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Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

bcglorf says...

>> ^FermitTheKrog:

Thanks for having a more nuanced understanding of the matter... thought I'd share a Pakistani perspective:
-Yes, no arabs here. Lots of Muslims though as in loads of other countries:
-Pakistani's despise the drone strikes for the same reason we despised the Bin Laden assasination. It is a terrible loss of sovereignity to have foreign soldiers killing with impunity, racking up civilian casualties, within your borders. It makes the matter worse, Pakistan is radicalizing tremendously fast and every time the US flattens another village in Afghanistan or our border regions, everytime American troops accidentally kill ours, that pace accelerates.
-An analogy: If Mexico had drones over the US taking out gang leaders in LA, the US would flatten Mexico in response. All we do is get angry.
-Things are not that bad: Liberals are not dying off. We are in government by popular vote. The Pakistani military is not some tinpot force, it is very much in control of itself and thus of it's nukes. We will deal with the militancy problem over time; education, economic opputurnity, writ of law; not bombs. We are a third world country, Afghanistan has been a war zone forever now, these things take time, most of us still shit in fields, out people are hungry, we have bigger problems to deal with than car bombs.
-In Pakistan, conservatives want the American's gone because they are an imperial force at our doorstep. All talk of human rights and democracy is hogwash. Palestine is the example. Amongst the ultra right (3-4% of the population, I'm sure you have them too, wherever you are) the "we" is Muslims and the "them" is a collaboration of Zionists and American bible thumpers.
Liberals want the American's gone because they are an imperial force at our doorstep. All talk of human rights and democracy is hogwash. Saudi Arab is the example. If they go away we can educate our people out of the mental cesspit they seem to be headed into. American bombs make us look like traitors to our people and weaken our stance.
Thanks for listening. Open to discussion

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^vaire2ube:
well the trick is eventually we dont tell the kids running the drones that its actually REALITY! Ahh! Ender's Game!
But by then the arabs formics will be gone.

The populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan are primarily Muslim, not Arab. There are in fact more Arabs living in America than there are in Afghanistan and Pakistan combined.
I know, not your point at all, but if you try and hash out the real news by reading through middle eastern news outlets you won't be able to make head from tails wondering why a pro-Arab outlet like Al Jazeera would willingly say anything bad about Iran. It's not until realizing that Iran is largely Persian and not Arab that it makes any sense.
I rant about this because it's crazily important and the details matter. American drone attacks have killed hundreds within Pakistan, but even by Pakistan's most anti-American media those people were largely militants responsible for killing Pakistani civilians. The Pakistani Taliban have meanwhile killed thousands of civilians, including former PM Benazir Bhutto, and there is infinitely more outrage and hatred for America's drones than for the Pakistani Taliban. It's something important to think about. What's more, there is MORE hatred in Pakistan over America's raid that killed Bin Laden than there is for the unmanned drone attacks. That's even more important to think about.
The reality is that the moderates in Pakistan are fighting an uphill struggle in Pakistan. We need them to win but they are being killed off faster than we can defend them, and even attempting to defend them is hurting their cause to boot. It's easy to declare that a strategy is bad and has horrible consequences, it's a lot more important though to propose a better alternative. Stop the attacks and do nothing means a Pakistan where the Taliban where still best friends with the military and intelligence agencies. It means a nuclear armed state that was best friends with terrorist organizations eager to use those nuclear weapons in their jihad while we lacked any way of assessing just how close and willing their partnership was. Don't dismiss this assessment as doomsday fear mongering. One of the debates in Pakistan's national assemblies after Osama's death included elected representatives bemoaning Pakistan's failure to protect a great Muslim hero like Bin Laden. Pakistan is a battle ground between extremist and moderate populations and we have a very vested interest in who wins that struggle.

Thank you for adding so much to the discussion, very much appreciated.

Yes, I do understand the sovereignty issue looms huge in the opinion of American actions within Pakistan's borders. I can really understand how that would enrage anyone with any manner of national pride. America is in a tough spot though too. The mountainous tribal regions along the Pak-Afghan border are not under the control of the Pakistani central government. On paper the border may run there, but in practice militants can relatively safely travel back and forth between the two. What's more, there still remain places within Pakistan's proper borders that are controlled by the local tribal leaders, and NOT the central Pakistani government. Those local tribal leaders are allying themselves to the Pakistani Taliban and providing them safe haven within Pakistan to launch attacks in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Afghan part does make it America's business. The Pakistani part in my humble opinion, should be a source of greater public outrage than it is.

I guess I find it worrying that extremists can be in de-facto control of large swathes of land within Pakistan's proper borders. So much so that it is still unsafe for the Pakistani police and even military to patrol there. To me, that seems like it is already an enormous sovereignty issue. America's attacks against militants in that region I can understand being a source of outrage. I don't understand why there isn't equal or greater outrage that those regions on the ground are no longer under the control of the Pakistani government at all and being used as a base of operations for launching attacks on the rest of Pakistan.

I think America's problem is knowing whom they can trust within Pakistan's power structure to work against rather than with extremists like the Taliban. Hamid Gul, former leader of Pakistan's ISI, scares the crap out of me. How many of his friends are still in the ISI that think like him? The JUI-F party declared Osama a muslim hero in Pakistan's National Assemblies. How much support has that party been able to hold onto within Pakistan still after taking that stance? Political parties like the PPP seem to share alot of moderate values, but have historically been ridden out of office by the military every few years.

Do you have good reasons that those fears are unfounded? From what I see and read(largely from "The News International") the moderates like yourself have always been in an uphill struggle against extremists and the opportunists willing to work with them.

Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

FermitTheKrog says...

Thanks for having a more nuanced understanding of the matter... thought I'd share a Pakistani perspective:

-Yes, no arabs here. Lots of Muslims though as in loads of other countries:

-Pakistani's despise the drone strikes for the same reason we despised the Bin Laden assasination. It is a terrible loss of sovereignity to have foreign soldiers killing with impunity, racking up civilian casualties, within your borders. It makes the matter worse, Pakistan is radicalizing tremendously fast and every time the US flattens another village in Afghanistan or our border regions, everytime American troops accidentally kill ours, that pace accelerates.

-An analogy: If Mexico had drones over the US taking out gang leaders in LA, the US would flatten Mexico in response. All we do is get angry.

-Things are not that bad: Liberals are not dying off. We are in government by popular vote. The Pakistani military is not some tinpot force, it is very much in control of itself and thus of it's nukes. We will deal with the militancy problem over time; education, economic opputurnity, writ of law; not bombs. We are a third world country, Afghanistan has been a war zone forever now, these things take time, most of us still shit in fields, out people are hungry, we have bigger problems to deal with than car bombs.

-In Pakistan, conservatives want the American's gone because they are an imperial force at our doorstep. All talk of human rights and democracy is hogwash. Palestine is the example. Amongst the ultra right (3-4% of the population, I'm sure you have them too, wherever you are) the "we" is Muslims and the "them" is a collaboration of Zionists and American bible thumpers.

Liberals want the American's gone because they are an imperial force at our doorstep. All talk of human rights and democracy is hogwash. Saudi Arab is the example. If they go away we can educate our people out of the mental cesspit they seem to be headed into. American bombs make us look like traitors to our people and weaken our stance.

Thanks for listening. Open to discussion

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^vaire2ube:
well the trick is eventually we dont tell the kids running the drones that its actually REALITY! Ahh! Ender's Game!
But by then the arabs formics will be gone.

The populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan are primarily Muslim, not Arab. There are in fact more Arabs living in America than there are in Afghanistan and Pakistan combined.
I know, not your point at all, but if you try and hash out the real news by reading through middle eastern news outlets you won't be able to make head from tails wondering why a pro-Arab outlet like Al Jazeera would willingly say anything bad about Iran. It's not until realizing that Iran is largely Persian and not Arab that it makes any sense.
I rant about this because it's crazily important and the details matter. American drone attacks have killed hundreds within Pakistan, but even by Pakistan's most anti-American media those people were largely militants responsible for killing Pakistani civilians. The Pakistani Taliban have meanwhile killed thousands of civilians, including former PM Benazir Bhutto, and there is infinitely more outrage and hatred for America's drones than for the Pakistani Taliban. It's something important to think about. What's more, there is MORE hatred in Pakistan over America's raid that killed Bin Laden than there is for the unmanned drone attacks. That's even more important to think about.
The reality is that the moderates in Pakistan are fighting an uphill struggle in Pakistan. We need them to win but they are being killed off faster than we can defend them, and even attempting to defend them is hurting their cause to boot. It's easy to declare that a strategy is bad and has horrible consequences, it's a lot more important though to propose a better alternative. Stop the attacks and do nothing means a Pakistan where the Taliban where still best friends with the military and intelligence agencies. It means a nuclear armed state that was best friends with terrorist organizations eager to use those nuclear weapons in their jihad while we lacked any way of assessing just how close and willing their partnership was. Don't dismiss this assessment as doomsday fear mongering. One of the debates in Pakistan's national assemblies after Osama's death included elected representatives bemoaning Pakistan's failure to protect a great Muslim hero like Bin Laden. Pakistan is a battle ground between extremist and moderate populations and we have a very vested interest in who wins that struggle.

Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

bcglorf says...

>> ^vaire2ube:

well the trick is eventually we dont tell the kids running the drones that its actually REALITY! Ahh! Ender's Game!
But by then the arabs formics will be gone.

The populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan are primarily Muslim, not Arab. There are in fact more Arabs living in America than there are in Afghanistan and Pakistan combined.

I know, not your point at all, but if you try and hash out the real news by reading through middle eastern news outlets you won't be able to make head from tails wondering why a pro-Arab outlet like Al Jazeera would willingly say anything bad about Iran. It's not until realizing that Iran is largely Persian and not Arab that it makes any sense.

I rant about this because it's crazily important and the details matter. American drone attacks have killed hundreds within Pakistan, but even by Pakistan's most anti-American media those people were largely militants responsible for killing Pakistani civilians. The Pakistani Taliban have meanwhile killed thousands of civilians, including former PM Benazir Bhutto, and there is infinitely more outrage and hatred for America's drones than for the Pakistani Taliban. It's something important to think about. What's more, there is MORE hatred in Pakistan over America's raid that killed Bin Laden than there is for the unmanned drone attacks. That's even more important to think about.

The reality is that the moderates in Pakistan are fighting an uphill struggle in Pakistan. We need them to win but they are being killed off faster than we can defend them, and even attempting to defend them is hurting their cause to boot. It's easy to declare that a strategy is bad and has horrible consequences, it's a lot more important though to propose a better alternative. Stop the attacks and do nothing means a Pakistan where the Taliban where still best friends with the military and intelligence agencies. It means a nuclear armed state that was best friends with terrorist organizations eager to use those nuclear weapons in their jihad while we lacked any way of assessing just how close and willing their partnership was. Don't dismiss this assessment as doomsday fear mongering. One of the debates in Pakistan's national assemblies after Osama's death included elected representatives bemoaning Pakistan's failure to protect a great Muslim hero like Bin Laden. Pakistan is a battle ground between extremist and moderate populations and we have a very vested interest in who wins that struggle.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaming

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^VoodooV:
Hate to say it, but as much as I want us out in space. Sometimes I think we're better off not being out there until we work out our social issues first.
We're simply not grown up enough.

Society needs a future to dream about, and as NdGT points out, it's not the cash that is lacking. As of right now, the only futures people are seeing are catastrophic and/or apocalyptic. Neither are good for the economy nor for social issues.

Yes keep dreaming cause we have no future if we don't stop the threat of nuclear weapons and global climate change. Or fuck it, lets ride our SUVs into Ground Zero with the A/C Blasting!!!

Police Shoot Family Dog in Front of 13yr old Boy

GenjiKilpatrick says...

YES! How is a preemptive attack without an explicit threat ever "reasonable"?

"Ah man, this black guy keeps walking closer and closer toward me. Better pepper spray him before he gets a chance to grab my purse."

"Ah man, better invade Iran in the next 90 days before they use all those nuclear weapons they can't develop for at least another 5 to 10 years."

>> ^renatojj:

is it reasonable to expect the officer to wait until he's bitten so he can shoot the dog?

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

raverman says...

Shelving what Christian and Jewish nations say about what about what i means to be an islamic nation...

Iran probably wouldn't attack Israel because it's mutually assured destruction.

However until they have nuclear weapons they have everything to fear from Israel for whom there would be no consequence from a unilateral strike.

also Israel's track record for choosing military action over diplomacy, coupled with a level of ultra-nationalism and nonsecular religious motivation...

From a secular / political standpoint, Iran seems like fish in a bucket until they are equally armed.

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

criticalthud says...

this is reality:

any world leader with half a brain understands this.

and top military US brass agree that Iran is a "rational" actor

Would Iran attack Israel in order to secure a piece of desert with no resources? Unlikely at best. Israel is closely allied with the greatest military power the world has ever seen, and has a stockpile of nuclear weapons. It would be instant suicide for Iran. But for Israel, past hostilities with arab nations has been an opportunity to expand their small country and expel non-jews from their territory.

For Iran, if we look at a longer timeline, which is what older civilizations are more likely to do, power will shift in the future to those that control the most important resources.

If you are Israel, your preference is probably for the US to go in and take out any potential threats now and control as many resources as possible, rather than wait for a world-wide oil glut to empower Iran and financially ruin their biggest ally - the US.

As for the spread of Islam, like most religions, it closely follows a spread of poverty, and the poorer nations of the world are still reproducing at a higher rate as human life is a labor commodity.

But in the future, who your god looks like will be trumped by much more primary necessities, namely food. And for states - internal stability.

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

criticalthud says...

and your armchair analysis sucks. ?? wtf? why do you always have to be confrontational?
Seriously man, you've destroyed any credibility you might have by being confrontational in the first sentence. You immediately red-flag yourself as someone who is emotional and reactive rather than rational. Communication is a skill that can be developed. there are many nice people here that can help you.

strategically, Israel is fairly worthless. To radical crazies, it might mean something, but right now, the largely secular population of Iran doesn't really care about it. They care about Israel's actions, not their land.
The holy land was fought over in the past when things like mythology trumped other things. In a future that will seeing a reduction in both available energy and food supply, it is quickly losing any strategic appeal. Real power is interested in other gains....geo-political gain...and religious foolery remains primarily a pretext for strategic actions.

thanks great analysis and addition. altho whether Iran has a nuclear weapon or one in development IS certainly in doubt.
as for oil reserves, 10-11% is alot.

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

bcglorf says...

>> ^criticalthud:

ummm, from a propaganda standpoint, there are some corollaries for sure.
But, let's look at some geopolitics.
In a world of diminishing resources, Iran is sitting on some of the largest oil reserves.
Israel, on the other hand, is sitting on a piece of worthless desert called the holy land and depends on foreign oil imports and American Aid. That American aid is also highly dependent on the US continuing to essentially control the oil trade. Oil is traded in dollars, and it is that massive circulation that helps keep the American dollar afloat (each dollar is HIGHLY leveraged (ie: debt)).
So who wants what? Religious crazies aside, from a geo-political standpoint Israel has very little to offer Iran, but control or influence over Iran's oil reserves has quite a bit to offer Israel.
Now...why would Iran want to have a nuclear energy program when it has vast oil reserves?
-- just like Venezuela, who is limiting the amount they produce, if they can use less of their oil now, in a world of diminishing energy resources, it means that in the future they wield more and more geo-political power. And energy is wealth. The more they control their own resources, the more they can control price points of resources, which is a large part of how the world powers have become world powers.

Your armchair analysis is pretty thin.

One of your main premises is about how Israel occupies a bunch of 'worthless desert'? And you then believe that is a strong driver in Israel's interest in Iranian oil reserves?

Middle East politics goes a lot deeper than that. The 'worthless desert' Israel occupies is BAR NONE the most sought after and fought over piece of land in the entire middle east over the last century. You can not ignore the importance of the cultural and religious pressures in the region that make up the complex relationship between Israel-Iran-Saudi-Syria-Egypt-... and on and on.

Survival is still Israel's driving focus. Iran openly and proudly supports Hezbollah and Hamas and their attacks on Israel. If Israel even suspects that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, that is a very short path to a very legitimate concern for Israel to be taking very seriously. Sure, it's 90% likely that Iran isn't foolish enough to give a nuclear weapon to Hamas or Hezbollah, but that remaining 10% is still understandable enough cause for Israel to be nervous and considering their options.

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

bcglorf says...

>> ^coolhund:

History is something very important for everyone.
When a nation was the sole owner of nuclear weapons, they were actually used against a nation.
Since then, when many more countries got them, they were never being used again. Not even conventional wars were started against nuclear countries since then. However, nuclear states continue to attack non-nuclear countries. And those who learn from that are the bad guys?
MAD was always a peacekeeper and will continue to be.

Right up until the day that isn't true anymore...

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

RedSky says...

>> ^criticalthud:

ummm, from a propaganda standpoint, there are some corollaries for sure.
But, let's look at some geopolitics.
(1) In a world of diminishing resources, Iran is sitting on some of the largest oil reserves.
(2) Israel, on the other hand, is sitting on a piece of worthless desert called the holy land and depends on foreign oil imports and American Aid. That American aid is also highly dependent on the US continuing to essentially control the oil trade. Oil is traded in dollars, and it is that massive circulation that helps keep the American dollar afloat (each dollar is HIGHLY leveraged (ie: debt)).
(3) So who wants what? Religious crazies aside, from a geo-political standpoint Israel has very little to offer Iran, but control or influence over Iran's oil reserves has quite a bit to offer Israel.
Now...why would Iran want to have a nuclear energy program when it has vast oil reserves?
-- just like Venezuela, who is limiting the amount they produce, if they can use less of their oil now, in a world of diminishing energy resources, it means that in the future they wield more and more geo-political power. And energy is wealth. The more they control their own resources, the more they can control price points of resources, which is a large part of how the world powers have become world powers.

(1) True, but nevertheless it is only ~11% of the world's proven oil reserves:

(2) Going from point 1, Iran hardly holds a control on the monopoly of oil. Furthermore all developed countries have an interest in ensuring steady supply to oil. If for example Iran were to close the Strait of Hormuz, they would attract opprobrium from far more than just Israel and the US.

Oil trade in US dollars is surely a big part of the contributor to the strong US dollar, but the currency is used as a global trade and reserve currencies for its pre-eminence as a global economy not as a result of oil.

Also, even if the US dollar value were to collapse (which is hardly something likely in the next decade), I would bet that aid to Israel would be one of the last things to go because of the religious ties, the power of AIPAC in the US as a lobbying group and the history between the two countries.

(3) I think there's little denying that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, and I agree that geopolitics and influence in the region is surely a reason they are seeking it. But considered simply from the standpoint of Iran's autocratic leaders that it's simply a deterrence to outside intervention from the US.

Right now it seems implausible especially under Obama that the US itself would launch an attack on Iran, but when GWB invaded Iraq and the US economy was in much better shape that was hardly a fantasy. Iran's leaders have a genuine reason to fear this and while in the short term they risk a pre-emptive attack from Israel, in the long term they benefit immeasurably from the kind of deterrence that NK now has. Keep in mind that Iran's nuclear program is hardly the machinations of right wing ideologues like Ahmadinejad. Mousavi, the de facto leader of the green movement supports nuclear development and was instrumental in the inception of the program as previous prime minister.

So I really think it's that and not a long term play for energy independence. Oil is going to be with us for many decades to come and if this wiki is correct, Iran has a 100 years of supply available. With the economy the way it is and our current dependence on dirty fuels, we're hardly going to jump on the green train any time soon.

Everything Israel Is Saying About Iran Now... We Said About

coolhund says...

History is something very important for everyone.

When a nation was the sole owner of nuclear weapons, they were actually used against a nation.
Since then, when many more countries got them, they were never being used again. Not even conventional wars were started against nuclear countries since then. However, nuclear states continue to attack non-nuclear countries. And those who learn from that are the bad guys?

MAD was always a peacekeeper and will continue to be.

Why Demand Nuclear Transparency from Iran and Not Israel?

G-bar says...

Well mr. Coolhound, I'm not an american... even worse, I'm an Israeli! You can keep your eyes blind-folded, but I assure you that your role as the defender of peace in the name of Ahmadinejad is a tall order. And he is just a puppet for a much more complex regime of sheer zealous power.
To be honest, I am much more tending to the political left movement in Israel... I want peace, flowers and the likes... But what exactly will Iran get once she manages to build nuclear power? Do you think they do it for peace? maybe for cancer research? please, enlighten me.

That's why i said its a complex issue...

>> ^coolhund:

>> ^G-bar:
well, it is a complex issue, but the fact is this: Israel has nuclear weapons. Iran wants nuclear weapons. Iran states every week that the zionist state must be destroyed.

Please stop spreading this. This is not true and even the one mention of this is a translation error:
You only support war for wrong reasons if you keep spreading this. Especially you Americans should have learned that from recent history.

Why Demand Nuclear Transparency from Iran and Not Israel?

coolhund says...

>> ^G-bar:

well, it is a complex issue, but the fact is this: Israel has nuclear weapons. Iran wants nuclear weapons. Iran states every week that the zionist state must be destroyed.

Please stop spreading this. This is not true and even the one mention of this is a translation error:

You only support war for wrong reasons if you keep spreading this. Especially you Americans should have learned that from recent history.

Why Demand Nuclear Transparency from Iran and Not Israel?

G-bar says...

well, it is a complex issue, but the fact is this: Israel has nuclear weapons. Iran wants nuclear weapons. Iran states every week that the zionist state must be destroyed. Israel does not say that Iran nation must be destroyed. So. what do you think might happen when Iran get nukes?

Its more than possible that Iran is trying to get nukes just to prevent any future invasions...

even better, the issue is what will happen when nobody in the middle east has nukes, that is to say, Israel doesnt have any nukes... the country loses its defence advantage.

like i said, complex.

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