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Isaraeli War Crimes Class of 2009

EndAll says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Was there ever any doubt that the worlds governments were committing crimes at every point?
There is only one answer education. You want liberty? Then provide the unbiased truth. If you cannot even in the face of great peril, offer the truth, then you are a coward.
Moreover, a group of people should be able to solve their problems with out violence. Which both of these groups partake in regularly.

The truth is "anti-semitism"

Isaraeli War Crimes Class of 2009

NordlichReiter says...

Was there ever any doubt that the worlds governments were committing crimes at every point?

There is only one answer education. You want liberty? Then provide the unbiased truth. If you cannot even in the face of great peril, offer the truth, then you are a coward.

Moreover, a group of people should be able to solve their problems with out violence. Which both of these groups partake in regularly.

Cut/Slide: most awesome way to die in a crappy movie

EDD says...

I have to say I'm pretty freaking desensitized and yet this compilation (of all well-known & popular mainstream Hollywood titles, mind you) still managed to make me a little nauseous. Watch it at your own peril and please, please do not let children watch it. Nightmares 4 life.

You have been warned.

Countdown - Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

newtboy says...

bcglorf- I contend that continuing a policy makes it yours, and Osama was, if not the leader, at least an important, vocal member of the mujahideen. We supported him when the enemy was our enemy, and supported (and trained him and his) in the tactics they use today against us. (OK, not in the use of suicide bombers, but the battlefield tactics they still successfully use).
True, I left Carter's name out, because (besides Regan) I was mentioning the people who, in the 60's-70's, helped put Saddam and Osama into power. It just so happens that 2 of these people became VP, and one President. That does not excuse Carters failings, or Clinton's, but they (like Regan) did not create the problem, they just failed at solving it. I should have left Bush2 out too I suppose, he didn't create the problme, he just failed miserably at solving it.
As I recall (and I'm not a historian) many of Saddam's actions you call monstrous happened before Bush SR was president, and while he still had the support of the US (publicly or privately). Agreed, by the time he invaded Kuwait, there was no denying he was dangerous and no longer acting in our interests, but I propose his nature was evident far before he started killing our allies. That was just when we opened our eyes to his monstrosity. I do agree that supporting our ally, Kuwait, was proper. I disagree that removing him from power was a prudent thing to do, and I certainly disagree that, if we are going to be the ones removing monsters from power, that he should have been our first target. Far more monstrous than he were the many dictators in Africa committing genocide, and the Jihadists that had attacked us, yet we ignored them for the most part in favor of (...tried to kill my daddy...) Saddam.
I do not call Saddam an American puppet, but he was our main man in the region for quite some time because he was our enemy's enemy (Iran). As long as he was keeping Iran at bay, we ignored what he did to his own people for the most part.
This is not, as many wish to claim, a black or white issue. This is an issue that goes to the heart of what is wrong with America today. Dissolving multifaceted, complex problems down to a simplistic "one extreme or the other extreme" argument is not only not helpful in the least as far as solving the problems, it creates the new problem of dividing us into two, diametrically opposed factions that can not solve a problem with compromise or reason, but only come up with rhetoric, attack, and insult.
The puppet we put in power (or gave the tools to take and keep power at least) in the middle east that killed and raped in our name was Osama, not Saddam. He was killing and raping the soviets and their allies at the time, so we were happy with it. Our foreign policy created Osama's organization, and propped up Saddam for quite some time. If we ignore these facts, we are doomed to repeat them at our peril.
American foreign policy is the most important factor to consider when we are talking about American foreign policy in the region. There are certainly other factors in play in the region, which should not be ignored, but when considering our policies, we need to consider them fully, not precurserorly. Ignoring the faults of our allies is perilous, just as ignoring our own faults is. You don't have to be a blame America Firster to see that our actions aren't perfect, as Blame America Neverists wish you to believe.

Pat Condell's rant about burqas and the liberal left

enoch says...

i had to stop watching at 4:00.
i usually enjoy mr condell's rants against religion,but this is borderline hysteria.
his problem is not with islam but with islamic extremists,who have hi-jacked islam to suit their own agendas by indoctrinating the poorly educated into a fundamentalist,and wrong,interpretation of islam.
he has bought into the propaganda and uses it to forward his uneducated rant.
do some islamic cultures use islam to oppress women?...yes.
is this truly indicative of the original teachings of islam?
while i totally agree with mr condell on the perils of fundamentalist and absolutist thinking concerning religion,mainly islam and christianity,his broad strokes condemning a whole region of people based on such poor knowledge of religious history is just sad.
learn of which you speak before you speak it.
this is not one of mr condell's finer moments.

Schwarzenegger's Shock Therapy: Poor Pays For Sins of Rich

jamessurvivalguide says...

Arnie (the governator) is playing the federal government like a fine violin. I think we should bail California out, and then follow the money trail to see what entities are responsible for the deficit, and bring them all to justice. There's no reason why the largest state in the union should be in debt. Another thing too, seal off them borders! So many passengers from the sinking ship of Mexico have jumped onto the U.S. cruise-liner that our vessel has exceeded its weight capacity and is running the peril of joining Mexico in davie jones' locker. Some common sense please.

Girl gets teacher's note from President

chtierna says...

Hey did anyone else notice the little boys flag is upside down? Im not american but Ive seen somewhere it means that the country is in peril or something, like an SOS. Maybe he doesnt like obama and is silently plotting his downfall...
At age 2-3...

Nah, I just wondered if anyone else noticed it

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Nithern says...

Well at least we see the caliber of Journalism between CNN and Fox 'news'. CNN hires people reporting the news, Fox hires people who fail to be reporters and journalists. I like Rick Sanchez, he does a good job at putting the news forward.

Then again, Fox News is the ONLY news source for the republican party. Which is fitting, since that poligical group lies at everything. They represent conservatives, who are all to willing to put the USA in peril with their lies. So, its rather fitting that all these groups lie so often, they cant keep their lies straight.

If you want to know the unbias news, watch CNN. If you want to be treated like an idiot and fool, watch Fox 'News'.

Sifting Quotes (Philosophy Talk Post)

bluecliff says...

>> ^rasch187:
"It is through art, and through art only, that we can realize our perfection; through art and art only that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence."
-Oscar Wilde

as for highest ranking comments, look no further: http://www.v

I would like to see more votes on the second-ranking comment. Its pure gold!

Sifting Quotes (Philosophy Talk Post)

"420" Myths

Llama says...

"Although everything was spinning perilously, I tried to start in the right direction and hack my way ahead. My route must have been far from straight, for it seemed hours before I was free of the mirage-plant's pervasive influence. Gradually the dancing lights began to disappear, and the shimmering spectral scenery began to assume the aspect of solidity. When I did get wholly clear I looked at my watch and was astonished to find the time was only 4:20. Though eternities had seemed to pass, the whole experience could have consumed little more than a half-hour."

jonny (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I want my optimistic views of humanity to stop coming up short. I want the sheeple to wake up. I want the robots to take over. I want the bats to stop gnawing at my brain. I want googlebot to index the site a little slower so it doesn't bring it to its knees. (in order of ascending importance)

In reply to this comment by jonny:
History books may be wrong, but reality is hard to question. What is it that you want? Do you want to be the leader that gathers the mob behind him? Or do you want to be the leader that acts in defiance of the mob? Both positions are perilous. But you must pick one. Or find the ever changing balance between the two. The most dangerous and precarious position of all.

In reply to this comment by dag:
How dare you question Siftler's understanding of history. You will need to readjust your definition of Tyrant - all history books are obviously wrong.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Your new avatar suggests a poor understanding of history. Adolf wasn't a tyrant. He was a mobilizer of nationalistic hatred. If you intend to be a tyrant, you should pick a true tyrant, maybe one of Achaemenids.

[edit] Here ya go:
It's got all the "down on your knees" feel you're I think looking for.

dag (Member Profile)

jonny says...

History books may be wrong, but reality is hard to question. What is it that you want? Do you want to be the leader that gathers the mob behind him? Or do you want to be the leader that acts in defiance of the mob? Both positions are perilous. But you must pick one. Or find the ever changing balance between the two. The most dangerous and precarious position of all.

In reply to this comment by dag:
How dare you question Siftler's understanding of history. You will need to readjust your definition of Tyrant - all history books are obviously wrong.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Your new avatar suggests a poor understanding of history. Adolf wasn't a tyrant. He was a mobilizer of nationalistic hatred. If you intend to be a tyrant, you should pick a true tyrant, maybe one of Achaemenids.

[edit] Here ya go:
It's got all the "down on your knees" feel you're I think looking for.

Quantumushroom Sets Terror Alert Level To Gold!!! (Waronterror Talk Post)

Awesome Asteroid Impact Simulation Set to Pink Floyd

thehelix says...

Miracle Earth is a fantastic program. I saw this animation there but with Pink Floyd, it's even scarier.

Game over!

They go on to say that life persisted deep underground where the temperature and conditions remained habitable during this ordeal. These bacteria eventually emerged and evolved into life as we know it.

It's unlikely that a 500km asteroid will collide with Earth again as the orbital plane has been cleared out over the past several billion years but anything is possible. It's more likely that we'll be struck by a much smaller asteroid. But even then, life will be in peril.

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