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If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

enoch says...


can we trade debating partners?
@transmorpher appears to not be suffering from a bad case of twattery as my partner is and seems waaay cooler.

i have to admit i am watching with a tad bit of jealousy the snarky give and take you two are engaging in and what do i get?

a fucking quote miner.

might as well head to the church of the nazerene revival tent and strike up a convo there.

praise jesus!

"Get Off This Bus SATAN!!" - (NSFW)

Neighbour Catches 7-Year-Old Girl Falling from Window

thumpa28 says...

What a pile of crap. Firstly, shes not saying praise jesus, Its a commonly used phrase which youre bending to spout your own personal agenda. This isnt the anti- god topic some sifters try to turn everything into, so quit trying.

Secondly, i have two kids and have lived in apartments, if either ended up standing on an a/c unit a slap would be the LEAST i would deserve, and that goes double for a 7 year old with special needs.

Do you have any kids? If so, how the fuck do you NOT consider balconies and windows as danger zones in HIGH RISE apartments? How many kids have you read about falling from them? There was one last week here. The very first thing i did before we moved in was mesh the balcony railings, seal the window latches and give the ground level windows a good kicking. What you DONT do is play the percentages or even worse, not even consider it. Thats how you end up with a 7 year old standing on an a/c unit. *SLAP*

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^thumpa28:
Yeah, the theological angle is the one to concentrate on, how fucking predictably boring. Back on topic, the mother needs a slap.

It's worth mentioning, it really is. It's a big fucking problem that people have a disconnect that goes
"Holy crap, my daughter almost died, that man was amazingly good and quick and threw himself into harm's way to save my child"
"Thank God for that"
No, thank the man, thank him, thank his upbringing that he wouldn't stand by, thank his reflexes, thank others that brought his attention to your daughter. Do not thank a mythical being.
If you're going to say it was god that stepped in and 'saved' your daughter, why don't you also blame god for letter her get out there in the first place, or giving her autism such that she would do such a thing?
It IS a problem because it's just an excuse for people to turn off most of their brain and answer anything with 'it's god's will'... And this leads to all sorts of problems as people who do this never bother to look at root causes, or actual solutions, or anything else, because 'things are just like that because of god's will', or they don't do things because 'god will set it right if he feels the need'.
And then you go and say the mother needs a slap... have you looked after an autistic child? Have you looked after ANY child? Do you know how easy it is to let your guard slip, even if just for a minute, and to have them do something you hadn't even considered was a possibility?

Waiting for Armageddon

Christopher Hitchens on North Korea

bcglorf says...

>> ^thumpa28:

I dont follow the argument hes making. Religion is bad, just look at North Korea? Seems a bit of a stretch. For a start its a political system whose strength lies in its status as the sole provider of all welfare in a country where there is no other option but death by bullet or starvation. We'd all be praising Jesus if it meant that or starve. And the North koreans are a lot less afraid of eternal damnation than of termination at the hands of the 1.2 million standing army, in a country of 20 million.
Theres serious comment to be made here, he was right on track with the 1984 comparison, but veered way off with the religion analogy. Seems a waste.

Kim Il-Sung is still the eternal head of the nation. North Korea is structured around hailing the great leader as a deity. Hitchens is dead right to note that is not a non-religious society, but is in fact the most uniform and strictly enforced religious society in the modern world.

Christopher Hitchens on North Korea

thumpa28 says...

I dont follow the argument hes making. Religion is bad, just look at North Korea? Seems a bit of a stretch. For a start its a political system whose strength lies in its status as the sole provider of all welfare in a country where there is no other option but death by bullet or starvation. We'd all be praising Jesus if it meant that or starve. And the North koreans are a lot less afraid of eternal damnation than of termination at the hands of the 1.2 million standing army, in a country of 20 million.

Theres serious comment to be made here, he was right on track with the 1984 comparison, but veered way off with the religion analogy. Seems a waste.

SNL: Jesus to Tebow - "Take it down a notch"

Drachen_Jager says...

I don't think it's offensive to Christians. All the Christians I know find Tebow offensive. The whole idea that God would determine the outcome of their football game against another probably equally deserving team just because they prayed more is offensive. The idea that God would intervene THERE but not raise a finger to help out in wars, famines or epidemics... THAT is offensive.

This is funny. For the first time in a long time SNL is funny. It's a miracle! Praise Jesus!

Christians Beat Daughter to Death Claim It Was Suicide

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Shining Example of Parental Excellence - Mom Drags Son

enoch says... really..wait till you have kids,then you may understand more.
while i am not condoning dragging your child through a store due to his/her hissy fit..i DO understand maybe why you did it.
each one of my boys had a hissy fit once......ONCE.
there was never any need for me to drag them anywhere,all i had to say was "if i have to tell you one more time to get up" and like magic they could feel their legs again!
its a miracle!praise jesus!!

Mango Fly Larvae Extraction on Girls in Uganda

ForgedReality says...

Are mango flies the same as bott flies? Because those look a lot like bott fly larvae.

edit - actually, they look a lot smaller, but maybe they were just in an earlier stage than the ones I've seen.. ?

edit 2 - Now that I've watched the whole thing.. PRAISE JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS FOR PUNISHING ME FOR MY SINS!

FNC's Liz Trotta Slams Sarah Palin!

honkeytonk73 says...

Magical voices from above told her to quit so she could focus her efforts and work in the name of Jeeeeeesus...

Bahjagabooojah Kahjabagooobagoobagoo dahtatalalalakaaah. Praise Jesus.

If you spoke in tongues, you'd understand that.

What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Preaching Hail to the Lord, Jesus Christ

Rachel Maddow can't respond to Jindal's reponse to Obama

honkeytonk73 says...

God Bless America, because God prefers US over THEM. Praise Jesus. Magic man is real. Shoot magic sparks from your fingertips and grant all citizens +1 to hit, damage and defense. Blessed-be.


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