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McCain Stumped by the Easiest of Questions

Obama's Response Ad to McCain's Baseless Attacks

deedub81 says...

^I don't care who you are: That's funny right there.

I just love the political ads these days. They don't say anything specific.

"Same 'ol politics."
Whaddya mean?

"Same failed policies"
Which policies?

Obama gonna, "Tackle big oil"
Huh? Whatcha goin' do?

Ease our "dependence on foreign oil"
How, exactly?

C'mon. At least pretend to understand that some of us want a little substance.

Has Videosift become aggressive? (Wtf Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Oh choggie, if only everyone could respect women as much as you. Ol' kronosposeidonie couldn't agree more with the sentiments you lovingly expressed about the fairer sex. That's why ol' kronosposeidonie was a little surpised when ol' choggie said "Fuck you bitch" when a woman in a political ad made the innocuous query, "When did hope become a bad thing?" Kronosposeidonie dinna expect that from a woman-lover such as yourself. I might expect that from a buncha wankers, teeny-boppers, video-game playin', sittin' in yer mom's basement in yer underwear livin', thinks the world owes you a favor thinkin', wannbees, but not ol' choggie.

Too bad vinegar has been written off as a cure.

jwray (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Worst Political Ads In America Awards

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'veracifer, fucking, watch, this, its, intelligent, dumb, lousy, dammit' to 'Irony, Stupid, Politics, Ads, USA, Worst, veracifer' - edited by marinara

HIlariously biased Obama supporters (Election Talk Post)

Tea Party `07 : : December 16th : :

oxdottir says...

I just don't get this as a videosift video. This is pure political ad and promotion. I understand it's grass roots, but it isn't about an issue. It's just an appeal for money. I don't see anyone videotaping pledge drives on pbs to submit here.

raven (Member Profile)

Lopez Murphy for president - Truth (Upside - Down)

We the People

LeadingZero says...

Yes, we live in a very shallow world...

It would be nice to see some intelligent, reasoned critiques of the political ad. However I often get the feeling that the Internet is overrun by angry 12 year olds. But now I sound like another upset juvenile, sigh :-)

As for the ad: I agree with the basic position. Edwards will get my vote if enough support builds around his candidacy.

It's Official - VideoSift's worth $625,510.32 (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

It probably is worth 6 grand if you had the right ad revenue over a year (maybe this is 5 years?). I'm thinking this site probably isn't 1/10th of fark traffic but maybe. Certainly attracts high salary intellectuals. Maybe this site is a gold mine for politcal ads. (hint: I'm serious about sifting political ads over the next year. You'd get a lot of traffic)

Weird Anti-Eisenhower Ad from 1952

Michael Steele uses a "victim" to oppose using a "victim"

Gervaise says...

I don't know how this will one will do considering the strong bias around here. I'm hoping people find the hipocrisy funny as I did. I hate seeing political ads and don't upvote them unless they are too funny.

Michael J. Fox did an ad for Ben Cardin in Maryland similar to the one we all know for McCaskill in Missouri.

This is a response ad where they shame them for using a "victim" of a horrible disease by using a "victim" of another horrible disease!

And to set the record straight, Michael Steele says he supports embryonic stem cell research if it doesn't destroy the embryo. Source:

Powerful Stem Cell Research Ad

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