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Ben Folds Composes a Song LIVE for Orchestra In Only 10 Mins

Most Lives Matter | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

SDGundamX says...


Comparing your joke to Jim Jeffries joke is a bit unfair, I think. @Chairman_woo gave an excellent analysis of why Jeffries's joke was masterfully crafted, with multiple levels of irony that all orchestrate beatifully together to subvert the listeners' expectations--even if you disagree with the subject matter of the joke.

Your joke, on the other hand, has none of that. It belongs in the same category as Dave Tosh's joke to the female heckler in the audience:

“Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by, like, five guys right now? Like right now?”

Tosh said that in anger and frustration. I see yours and newtboy's comments coming from the same place. Both are jokes filled with malice and lacking cleverness, and therefore I find them to be wholly unfunny and in fact disturbing. Of course, YMMV.

Now, as far as the rest of your post goes, I think you might have missed the point of my previous post: your anger is misguided because the gentleman who made the comment that outraged you said what he said because he was put under pressure to make a statement that opposes his own party's rhetoric at his party's national convention during a Presidential election year!

It's pretty easy to see how someone, knowing they were likely going to be on TV and seen by millions, might make an overzealous statement to show support for their party that in hindsight turns out to be asinine. In fact I'm sure that's what the show's producers were banking on when they originally came up with the idea for the segment. Whether this particular person--or really any person--will ignore evidence that is contrary to their beliefs is unknown no matter what they may say in public. And their statement is especially suspect when being asked to give an unrehearsed response to a question on TV.

You say your are angry at "woolly thinking" but I think what you really mean is you are angry at ignorance. Personally, I agree with you that feigned ignorance is something to be angry at--politicians who know the facts but continue to say despicable things (i.e. Trump) that they know their people want to hear in order to further their own careers are most certainly deserving of our anger and possibly some form of appropriate punishment, such as being removed from office, if it can proven that they were being dishonest with the public.

But I can't be angry at actual ignorance--people don't know what they don't know. Or even worse, people who think they know when in fact they only have some (but not all) of the facts. Not everyone is lucky enough to grow up in an environment that values education, critical thinking, and seeking out multiple opinions. And even growing up in such an environment is no guarantee that a person is going take advantage of the priviledges presented and become a reasonable and reasoned adult. But my own personal belief is that all of us who are healthy individuals have the capacity to learn, grow, and change our minds given the proper environment and time, regardless of the current state of our knowledge or beliefs. All those things you mentioned--slavery, homophobia, the drug war, etc.--it's pretty clear we are in fact learning and moving on. The transition may be painful but it is happening.

One thing I find interesting about your thinking on this matter is how it exactly mirrors that of the Republicans presented in the video. You see "wholly thinkers" or ignorant people or whatever you'd like to call them exactly as these Republicans see Black Lives Matter activists--as some nefarious and dangerous group of "others" that should be distrusted. I prefer to see them as human beings who are, admittedly, flawed... as am I in a great many ways. I guess it just comes down to having a more optomistic view of humanity.

EDIT: "Would you reconsider in the face of new evidence?" is not a simple question at all. For example, I don't believe torture is an acceptable method of intelligence gathering. You could show me study after study "proving" its effectiveness and I still would never approve of it. On the other hand, if you showed me a study that found a competing laundry detergent got stains out better than the one I was using, I'd probably switch detergents the next time I went shopping.

Japanese Full Trailer: "Godzilla Resurgence"

00Scud00 says...

Such a dramatic orchestral theme to accompany a Godzilla film. When asked, the composer said he called it "Ode to a Man in a Rubber Monster Suit."

Wizards in Winter Launchpad Cover

killer clown pranks-episodes from vegas

enoch says...


never thought about it from that viewpoint.
i was focusing more on how well and detailed they guys laid out their ambush.they really put some thought into it and reveal a serious talent for realism.

never occurred to me just how horrifying this might actually be to stumble upon this well crafted and orchestrated scenario of blood and gore.

now i feel like a dick.


One of the Best Press Conferences Ever - Marshawn Lynch

kceaton1 says...

Onto a secondary topic, it includes the "media frenzy" and the contract clauses that force players, coaches, and others to appear before the media... Plus the media in general, when it comes to the Superbowl (but, this has to do with our country; or at the least certain segments and populations of our country). But, really it's about the general stupidity and levels we have turned this ONE event into!

Only a few interviews are worth looking at typically and they tend to be AFTER a game, not before it (as that amounts to "what ifs", "probably might", "we sure can try", and "if I win, I'll go to 'insert Measleland or another place here' with my wife/kid/family/parrot"). I absolutely hate the fourteen hour pre-game show that the NFL and the channel hosting this *thing* that apparently people watch, that is quite like a: "super-fabulous-orgasmic-serotonin ovulating-dopamine excreting-heroine junkie nerve conduction transfer-fourteen people high at a rave experimenting in an orgy with all the holes and toys available"... OK, so maybe that is a bit too far, but still...! It really is the most "grandiose" setups for a game, that doesn't need such a grandiose setup.

The should just make it a damned national holiday already--everyone already stays home or is basically forced to, since one half of their family is probably glued to the TV for quite awhile.. Although I know we always "had" these interviews on the TV, but we never really listened to them, because they bring out 40 people who essentially ALL say the same thing (the only difference is if it is a different team and or if they are extremely religious--they will then tell you how their team will win, " matter what...", and then if they are religious proceed to randomly give you the, "God is on our side...", mantra...which always made me laugh--literally, out-loud).

Then they cut back to the ex-coach's and arm-chair quarterbacks who have been given a one day opportunity to tell the world what they think, and how he game will go (and it never does).

Needless to say, I HATE, with a passion, the "pre-game show" (which didn't exist in it's ridiculous form for a VERY longtime until the late 80's and early 90's). I'd rather them move all of their prime-time TV shows that will not be shown that night, due to the game, to that period of the day and let us watch that instead before the game (then they can give us a modest 45-30 minute pre-game; not this 5-hour marathon of ads and marketing, with a bunch of talking faces trying as hard as they can to make a name for themselves in that time-span).

Only people like "Beast Mode" can save that time allotment and make it worthwhile (if you think it is "entertaining", you REALLY need to stay away a bit from Football, and I'm saying that as a concerned friend...)--because right now, although a lot of people flip their TV over to the channel with it is a massive waste of money and time--that somehow generates massive amounts of money (talk about "very careful" and "orchestrated" money setups and schemes; but luckily they have idiotic companies paying them gigantic sums of money for their commercials to air...even before the game comes on...). And, I wish people wouldn't just flip over to it, to have it on in the background (as most of the time I've noticed, whether it's a game at my house, someone else's OR an actual Superbowl party--no one watches that crap, it just sits on that channel...making them "think" they are getting ratings, but they actually aren't. It's kind of like saying that people go to Tailgate parties to park cars and see how neat the cement is...

Yaybahar by Görkem Şen

moonsammy says...

I could see this being an excellent instrument for film scoring. Wouldn't work as well in an orchestral setting. The reverb appears to have a specific frequency which would severely limit the tempo of any collaborative effort - it would need to match or be a multiple of the yaybahar's inherent beat.

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

chingalera says...

What's coming inevitably will be as it's always been in the 'century-of-self ': The machine keeps peeps distracted by disinformation, issues to rally-behind, toys to play with and continual mind-fucking through Bernay's-style cradle-to-grave programming then....Suddenly, like three skyscrapers dropping into their footprints on International Shit-Box Tonight with Sham Cocksworth, yet another, 'create-the-crisis-provide-the-solution' scenario will further strengthen the resolve of the assholes who want ultimately to have the world to themselves and the bulk of humanity as dutiful robot-putty-slaves.

Technology, technique, fear, and an empty promise of safety and security (please, think of the children again, break to commercial) will shape the next worldwide crisis and urgency of action...and again, watch rights and individual responsibility deteriorate into a controlled chaos.

Fake alien invasion? Orchestrated and choreographed conflicts? Some scary flesh-eating disease? Most-likely the next planetary theatrical concoction will be some superfecta once again where fascism continues to reign supreme and the entire globe continues along the path of planetary lock-down.

Oh, and pusillanimous shit-heals with Cheeto-stained fingertips will between anime-clips and chicken-choking to porn, (who think they know how police fraternities work), will continue to pop-spit from the illusory comfort of their soiled computer chairs....

'Right...'Left' ?? Again, for the ChaosEngines of the world...a concocted and programmed, fucking illusion.

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

No dude, you're just getting started being called to the mat and you slinkety-slink the fuck away??? You orchestrated your own demise on this one, Sir Done.

-Callin' real-time-jewels of Papier-mâché on a comment as flaccid as the sack there sagging and displaying their feather-like weight....Faced with truth, the sophist...(deliberately obtuse at times and otherwise generally hostile) has but the tinny-sounding bell-tinkle heralding a hasty departure, as a familiar a fanfare as a copper's si-reen :0

dOUCHE + a bag = a lady's freshen-up.
Please....Show all the ladies how it's done again??

ChaosEngine said:

Ohhh internet insults. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner from your cutting insight into my very soul.

We're done here.

CNBC Host Accidentally Outs Apple CEO Tim Cook as Gay

shveddy says...

For what it's worth, I did some digging and the rumors that Tim Cook is gay seem to be at least partially sourced to a speech he made in 2013.

The relevant bit is at about 3:10 when he says that "I have seen, and I have experienced many other types of discrimination, and all of them were rooted in the fear of people that were different from the majority."

The rest of the speech talks about human rights in general, whether from a perspective of disability, race or gender.

Sure, it sounds like he's hinting at discrimination he experienced as a gay man in Alabama, but it could just as easily be sloppy wording on his part. I'm leaning towards sloppy wording just because I don't think he would hint at his sexual orientation so casually. As Apple's CEO, such a move would be a lot more intentional and carefully orchestrated.

So again, the CNBC host doesn't have a clue what he's talking about and he didn't out anyone. He just spread unsubstantiated rumors.

Lethal Injection Replaced with New Head-Ripping-Off Machine

chingalera says...

Oh America (the private dinner party for which an inhuman few have placards and a place setting reserved at the bloodfeast for) knows exactly what it's doing: Creating the problem and providing a pathetic solution by orchestrating an ever-burgeoning and increasingly violent criminal element in the general population, then providing the solution: Institutionalization through an exclusive prison/enforcement/business/slavery model.

Capital punishment should be meted-out to the individual at the time of the witnessed infraction, legalize homicide. Begin with the perpetrators and complicit thugs who created the machine described above.

Drachen_Jager said:

What do you mean zero progress? France has been against the death penalty for years!

Oh, you mean zero progress in America?

That's a bit of a dog bites man story, isn't it?

Tuomas Holopainen - A Lifetime Of Adventure (Orchestral)

David Letterman on Fracking

alien_concept says...

That is rather a strawman argument there man. We do get to complain about the source of our energy if that source is poisonous and deadly. The dependency on oil has been orchestrated because the US economy is backed by oil dollars. No matter how bad it got and all of the deaths and wars it has caused, it does not justify fracking.


Mikus_Aurelius said:

As long as we Americans want to waste cheap electricity and drive SUVs, we don't really get to complain about where it comes from. Sure, fracking needs some common sense regulation, but let's talk about how many people have died to maintain our supply of cheap foreign oil.

This is self centered NIMBYism at its worst. Either put solar panels on your house and drive a Volt, or shut up.

Moyers | P. Krugman on how the US is becoming an oligarchy

chingalera says...

@00scud00-Well....think about ethics and morality of which there exits some modicum of universally agreed-upon standards and then try to get at least a half-planet full of humans as populous as ours bees today to abide by a fundamental framework based on the same, and you've got yer clusterfuck of a paradigm destined to perhaps survive it's own ignorance after some external or orchestrated deluge, with a semblance of a reasonable outcome for anyone left standing.

The Idiot's Guide to Smart People: Politics

chingalera says...

This is what I'm always telling you fools who think you know about how governments work without having the ability or civility to do so effectively enough.

HAH! "Smart Lliberal's political heroes are college professors and wise-as comedians."

That's the bulk of a liberal's awareness of politics and governments....Ya buncha, fucking annoying idiots!!

By the way, did you people know that all the wars that have been waged since the fall of Rome were actually caused by assholes wanting more money and power for themselves?? Today, these people are known as the so-called illuminated Zionist cabals and international banking cartels.

"Wars don't kill people, wars that assholes construct and orchestrate kill people."

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