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Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

Yes, shot 5 bystanders as I recall, then they had a press conference where they minimized by saying “some bystanders were injured during the arrest”, never mentioning it was only police who shot….and they shot directly into a crowd of bystanders.
This is why I despise police. They’re often much worse than the “criminals”, do more damage, and walk away without so much as a “sorry” for shooting 5 people, much less accountability….in fact I recall the same chief, after hiding the details failed, blaming the victims for being on the public sidewalk after dark (in a nightclub/bar area) when police opened fire without warning.

I’ve still NEVER seen this mythological “good apple”.
It’s maddening.

luxintenebris said:'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

luxintenebris said:

…after reading how a cop carelessly discharged his weapon into the head of a sleeping child - no crime is worth another crime.

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

newtboy says...

Oh poor triggered Bobby. Just can’t handle the blatant, obvious, undeniable truth.
The republicans are the party of David Duke, the KKK, neo Nazis, racist southerners, white Christian nationalism, “the Jews will not replace us”, Muslim bans, Latinos are rapists and murderers, etc. If someone is a racist, it’s a safe bet they’re a right wing nut too. Remember these right wing marchers?

Self centered ignorance likes self centered ignorance.

Yeah, Thomas has really been held back by Democrats for no reason besides his skin color, not because he’s a rapist, not because he’s a liar, not because he votes based on politics not law or the constitution, not because he supported a coup and lives with and still supports a treasonous designer of various far right ploys to steal power and end democracy.

You are such a silly, dishonest, disingenuous, delusional little triggered snowflake. As to your silly videos no one is watching, people know that racists often deny their racism in public. Most are too cowardly to accept the consequences of their position to be honest, and absolutely lose their shit when they’re outed.

This gets under your skin so badly because you KNOW it’s the truth, not some stupid silly plot to claim the parties are the same as they were 75 years ago in hopes readers are as ignorant as you pretend to be about the southern strategy when the right went hard racist to save themselves from extinction by courting voters no one wants to be associated with…thinking it’s better to compromise your morals and ethics than power. Trump is the pinnacle of that mindset.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats just can't allow a Conservative black to succeed. Thats racist.

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

cloudballoon says...

Charging them means little, only reaching a guilty verdict matters. Way too often it's just more heartache to the victim's family because Bad Apples get away again and again from justice for a millionth times!

Oh, EVEN if they DO go to jail, wanna bet how soon the next Republican president (heck, maybe even a Dem prez) already had his pardon letter drafted?

Fox Is Right?!?

luxintenebris says...

parallel universe stuff there.

low hanging fruit.

also points out how often the Right uses the "naw - uh - uh - you are" defense. the Democrats need to start trademarking phrases. "The Big Lie" would have made them millions.

Rare Jelly that has only been seen once before

newtboy says...

A different box jelly is one of the most deadly animals on earth, often killing humans in minutes.
This one is beautiful. Gotta get to the Great Barrier Reef before it all bleaches!

Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

newtboy says...

I do think it makes Hunter look like a baller. A dope fiend, maybe, but not as much of one as Rush or Don Jr who you LOVE so I reject your hypocrisy, and Hunter is infinitely cooler than either of them.

This is DEFINITELY the lifestyle Don Jr wishes he could live, but he’s WAY too uncool, whining, crying, doing lines, throwing fits, getting sloppy seconds if anything at all…Hunter is rolling deep, living large, having fun, surrounded by fun hot women having 3 ways, not shrieking shrews that can’t stand him or alone, coked out, rage posting.

Is Hunter presidential material….no. Does he have political ambitions….also no. Don Jr isn’t presidential one bit either, but he thinks it’s his birthright now, and guaranteed you would vote early and often for him.

Do I think Hunter is cool, likely fun to hang out with. Yes.
But he’s definitely no roll model.
On par with any Trump in that regard, but WAY cooler.

BTW- you might not want to bring up who he slept with considering Trump’s history of fucking (or trying to fuck) all of his “friends” wives, multiple porn stars, raping multiple random women and subordinates, lusting after 12 year olds in public, partying privately with Epstein and YOUNG girls, and blatantly saying publicly on more than one occasion that he also fucked his daughter. By comparison, Hunter looks good there too.

bobknight33 said:

You like it so much It is cool

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today we got a recording of Colorado District 4 Congressman Ken Buck pressuring an El Paso County GOP official to falsify (primary) election results in the State Senate District 10 race in 2020. “Just add this name to the ballot and give him the top line vote, with 30% of the vote.”

“ Buck: “Do you understand the order of the executive committee and the central committee that you will submit the paperwork to include Mr. Stiver and Mr. Liston on the ballot, with Mr. Liston receiving the top-line vote?”

Bremer: “I will seek legal counsel as I am being asked to sign an affidavit that states Mr. Stiver received 30% of the vote. I need to seek legal counsel to find out if I am putting myself in jeopardy of a misdemeanor for doing that. ”

Buck: “And you understand that it is the order of the central committee that you do so?”

Bremer: “I will consult with counsel. Yes sir, I understand the central committee has ordered me to sign an affidavit stating that a candidate got 30% who did not, and I will seek legal counsel and determine if I am legally able to follow that.”“

They were stopped from just discarding the primary vote by legal injunction, and they appealed saying they’ve done this so often that if they allow people to file for injunction against this illegal election fraud then the courts will be clogged for years because they’ve done this uncountable times.

Another blatant, outrageous, totally anti democracy election fraud by Republicans. Your party should be declared enemies of democracy and every registered Republican deported to a non democratic country, forfeiting 100% of the assets they’ve taken from America….or lined up in the street and shot as active traitors. The Japanese weren’t as anti American in WW2 as today’s Republicans…and you’re one of them. Your party should be renamed Ephialtes.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

1) not a trial. Sad you just can’t understand or accept that no matter how often it’s pointed out, and telling.

2) only the agents involved denied it, other agents admitted it’s been talked about between agents since Jan 2020. Those two agents, still in Trump’s employ today, and others, are also in big trouble for erasing their text and phone messages and records for the days surrounding the failed coup AFTER being ordered by the courts to preserve them, hardly unbiased or truthful witnesses. Another American institution who’s reputation and trustworthiness have been completely destroyed by Trumpists breaking rules and laws for great great grandad the Ochre ogre.

3) you don’t even know they weren’t called, only not publicly called. They don’t waste time publicly presenting witnesses who can only corroborate non criminal activities. They don’t list the witnesses that testify in secret behind closed doors….for their safety. Rabid Trumpterrorists have made serious death threats against every public witness, some have tried to follow through with them.

Wait….so you want to lap up AOCs bath water? We all know every right wing accusation is an admission….what did you just admit to?

I’m lapping it up, seasoned with con’s tears. So yummy you guys, the tears of unfathomable sadness!

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

Irish Politician Mick Wallace on the United States

luxintenebris says...

why is he wearing a pink shirt over a wool sweater? who is the person in the lime green in front of him?

what is - that rarely ever was - the 'smack' [ w/little fear of blow-back] other countries routinely give the US. back-in-the-day there would have been gasps and pearl-clutching if any ally dissed us this much, so often.

Regan might have helped America get its groove back once, but following his policies/practices/psychology is killing its heart now.

we are in a plague of our own doing, undoing us.

Pilot Makes Emergency Landing on Busy Highway

jimnms says...

During my flight training, I was always taught that a highway or paved road was the last place to land in an emergency. For one, power lines tend to cross paved roads and by the time you can see them, it's too late to avoid them. Another is that it endangers others on the ground. Many pilots lose their lives trying to save the plane in an emergency. The best advice I got during my training was that when the plane quits on you, it's now your life boat. Use it to save your life, don't risk yours to save it.

During my flight training I also worked at a small GA airport. I got to know a lot of the pilots there. One owned a construction company and would often fly over his construction sites to survey them from the air. He came out that morning, I filled up his plane and he never returned. I didn't think much of it, although he rented a hangar from us, he also had a private air strip too.

A few days later, I found out that he was killed making an emergency landing. While flying over the construction site, his engine quit and he tried to land on a road. A car pulled out from a side street and he pulled up to avoid it. The landing gear snagged a power line, which caused it to nose dive into the ground and rupture the fuel tanks. It caught fire, and people tried to get to him to pull him out. They said he appeared to be alive and trying to get out, but the fire spread too fast.

The way I found out was a bit shocking. Investigators from the NTSB showed up to review our fuel and maintenance logs. We have to perform daily tests on the fuel and equipment, and I was the one that did those tests the day he was killed. It wasn't the fuel that caused the engine to quit, but that thought that maybe I screwed up the test and caused it and knowing he probably burned alive haunted me. That's something I'll never forget.

The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

newtboy says...

Absolutely and exactly right.
@bobknight33 would do well to pay attention and notice how often his sources use this methodology.

Unfortunately for him, the grammar and spelling mistakes go completely unnoticed because he can’t spell or even recognize proper English. He knows no science (despite claiming to have an engineering degree), and is willing to jump to the conclusion that everything he doesn’t understand must be some insane reality breaking conspiracy theory perpetrated by his enemies.
It’s unfortunate for the rest of us too.

bcglorf said:

This is one of those cons that's so bad it actually helps it's own spread.

His entire premise depends on folks buying in that 'Science" was duped into a bad 'definition' for the origins of oil at some committee meeting. You have to accept that for the next 100 years, the entire scientific community was powerlessly bound by this committee decision.

The reason that's so effective is the same as the scam emails rife with typos and bad grammar. He immediately is limiting his audience after that point to folks who didn't nope out already at that point. Targeted marketing at any audience vulnerable to whatever snake oil pitch he's ultimately selling.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Wouldn’t you like to know, since it’s correct 99.96% of the time. Lol. It would certainly do you well to read the same news I do, but I don’t think you’re capable of rationally determining fact from fiction so wouldn’t solve your problem.

It’s way more funny to me that you don’t know where my info comes from, especially since I tell you (apparently they don’t teach you how to look at listed reference material at the college you say you went to…because I list them often). Where you listen to one OAN idiots take and just believe it, I usually read 3-5 articles with different viewpoints and come to my own conclusions based on how well each relates to known facts. When I post the CNN version of a story for you, it’s because they keep it dumbed down enough for even you to understand, not because they’re the only source. (Also because I know it will trigger you into acting the fool)

Why? Because he’s a lying treasonous traitor that tried to overthrow the American government by force and become a dictator in America. WTF?! Did you really ask “why” there’s an investigation!?
Also because so many cultists like yourself want to pretend 1) it was horrific and all ANTIFA and BLM, 2) it was just a normal day at the capitol with normal tourists and 3) it never actually happened ….so he can try again in 24, and with enough hiding the evidence, voter suppression, roll purging, triple voting, voter ID, removal of mail in voting and drop boxes in democratic areas (like Houston with 665 sq miles, 2.3 million residents, and now ONE drop box), and a complicit partisan court willing to invalidate millions of Democrats’ votes, maybe he could steal a “win”. It’s important to 1) know and 2) remind voters what he did to foment a coup against their country, and how he tried to defraud the nation and the election with his election fraud fraud that he knew from day one was a pure lie.

Why this two sided hearing with MAGA underrepresented? Because republicans didn’t want a non political third party investigation and blocked it, and didn’t want to be part of the bipartisan investigation so boycotted it. The real question is why don’t republicans want to know and don’t want anyone else to know the truth about 1/6? I think that’s obvious, because they are complicit in the failed coup.

Suppression of truth?! You mean by the Trumpists who refuse to testify, refuse to turn over public documents, and threaten witnesses to “be loyal” and keep quiet? I think that’s obvious too, they suppress the truth because the truth is they turned on their country and government to try to install their cult leader as dictator for life.

Anything and everything, by which you mean actually investigating an attack against America that cost lives….how quickly you forget Benghazi that was actually a number of one sided “investigations” (fuckery) trying to prove the predetermined conclusion that Clinton somehow was responsible for a foreign attack on an embassy…tens of millions wasted just trying to keep her from running in 16 (and I wish the totally 100% dishonest smear campaign was successful, because we would never have had Trump if he ran against Sanders). All that and still nothing on Clinton. Didn’t you promise the charges were coming any day….way back in 17 or 18?

This madman was a perfectly normal maggot. Gun crazed, immigrant hating, racist it appears, a violent nut job wrapped in a MAGA flag and Pepe shirt. That’s the MAGA base, not an outlier. I know you’ll hide from that fact and pretend he’s just a crazy nut job, but he’s perfectly normal for a Trumpist, you are all mad men, you all want to murder liberals, he just had the balls (and insanity) to go through with what most of you fantasize about daily.

bobknight33 said:

Where on earth do you get you fake new?

Local rag at the checkout?

More dump on Trump...

The real question is why.

Why and this fuckery? 1 sided hearing , suppression on truth?

Anything and everything just to keep him from running in 2024.

""""""Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.""""""

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

Hardly elitist at under $35k per year for a couple in California.
Not even superior overall as far as I know, (overall superiority is a complicated non standardized judgement to make without complete information about both of us, but thanks for saying you believe it.).
Just somewhat educated not even highly educated, but often more importantly I keep myself decently informed. Sorry to burst your bubble.
(Edit: this means not only learning the facts, but also the “alternative facts”. I read Tzu, and believe in his theory that if you know yourself and your enemy you will be victorious in every battle.)

It’s the smug ignorant incorrect certitude I can’t go for, and you exhibit it daily without ever admitting your mistakes or that you were w-w-w-wrong, just silently moving on to the next falsehood when it’s proven.

bobknight33 said:

Smug elitist superiority is what I don't go for.

Trump Tries To Talk- Troth Truth Senchal

robdot says...

Trump and Sarah palin talk exactly alike. Broken sentences with thoughts and words that often don’t even relate to each other. Much of what both those people ever said actually made any sense.

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