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Trump Just NUKED Democrats From Orbit With Hilarious Letter

newtboy says...

The actual letter-

Dear Senator Schumer:

Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way.

As you are aware, Vice President Pence is in charge of the Task Force. By almost all accounts, he has done a spectacular job.

The Defense Production Act (DPA) has been consistently used by my team and me for the purchase of billions of dollars’ worth of equipment, medical supplies, ventilators, and other related items. It has been powerful leverage, so powerful that companies generally do whatever we are asking, without even a formal notice. They know something is coming, and that’s all they need to know.
A “senior military officer” is in charge of purchasing, distributing, etc. His name is Rear Admiral John Polowczyk. He is working 24 hours a day, and is highly respected by everyone. If you remember, my team gave you this information, but for public relations purposes, you choose to ignore it.

We have given New York many things, including hospitals, medical centers, medical supplies, record numbers of ventilators, and more. You should have had New York much better prepared than you did, and as Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx said yesterday, New York was very late in its fight against the virus. As you are aware, the Federal Government is merely a back-up for state governments. Unfortunately, your state needed far more of a back-up than most others.

If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the “invisible enemy.” No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary. If they did, they would likely win.

Fortunately, we have been working with your state and city governments, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio, to get the job done. You have been missing in action, except when it comes to the “press.” While you have stated that you don’t like Andrew Cuomo, you ought to start working alongside him for the good of all New Yorkers.

I’ve known you for many years, but I never knew how bad a Senator you are for the state of New York, until I became President.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Or, in the alternative, call Rear Admiral Polowczyk.

Sincerely yours,

Donald J. Trump

So, not the time to play politics, eh? Hilarious letter, eh? Hilarious in it's self centered ignorance, self congratulatory message, complete lack of self awareness, and total lack of anything helpful or useful, just more Don the Con whining that bad man make little Donny cry hurt and firing tactless political shots. It would be hilarious if tens of thousands of lives weren't at risk because of this narcissistic idiocy.
Remember, Trump said those who aren't nice enough to him won't get their calls answered, and publicly instructed Pence to follow suit.
Con man Don told Schumer that he had written this "very nasty letter" (Donny's words) but would try to keep it from being sent and publicly apologize if it was, then Trump's office released it to the media.
Not the time for politics....yep. *facepalm

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

newtboy says...

A cop not being a dick one time doesn't make him a good cop. A cop going on a speaking tour getting applauded over a minor example of humanitarianism pretty much erases the humanitarian part and it becomes a pure self serving PR ploy.

How many criminal cops has he turned in and testified against? That's the test, daily vigilance against his buddies abusing their power, not singular instances of charity he then milks for public relations points.

Pablo Escobar gave tens of millions to the poor. Was he also a good cop? According to your metric, he would be the greatest person ever.

Edit: I'll make it simple for you....any cop that allows fellow officers to get away with breaking the law or abusing their authority is a bad cop, even if they otherwise are above reproach and never abuse their own authority in any other way.

bobknight33 said:

You only post negative Cop videos. Maybe you have a chip on you shoulder towards Cops.

Cheer up little buddy there are good cops.
Here is 1 for you bud.

FEC case exposes paid actor Trump supporters

enoch says...

not surprising,and i would predict more of this..much more.

it is not that rare for public officials to create buzz,or solidify an image using paid people as backdrop.

marketers do it all the time,and american politics has simply become another dimension of the public relation/marketing departments.

*points to obama campaign in 2008 winning marketer of the year.

man...what has happened to my country?
have you guys seen her?
there was a storm,and the thunder frightened her and she ran off.

here merica merica merica!
here girl!
come on girl!

jon ronson-hilarious and disturbing story on public shaming

ChaosEngine says...

I remember this story.

If your job is PUBLIC RELATIONS and you make a stupid post like that on a public forum... WTF did you think was going to happen?

Having read up on the follow up from this story, I don't think she's racist. I actually believe she her when she said she was having a go at white privilege, and to the few people that followed her on twitter, they probably knew her and understood her tone.

But like I said, twitter is a public platform, and devoid of context (one of the many reasons I don't use it), and again if your job is PR, surely you should understand this.

Basically, the takeaway from all this is that twitter is a fucking TERRIBLE platform for any kind of meaningful discourse, in fact, any kind of commentary beyond simple announcements and banal observations.

Sacco ended up meeting Biddle and in the unlikeliest of plot twists, they became friends.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Babymech says...

The first point I think we can safely disagree on without needing to dig further. We can both think of examples of very irrational, angry feminists and we can both think of examples of rational and grounded feminists. I am sorry that your experience tends mostly toward the first, whereas mine tends mostly toward the second; so many people that I know personally or that I see in media are happy to call themselves feminist that to me it's starting to mean absolutely nothing.

Masters and associate masters (nicholas and his wife, respectively) have some kind of non-teaching support role in relation to the campus and the student body. They're not deans, but more sort of community and relations managers. Without excusing the rudeness in the video, I think it would a whole different principle if these were, for example, students shouting down a professor in one of their classes (which I'm sure has also happened). The master's role is different.

"The point being, you said white men don't need protection because they can just shrug it off or, to quote..." They don't need as much protection from inflammatory comments, but they need job protection, protection against threats, protection against libel, protection against violence, etc., like anybody else. What we see in the video is a PR guy (public relations between the university and the student body) being caught up in a PR shit storm. He's not getting this shit because he's male but because he's the face of student relations. His wife got a lot of shit as well. I don't think he deserves getting shouted down by anybody, but my point is that this isn't the same as a feminist making a generic blog post about how all men are shitty people; it's a specific shit storm playing out around racism at Yale, his role and his wife's role as responsible for student relations, and about what students believe they are entitled to from the school staff. It's a very specific, very different situation, where the students thought they had a right to expect something from him which maybe wasn't part of his role. (I would bet a reasonably large amount of money that he's more PC than you or I would ever care to be).

Finally, I don't know what you are asking if I would "say to a man who has been raped by a woman" Would I say to them that they should ignore shitty feminist blogs about how men are shit? Absolutely. Somebody who has suffered sexual violence should stay far away from that kind of toxic bullshit. But maybe that isn't the scenario you're presenting - let me mirror it and see if I understand what kind of scenario you want me to consider: if a friend of mine has been robbed by a black man, and then dismisses all black civil rights activists as criminals and thugs, would I try to argue with him? I hope I would, though it would be difficult as hell.

If I knew a man who had been raped by a woman, I would try to support him in getting through that, and not blame all feminists. If I knew a woman who had been raped by a man, I would try to support her in getting through that, and not blame all men's rights activists. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

newtboy said:

Yes, but as I said, the majority of ACTIVE, self labeled "feminists" are the man hating brand today, and it's causing many to no longer self label themselves 'feminist' lest they be confused with this vocal majority.

You ignore the pervasive and destructive culture of rape of women by women in prison as well, or the pervasive and destructive culture of rape of men by women outside of prison. Yes, it happens, and is prosecuted far more rarely for various reasons, marginalizing those real victims....just like these "feminists" do, pretending all men are rapists, and all women are victims. It's simply not true, and it muddies and sullies any real point they might have about equality.
I think you know I was using hyperbole to make a point. I don't advocate anyone being raped in real life...not even mass rapists, but I do see that it might be the only way to show SOME people who have a total lack of empathy for people that don't hold their mindset.

"Master"? I thought they said "dean". Is that the same thing? EDIT: If so, the dean is not a guidance counselor/therapist any more than a judge is outside college. They have guidance counselors and therapists for those jobs.

The point being, you said white men don't need protection because they can just shrug it off or, to quote..."We can pretty much take it; we as a group already have most of the money, most of the privilege, and most of the presidents. We don't need a safe space." you still say that seeing how he's NOT capable of just 'shrugging it off' and ignoring them, knowing that many have lost their careers for simply not agreeing with this brand of PC-Nazi?
EDIT: Would you say that to a man who's been raped by a woman? How about a white man raped by a woman of color? Not about the rape itself, but that they still have all the power and can 'pretty much take it/they don't need a 'safe space'', while implying these kids can't take it and do need a safe space?

White House - U.N shelter attack totally unacceptable

Yogi says...

Why would they? Why would Americans? They have to be the most propagandized to. There is billions spent on public relations in all mediums in order to make sure that the actual stories don't get out. The information, the signal needs to be controlled as much as possible.

This is especially true in a democracy. You don't need to do anything when you have your boot on the populations neck. When it's a democracy though you have to Manufacture Consent of the governed so they can't possibly know what they're actually consenting to.

Also in these cases almost 100% the people most demonized is those people who are being crushed. So we have to kill the Palestinians before they destroy us all. They're seconds from doing it, we have to stop them before they kill us all. The amount of fear people need to be pumped up with is mind boggling, and it makes them do crazy things. Like argue on the internet pointlessly for hours and hours.

ChaosEngine said:

What's amazing is that even most Israelis don't know the extent of the campaign.

Listen to a former Israeli Air Force pilot talk about the way the campaign is presented inside Israel.

Side note: that guy is a moral hero. Standing up to your own government when in the military is the height of bravery IMO.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap

Yogi says...

Where do you live exactly because I'm guessing that I can find similar propaganda tools in your society as well. The United States is unique in a few ways, and it's Public Relations Machine is absolutely amazing. Hitler and Goebbels copied it because at the time it was the most advanced in the world at Manufacturing Consent.

I meet some people from foreign countries who like to run America down in some ways and they're correct a lot of the time and sometimes I participate with them. There are other times though where say someone from the UK or France speaks up and I just have to slam them down. The UK is a joke with it's rules against broadcasting and freedom of speech, an absolutely backward democracy. France is way WAY worse in regards to it's worship of academias charlatans. Just bullshit constantly being peddled in both places that would NEVER fly in the United States.

And Australia specifically because I know there's some Aussies on the board that like to run America and the UK down. Do you guys like being told what video game is ok to buy? Do you like trying to find your way around archaic bullshit rules that the US public would've fucking smashed in a second if they were even suggested?

America has a lot of fucking problems, and this is certainly tied to the biggest. The fact that we will go through another HUGE crash in a couple years that will be worse than the 2008 one. It might actually solve our fucking problems though. The first crash caused some serious organization and it had to be put down violently. It didn't continue with serious steam because a lot of people were still doing ok. What about the next horrible crash that should be much much bigger. You think organization will be difficult then? It's only a matter of time, and it's looking good for the activists. Sadly time is not on our side with regards to the planet.

And the reason why it's looking good for the activists in America is because we have some education in stopping Wars because of activism, in stopping barbarism. You want to think we're backward, what other Empire in ALLLLLL Of human history actually had civilians go and live with their victims to try and stop their armies destroying them. There isn't an example in all of history except for good ol' Americans doing it in Vietnam and Nicaragua.

Also this might be a minor point but didn't we at our birth overthrow probably the worst Empire ever to exist? Which I might add caused everyone else to start throwing them off like a hot blanket in the Arab Spring (American influence Arab Spring).

You said Bloody so I'm gonna assume you're from Britainland, the land that gave us Big Brother. We should've burned the UK to the ground a long time ago, the Nazis before the Nazis even existed.

Asmo said:

I dunno, it's kinda depressing to me (and I'm not even bloody American or living in the US...)

You really have to wonder how 330+ million people all got brainwashed in to believing they can't change the system they live under, particularly in the so called greatest democracy in the world... = \

americas wars of aggression-no justice-no peace

enoch says...


ah my friend.
you seem to have fallen into the propaganda trap.
allow enoch to chat with you for a bit.

are you comfy? need a drink? coffee? a beer?

ok,then let us begin

this is not a political ideology.
this is not right nor left.(seriously limiting terms anyways).

this is about the full picture.

so let us discuss WHAT propaganda actual is,rather than what we are TOLD it is.
propaganda is simply manipulated information presented in a way to appeal to our irrational and emotional response rather than our rational and reasonable.

when i use the term "manipulated" i am not inferring or implying an outright conspiracy (though often-times it may possibly be a conspiracy) but rather a set goal to illicit the desired response.

and there is always an element of truth in propaganda but the truth being presented is controlled and manipulated.which is apparent in your commentary.

corporations use this tactic and we call it mass marketing but the first usage was that of the state to control its own citizenry.america being the major and first to pioneer this tactic.see:edward bernaise and the council of propaganda (later changed to the council of public relations).

so let us break down your examples which i assume are an attempt by you to discredit the assertions in dr wasfi's speech in this video. point out the crimes against humanity is a straw man argument.
it is irrelevant.
it is a last ditch effort by the american government to excuse and/or validate an illegal war of aggression: weapons of mass destruction connection to al qaeda
c.almost 1 trillion lost (literally,they cant account for that money)

so the american government points to the atrocities of saddam hussein and says "look! look at what a bad person he is"!


which brings us to your next point.

2.the atrocities you are referring to were well know when saddam was a paid participant by multiple government agencies.
let me say that again for you:
saddams atrocities were WELL known and was on the american government payroll.
did saddam gas the kurds?------yes
who sold him the gas components?---we did.

so when my government,in a last ditch effort to absolve its complicity in the wreckage that is iraq by pointing to the awful and horrific acts saddam perpetrated on his own people as somehow making the invasion of iraq a righteous act is utter..and complete..hypocrisy.

they KNEW what he was doing and did nothing because it was politically expedient for them to do so.they wished to corral iran and the ends justified the means.see:Zbigniew Brzezinski-the grand chessboard

there are many MANY accounts where the american government turned a blind eye to the suffering of other nation-states citizens because it did not align with our interests.

i find the whole situation morally repugnant and it angers me even further when i see the propaganda twisting my fellow countrymen into believing this is somehow a morally just way to deal with despots,tyrants,zealots.

when it was MY country who put them in power in the first place!

the rationalizations are so deeply cynical and hypocritical that it creates an almost vacuum of cognitive dissonance.

and this is my main point in regards to your commentary.
it is a rationalization given to you by those who wish to continue to oppress,dominate and control those who are powerless.

it gives a semblance of morality where there is none.

because if we took your commentary to its logical conclusion:that sometimes war is necessary to rid the world of "evil" (an arbitrary term based on perspective),then why are we not in those countries that ALSO oppress,kill,maim,torture and immiserate their citizens?

answer:because it does not serve the interests of this government.

so the only usage of emotional heart string pulling is to give americans a sense of moral superiority,while not dealing with the actual reality.

you are being manipulated my friend.
and they have given you a convenient myth to hold onto.

by my commentary i am not dismissing the great works of my country nor am i saying that my country is inherently evil.
i served my country and did my duty.

but i also will not turn a blind eye to the reality on the ground just because i find that information..uncomfortable.

many times the truth is uncomfortable and it takes courage to look at it with clear eyes and a critical mind.

i always stick to the axiom:governments lie

as for your nazi reference,
i invoke godwins law.
the death camps were not even a known reality till the war was almost over and were not the reasons for the war in the first place.
so the context is irrelevant.

as always,
eyes open...
and stay sharp.

@lantern53 keepin it frosty since 1982.stay awesome my man

Ben Shapiro Lecture UCSD 2013 on Debating Liberals

enoch says...

wow.....just wow.
this kid is seriously pleased with himself and seems to really be buying his own product.
talk about delusional.
there is a truckload that can pointed and fired at the left,with incredible precision and devastation.
this kid didnt touch on a single point that could do that though.

this kid is all about public relations and marketing..thats it.thats his entire spectrum of understanding.

im with ya @kir_mokum

MSNBC PSA - All Your Kids Are Belong to Us

Yogi says...

I don't understand, this seems very reasonable. She's talking about socializing the burden of public schooling instead of making them private or voucher schools. So for instance I care if the children in my town get a good education, I want them to learned and have a good future. I'm willing to pay taxes to let that happen, especially if that means they get to have some food in the morning and afternoon, when a lot of kids can't afford breakfast.

So even though she words it sort of stupidly, this is basic human caring for one another. You have to work very hard to drive out the instinct to give a crap about people. Unfortunately the public relations industry has been pretty successful at it. You're not supposed to care if kids starve near you, you have your own big screen and your team is doing well, fuck everything else.

Fighting Giraffes!

lucky760 says...

Holy shit that's nuts. I can't believe I've gone all my life without anyone ever discussing how violent giraffes can be. They always seem so docile; they must have a great public relations department. But seriously, why has this [apparently] never been "officially" documented or explained?


So that's why they have horns!



kevingrr says...

The public relations guy is what made this video. He escalated the situation and persisted in trying to find a way to force them out. Good PR there buddy.

If he had just let them hand out flyers we would have had a 13 minute video of a girl handing out flyers that would be of zero interest.

The police officers responded very well and professionally. I agree with @Yogi that we need to respect good officers more. They have a tough job.

Why Bacon is Considered a Breakfast Food

Live Action Planned Parenthood Sting Operation

MrFisk says...

Live Action public relations:
"AUSTIN, May 29 -- Today, Live Action released a new undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Austin, TX encouraging a woman to obtain a late-term abortion because she was purportedly carrying a girl and wanted to have a boy. The video is first in a new series titled "Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America," exposing the practice of sex-selective abortion in the United States and how Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry facilitate the selective elimination of baby girls in the womb.

"I see that you're saying that you want to terminate if it's a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?" a counselor named "Rebecca" offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender. "The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks," explains Rebecca, "and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it's a boy or a girl." Doctors agree that the later in term a doctor performs an abortion, the greater the risk of complications.

The Planned Parenthood staffer suggests that the woman get on Medicaid in order to pay for an ultrasound to determine the gender of her baby, even though she plans to use the knowledge for an elective abortion. She also tells the woman to "just continue and try again" for the desired gender after aborting a girl, and adds, "Good luck, and I hope that you do get your boy."

"The search-and-destroy targeting of baby girls through prenatal testing and abortion is a pandemic that is spreading across the globe," notes Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action. "Research proves that sex-selective abortion has now come to America. The abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, is a willing participant."

Six studies in the past four years indicate that there are thousands of "missing girls" in the U.S., many from sex-selective abortion. The U.K., India, Australia, and other countries ban sex-selective abortion, but the U.S., save for three states, does not. On Wednesday, Congress will debate the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PRENDA), which would ban sex-selective abortions nationally.

"Planned Parenthood and their ruthless abortion-first mentality is the real 'war on women'," says Rose. "Sex-selective abortion is gender discrimination with lethal consequences for little girls."

The complete, unedited video and transcript can be viewed at, a hub of research and information on sex-selective abortions.

Live Action is a youth led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. They use new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.

For further information, please contact Dan Wilson or Jameson Cunningham with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920 and email at"

Obama speaks to deaf man using American Sign Language

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