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The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

lucky760 says...

Thank you for pointing this out, Mikemichael. On our video submission form we insist that any cited sources be credited appropriately. Unfortunately, some submitters sometimes overlook this important step.

@jatoha - Please update your description to cite the source of your text (which via a Google search seems to be flixxy), or remove the plagiarized content altogether. Thanks!

Mikemichael said:

I noticed you took the wording of the description word-for-word from another website than Youtube. I always credit any site so that it is not plagiarism.

The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes, Bound was a very good movie. Had a lot of the same shooting style as the Matrix.>> ^AeroMechanical:

I thought Bound was pretty good, though it's been a while since I've seen it.

>> ^ponceleon:
So the Wachowskis made one decent movie (the Matrix) which they got accused of plagiarizing and since then have done utter crap. This trailer looks interesting, but I'm going in skeptical...
Edit: Anyone see The Fountain? This kind of reminds me of that, only a LOT more convoluted...

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

AeroMechanical says...

I thought Bound was pretty good, though it's been a while since I've seen it.

>> ^ponceleon:

So the Wachowskis made one decent movie (the Matrix) which they got accused of plagiarizing and since then have done utter crap. This trailer looks interesting, but I'm going in skeptical...
Edit: Anyone see The Fountain? This kind of reminds me of that, only a LOT more convoluted...

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

ponceleon says...

So the Wachowskis made one decent movie (the Matrix) which they got accused of plagiarizing and since then have done utter crap. This trailer looks interesting, but I'm going in skeptical...

Edit: Anyone see The Fountain? This kind of reminds me of that, only a LOT more convoluted...

Reporters Muzzled by Campaigns -- TYT

kceaton1 says...

>> ^MrFisk:

They don't teach us this in journalism school.

They taught me just to show up at the disclosed location for the piece of paper that is handed out by the PR guy and bring it back, for the news! I noticed that our rival newspaper always copied our stuff; what gives with the plagiarism-OMG?

On a serious non-sarcasm note:

What a complete and utter blowjob fest so much of this world is now suffering from pointedly in the political, media, and corporate worlds. This just shows that we are evolving towards a precipice rather than backing away from it; I wonder if any of these idiots even realize it, as it WILL affect the mega-rich, whether they think they are safe on their private land with their "enforcers" or "private army" or not. If shit hits the fan, they WILL NOT BE. If society falls apart it will become...UGLY. I mean that in the WORST possible sense as I'm sure everyone reading understands.

Wolf Blitzer (as do many other prompter lead talking head "journalists" out there) calls himself a journalist, but he's the epitome of the very problem of the system--Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, THOUGH COMICS are closer to journalists in every way as they have integrity, function, ability, information, tenacity, knowledge, WIT, comprehension, and reliability than any of the leading "News" networks... I could list other qualities they have to be sure, they have a great many, both. But, the point is that are news and information is becoming rapidly vapid and obsolete except to the idiotically inclined viewers, that unfortunately seem to still watch and worse still believe and accept what they say as true... Even though much of the information presented is in the form a Junior High student could understand, showing that they truly do know their audience as well...

Henry Rollins on Gay Marriage

PostalBlowfish says...

>> ^VoodooV: Doesn't matter if there were only two homosexuals in the entire world or 200 billion, you still treat people with basic dignity and respect and they have a right to their pursuit of happiness as you do. Civil rights is not a popularity contest.

I like that last line, and this is your notice that I intend to plagiarize.

I always forget this, but gay people CAN get married. A gay man can marry a gay woman, and no one has a problem with that. No one wants to ban that. They just want to ban gay people from marrying the people they love. I think they really just want to ban being different. If a person wants to be a bigot, so be it. They hate it when I point out their bigotry, but that's what happens when you act like a bigot. These people are entitled to be who they are, but they are not entitled to a government codifying their bigotry.

Ghosts from our past are wondering right now if we've learned anything from history, and I'm sure people 100 years in the future will be wondering the same.

cricket (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

No worries. There's a note on the submit form stating "mention source of any quoted text," but it's commonly overlooked, and I tend to mention it in passing when I notice.

Plus, now that you're a Gold Star, you should be held to a higher standard.

In reply to this comment by cricket:
Hi lucky. Thanks for the info, I didn't know.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi cricket- Please be sure to cite the source of text when you copy it verbatim, otherwise it's plagiarism and also makes it look like you created the video.

I've added a "From YouTube" note to your video description:

lucky760 (Member Profile)

cricket (Member Profile)

The content industry has made everybody a pirate.

Thumper says...

I'm pretty sure you just lost all credibility by plagiarizing the bible. >> ^shinyblurry:

I don't steal anything. Neither does "everyone" else. Some people actually do follow their conscience and don't steal content. Morality is a concept which is ingrained in all of us; you have a God given conscience that tells you right from wrong.
Companies have the right to do what is legal for them to do. You have the right to turn off your television set, take off your head phones, get up from your computer desk and do something productive in your life. You're caught up in the lust of the world:
Ecclesiastes 1:8
All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
Proverbs 27:20
Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.
Your cravings for these things will never end. If it isn't one thing, it will be the other. You need to set your eyes on Heavenly things, on the peace of Jesus Christ. You need to turn from sin and turn towards Jesus Christ. When you start life sanctified by the riches of His grace and mercy, you will find true fulfillment.
>> ^Thumper:

Media Reacts To Conan's Same-Sex Wedding News

Fuck Everything

eric3579 says...

Yo. All the rappers claim to not give a fuck.
Well step aside bitches, cause I give the lowest amount of fuck humanly possible.


(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

I don't give a fuck about motherfuckin' anything
People care about shit, I say fuck everything
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck the sky, fuck trees, fuck the sun
I don't need heat of Vitamin D!

And fuck toasters. I don't need to cook my bread
And fuck coasters. I use a little plate instead
And fuck roosters. With their useless cockadoodledoo
We invented the alarm clocks. We no longer need you

Don't give a fuck about chairs. I prefer to stand
And fuck air conditioners - I got a ceiling fan
And fuck the the movie the fan, staring westly snipes
Demolition man's the only snipes moving your light
And fuck liking shit. I don't even like the stuff that I like
Don't give a fuck about not liking all the shit I don't like
Like tissues. Fuck them! I blow my nose on the couch
And fuck my nostrils and my senses now I breathe through my mouth
Don't give a fuck about seeing bitch, fuck my eyes
Fuck physical perception yo, I'd rather be blind
Fuck time, seconds are too short and minutes are a joke
And I was awake too long, it should be half an hour at most
And fuck coasts, who gives a fuck about where water meets land
And fuck boats, just because you float you think you're so fucking bad
And fuck jokes, I don't need to be funny all the time
My dog has a tumor and he's probably gonna die, but...

(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

Walked into a coffee shop and ordered a cup
The girl says "small, medium, large?"
I say "bitch I don't give a fuck"
She said "I can't process your order if you don't pick a size"
I said "fine, I'll take a large, but I still don't give a fuck, alright?"
Don't give a fuck about beverage size options motherfucker
And I don't give a fuck about liquids either
They're all wet and shit and tend to spill all over the place
Like human semen when I get it all over my face
I'm not gay, I just don't give a fuck about straight sex
And fuck my dick, I'll pee and cum out of my mouth instead.
Fuck biological functions, fuck the human body
I prefer the body of a bat with the head of a coyote
I call myself batyodie and I fight crime at night
I know its similar to batman but motherfuck copyright
I plagiarize all the time, I do it everyday
Cause I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way

And fuck birth, entering the world of space & time is a bitch
Searching for purpose in the random universe sucks dick
Is it deterministic or am I free to choose my way
Did I choose to not give a fuck about ice cube trays
If I want ice I'll go to the fucking corner store and buy a bag
Filling you up and waiting for the water to freeze is a motherfucking drag
You know what? Fuck the word fuck, I don't need to use it
I'll replace it with the word chainsaw for this chorus

(I don't a give a chainsaw...)
About anything, chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything, what
(I don't give a chainsaw...)
I literally don't give a chainsaw about anything

If there was a contest to see who doesn't give a fuck the most
I wouldn't win cause I don't give a fuck about winning yo
I don't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck,
so I do give a fuck... wait, what?

(I give a fuck...)
About everything, I love everyone and care about everything
(I give a fuck...)
I literally care about every motherfucking thing

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

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