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Bummer. (Blog Entry by silvercord)

Girl in Toyota Supra

Girl in Toyota Supra

Magic Pizza Reheat Method-Crispy Crust on Leftover/Delivery

Countdown -- Why are Unions Supporting Occupy Wall Street

notarobot says...

Re: demand #11 @Winstonfield_Pennypacker's link.

In North America, and indeed most "developed" nations in the world, money is "printed" into existence by the signing of loans by private banks. These loans can be mortgages* student loans, car loans or anything else. This is an underlying problem with the centralization of wealth in the western world.

*The literal translation of the (french) word mortgage is "death pledge" as it became known that due to the nature of compound interest you would spend your whole life attempting to pay it off. Hypothèque is the word used by the french, as death pledge is not so appealing.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Netflix to Split DVD Service Into New Company: Qwikster

RFlagg says...

The problem is with being two different websites, when a DVD becomes available for streaming, it most likely won't automatically show up on my streaming que. And the loss of the CBS programming (Dexter) and the upcoming loss of Starz, makes their selection on instant shrink greatly. Add to this the deals they were forced into by the movie studios, where DVDs are delayed weeks from release before being available for rent, and then you get the "rental" version that has the menu options for special features but they lead to a screen saying "buy the DVD for the full features"... All in all Netflix is becoming less and less a good deal. The DVD end may still be worth it, but unless they find a way to pick up streaming...

9547bis (Member Profile)

ZappaDanMan (Member Profile)

ZappaDanMan says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I don't know if you watch the Top 15 Sifters of the Week listing.
Last night all of a sudden I was way ahead of you--which was funny because you were Way ahead of me for several days.
Then today we swapped places again--I think they screwed up and mixed up whose votes were whose.
You me and @Barseps are doing pretty good with only three queues

nah, It's correct. It's based on a rolling 7 days on your own videos (everything in your recent videos que added up). After 7 days videos get removed from your recent and those votes are subtracted from your weekly total.

Police Brutality in Spain

artician says...

That cop just socked that girl in the face. All I heard was "Que Pasa?" ("What"?).

I would happily shove any cop that was okay with such an action straight off a cliff.

Is Lantern53 an officer? He seems to defend them quite a bit. Sorry mate, some cops are too eager to act out the definition of "terrorist" for you these days.

Manau - La Tribu de Dana

Kanahtare says...

And for the frenchies:
Manau - La Tribu De Dana lyrics

Le vent souffle sur les plaines de la Bretagne armoricaine,
je jette un dernier regard sur ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine.
Akim, le fils du forgeron est venu me chercher, les druides ont décidé de mener le combat dans la vallée.
Là, où tous nos ancêtres, de géants guerriers celtes, après de grandes batailles, se sont imposés en maîtres, c'est l'heure maintenant de défendre notre terre contre une armée de Simeriens prête à croiser le fer.
Toute la tribu s'est réunie autour de grands menhirs, pour invoquer les dieux afin qu'ils puissent nous bénir. Après cette prière avec mes frères sans faire état de zèle, les chefs nous ont donné à tous des gorgées d'hydromel, pour le courage, pour pas qu'il y ait de faille, pour rester grand set fiers quand nous serons dans la bataille car c'est la première fois pour moi que je pars au combat et j'espère être digne de la tribu de Dana.

Dans la vallée de DAna La lilala.
Dans la vallée j'ai pu entendre les échos.
Dans la vallée de Dana La lilala.
Dans la vallée des chants de guerre près des tombeaux.

Après quelques incantations de druides et de magie, toute la tribu, le glaive en main courait vers l'ennemi, la lutte était terrible et je ne voyais que les ombres, tranchant l'ennemi qui revenait toujours en surnombre.
Mes frères tombaient l'un après l'autre devant mon regard, sous le poids des armes que possédaient tous ces barbares, des lances, des haches et des épées dans le jardin d'Eden qui écoulait du sang sur l'herbe verte de la plaine. Comme ces jours de peine où l'homme se traîne à la limite du règne du mal et de la haine, fallait-il continuer ce combat déjà perdu, mais telle était la fierté de toute la tribu, la lutte a continué comme ça jusqu'au soleil couchant, de férocité extrême en plus d'acharnement, fallait défendre la terre de nos ancêtres enterrés là et pour toutes les lois de la tribu de Dana.


Au bout de la vallée on entendait le son d'une corne, d'un chef ennemi qui appelait toute sa horde, avait-il compris qu'on lutterait même en enfer et qu'à la tribu de Dana appartenaient ces terres. Les guerriers repartaient, je ne comprenais pas tout le chemin qu'ils avaient fait pour en arriver là,quand mon regard se posa tout autour de moi, j'étais le seul debout de la tribu voilà pourquoi. Mes doigts se sont écartés tout en lâchant mes arme set le long de mes joues se sont mises à couler des larmes, je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi les dieux m'ont épargné de ce jour noir de notre histoire que j'ai contée.
Le vent souffle toujours sur la Bretagne armoricaine et j'ai rejoins ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine, j'ai tout reconstruit de mes mains pour en arriver là, je suis devenu roi de la tribu de Dana.


Animated Gifs Greatest Hits

hpqp says...

JCVD is chock-full of wisdom. A few of my favourite tidbits:

"I am fascinated by air. If you remove the air from the sky, all the birds would fall to the ground. And all the planes, too."

«Si tu parles à ton eau de Javel pendant que tu fais la vaisselle, elle est moins concentrée.»

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain."

Madeon - Pop Culture - Live mashup of various songs

Hybrid says...


Alphabeat - Boyfriend
Alphabeat - Fascination
Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars
Black Eyed Peas - Gotta Feeling
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
Capsule - Can I Have A Word
Chromeo - Mamma's Boy
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Daft Punk - Aerodynamic
Daft Punk - Around The World
Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Remix)
Deadmau5 - Right This Second
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed
ELO - Mr. Blue Sky
Girls Aloud - Biology
Gorillaz - Dare
Gossip - Heavy Cross (Fred Falke Remix)
Gwen Stefani - What You Waitin For (Jacques Lu Cont Mix)
Housse de Racket - Oh Yeah
Justice - DVNO
Justice - Phantom Part II
Katy Perry - One Of The Boys
Ke$ha - Take It Off
Kylie Minogue - Wow
Lady Gaga - Alejandro
Linkin Park - Crawling
Madonna - Hung Up
Martin Solveig ft. Dragonette - Boys and Girls
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Nero - Me and You
One Republic - All The Right Moves (Danger Remix)
One-T - Magic Key
Ratatat - Shempi
Solange - I Decided (Freemasons Remix)
Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star
The Killers - Losing Touch
The Who - Baba O'Riley (SebastiAn Remix)
Yelle - Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix)

Evil Proves God's Existence

shinyblurry says... do not know me

I don't know you personally, no.

6.i call you a fundamentalist because that is what you are,because by definition thats exactly how you behave.this was done not as a perjorative but more as a have stated more than once how you view biblical writings as the word of god.i am just basing my assertation on YOUR is YOU who are projecting emotive feelings into my words but that was not my are a fundamentalist.if you wish to attach negative connotations to that word that is your choice and has nothing to do with me.

Applying the term fundementalist to Christianity is used to donate a radical or extreme belief. Within the sphere of Christianity, it is neither radical or extreme to believe in scripture as the word of God. So therefore it is not applicable to me and I reject it out of hand.

7.your opinion of me is irrelevant as well as your limited presumptions concerning me (but please dont stop assuming you know who i am...that shit is entertaining as all hell).

The only thing I assume about you is that you're a pagan or some kind of new ager.

8.calling me names and behaving in such a passive aggressive manner only proves my points concerning you.

I apologize for anything negative I have said about you.

9.i have stated over and over i do not engage with this concept hard for you to understand? if you wish to talk about movies,sports or music i would happily engage with you but i refuse to engage with a fundamentalist anything concerning religion or faith.

Again, I am not a fundementalist, I am a Christian. The term fundementalist Christian is a pejorative and a misnomer. Also, if you don't want to engage with me then don't float into my threads and make a bunch of unwarrented assertions and unsubstatiated claims and float out again. It's just immature at best.

10.and finally and most importantly:you do not know me.

human nature is not a mystery, ie, you have patterns which can be deciphered and universally applied, and your behavior can be intellectually and spiritually discerned.

>> ^enoch:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since January 21st, 2011" href="">shinyblurry do not know me
2.i did not go through your pq and downvote all your videos.i downvoted two if i recall correctly and it was not via your que.
3.i am not prejudice against christianity.i am prejudice against religious fundamentalism..of any kind.this is not to imply that i am inherently against a human being or person but i am against your rigid fundamentalist stance.i am totally ok with you being fact i insist you be exactly who you are.i respect that. accusation of you was valid based solely on your judgement of another christian and solely based on YOUR comment to that other christian. comment was not directed towards you in particular but rather to the many who are following this thread and are not people of give them a modicum of understanding on why a religious person defends the bible as historically accurate and many other points that they may deem holy had nothing to do with you nor your conversations with others.i was attempting to give context and understanding.
6.i call you a fundamentalist because that is what you are,because by definition thats exactly how you behave.this was done not as a perjorative but more as a have stated more than once how you view biblical writings as the word of god.i am just basing my assertation on YOUR is YOU who are projecting emotive feelings into my words but that was not my are a fundamentalist.if you wish to attach negative connotations to that word that is your choice and has nothing to do with me.
7.your opinion of me is irrelevant as well as your limited presumptions concerning me (but please dont stop assuming you know who i am...that shit is entertaining as all hell).
8.calling me names and behaving in such a passive aggressive manner only proves my points concerning you.
9.i have stated over and over i do not engage with this concept hard for you to understand? if you wish to talk about movies,sports or music i would happily engage with you but i refuse to engage with a fundamentalist anything concerning religion or faith.
10.and finally and most importantly:you do not know me.

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