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mintbbb (Member Profile)

David After Dentist Double Rainbow Oh My God! in 3D

So a GoPro gets dropped out of a plane....

Louis C.K. & Jerry Seinfeld Take Louis Yacht Out For A Spin

chingalera says...

Naw man, a boats' referred to as a submarine...if yer Navy-But seriously, any ship or boat used primarily for recreational a yacht.

Why does millionaire frikkin' Seinfeld drive such tiny POS death-mobiles!? He must own at least ONE car that won't get him killed??

Sagemind said:

I think I'd class that more as a boat, than a yacht.

2014 Golden Globes Opening Monologue-Fey&Poehler

lucky760 says...

Nice. I especially liked that bit with Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

I never cared much for Amy Poehler, but I've been binge-watching Parks and Recreation, and now I'm a big fan.

(LMFAHS moment from the season 5 episode I watched last night: "See you tomorrow, Jeremy!" I hope someone gets that reference. I laughed out loud.)

Anything can be a slam poem if you say it like this.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'parks and recreation, slam poem, amy poehler' to 'parks and recreation, slam poem, amy poehler, leslie knope' - edited by lucky760

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"

vaire2ube says...

naw, unlike most "drugs" that ruin lives as a property of their chemical interactions, cannabis is completely safe.

the only thing that will cause harm is exacerbating an existing medical condition that is prone to the hypertension, or actions taken while in an "unsafe" setting like toking up the first time while driving.

hardly a reason to worry about it, most therepeutically safe substance known to mankind, as well as the fact that even if medical use isnt the reason, recreational use with properly informed persons will result in no harm and possible benefit.

even if people started using it at the volume and frequency of alcohol, their lives would actually be made better because of the effects of the plant.

infuriating but the truth is finally coming out. the US has a patent on CBD since 2003 through the dept of health and human services for its antiinflammatory effects. .. and no one even knows about CBD, even really educated people who have the internet. its fucked up. See the TED sift about willful ignorance.

when it becomes easier to be informed then not, we will see a change. thats fucked up, but whatever im not like that. ill keep trying.

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

VoodooV says...

I imagine it will just be like just about every vice in existence, there will be people who can handle it and there will be people who can't

Remember the first Barclay episode of TNG dealing with Holo-addiction? They made the pretty clear implication that they do use the holodeck to act out sexual fantasies, they did seem to have a taboo on making holo-recreations of people they knew RL however. which, of course, Barclay did indulge in.

Of course it got somewhat more explicit after Roddenberry died and the producers decided to make humans in the 24th century a little bit more..human instead of the ultra superbeings who were paragons of virtue of Roddenberry's vision and the idea of "Vulcan Love Slave" was introduced among other things.

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

VoodooV says...

I'll give them credit. They brought up two very good points. when games start to approach holodeck-levels of realism. At some point, someone's going to say...nah, we really don't need to recreate a hyper-realistic storming of Normandy Beach or whatever.

But then on the other hand, if people are able to successfully compartmentalize themselves, let them go nuts with super disturbing massively deviant long as they can separate that from RL behavior. I'd much rather people act out demented shit with simulations than do it RL.

Dr Apologizes for Being SO WRONG About Medical Marijuana

Procrastinatron says...

...Was that supposed to be poignant, or just an extremely obscure inside joke?

Anyway, this "debate" was a bit ridiculous. Howard Samuels was, as others have already pointed out, very clearly straw manning - at no point was it suggested that opposing party thought marijuana should be legalized for recreational use by big companies.

It should also be noted that while Samuels runs a rehab center and in fact has a personal history of fighting addiction, this also has a negative effect on his ability to form an opinion on this situation. For him, extreme vulnerability to addiction is the norm. He himself is probably very prone to addiction, and he exclusively works with other individuals who are also extremely prone to addiction. I would say that the only people for whom marijuana can be seen as a gateway drug is the sort of people for whom alchohol, caffeine, nicotine, adrenaline or really anything that could possibly be abused could be seen as a "gateway drug."

These are the sort of people who always go too far. They drink too much coffee, they take too many risks, they smoke too much and they are always that one guy who gets embarrassingly drunk at parties because he just doesn't know how to limit himself.

But these people shouldn't be seen as the norm because honestly, they simply aren't.

And because Samuels apparently does think that these people define the norm, his view cannot be seen as being comprehensive. He's only looking at the extreme ends of the spectrum, and even then, he's really only looking at the potential negative extremes, because that is where he used to be, and it's where the people he now tries to heal are stuck.

chingalera said:

Drug lords using the press (Bozo the Limey Clown) to orchestrate the next consolidation/acquisition...

Dr Apologizes for Being SO WRONG About Medical Marijuana

Jinx says...

I agree. His suggestion seems to be that any recreational drug use is drug abuse, which ofc is completely absurd. Not everybody needs to be completely abstinent to maintain a healthy balance. As for medicating emotions, don't people get written prescriptions for that already?

And damaging young lives?...I think its far more damaging to get hit with a criminal conviction and jail time for possession of a controlled substance. I think its far more damaging for familes south of the border caught up between drug enforcement and drug cartels.

lucky760 said:

Maybe the brainwashed masses will pay attention to Dr. Gupta.

The opponent says "Of course it's not worse than alcohol." Then he questions why we should offer another option to get high. If people could just use pot they wouldn't need alcohol or other much worse legal drugs to get high, innit?


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