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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…poor little snowflake. You don’t like your daily reminder that you are part of a hypocritical dishonest terrorist organization? Poor little boy, here, since you misplaced it, I’ll provide it again.

You don’t like it pointed out that your fellow seditious terrorists now actually admit their hypocritical plans, like suspending the constitution or just line item vetoing it by the president? I suppose Biden should remove the second amendment before Trump goes after the 14th by presidential decree.

You don’t seem to like being reminded of the unChristian anti family actions of your Christian family values sweethearts Boebert and Manly Traitor Greene, both getting divorced, both cheaters, both child abusers, both putting their temporary happiness above their families to the point of dissolution of their families, and both still act like they know what’s good for YOUR family.

You don’t like being reminded of how MAGA politics has destroyed Texas politics, with infighting destroying all trust in government there, raising crime rates, taxes, and prices but gaining nothing but fewer services, less reliable utilities, and a total lack of an education system.

You don’t like when I point out they admit their “investigations” are all frauds with no evidence whatsoever and only paid disgraced paid political actors as “witnesses” and even they don’t show up to testify?

You don’t like knowing the MAGA actor that Trump used to accuse Biden of raping her in the open public halls of congress in 93, Tara Reade, has defected to Russia under the wing of a Russian spy convicted of spying on MAGA and trying (nearly succeeding) in sleeping her way into the whitehouse by sleeping with multiple MAGA politicians.

You don’t like being reminded that Trump admitted on camera that he stole and retained (unsecured) highly classified documents that he admitted were still highly classified in Summer ‘21, long after he had any power to declassify anything…and I don’t mean the ridiculous claim that he can declassify state nuclear secrets by secretly thinking about it.

Every time you erase your daily reminder of your party’s daily crimes you let me know it’s getting to you…that you know it’s correct (or you would just claim it wasn’t like you have for years). Eventually it might even register in your brain that everything you learned from MAGA is pure fantasy, every accusation from MAGA an admission, every denial an admission, and the only loyalty is to their wallets.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


He’s a drag Queen. She’s a cheating man/woman that violates her oath to god constantly without a thought, but claims to embody white Christian values.

Nothing you’ve said even attempts to claim otherwise.

“You only have him on video in a dress in public twice, loving every second of it and promoting a drag show” is hardly a defense if wearing drag where children can see it and promoting drag to children is grooming, which is 100% your and their position. 😂

All drag is theater, honey. I’m pretty certain you know that from personal experience…it seems to hit WAY too close to home for you.

You are so easy to trigger…just show you how hypocritical your positions are, you instantly devolve to kindergarten style argument. 😂 keep it coming. You know full well if this was AOC’s boyfriend you would be screaming bloody murder about how it proves she’s unfit and a child molesting groomer. We all know it too, sweetheart.

Those tears, so yummy you guys. You gotta try ‘em. Mmmmmm…yum!

PS- I like how defending Greene’s newest boyfriend is more important to you than addressing Gaetz admitting publicly that his plan is to hold the economy hostage until he gets everything he wants, and the negotiations are a sham, they aren’t negotiating at all. I suppose because the party line on how to address that scandal hasn’t gone public yet, so you don’t know how to answer.

bobknight33 said:

Wow [2] times and at least 1 for a theater plug.

Good lord you are a fool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Freedom Caucus leader Matt Gaetz just went on air and said “I feel like most conservatives support “limit save grow” (the >22% across the board slash and burn economy destroying cuts) and they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.”
There you have it…those controlling this manufactured economic crisis know this is terroristic hostage taking for ransom, they think of it in those terms themselves.
Remember, the American economy is their hostage, and they plan to cut out its kidney and send it through the mail on Wednesday.

Fiscally responsible? Are they saving money? Are they putting America ahead of themselves? Are their stated plans even possible? Is this in any way a rational, reasonable, or sane way to govern? Would MAGgots refrain from murder if circumstances were reversed and Dems were holding Trump’s economy hostage?
The answer to all is a resounding “no”.

Debt Ceiling Talks Cancelled

newtboy says...

Incorrect, sir.

First, I think it’s a typo, because Republicans ARE the party of defrauding and that’s incontrovertible and undeniable by anyone but bob.

There’s enough Republicans in office that put their politics above country that default is a real possibility. Fortunately they now PLAN to resume talks (but only if no Republican gets upset and balks).
Democrats aren’t playing any game. They should be absolutely refusing to even discuss negotiating over paying our bills and refusing to bankrupt America, but instead are accepting the blackmail scheme and are negotiating away rights and programs to the terrorists holding a gun to the economy’s head.
This only guarantees they will do the exact same thing every year. Any compromise at all is capitulation to economic terrorism, which invites more.

We have NEVER been anywhere near this position. We have “negotiations” over the debt ceiling, but have never gone more than a few days until the responsible limit for delay. We are now at the point where, if we don’t get a plan both sides agree on, get it out of committee, get a full house vote scheduled and taken, move it to the senate for debate, get it approved (hopefully with no changes at all or it returns to the house), get a senate vote scheduled and taken and passed, send it to Biden for a signature, then implement it….all by next Wednesday or we default. (Edit: now consider part of the Republican demands are their as yet unwritten NEW spending cut bill be passed BEFORE that entire process even starts).
We have never been within four months of this point, and there’s been some amazing money juggling and many projects “postponed” (cancelled) that had won hard fought congressional approval and funding just to stretch our ability to pay debts this far.

We hit our borrowing/debt limit in January, what’s normally considered the “due date”. In the past, negotiations have never come closer than in 2011 when it got to only two days until the debt limit was reached, and it cost well over a billion dollars in higher interest rates alone. We are now over 4 months past that point today, with absolutely no plan on how to move forwards.

This is not normal, has not happened every 4 years, and in fact has never once happened in our history. I expect our national “credit rating” to slip even if we pull off a Hail Mary, which is looking less likely daily. We’ve already lost hundreds of millions in lost international investments because who wants to invest in a country trying to bankrupt itself?

oblio70 said:

Republicans- they will NOT defraud as they say they will ($-interests).
Democrats- playing same Republican game; won’t call them out.
Media- supporting lie of threat of defraud.
Biden- words worthless; Republican in deeds .
The people- blind acceptance

We have been here every 4 years since the 90’s, and its always the same story. So old!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

4 more convicted of seditious conspiracy over Jan 6, more to come.
So much for “it wasn’t sedition”. 100% proven in court that it was.

Another massive “L” for your collection. They just keep coming faster and bigger constantly. Carrol is about to hand out another since Trump isn’t going to defend himself against the rape accusation…his team is putting on no defense at all!! Not one witness! Not even a character witness (smart, any they presented would be eaten alive on the stand and make Trump look worse).

I love it when a plan comes together…Jack Smith is now investigating evidence tampering and obstruction for tampering with the surveillance tapes of the rooms where Trump held the classified documents he stole and lied about keeping….tampered with after they were subpoenaed. Each charge carries up to 20 years in prison. The hits keep coming….far worse hits than parsing what the word “is” means.

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

You must be fucking kidding.
You think this makes your party look sane? Or fair? Or even 1% honest?
I guess he expects no one to remember all the threats righty politicians make against the court, the left, and each other…usually involving a “second amendment solution”, not a threat of basic ethics rules.

Then you think listing some working lecture trips some justices took that were publicly reimbursed by law schools that never had cases before the court and which they reported equates to tens of millions in hyper luxury international trips for the entire family by people with cases before the court that were hidden and not reported as specifically and unambiguously required by law helps make the right seem LESS criminal. 😂

Clarence Thomas delegitimized himself by selling access to himself in secret, selling his decisions in secret, by not recusing himself from cases involving his “friends” (that he only met after becoming a justice), not recusing himself from cases involving his wife, her political movement/business, and pretending that he, the top legal authority in the country, didn’t know it was illegal despite it being incredibly clear in the law…laws he is 100% aware of and followed until corrupt Scalia told him he could get away with it by just not reporting it anymore (like Scalia did with million dollar hunting retreats over 70 times).

It makes you all look criminally unethical and moronic.
Why would anyone want no rules for the highest court unless they are complicit in the bribery schemes?
Self regulation has clearly completely failed, it’s never once worked in human history, but it’s Graham’s/the right’s only plan. Keep bribery legal at the highest levels. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Graham whining that it’s not fair to catch major criminals selling the rule of law to the highest bidder, we need to focus on minor ethics lapses and Democratic threats to enforce ethics rules instead and let them continue to self regulate…it’s going so well.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I realize the economy is slumping and likely to crash…because MAGA is playing blackmail chicken with the (mostly Republican spending) debt. Their austerity plan is economy destroying too, and puts millions more homeless on the streets and jobless.
It’s also responsible for the bank failures thanks to 2018 MAGA banking deregulation because apparently the right cannot remember how their deregulation of banks caused the global deep recession/depression in 08.

Yes, this MAGA shitshow continues to hurt America intentionally.

bobknight33 said:

Also guess you dont realize the economy is winding down.
Yet another bank faltering causing stocks to fall.
This MAGA shit show is far from over.

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

Sweet zombie Jebus…I just read WHY there was such catastrophic damage at the launch pad…NO FLAME TRENCH, NO WATER CURTAIN!!!
It seems Elon, on a guesstimate, decided the most powerful rocket ever built didn’t need any method of deflecting the thrust away from the plain concrete launch pad. He did plan to eventually try a huge steel plate under the rocket, but couldn’t get it done so just launched anyway with NOTHING.
NASA has been using both for over 50 years with success. A flame trench is a reinforced trench designed to redirect thrust horizontally away from ground infrastructure. A water curtain is exactly what it sounds like, a huge curtain of water dropped at ignition that absorbs the initial pressure/heat wave, also minimizing damage to ground infrastructure and lowering initial sound levels.

Why Elon decided he needed neither for the most powerful launch system ever is unfathomable. His launch pad is destroyed and this launch never even came close to 100% thrust. How many times does Elon have to totally screw the pooch as an engineer before they take his drafting table away? He’s playing with public money, somebody stop this insanely poorly implemented boondoggle please.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don’t think you do, because you didn’t invest slowly at regular intervals over time (unless you lied), you said you invested everything in one stock….lucky for you early when it was reasonably priced ($25?), and suggested to anyone that would listen that they sell everything and go all in all at once even when Tesla was over $400 a share. That’s the exact opposite of dollar cost averaging. Derp. It’s like I know you better than you know yourself…because I paid attention and remember what you said last week/month/year.

You improvident lackwit. When will you stop making predictions? I don’t think you’ve been correct 2% of the time.

Dow’s up 869 points this month, stocks sound pretty good to me. What new bank failed? I see no new failure. I wonder if you understand why the last two failed….hint, it starts with “der” and ends with “egulation”, and was a pure Trump Republican plan passed in 2018 because they had forgotten 2008 already, or wanted to repeat it.

Too busting? Do you mean too busty? I don’t understand the attempted insult… I don’t even understand the concept of “too busty”…but you should know it’s impossible for you to successfully insult me because I would have to value your opinion first.
If I were to put on a drag show for kids, you better believe it would be snap, crackle, and popping…but it’s really not my scene. I prefer my drag queens to be English and of the Python variety, but that’s just a matter of taste.
Don’t you find it odd that drag shows are suddenly such a problem for the far right?
They’re not new.
Many MANY far right politicians that are now suddenly outraged at drag shows enjoyed going to them, organized them, or performed in them themselves at one time. The right could even support them publicly in the 70’s and 80’s. Can you explain why are you ALL suddenly such insecure snowflakes now that, like alcoholics with booze, you can’t stand to be reminded drag shows and homosexuals exist and went all in on some misguided unpopular unconstitutional temperance movement? Why it’s suddenly such an impossible-to-ignore temptation for you? Somehow Trump? Maybe it’s just that your ilk needs a target to scapegoat for your failures and they’re the latest relatively powerless target….yeah…just maybe.

bobknight33 said:

Guess yo[u] don[‘]t [kn]o[w] about dollar cost averaging.
Also guess you don[‘]t realize the economy is winding down.
Yet another bank faltering causing stocks to fall.
This biden shit show is far from over.
You must be too busting putting on drag show for kids.

The Insane Engineering of the M1 Abrams

robdot says...

The new defense spending bill includes $120 million for tanks that the Army has repeatedly said it doesn't want.

For three years, the Army in numerous Congressional hearings has pushed a plan that essentially would have suspended tank building and upgrades in the U.S. for the first time since World War II. The Army suggested that production lines could be kept open through foreign sales.

Each time, Congress has pushed back. Last week, Congress won again in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015.

In a statement, Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, said that Congress "recognizes the necessity of the Abrams tank to our national security and authorizes an additional $120 million for Abrams tank upgrades. This provision keeps the production lines open in Lima, Ohio,……

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two new $1 billion+- lawsuits against Fox. One by its shareholders against the company for lying about the election, which was obviously going to hurt the value of the company when revealed. They had a fiduciary duty to shareholders to not destroy their company. A duty they ignored for over a year.
The second case by shareholders is against the board, officers, directors, owners, and fiduciaries to recover every dollar they were paid during the frauds. Lol…this includes Paul Ryan.

I know, you say you don’t watch Fox (although you quote and post them constantly), but even you know that Fox is the architect of the far right, and without their political blueprints the right will be fighting itself with no direction. Oof.

They also just dropped a defamation suit against Crikey, an Australian company that called them “unindicted co conspirators of Jan 6” and had refused to even discuss settling because they have the Dominion evidence proving it’s true and wanted to use it in court to expose Fox in ways Dominion hadn’t. Fox knew they had no case, it being the truth is a defense, and dropped it after months of being raked over the coals in the Australian press. They must pay all of Crikey’s legal fees.
The chickens are coming home to roost, and they are pissed off and ready to shit all over the lying righty media cabal.

Bonus- Trump just failed to exclude other women he raped and tried to rape from his civil rape case. His lawyers are acting like this is their first trial ever, submitting motions weeks after deadlines…motions with no reasoning, no new evidence, and filed well after their deadlines. You get the shyster you deserve.

Second bonus- Traitor Greene has been referred to the ethics oversight committee for libel and slander against Hunter Biden. Because there is no legislative reason for her defamatory and false statements (like accusing him of human trafficking), insulting photos with completely false descriptions (like a photo of him driving his young nieces to school Greene posted labeling it “Hunter was on crack wheeling and dealing with CCP ties and prostitutes with classified documents laying around the garage.”). Because there could be no legislative reason for publicly posting such libelous baseless lies she lost her immunity from the speech and debate clause. I hope he says he had designs on being president and her libel cost him a few hundred million dollars, she deserves to be relegated to public assistance at the lowest level she ever advocated for…her family would leave immediately without her under the table income, she’s horrific, especially to her family.
This witch hunt against a private citizen is going to fuck you guys so hard, and I’m going to be there with popcorn to denigrate you as you get violated over and over and over and over and over. The next 18 months are going to be SWEET….and I can’t wait to see who you criminals come up with to run…so many will be in prison or barred from office! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER.

AND- Turns out that while Clarence Thomas was taking millions in gifts from Harlin Crow, Crow actually DID have cases in front of the Supreme Court and, big surprise, Thomas voted in his favor every time. More MAGA destruction of America.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA treason- Jan. 6 insurrectionist Chris Alberts confessing while taking the stand today in his own defense at trial that he had a concealed weapon with 25 hollow point bullets when he violently and repeatedly attacked law enforcement at the Capitol. So much for your claims they were unarmed, as if that hadn’t already been proven false time and time again.
Jan. 6 apologist and conspiracy theorist (who, like you, claimed BLM and ANTIFA planned and carried out Jan 6, not Trump and his Trump army trying to “take our country back” with “trial by combat”) David Sumrall who the defense called as their final witness was wholly discredited when he was asked to identify the other violent criminals he knew that were part of what he called peaceful exercise of first amendment rights and he refused saying he wouldn’t “dox” those innocent people (who he claimed were BLM and ANTIFA remember, and now claims were FBI agents) by identifying them to police. D’oh! It all kinda fell apart on him, didn’t it?

America's economy- failing

newtboy says...

Oh no….is a red hurricane coming?
We still haven’t recovered from the red tsunamis in 2020 and 2022….say it ain’t so!

Republicans have already FAILED to raise the ceiling on time and are now playing chicken with the economy while also wrestling over who gets to drive the party…and not one has any idea of where you want to go yet or even how to drive (there’s absolutely no plan for what they want, just “spending cuts” which they think is SECRET code for “end social security and Medicare”)

Republicans printed 1/4 of every dollar circulating today under Trump out of thin air…actually worse, printed money as the economy was contracting as never seen before. Make more dollars without something of value to back them/you make each dollar worth less. Simple enough for even you to grasp….that’s called inflation.

Republicans totally failed at anything related to the pandemic, public health, economic, transportation, shortages, fighting against gouging, by every measure an “F-“.
Republicans pumped money in through their unregulated PPP loans and other unregulated easily defrauded programs they then defrauded by making up fake companies, taking millions, getting repayment amnesty, and buying Lamborghinis and mansions with the cash in many cases. MTG took huge sums she didn’t repay for one, then bemoaned student debt amnesty as a giveaway.

Rep(uglicans) ARE the fault of this mess as you so elegantly put it.

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. So dishonest. Such ability at stretching reality and precognition you must have. “Everything’s good now, but it’s going to be terrible soon!”…pretty much what you said Jan 2021 but it’s been all uphill since then.

Under Trump- highest unemployment in memory : you just ignore and try to forget
Lowest gdp ever in history : you say it didn’t happen, wasn’t Trump’s fault, and when those sad excuses fall apart “doesn’t matter”
Inflation rising faster than ever with more dollars printed in 4 years than any other decade under Trump : you don’t know why that causes inflation so you blame anything but government until Biden takes office, then it becomes 100% the president’s fault.
Markets crashing : you ignored it under Trump and proclaimed it a great time to buy Tesla, and now you ignore the consistent market rise under Biden. My portfolio added 7% in the last 2 months, and the Dow is up, reaching record highs under Biden…maybe your stupid anti woke investments just suck.
Sounds horrific with over 1 million dead, millions disabled, trillions in medical bills and a near depression : you say “nothing burger, Trump’s the best at economy ever”
Food shortages, parts shortages, shipping gridlocks making it much worse : you pretend Biden was in charge in 2020 and blame him, (so ridiculous that your righty media posted dozens of photos of empty shelves from 2020 in 2021 to pretend it wasn’t better and you bought it) then you ignore that the shortages ended shortly after he was sworn in.

Republicans won’t raise the ceiling because the MAGA wing thinks default under Biden will be good for them because they believe voters are as ignorant as they are and will buy whatever they say when they blame Biden for their sabotage of the economy,….in your case they’re right. They’ve already cost untold millions by delaying so long with more harm done daily, and when they fail to raise it by June they’ll cost America trillions and kickstart a worldwide depression. Understand they still don’t have a plan at all now months after it was their duty to raise the debt ceiling like they did every year for Trump who spent like a drunken sailor with the captains treasure….squandering over 1/4 of today’s total US debt on personal ego stroking projects and gifts to billionaire donors…not one word of protest from the right as he blew up the deficit and debt by trillions every year. Not one complaint when Republican stunts cost billions (like Abbot’s grandstanding truck inspection farce that found absolutely nothing but cost $4 billion).

Republicans were in charge fully, it’s their mess. Covid didn’t hurt countries like NZ that took it seriously even a small fraction of how much Trump’s denials for months and lack of a plan ever decimated America. Trump’s/MAGA’s fault.
Government waited too long to start subsidies, giving people a reason to go to work and spread disease, ending with over 1 million deaths. You really DO get literally EVERYTHING wrong, then can’t understand why you are failing so consistently.


bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More nonsensical denial without actual contradiction or facts.

That’s exactly what happened, you haven’t denied it either.

You are not, and will never be my friend, friendo. My friends aren’t idiotic know nothing hypocritical liars, you are.

Hilarious advice from the guy who only believes Russian propaganda and nonsensical memes. You should turn off Glen Beck and try turning on some news. You might learn something and stop being as much of an angry know nothing ignoramus.

I know you would prefer I be less informed. It makes things so hard for the likes of you to spout your fact free nonsense without immediate contradiction WITH FACTS. I counter that a better plan would be for you to become informed, but I fear it’s above your ability or desire.

bobknight33 said:

" voted to strip funding from libraries out of pure spite.._

Please talk to you therapist and stay on you meds.

As a friend you are living in the deep end.

Best if you just turn off the news and live life. Just enjoy being unplugged.

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