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Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Trailer)

choggie says...

yeah wazant, but there are purists of pinball like there are the same for lp's......there just ain't a viable new market for it....yer best bet for profit in pinball machines, is to repair and service them, or have a shop that caters, specialty-wise......The market is dried up for pb, hence this viddy post......

My favs are Starship Troopers, Firepower, Mars Attacks is cool.....old school pinball-lovers can reminisce here

and this cat's got a great set of photos from there, all on flickr

Simpsons Icy Parking

Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Trailer)

wazant says...

I totally miss pinball--but I disagree with Choggie's implication that it's just about nostagia. Now that we all have decent computers/game consoles, I figure it's coin-operated video games that are obsolete, but not so for pinball, which doesn't translate well to video. Pinball is great because it's there, physically. You can bump it, press it and feel the vibrations of the ball and bumpers. I think that's why "fusball" kept going strong before, during and after the "video-game arcade revolution". Of these, the pinball games with all of their fiddly moving parts, must be the most expensive to maintain, which is probably also a big component of their doom. Personally, I'd refuse to play a pinball game if as many as one single feature could be seen as not working (unless of course it turned out for the player's advantage--but it almost never does).

I remember when those "holographic" types of games mentioned in this video showed up (I've tried both "Mars Attacks", seen here, and "Star Wars, Episode I"--both are lame). My first thought after playing one: "this is the end of pinball". Already, new/working machines were rare and these were an obvious last-chance try at getting back into the game. Trouble is, all they are is a crappy pinball game combined with a crappy video game--i.e., crap squared.

Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Trailer)

Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Trailer)

choggie says...

lot's of folks *sob have similar sentiments about the Long Playing record....the analog recording, digital audio reproduction.....Poor pinball guys....shoulda' seen the writing on the wall, babys..

100 Amiga games in 10 minutes!

grspec (Member Profile)

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)

grspec (Member Profile)

Cassandra Peterson becomes Elvira: Mistress of the Night

"Innovative" hologram arcade technology: Time Traveler!

budzos says...

Definintely pumped about $100 altogether in this one over the couple years I worked at a coffee shop in the mall. Come to think of it, that was the last arcade I ever saw in existence... lasted until sometime into 1994. Lotsa GTs playing Street Fighter 2, Hard Drivin, and Terminator 2 pinball.

bnsa's Vehicler Pinball recording - Portland 2007 Snow Storm

Portland Vehicular Pinball: The Aftermath

Krupo says...

Follow up to the original crash footage. Thanks zamnight for the link.

News footage of an already sifted vid is something I tend to avoid posting as a general principle unless I find the report fascinating; since I've sifted it, you can rest assured that I did.

It actually includes some of the original footage, plus reporting on what happened.

You know fire truck? It turns out it got hit a few times too!

And they just sent it there to close off the street. On second thought, I'm adding the comedy tag to this just because that makes me laugh.

Icy Roads In Portland: Vehicular Pinball!!!

NordlichReiter says...

CHAINS ON YOUR TIRES PEOPLE. Two words black ice. In my opinion black ice is worse than this because one minute you are driving fine, and then bam. Pinball! I know most places chains are illegal, but even the fuzz puts chains on their tires. When you spin out, you don't accelerate on ICE. That first guy hit the gas every time he thought he had a chance to save the spin. In ice, there is no chance, you just have to let your car go.

So we don't drive in it, or we put chains on our tires. I know it seems like a redneck thing to do but if you have to drive then its better than sliding all over the place.

Hence the reason i don't drive in this crap, ill call my work and say "boss, i just looked out side and there where about 5 cars sliding around and hitting every thing in site. I think I'm gonna be late, because I'm gonna walk it."

200 - 1975 trippy bicentenial film paid for by US Govt

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