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Incredible Basketball Phenom

White guy's guide to: When you're allowed to say the N word

choggie says...

Would have put "nigger" in yer tags there MG, but really can't stand being fucked with by idiots.....I can cop to the cultural phenom of this word being phased out of use anywhere, but am pissed to see it replaced with some newspeak, feel-better, phraseology..."The N Word" phrase, is an abortion, created by the soul-less media, and agenda-oriented fringes, the ranks of whom come from once respectable institutions of learning, now diploma mills for the criminally inane.....

Out of Balance - Trailer

choggie says...

I may be the only person here that believes free energy exists and has for some time, but is kept from the masses, until perhaps some maverick gets the information public, or until they have tapped what they will, and the emperor's new cloths are called for what they are- Why then use a pulpit of half-truths?? Global Warming advocates should come clean and tell the world how they thought they could topple the current paradigm-pimps, by making some shit up we can all be passionate about-a cessation of oil and gas use-what really needs to cease, is a bought sold and owed to economic system....we will see as the world nations and diversity creep towards one entity, just how fucking wild it really is-that they have kept from the world the next paradigm, in order to build and concentrate wealth and empire....

The planet's ebb and flow of climate phenom, has been weathered with and without humans for eons, along with her core belching gas and acid. Humans have more to worry about with the vortice of geopolitics than they do the earth cooling down....because solar cycles are the cause and effect primarily, for atmospheric changes...w/ the dance of oceans and core....

Be-damned the lies and the liars

You wanna hit the fuckers where they will listen? Stop paying your income taxes on a mass scale-
don't shop because you are bored and hawked-to
get yer cathode-ray nipple a hammer for New Years

Using Cloud-Seeding GeoEngineering to Solve Global Warming

choggie says...

How about the pollution-free, coal burning power plants they want to build, where part of the procedure is to bury the CO2??? Why bury CO2 when thousands of metric tonnes of sulphurous-acid come pouring out of the goddamn planet herself, from many many many volcanic ocean fissures? Why don't the GW pundits EVER mention the earth's own contribution to the phenom?? Because they want you to believe in a new money hole.......So the globe is warming/cooling, and the keepers want to keep the dollar bill addiction alive till the Pacific Rim pops....better chance for them to survive in control perhaps?

If $$$$ was not a factor on this planet, truth would be that much more tangible.......

The Official MycroftHolmz Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

hey MKOMMIE, yer opener might have made you wiggle with glee, but all I could do is imagine how happy you were to be able to discover the phenom described the first and last time anyone ever experienced such satisfaction, and how difficult your potty training or lack thereof, must have been for your daddys.

Seems like all these kids can do is focus on the basest of the lowest human denominator, and for what it's worth, vicarious apologies to everyone but mlx, who has had the best one-liners so far, all hinged upon the fact that we still know too little about you MH to get too scathing, too close to home.

I offer this seasoned observation of your overall nature, having had a bit of experience reading the interesting version of your meatsack description, in some of your first pm's to me.

You came with a welcome to me, in the form of a paragraph...then another, then another, cutting and pasting data so fast on 9/11, that I was sure you were on the company payroll of the official report's disinformation squad......hell, all I did was post a viddy that would spark conversation either way on the subject, and you came to me with tomes, trying to win me over like a used car salesman/Scientology recruiter-(wtf have I dredged with this one, hope he goes charter before I have to make some shit up)

lesse.....if I recall, you said something like, you had to crunch some more data, after I reset you with some non-linear banter-

oh here's a fun one..
MH:You are down voting every video I submit, that you vote for. That is pretty lame.
And by the way, your comment was not marked private."

yeah well, life sucks, then you die, but in your case, the soul was sold long ago, to the god's of insect activities, and the world needs her insects, gives me more time to think. So how's work?? Well, here's one marked public I got a kick out of:

Hi Choggie,

I am pretty busy today. I had a near catastrophe with my experiment, the test subjects were recovered, but experienced the normal disorientation after two hours in the accelerator, and things turned out ok. This weekend I will be available and willing, please do that thing with your teeth that I like. I will read what you wrote, but for now, my hands are shaky, and I need a break from the auto-erotic asphyxiation.
I appreciate your patience, and love that thing you do with your teeth."

So, are you still convinced that midgets with paintballguns pancaked the towers? Take another ream of data, and call me in the morning....*clicks teeth rapidly

gluonium gone? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We don't need a "why videosift" answer from me. That sounds perilously close to a mission statement. My favorite places on the web are the self-organized phenoms that don't necessarily have a pigeon-holed purpose but are great anyway.

We're not a single-task valley start-up looking to fix something.

People invest themselves in VideoSift for lots of different reasons- and that's great. I'm not a pied piper looking to get everyone to pull together for a single goal.

So no, I'm not going to answer "Why videosift" for you - but you spend a lot of time here - so why not answer it for yourself?

Rest In Peace - Dr. Donda West (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

choggie says...

My favorite Dead Kennedy's albloom....Plastic Surgery Disaster

That's the breaks, Narcissa, welcome to paradise....I do think, that a lotta women, would benefit the most, from a single elective plastic surgery phenom....the ass implant. You will be surprised, how much further *BGB will go, than some tuck, lift, or fold......

*black girl's booty

Will Ron Paul Be Excluded from Iowa Debates? (Politics Talk Post)

choggie says...

"I think Choggie needs to understand that it's not right to use such sexist and degrading language. One wonders if he hates women that much, or if he merely loathes Hillary Clinton, (as do I), and unconsciously assumes that that makes everything fair game."

No qualm, far from hating women, but I do hate when folks take an opportunity with some ancillary issue, attached to a subject of discussion, in order to turn the mob. I suggest I am not as you portray. Skillary Clitless is a public figure, whose wick drips with the blood, sweat, and tears, of real people. She is not a real person. She has mutated into a beast, and is fair fucking game- just as her sex-addicted, "kept" husband is, whose past impeachable debacles, you would have no problem, joking or musing about, with your pals.
Believe this: If the seven deadly words, were allowed by the FCC in the U.S. on TV, you would soon have Jon Stewart's, and Bill Maher's writers, cranking out expletives, for their sophomore fans.....

Accurate is MINK, with the analogous "feedback loop", advertisers are well-versed in the phenom, and monkeys will see and do-meatbots

Birth control for middle school girls? (Sexuality Talk Post)

choggie says...

and finally at the bottom of the thread, comes the flavour of the loudest and most effective voice of reason-"Parents, raise your kids properly-what's proper??? Pass on your sensibilities to them, in a manner that they will embrace...IF, in fact, you desire a world of peace and satisfaction, awareness and love for your kids, then you won't be goddamn lazy or stupid about it-If you are a selfish, ignorant fuck, who had kids by accident, and then, if you had none, did not work to develop skills needed to pass on knowledge to your offspring (most couples with kids in the U.S.-incapable)....then VOILA! You have given the planet, yet another casualty of society-

Public schools, while the only alternative for most (this by design), are absolute shit in the United States-The mentality of most middle school kids, is absolute shit, thanks to shit parents....the shit cycle continues, as society continues, her retrograde twirl....I am still hopeful, in the midst of such a phenom......because as society at large becomes more brain-dead, complacent, and predictable......I become more energized, challenged, and non-linear-

Some folks are simply luckier than others-

Ron Paul at New Hampshire Republican Debate on Fox News

MarineGunrock says...

Why isn't Obama enough?

Two reasons. 1) He supports abortion and 2) He wants to preserve the social security program.

SS is a failing program that started out as a great idea, but we all know that by the time I'm 65 and want to retire, there won't be any money left. So all those thousands of dollars that was stripped of that I would supposedly get back, I will be missing. Had I had the choice, I'd rather put it under my mattress.

And to all those people that say that Paul doesn't get enough exposure -well, everyone on the internet loves him - on both sides. Even if people don't use computers, they're bound to hear about him through other people. Besides that, when you say he doesn't get exposure, you say it like using internet is something that only geeks do in the shadows of their basement on a brand new 60 Mhz Pentium.

The Internet in 1993

Jesus Loves You (conditionally)

lmayliffe says...

So what is so hard about Christianity, any "ity" or "ism" to understand? As far as I can tell, both Christian's and Atheists, have not been able to figure out either system of beliefs or disbeliefs least the ones that chime in on streams like these.....

I'll agree whole-heartedly about Christians. Atheists, however? You seem to be confused as to what atheism is. It is not a system of belief or disbelief. We intentionally eschew systems. Atheism merely states that there is no god. End of story.

Atheists that keep kicking the dead horse of "There can't be a God" are as clueless as fundamentalist Christians, who take every verse in the Bible literally...

You know, all atheism says is that there is no god. If there is only one defining characteristic of a concept, then to repeat it is not "kicking a dead horse". I don't think this phrase means what you think it means.

That's like saying physicists who insist on repeating Einstein's Theory of General Relativity are kicking a dead horse. That is to say, laughable and ludicrous.

even though, interpreted correctly, the verses speak quite lucidly, of universal laws and social phenom..

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Interpreted correctly. You must be fucking kidding me.

You don't mean interpreted. You mean cherry picked. The Bible advocates racism, slavery, homophobia, genocide, mass murder, mysogyny, and all sorts of lovely things. No amount of "historical recentering" or interpretation is going to change that.

All the Atheists need is a manifesto (bible), and a meeting place, and you've got apples and oranges.....Arvana is the closest to a mark here, and anyone who asks me to explain my personal position on the matter......needs to ask more than once, with a humble and sincere heart, and even then you may be told to go fuck yerself.

Again, you seem to have atheism confused as an alternative belief system to religion. It isn't. That's why we don't have a Bible, or meetings. That would be like herding cats.

And to be frank, we also don't really give a shit what you're position is. My heart is sincere, although not very humble, when I say, get a clue about what you are talking about, or go fuck yourself as well.

Jesus Loves You (conditionally)

choggie says...

A mouse that will not eat Stilton??? Now that's a messed up mouse....keep him in the maze for further..."testing"

So what is so hard about Christianity, any "ity" or "ism" to understand? As far as I can tell, both Christian's and Atheists, have not been able to figure out either system of beliefs or disbeliefs least the ones that chime in on streams like these.....

Atheists that keep kicking the dead horse of "There can't be a God" are as clueless as fundamentalist Christians, who take every verse in the Bible literally...even though, interpreted correctly, the verses speak quite lucidly, of universal laws and social phenom....

All the Atheists need is a manifesto (bible), and a meeting place, and you've got apples and oranges.....Arvana is the closest to a mark here, and anyone who asks me to explain my personal position on the matter......needs to ask more than once, with a humble and sincere heart, and even then you may be told to go fuck yerself.

How It's Made -- Animation

qruel says...

hmm, this must be several years old as her description of how the animator lip syncs the caracters' mouth to the audio file is dated.
now-a-days it is much more automated, by software being able to analyze a audio file and pick out the phenomes automatically. yes, tweaking is still involved but it is much more streamlined. Heck, even Valve software (of Half Life fame) uses this technique in their video game engine.

Pittin the Boot Intae Terror

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