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Trump Confesses; Rick Gates Testifies Against Manafort

newtboy says...

Manafort was just found guilty on 5 counts of tax fraud, 1 failure to disclose a foreign bank account, and 2 counts of bank far. There are 10 more verdicts pending, but that's 8/8 so far!
To be clear, this was all about Manafort breaking multiple laws with the goal of hiding his multiple ties to, and the fact that he was working for Russia.

This the same day Cohen pleaded guilty to 8 criminal counts of tax evasion, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations.


Whoops! Wrong Again! Trumps first 500 days

newtboy says... you now admit he's Putin's bitch mumbling around Putin's cock that's firmly in his just don't care? And you wonder why we think you're a ridiculous Russian troll? Sad.

I'd rather have a reasonably intelligent and rational person who reverses a depression we should have avoided than an infantile blowhard that bankrupted the treasury like he does with so many of his businesses who's under the thumb of our enemies.

Yep, he's blown far more money in 500 days than Obama did in 8 years, golfed way more, fired more of his own people for cause, fired more of his own people without legitimate cause, had infinitely more convictions and charges brought, been immersed in scandal since before taking the oath, plead guilty to massive frauds against students, defrauded multiple charities, and destroyed our international standings (except with dictators who are warming to us)....what you call winning.
If a sex tape of him with his daughter came out, you would congratulate him on winning by fucking a hot blond and dismiss the complaints of infidelity and incest as pure liberal Trump hating, and probably accuse Obama of the same crimes...rationality about Trump is not one of your traits.

Really, delusional much? You were probably just as certain the Republicans were going to take California....where they aren't even on the ballot. I can absolutely argue the point that the midterms look good for democrats and horrible for Republicans, especially since your ilk now calls the majority of them rinos they won't vote for. Time will tell, but right now it sure looks like a blue wave, but maybe not a tsunami.
Thinking Republicans are poised to do well in this election is irrational thinking that ignores the primaries.

bobknight33 said:

Rather have a POTUS sounds like he has marbles in his mouth than a well spoken POTUS that fails America.

Trump has done more in 520 days for Americans that 8 years of OBAMA.

You can't argue the point that midterms look like more Dems will loose.
And if Rocket man and Trump do produce fruit then 2020 would be a shoe in.

These revelations about Iran show Obama got played!

newtboy says...

Well under 18 months in and already 5 times more administration convictions over Trump administration/Russia collusion than there were unfounded charges against the administration under Obama in 8 years. Jesus Bob, can you not get a single fact right?

Let's not ignore the Trump tower meeting with Russian officials where the repeatedly and clearly stated reason for the meeting (after the lies denying it ever happened fell apart) was to collude with Russia against Clinton by getting more Russian supplied dirt against her, or the unending lies and forced corrections the Trump camp has trotted out to deny, obfuscate, downplay, and finally admit but excuse the meeting.

You're also totally wrong about the 13 Russians indicted, those are about interference in the election, and not low level bean counters, they're mostly Putin's inner circle.

Those "boatloads" were gone over for years with fine toothed combs and serious bias and still nothing illegal found, not a whit, and zero evidence of anything nefarious from the FBI or CIA besides the timing of the baseless FBI attack against Clinton's reputation by publicly announcing they were still investigating her (while hiding the far more serious investigation against Trump).

He lied to you about being wiretapped, just like he lied about 3 million illegal alien votes for Clinton, and unlike the illegal hush money he's now finally admitted he paid his mistresses it simply never happened. Remember, he's plead guilty to being a massive fraud, and he's quite proud of his ability to lie and get away with it but you still believe his obvious lies and never investigate yourself anywhere less biased than Faux or Jones.
Sad and willfully gullible.

bobknight33 said:

Nearly 2 years and still ZERO nothing with Trump/Russian collusion. Mueller's indictments of 13 so far are for low level irreverent to Trump or pre Trump issues

However boat loads if nefarious activity between HRC, DNC, CIA,FBI to interfere, monitor, railroad Trump.

Historical Misconceptions For You to Bring Up during Dinner

Buttle says...

They should explain Giles Corey: Back in the day, if you were convicted of a felony, for example, witchcraft, you forfeited all your property to the crown. He died so that his family could inherit.

Refusing to plead, and being pressed by stones, wasn't that rare at the time.

JFK - The Speech That Killed Him

newtboy says...

Da comrade.
Bob, when you can't speak English it becomes impossible to have an adult conversation, and clearly evident you aren't American, but not a bit clear what you're saying.

Individuals break the law on occasion, that does not a secret cabal or deep state conspiracy make. Most of what you complain about is Trump being opposed for ignoring the law and constitution. Consider his administration is on track for the most indictments and most convictions ever, barely in his second year, most of which are tied to treasonous activities against the United States, so I get that you have to believe the entire world is conspiring to destroy his presidency, otherwise you must admit you support the most criminal, least competent president ever. Even Regan's administration averaged under 20 filed indictments per year, you can find that many from multiple single individuals in Trump's administration, I think you can actually find an unprecedented over 20 charges plead guilty to in year one, which kind of destroys the 'witch hunt' conspiracy accusations.

Baselessly accusing the organizations that are investigating him for treason of conspiracy would be laughable if not for people like you who back him up. Because of people like you, it's incredibly harmful to our government, laws, and nation, another indicator you live in Kiev and work for Putin.
I could be wrong about where you live, but I'm not wrong about who your stated views benefit.

bobknight33 said:

Well then would be saying I and JFK of delusional paranoia.
I saying not so. I'm saying some of these organizations are doing their own thing regardless of American laws and Constitution.

FISA Memo | Everything You Need To Know

newtboy says...

The entire thing is bias, not factual, or at best misleading because of intentional omission of fact. I can't say what fact is false if there's no fact. Opinion about perceived/alleged bias isn't factual.
A lie by omission is a lie. The whole thing is that kind of lie.

The "unverified and salacious" (not wrong or debunked, mind you) part was personal accusations, you know, the golden showers with Russian hookers part, which was NOT used to get a warrant. He was clear that was not his opinion about the entire thing.

Yes, as I've told you at least twice now, I read it twice before commenting on it looking for anything in it and found nothing but biased whining. "Steele said bad things about Trump, so he's an untrustworthy liar" is hardly even an honest accusation, much less evidence he lied about anything, and farther from proof that this one piece in the puzzle of evidence against Trump's administration was key. One statement by one person taken out of context and misrepresented is not even an indication, much less proof that this was THE key bit of evidence, without which there was no case, but that's what this is all about. it was likely the most damning bit that tipped the scales from 'could just look bad' to 'this is something that needs investigation today'.
Recall, the continuing investigation already actually found criminal activity PROVEN, ADMITTED, AND CONVICTED.

As I've told you repeatedly, they (democrats , the fbi, and the DoD) tried to block it because 1) they wouldn't let the FBI screen it for secrets/classified information/pure lies and 2) republicans blocked (and continue to block) releasing the full story because it paints a completely different picture from the memo. Don't pretend to be so dumb you don't understand that.

Just keep saying bombshell, that will make it real...Jebus Christ.

I'm sure it is just the tip....of the ass fucking the Republicans are giving our democracy and system of checks and balances. What it's not is the tip of some insane conspiracy iceberg between liberals and top law enforcement.

Get your head out of your ass. No one is ever going after Obama or Clinton, as they committed no crimes, they've both been investigated with pure malice and bias for years and Republicans found nothing, this is just more nothing. It's almost funny you would even consider that, but it's actually sad you are that deluded you could keep thinking such nonsense after so many disappointments.

Really? A pure bias opinion piece from ' the hill' is your evidence? It was factless, logic free garbage that actually referenced Benghazi as one of Obama's prosecutable crimes, I'm dumber for having read it. You should feel shameful.

Clearly you don't recall that Obama's administration had zero convictions for misuse of power, zero indictments, how many has Trump's had already? 5? 6? 10? At least 4 high ranking members have been convicted or plead guilty already before year one or the first investigation is complete. Only Nixon's record was worse, and that only after he left office after Watergate.
Trump has by far the worst criminal conviction record for sitting administrations on FAR!

bobknight33 said:

You could not be more wrong ..
There was the bias in the memo? What fact was a false? Did you even read it?

If there was nothing to the memo why did ALL try to stop it?
Its a bombshell and just the tip of things to come.

Hillary/ Obama and many, many, and many others are going down..

Fraud Rogers Banned from Twin Galaxies

newtboy says...

Are you an FBI investigator ? Because they are the only one's with access to any "proof" of Trump collusion or other crimes at this point....but to be clear there's a ton of indicators that they have "proof" of serious malfeasance.

There is abundant proof that Trump is a repeatedly convicted and admitted (he plead guilty) fraud, however....which is what I referenced. Not long ago that would have been plenty to disqualify him from running at all. Today, multiple convictions for running fraud schools, selling fraud investments, charitable fraud, etc. aren't even on the list of worst 10 things in his history.

The republican created dossier is another nothingburger.

Once again, since you need things explained multiple times to grasp it, the memo is nothing, it's not evidence, it's a disputed republican provocateur's inflammatory notes based on....nothing according to the Democrats that have read the actual classified evidence, which is not being released. The ridiculous partisan memo probably won't be released either, the DOD is clear it could harm our national interests and law enforcement capabilities, and republicans refuse to allow them to screen for secret information it may contain, so releasing it as planned would intentionally be doing what they're (and you're) irate Clinton could possibly have done unintentionally with her less secure email servers, releasing harmful secret information, this time intentionally and for pure short term political gains and nothing more.
Good luck with that.

Keep in mind, the author of your memo is the same idiot who claimed the recent email and "missing" emails was absolute proof of a secret anti Trump society having taken over at the FBI..until the missing emails were recovered, then he moved on to this next BS ploy.

bobknight33 said:


Too bad there is ZERO proof of Trump / Russian collusion. to be fail Muller is quietly doing his job. Time will tell

However there is FBI/DNC / Clinton FISA/ Trump–Russia dossier/ aka Steele dossier,is coming. Hip high is corrupt shit.

Intelligence oversight committee Memo coming out soon.

Rat taking a shower

enoch says...

i have had rats as pets for years and i can tell you they are more fastidious on cleaning themselves than a cat.

though my two old masked dumbo rats do not just sit there in the water....of course they are too old to escape,so they sit in the soapy water and just stare at me with pleading eyes..'why? why are you doing this to me?"

but once they get toweled off they are preening themselves for an hour.

you can also potty train them.

Joe Arpaio Learn His Pardon Was An Admission Of Guilt

newtboy says...

Is anyone even the least bit surprised that this moron didn't understand that in accepting the pardon he was pleading guilty, and doesn't see the hypocrisy of complaining about his treatment while dismissing those who won tens of millions in courts because of the intentionally harsh treatment he subjected them to illegally, many to death?

newtboy (Member Profile)

Cop Who Shot Walter Scott Pleads Guilty, Gets 20 Years

newtboy says...

If it is an absolutely true fact, one would think you could provide supporting evidence, but you never do when asked. Unsupported claims are unverified argument, not accepted fact. I've never claimed you're wrong, but you've failed to prove you're correct repeatedly.

The judge used the sentencing guidelines for murder 2, which was part of the plea agreement, so the results were exactly the same. He may be in federal prison, which IS a much nicer place than the state pen. Is that how it falls short, or is your issue the specific charge no matter the sentence? Would it be better if he was convicted of murder 2 but was only sentenced to 5 years?

Avoid getting caught on camera, totally agree, but don't plead guilty?...he was facing life in State prison with a pretty hostile jury pool on top of up to decades in club fed for civil rights violations.. I think he made a good choice.

Thanks for the answer though...which I gather was "no, this does not satisfy".

C-note said:

A statement about something that is absolutely true is a fact and not an argument.

Separate but equal has already failed the test of time. So being convicted of murder verses pleading guilty to violating a person's civil rights may have yielded similar results, but it still falls short.

The only lessons cops learned from this is to avoid getting caught on camera and don't ever plead guilty.

Cop Who Shot Walter Scott Pleads Guilty, Gets 20 Years

C-note says...

A statement about something that is absolutely true is a fact and not an argument.

Separate but equal has already failed the test of time. So being convicted of murder verses pleading guilty to violating a person's civil rights may have yielded similar results, but it still falls short.

The only lessons cops learned from this is to avoid getting caught on camera and don't ever plead guilty.

newtboy said:

I get that it's not the same as an actual murder conviction, I'm just curious if this outcome satisfies the sifter that brings up the 'no cop ever convicted of murdering a black man' argument.

Don Lemon is not having it

newtboy says...

They, and other news organizations (so probably not Fox) are back on it today, since Flynn plead guilty to lying to the fbi about colluding with Russian diplomats, specifically his repeatedly "secretly" (so he thought) violating the Logan act, at the direct direction of and reporting back to the campaign/transition leader(s)...which means Trump himself.

Maybe they're hoping this will distract from the failed secret attempt at making abortion illegal with their tax bill which would have codified fetal personhood, a huge step towards making any abortion murder, on top of raising taxes on anyone making under $75k by up to 30% and lowering taxes for millionaires. Good thing they're so incompetent that the tax bill was illegal, or abortion could be ended today by a scam and a lie.
Underhanded sneaky lying traitors, those are your people.

bobknight33 said:

What bull shit -- Typical leftest dribble.
Guess CNN is off the Russian collusion fake story for the night.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

bcglorf says...

We really do see an entirely different world.

What I see originally happening here is a dispute/conflict between two citizens. The driver and the cyclist. There was a collision that damaged the car and maybe the cyclist. The cyclist is a minor, and the only account we get on video is the driver fairly insistent they were the ones that got hit when the cyclist ran a traffic sign. Blame on that doesn't matter to the video though because the police aren't meant to address blame and never attempt to.

Do we agree on the above preamble view of what happened at least? I think we do, so I'll pick up with that assumed.

The cyclist does not want to cooperate with the required exchange of information for insurance and liability purposes. So presumably the driver got the police get involved. This is exactly what I think we all should want. Rather than expecting the parties involved resort to their own use of force, we want to defer that to trained police officers. This is preferable for either party to simply being victimised with no recourse for injury to the cyclist if the driver's at fault or damages to the car if the cyclist is.

I again would hope we are still on the same page at this point, lets call it point B?

If I understand right, we now diverge in that I believe when office says come here to the cyclist, the cyclist is in the wrong for instead dodging around the officer and trying to take off on their bike. When the officer immediately stops them from that physically and tells them they are being detained, the cyclist is again wrong for actively resisting for the entire remainder of the video.

You seem to think the officers would be angry to see their child in the video, and we agree on that. We disagree on whom they would be angry with though. I'm pretty sure the officers would angry with their kid for consistently resisting the officers and would likely be telling their kid they are lucky the officers were as gentle as they were because they absolutely didn't need to be.

I don't know who to credit the analogy to, but this feels to me like an instance of the police being the wolf hounds protecting the us sheeple. Their use of violence and force looks scary to us and we just wish those mean, nasty and violent wolfhounds would be replaced with more mild mannered sheep. It's not until an actual wolf comes along that all of sudden we wonder were those hounds are because we went to get as close under their shadows as we can.

The reason it comes to mind is because having 3-4 officers spending hours begging, pleading and otherwise trying to non-violently persuade a cursing, kicking, resistant teenager to take accept pretty basic instructions is not what I want. I get the impression you would prefer that, but I do not. I want the officers sitting at nearby coffee shop bored and eating donuts instead. When they come to deal with this incident, I want them back to those donuts as quickly as possible. The reason being, when a wolf somewhere starts up a domestic dispute, or starts beating up someone in the street, or breaking into somebodies home I want the police unhindered and ready to their 'real' jobs.

newtboy said:

In America, you have every right to ignore them unless they give a lawful command, which you must obey. They cannot arrest you for silence, or for ignoring a request. I'll take my brother's expensive lawyer's advice over anyone's, and he said the only answer allowed is "ask my lawyer", and to do what they command, but not what they ask.

The girl wasn't aggressively pushing to me, but she also wasn't complying with a lawful command. If the audio is any indication, she was trying to get her phone out of her pocket while lying down handcuffed. She should have complied, but they also should have put her all the way in like they're trained to do, not 3/4 of the way. It's easy and safe to open the other door and pull her another foot into the car where she can't block anything, and that doesn't result in a lawsuit and more public distrust, but that wouldn't teach her a lesson. Pepper spray is not as safe as that by far.

It's not cool to hate cops, and I really wish they would stop getting caught doing things that foster hatred. I want them to act in a way the public can always support, not the least patient and most aggressive they can legally justify in every situation. It would be good if they could be thinking 'how would I feel if someone did this to my daughter/son under the same conditions.
I doubt any of them would be ok with that happening to their child, tantrum or no. They could have been worse here, but also could have defused it all with a single simple command to sit at the beginning. Don't expect an irrational, young, scared girl to act like an adult...that's beyond the capabilities of most adults.

You can humbly submit to authority if you wish. My forefathers fought and died to secure my rights to not answer questions or submit to the every whim of authority, I'll not disrespect their sacrifices by waiving those hard won rights for authority's, or my own convenience.

It would be nice if 15 year old girls were civil, but few I've known are when cornered. I think that's the real reason for the spraying, but not an excuse imo. To me, the cop's pride needs to give way to reason and logic, or we'll keep paying out multi million dollar judgements.

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

My_design says...

Now Slager plead guilty to violating civil rights, in order to get the State's murder charge dropped. But that doesn't seem all that uncommon, especially given that the case likely would be a constant and very public drain on the local system. The interesting part is that they are still recommending sentencing be based on those for second degree murder. So while he plead to something else, the punishment will likely match the crime.

C-note said:

The fact that no white male police officer has ever been convicted of murdering a black male in america's entire history points to a deeper problem then the simple use of the n-word by white men who continue to find ways to use it without consequence.

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