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The first 2 words in the post 9/11 world

Bloocut says...

This thread is a wonderful litmus test for the phenomenon suggested earlier- (predictable nature of homo sapient societal programming) 9 years later, and most tow the party line. Pitchforks, torches, and a mob has always been the easiest way to put to rest dissent and forgo having to think for oneself.

"Actually, what is unique is it was the first time in history that passenger jet planes were used as suicide missiles."

Whats more unique, "actually", is that for the first time in history, 2 ginormous skyscrapers designed to withstand jumbo jet crashes fell straight down into happy little piles, when struck on different levels. Hours apart. IN EXACTLY THE SAME FASHION.
That another, WTC7, did the same hours later, after having bee hit by debris-riiiiiight.

@ Psychologic-Bobby Kennedy's death was CIA-inspired, been pretty much satisfied that it was a damn pen-zip-gun pushed up into his chin, fired upwards. Not Sirhansquared. Magic bullet my ass for his brother, no explosives used in 9/11, my ass.

XBox Girls Get Revenge

ponceleon says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Alright, I'm sorry. I know the point of the video..
..but if you're going to make a video of this sort, at least take 5 minutes to show the girls what you do with a controller.
There's at least one there that is sitting there pressing every button possible. I'm sitting here in my halo mindset, watching the one girl go "Move, melee, move, melee, move, melee, move, melee"
You see someone in a halo match moving two inches then punching the air.. that person dies first.
And the only thing the d-pad is for is push up to talk.. the other 3 parts to it do nothing, so switching between the left analog and the d-pad is virtually.. useless.

Lawl! Of all the things to complain about!

I love you Shep! <3

XBox Girls Get Revenge

Shepppard says...

Alright, I'm sorry. I know the point of the video..

..but if you're going to make a video of this sort, at least take 5 minutes to show the girls what you do with a controller.

There's at least one there that is sitting there pressing every button possible. I'm sitting here in my halo mindset, watching the one girl go "Move, melee, move, melee, move, melee, move, melee"

You see someone in a halo match moving two inches then punching the air.. that person dies first.

And the only thing the d-pad is for is push up to talk.. the other 3 parts to it do nothing, so switching between the left analog and the d-pad is virtually.. useless.

Jesus Christ: Violent Communion

rebuilder says...

Interesting crucifixion fact (as far as I know, I have no first-hand experience): the cause of death in most cases was suffocation. The crosses were equipped with extrusions for the victims to stand on. If the victim didn't push up with their legs, they would be unable to breathe due to the pressure on their chest cavity caused by the position of hanging by their hands. Over time, however, this became impossible to do, thanks to the nails driven through their feet, and they suffocated.
History is damn scary.

"The Strike Out"

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

blankfist says...

I don't get why people are saying the crowd was unruly. They were just observing and only became loud after the punch, but even then seemed relatively calm. The girls were out of control, but a punch the face seems unnecessary because honestly the girls pushing up on him like they were wasn't a real threat to him. An obstruction? Possibly, but then wait for backup.

Also I don't understand why people are using the "it's the law" defense for the officer's actions. I get it's the law, but maybe that's part of the problem here? Sometimes laws are just dumb. If jaywalking is such a danger to society, I'd like to present NYC as an example how it's not. For those of you who use the "but it's the law" argument, I'd like to remind you of a particular logical fallacy: Appeal to law.

For those who say "don't resist arrest under any circumstances because it doesn't mean you're guilty", I tend to want to agree with you, but if you've ever spent a day on jury duty you'll know a large portion of the public believe arrests equate to guilt. This was just an unfortunate situation any way you slice it.

misterwight (Member Profile)

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

Payback says...

>> ^dag:
There are these weird opposing forces at work in human sexuality. At the same time females try and accentuate and draw attention with push-up bras and cleavage- they are also trying to hide, strap-down and de-accentuate.
An alien would think it weird.

Unless it was a female alien, then she would understand completely.

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There are these weird opposing forces at work in human sexuality. At the same time females try and accentuate and draw attention with push-up bras and cleavage- they are also trying to hide, strap-down and de-accentuate.

An alien would think it weird.

totolusa (Member Profile)

102 Push-ups in 30 Seconds

102 Push-ups in 30 Seconds

102 Push-ups in 30 Seconds

Pulse Jet Combustion

srd says...

I don't think it's about (re)introducing oxygen into the system, but stirring up the fuel/air mixture. If most of the vapors are sitting at the bottom of the jug or don't quite reach the top you're going to have a hard time igniting.

The flame at the top should be burning oxygen from the surrounding air, while getting fuel vapors from the jug which are being pushed up by the heat of the bottom flame sheet (if the mix was too rich in the jug the existing oxygen wouldn't be enough to burn all the fuel). So like a candle with an air wick.

Hitler is a Battlefield fanboy

RedSky says...

I think it's been pretty clear for a while that IGN has been getting paid off. They consistently post the earliest reviews and clearly get advanced copies before anyone else - that simply doesn't happen by magic. If bribes were happening, then this would clearly benefit both parties. Publishers could ensure that the pre-release buzz for their product is positive maximising that all-important early take-in and the gaming site would see a huge influx of visits when it is the only one providing the opinion.

I'm sure they're still willing to call a spade a spade when push comes to shove, but if it's on the cusp, I bet they'd have no problem with either pushing up to an 8.0 (which seems to be the magic number for worth buying), or inflating it up in the magic 8.0 to 10.0 range if enough money were to change hands.

Maybe, this is just the ramblings of a paranoid but the whole Kane & Lynch fiasco, purely judgement based notions of what games deserve and this seems to all but confirm it in my mind:

What would be interesting if someone did a comparative study on the major gaming review websites and the scores they give across different publishers, I would hardly be surprised if that confirmed it.

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