homicide rate in Australia is 1.0/10K/year and 4.8/10K/year. Let's say that gun availability explains 2/3rds of the difference. So we're talking about a 2.5/10K/year increase. Taking this against the US's 310M population this represents 7,500 more deaths.

Now to me, the issue is clear cut. The lives lost outweight gun enthusiast enjoyment.

And it's not just to me. There is a very clear reason that the vast majority of developed countries have made gun ownership incredibly difficult. I can guarantee, at some point they have done this back of the envelope calculation for their own country.


You raise the comparison to cars. See my workings above. With cars, they obviously provide a fundamentally invaluable benefit to society. The choice every society has made is to instead heavily regulate them. The reason there is no outcry to impose heavy restrictions on them is because there already are.

- Being required to pass license tests.
- Strict driving rules to follow.
- Speeding cameras everywhere.
- Random police checks for alcohol.

Can you think of any further regulations plausibly worth trying with cars that could reduce the accident death rate? I struggle to think of anything else effective that hasn't already been implemented.

With guns there are dozens of options not yet tried.

- Rigorous background checks.
- No gun show exemption.
- Assault weapon restrictions.
- Restrictions of ammo such as cost tariffs.

The list goes on. Imagine if we lacked the regulations we do on cars and there was a NCA (National Car Association) that was equating requiring to pass a driving test to tyranny.


I don't think there's much irrationality here. The US is clearly more murderous than other G8/OECD countries. To me, Occam's Razor explains why.

As for the comment on focussing on tragedies than the large issue, see my previous comment. You're missing the point that it's not just the gun sprees that are the problem, it's the steadily high murder rate. Mass shooting are just blips in this.


I will have a read through this.

How Does Retta Roll? Don't assume anything!

A Simple But Effective Way Of Dealing With Debt Collectors.

bcglorf says...

Very sketchy. Any company scared of being recorded, as company policy, is very, very bad and probably systematically breaking a number of laws.

On the flipside, I've got pretty limited sympathy for a debt ridden unemployed guy still able to be at home watching tv and worrying about running out of recreational drugs sometime soon. I'm reasonably sure no matter where he lives, somebody is hiring even if only for minimum wage. Hard to respect someone's crying the blues about their debt while passing over working the tills at any number of local businesses in favor of staying home and watching tv while smoking up and dodging calls from debt collectors.

Top Cat

Top Cat

The Prodigy - Smack My B**ch Up (NSFW)

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Promsing research on Ecstasy (MDMA) in the treatment of PTSD

vaire2ube says...

LSD can treat alcoholism ... MDMA for PTSD ... Ibogaine for opiates ... Hey, if someones idea of recreational use is taking psychotropic drugs, more power to them cause I dont want to. Their experiences are valuable data, and their stories are entertaining... better than talking to a drunk for sure

In November 2012, a Medical Marijuana facility in Israel announced a new strain of the plant which only has Cannabidiol as an active ingredient, and virtually no THC. This new strain gives the benefits of Medical Marijuana with none of the side-effects associated with being "high"

WHY isnt my country doing this research?? Blocking our research but funding a country that performs its own while not being able to share in the results... what in the hell is going on

Cannabidiol is unscheduled in the US. However tetrahydrocannabinols, both naturally and synthetically occurring, are currently classified under Schedule I of the US Controlled Substances Act ... SO IS THE PLANT ILLEGAL? OR JUST INGESTING IT? CAN WE GROW HEMP OR NOT????

Also the patent on cannabidiol that the US govt has through the dept of health and human services, granted in 2003 ... they are saving it for pharmaceutical companies, no laymen can grow a plant and use it... sickening...a crime that effects us all, user or not.

Hemp alone for pulp alone would be a huge boon to our economy, but nooooo, lets log wood for pulp??? Every level of cannabis prohibition smacks of ignorance and ulterior motives. Im tired of it. I live in WA state, and we proved it this year.

Promsing research on Ecstasy (MDMA) in the treatment of PTSD

enoch says...

>> ^bmacs27:

I knew somebody that jumped out a window on LSD. Drugs are fun and all, but the story here is that there is a treatment for PTSD, not that recreational use of MDMA or anything else is suddenly a good idea.
The doctors and academics aren't "assholes." There are just more important things to do than rationalize your psychedelic experimentation. We don't know how the brain works in a stable state, let alone after you fuck with it royally.
Also, just so you are aware of how bad your information is, a quick google scholar search for dimethyltryptamine 2012 yielded over 2000 results. Man, these assholes need to get crackin'!

Promsing research on Ecstasy (MDMA) in the treatment of PTSD

bmacs27 says...

I knew somebody that jumped out a window on LSD. Drugs are fun and all, but the story here is that there is a treatment for PTSD, not that recreational use of MDMA or anything else is suddenly a good idea.

The doctors and academics aren't "assholes." There are just more important things to do than rationalize your psychedelic experimentation. We don't know how the brain works in a stable state, let alone after you fuck with it royally.

Also, just so you are aware of how bad your information is, a quick google scholar search for dimethyltryptamine 2012 yielded over 2000 results. Man, these assholes need to get crackin'!

Promsing research on Ecstasy (MDMA) in the treatment of PTSD

criticalthud says...

>> ^bmacs27:

I'm just curious, are you guys happiest because a successful treatment for a serious condition has been discovered? Or is it more because medicinal uses of recreational substances you happen to enjoy have been found? I only ask because my suspicion is that if a video had come along saying "blah blah blah drug you've never heard of" has been shown to be effective at treating PTSD you all probably wouldn't care.

i'm happy because it's pretty obvious the MDMA is great for all sorts of therapy, especially in getting people to talk to eachother. On MDMA, you tend to see the positive sides of things.

Promsing research on Ecstasy (MDMA) in the treatment of PTSD

bmacs27 says...

I'm just curious, are you guys happiest because a successful treatment for a serious condition has been discovered? Or is it more because medicinal uses of recreational substances you happen to enjoy have been found? I only ask because my suspicion is that if a video had come along saying "blah blah blah drug you've never heard of" has been shown to be effective at treating PTSD you all probably wouldn't care.

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