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YouTube says it's ok (About the panda video) (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

JR, you are only require by DMCA to remove content you have control over. An embed displaying something from another site is not illegal. Imagine there was a .jpg you were hotlinking. The hosting site is responsible.

Imagine the case in front of a judge. Where is the video? not on our harddrive. ok, well what are you hosting? this 25 character URL..

Cop vs Cop

maximillian says...

I saw this on TV. The white cop told him that his license plate was obstructed. The part that was obstructed was only the state name, not the number. This is typically obstructed by oversized license plate holders used by dealerships. A court had told the white cop in a previous case that obstruction of the state name is not illegal. The white cop also said that he pulled the guy over for changing lanes without signaling.

Personally, I think the black cop was racially profiled, but he should not have attacked the other officer. If I recall, the black cop received a two week suspension. I can't recall what the white cop received, if anything.

Theft by Deception - a history of tax law

cryptographrix says...

you're absolutely right - they can essentially create new laws by interpreting the same statutes differently, but that's not what's happening here, as the law that they are interpreting does not follow the guidelines set forth in the Constitution...and people are not even taught the Constitution in full to be able to understand the law they are inherently judging when they are present as members of the Jury.

My point is that the tax itself is illegal because of the guidelines set forth in the Constitution. Trying to argue that it is not illegal by offering a statute that does not follow the guidelines in the Constitution does not make that statute LEGAL.

If people do support the tax law itself, over the Constitution, then the Constitution itself, without amendment to form a basis for that law's existence, can and must be deemed null and void by the citizens of this country that were told that it was governing them, as well as all applicable statutes and regulations which derive their power from the Constitution - i.e. the United States Code itself OR it must be amended to give that power to a governing body - i.e. - Congress.

I think it's great that other countries pay higher taxes, especially when they have the laws in place to do so, and they use the money gained from taxation RESPONSIBLY. Fact of the matter is, this country does not. The majority of our taxes go toward the military and national defense. The majority of funds for government services(even being as unconstitutional as I continually state they are) comes from loans from the Federal Reserve, which increases our National Debt.

Now if, on the other hand, the money I pay for taxes went toward helping my fellow soldiers(yes, I am a veteran) with the same level of subsidized medical care that Switzerland enjoys/enjoyed as a result of their amendments to existing laws in 1911, I'd probably be spending my time, right now, on trying to help privatize the United States' health insurance industry if it was having problems as a result of the same level of monopolization as the public school system in this country has, or I'd be trying to help draft an amendment to the Constitution to make sure that the government has the power to both tax the people and use those taxes RESPONSIBLY.

As it stands right now, Congress has neither the legal basis for the Federal Income Tax, nor is it required by the Constitution to use those taxes responsibly(because it never had the basis in the first place), nor has it used the taxes it has received responsibly. If it did, I doubt that we'd be having this conversation, as really the only reason anyone is challenging the legality of the Federal Income Tax is because it's kindof sickening to think that one's income taxes are being used(literally) to send his brother and sister into harm's way.

Also - please note another difference between the United States and Switzerland - in the United States, sure, we have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, but the Constitution says nothing about at what point our redress must be addressed by the government, whereas in Switzerland, "Any citizen may challenge a law that has been passed by parliament. If s/he is able to gather 50,000 signatures against the law within 100 days, a national vote has to be scheduled where voters decide by a simple majority whether to accept or reject the law."

and "Also, any citizen may seek a decision on an amendment they want to make to the constitution. For such an amendment initiative to be organized, the signatures of 100,000 voters must be collected within 18 months."

If we could do that in this country, the war in Iraq would have been over LONG ago...heck, the amount of taxes we pay and we spend on the military and national defense would have been challenged and voted on long ago, but as it stands, such a virtue is not extended to the people by the Constitution, therefore the government technically never has to address the petitions brought forth by the people of the United States - it only needs to give them the ability to petition.

(oh and by the way - I'm not fond of civilization, either, but that's a different debate for a different time.)

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...


It is interesting how this is mutating into a debate on Islam by you who most likely is a Muslim. I am not going to debate the semantics of using the term " Jihadist" as you know what I mean. I won't be bated into speaking about Islam in general which is not what I'm speaking of-- but specifically Jihad Bombers--your job is to stop the carnage if you have the humanity to do so. There is really no valid excuse for militant Jihad bombers to murder hundreds and thousands of innocent children, women, and men of any and all ethnic groups and religions including killing their own people (muslims). You have the audacity to say that these innocent people who die horrible deaths are not "legitimate targets" yet these Jihadists CHOOSE areas to bomb full knowing that there is a mulitude of innocent people who will be killed who are not "legitimate targets". This cancerous "Jihad" does not abide by the rules set in the Koran in my opinion. If you think it is OK to kill masses of people indiscriminately your dead wrong and as inhuman as the bombers are. If you support an 'armed struggle" without civilized negotiation there is nothing civilized about that and nowhere to go except the path of perpetual MISERY.

I'm concerned about the erosion of Constitutional Rights in this country as well. Apparently you do not care too much about the Rights of Legal Citizens in this country as we should all GIVE IN to the masses of people who want to enter this country ILLEGALLY. No country on this planet could survive if they had open boundaries and just let anybody in. You are being ridiculous. I feel for these desperate people but there is the right path and the wrong path and all it's murky implications.
You should let anyone in your own home who wants to be there-you know--thiefs, murderers, criminals, lawless people in general--let us see how you like it. No screening process. Bring it home!

Every country on this planet had its indigenous tribal people that were eventually taken over by people from other lands. You speak as if the colonists of this country were the only ones in world history who found a new land and set up a working government. You need to study some more world history, in general, and Early American History, in particular. The Founders of America did not "illegally break into" this country. You make it sound like the Founders who created our government all came over on the same boat and illegally broke in! Your lack of education is showing. That is absurd, Sir. There was no political "country" to invade. The colonists were originally friends with the Indians here. Which is the truth. Then it turned into a mess- it's nothing I'm proud of. This is the sad story of Tribal People in virtually every country in the world.
There are so many illegal immigrants but there are millions more legal immigrants and citizens who will defend their rights if pushed too far.. Maybe your defeatist ideology will be in "the dust bin of history" It is truly a bad situation with people who twist historical or religious events to achieve selfish political gain and power. Remember to be non-violent and you will live longer. Keep negotiations open and stop needless protests over divisive issues.

Religion is bad, Drugs are Good

bobthedog_uk says...

Seems the US is in decline as well then. Don't think so. Still can't quite see "Europe" listed as a country, but you seem to be referring to Germany. Would make sense that the US, a country 25 times the size of Germany, would be higher in the list.

Not sure how they justify having a military spend bigger than all other countries put together though...

In reply to your comment:
The byproduct of drunksifting usually produces a few errors as I'm all fired up & stuff, but for the most part, what I say holds true.

"They have positive growth rate" I was referring to birthrate: global birthrate. The main countries with positive growth are African & Arab. You need to have a 20.00 to even sustain sustain a population, Europeans are all in a decline. Why reproduce when there's less pressing matters to attend to? Such as... ummm... gondolas?

Oh my bad, European military might pops in at #19 on the list

Europe's welfare system is supported by Europeans, not illegal immigrants. Roughly 30% of France is now Muslims. With a low "citizen" birthrate, who will pay for the aging Frenchmen? Sounds bulbous to me. Is that the right word? Probably not, but I do like it. Bulbous:)

Religion is bad, Drugs are Good

jacksinmusicdotcom says...

The byproduct of drunksifting usually produces a few errors as I'm all fired up & stuff, but for the most part, what I say holds true.

"They have positive growth rate" I was referring to birthrate: global birthrate. The main countries with positive growth are African & Arab. You need to have a 20.00 to even sustain sustain a population, Europeans are all in a decline. Why reproduce when there's less pressing matters to attend to? Such as... ummm... gondolas?

Oh my bad, European military might pops in at #19 on the list

Europe's welfare system is supported by Europeans, not illegal immigrants. Roughly 30% of France is now Muslims. With a low "citizen" birthrate, who will pay for the aging Frenchmen? Sounds bulbous to me. Is that the right word? Probably not, but I do like it. Bulbous:)

In reply to your comment:
Whoa jacksinmusic... Do you have any clue what you're talking about? Europe is not a country for starters. Given that starting point it's not surprising that you got everything else wrong too. They have a positive growth rate, has a military only behind the US, Russia and China, and they are one of the most crucial players in world politics.

I have no idea what a pronoun like "bulbous" means when applied to an abstract like "welfare system". I'll assume that you're saying it's bad. Also false and stupid. Europe has a very low crime rate and proportionally low costs for crime prevention and imprisonment BECAUSE they take care of their needy and the needy don't turn to crime as often. On that scale the US system is less efficient because of the huge amount of money wasted on law enforcement.

Maher may not have brought up many facts but at least he didn't make stuff up to fit his argument.

Drachen_Jager (Member Profile)

jacksinmusicdotcom says...

The byproduct of drunksifting usually produces a few errors as I'm all fired up & stuff, but for the most part, what I say holds true.

"They have positive growth rate" I was referring to birthrate: global birthrate. The main countries with positive growth are African & Arab. You need to have a 20.00 to even sustain sustain a population, Europeans are all in the negative. Why reproduce when there's less pressing matters to attend to? Such as... ummm... gondolas?

Oh my bad, European military might pops in at #19 on the list

Europe's welfare system is supported by Europeans, not illegal immigrants. Roughly 30% of France is now Muslims. With a low "citizen" birthrate, who will pay for the aging Frenchmen? Sounds bulbous to me. Is that the right word? Probably not, but I do like it. Bulbous:)

In reply to your comment:
Whoa jacksinmusic... Do you have any clue what you're talking about? Europe is not a country for starters. Given that starting point it's not surprising that you got everything else wrong too. They have a positive growth rate, has a military only behind the US, Russia and China, and they are one of the most crucial players in world politics.

I have no idea what a pronoun like "bulbous" means when applied to an abstract like "welfare system". I'll assume that you're saying it's bad. Also false and stupid. Europe has a very low crime rate and proportionally low costs for crime prevention and imprisonment BECAUSE they take care of their needy and the needy don't turn to crime as often. On that scale the US system is less efficient because of the huge amount of money wasted on law enforcement.

Maher may not have brought up many facts but at least he didn't make stuff up to fit his argument.

Olbermann breaks new ground

aaronfr says...

i'll only answer to choggie's comparisons to other nations because the rest of the rhetoric kind of collapses on itself. needless to say, the comparisons and portrayals are not accurate.

let's start with china. two points here. the first, and most obvious, is that china is an autocratic, communist country. is that really what you are advocating for in the united states, choggie? the second is that "china" throughout its many dynasties has expanded and contracted. it was free to do so because it existed long before the concept of a nation-state was developed and "hard" borders were set.

regarding france. since i live here, i think i can answer to this. for the most part the problems you see in france have absolutely nothing to do with illegal immigrants. instead, the discontented muslim youths are the first generation of natural born french citizens. their parents came here in the 70's and 80's from northern africa, lured by the french government to help with the construction boom that was sweeping the nation. however, the muslims never really integrated within the french society. north africans stayed within their insular communities and home-schooled their children while white french people generally shunned them and let them live in the "cites" on the outskirts of the cities. now, unemployment is high and you have a large population of young people with nothing to do. that is the problem that france has, not illegal immigration.

(Magic) Mushroom Growing Made (Relatively) Easy

choggie says...

at about 2:00 is is not illegal to cultivate in th US in Or or WA as long as no distribution is intended(this goes for Texas as far as a redneck cares about whats inm yer poke!)....this goes for picking and transporting mushrooms of any kind where there are mountains.......ya skeeerty-cat batstarts!

plenty of cowshit around here bout now at the right temp.....t'hell with growing themm...ride and pick,eat and pick,ride and walk.pickeattttghlj;'/

Brilliant Website For Watching Documentaries And Films... (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

It's against the websites policy to post (and may breach copyright) by the original submitters to Google Video/YouTube etc...but as they're just links - it's not illegal for anyone other than the original submitter.

For instance, where's your image from Ant (the Avatar?) As that maybe someone elses Intellectual Property, and therefore a Copyright infringement to use/post elsewhere etc (same thing, as neither is for a commercial purpose).

Why You Should Protect Your Wireless Network With WPA

DKM says...
I've been doing this sometimes, when I didn't want to check emails via mobile phone. The nice thing: this is a gray-zone at law. it is not really legal but not illegal aswell
I had the businessidea to search for unsecure wlans and secure them for a nice fee, but it is too hard to find the right door to knock on, when there are many doors around

Increasing evidence of an FBI cover-up in Foley/GOP scandal

joedirt says...

I think Foley is wreckless, but not stupid. From what I can tell most of the chat was after pages left washington, and so far mostly just 16 and 17 yrs olds which probably was NOT illegal until COPA was signed. So seeing how he was involved with writing the law he must know that applies to 16 and under. I don't know if there are interstate issues, but probably not, hence need for COPA.

So I doubt he was stupid enough to actually have sex with any of them. Sure ethics committee would have tossed him, but I'm not sure there is any laws broken. I guess how many pages do you take to dinner alone until you find one page... Maybe the GOP bought off all the pages. I mean if they are in program they are soon-to-be politicians, so keeping your mouth shut now would really really pay off.

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

quantumushroom says...

"The left proclaims to be for expressing all points of view, then is SHOCKED when others do."

A common wise Republican saying,

>>>>> (It's not lefty politically correct, but it's so very true).

...but you forgot:

"If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending.
And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due."

>>>> Clinton is an attention whore who deserves to get beaten down for his disgraceful performance as a pollster President. While some conservatives find it convenient to mention him because his 8 years of spineless moral nihlilism has left lasting damage, I personally see no need to drag him, as a topic, into arguments...the modern moonbat left is on par with his lameness. The problemo is, Bubba never shuts up, including speaking out against the acting President, which is not illegal but uncouth, uncalled for and delights our savage enemies.

>>>> I condemn Bush's left-like spending spree. Spending time trying to compete with victicrats in Wasting Tax Dollars wastes both. At this point, Bush could push universal health care and the left would still whine like a baby turbine.

"Marrage is one man + one woman, anything else is just damnation."

>>>> I only question why 97% of the American population be forced to break with centuries of tradition for the other 3%? There are a lot more dope smokers than gays...legalizing pot seems like a more pertinent issue to me.

"Kill a fetus, go to hell"

>>>> Some fundamentalists believe this. What of it? You can go to hell for any number of reasons. Hell is an impermanent state anyway.

"In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans"

>>>> That's true. There's no national unity when you've got a loose collection of hyphen-tribes. But the left draws its strength from creating more internecine class warfare, racial prejudice, religious prejudice and gender-based bitterness all so they can keep their power. Read up on the idiots in the Balkans.


"Feminism encurages women to leave their husband, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

>>>>> You're quoting Pat Robertson here. That's his opinion and he's allowed to own it. BTW is it any worse than that black asshole professor who recently suggested the entire White race be exterminated AND NO LEFTIST CHALLENGED HIM? Cowards.

>>> I disagree with Pat's assessment of feminism. Feminism merely encourages less attractive women who worship the Goddess of Patchouli to blame men for their personal failings. It's also created a bunch of kollij knitting circles posing as legitimate curricula known as "Wymyn's Studies." The worst part is, the classes these wymyn really need, like 'Kill Your Inner Yeti and Shave Your #@! Legs' aren't offered.

>>>>> Robertson's suggestion that we assassinate Chavez was spot on! Plus Robertson's bent earlobes make him look a bit like a fundamentalist Yoda.

>>>>> mecca delenda est.

Chavez to UN : George Bush is the Devil

benjee says...

farhad: I agree that Scandanavian countries are much cleaner than the rest of the west (the only vague examples I could struggle to think of earlier). However, the recent Pirate Bay scandal in Sweden should proove two points: they aren't scot-free in these countries; and the US (and its industries) throws its weight around like a champion sumo wrestler.

For those that don't know: the US & its MPAA forced the Swedish government (via threats of sanctions) to close down the worlds largest BitTorrent site. In Sweden, the government is entirely seperate to the police; they have no right to get the police to investigate anyone (never mind illegally shutting them down with no charge/reason). I state this, as it's in fact NOT illegal to have a website hosting torrents according to their own laws; plus the police witholding its servers, which other (also legal) companies use - is blatantly wrong.

Wumpus: presidents calling each other names isn't entirely what the issue is here (besides, Bush never speaks about foreign policy without Evil being in the speech somewhere: EG Axis of Evil, anyone?) The US president backing yet another illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government in South America IS. This is a persistent theme in US foreign politics over the past four plus decades - plus the rest of the world too (smells of religous-based rascism to me).

Also, as ren said: the UN is a neutral international site - even though it's in New York (not America's house - that's in Washington). And again, as ren said: the US has by far more violations of international (and its own) laws than Hugo Chavez could ever get away with. Think before you type please Wumpus (or even better: read some of Chomskys' books) I found that earlier comment insulting - and I'm a bland caucasian Brit...

Minor detained for publicy displaying a %$*& Bush sign

Dr.Conspiracy says...

Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE,and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


also it is NOT illegal to video tape ANYTHING in public (just don't block traffic) have the illusion of choice: Democrat or Republican....

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