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Young Turks On Man Arrested For Sticking Phone Into Own Ass

Stealing a goal from the goalie

11990 says...

>> ^tagomi77:

Illegal in baseball? ...

I meant to imply that it's NOT illegal in soccer the same way the hidden ball trick is NOT illegal in baseball. Just a form of legal trickery.

I've seen the same sort of play in soccer clips many times, but that's the first time I've seen a player intentionally hiding so obviously.

I'm Voting Republican! - You'll Get What You Deserve!

12056 says...

Jwary, the bit on drugs is wrong. Anyone can get experimental if the doctor thinks it is worth it. It's not illegal, just not mass marketed. My Dad has Cancer here in Canada and is getting new stuff.

Oh and it's included her, covered by our tax system.

The problem is over all, many people in the states who call themselves republican, are actually just financial republicans...because being a neo con makes them rich. They don't really care about those issues, just so long as those issues feed into a country that keeps them in new cars and jets.

Watching you guys it seems like you are destroying yourselves. This is not something I say with delight, it's just that no one is actually that big a threat to you, not even 911, and your overreactions tend to do more damage then the threat in the first place. You've actually, in my minor thinking, become your worst your own worst enemy. I think greed has totally consumed your country, and because of that, nobody cares at all about the other person next to them.

I mean if you are in a society that is very centred on the self, and you are on your own 99% of the time, why would you care for it, or for those around you?

Again, I'm just regular person, but

Deer Stuck in Fence

EDD says...

lucky, you cruel s.o.b No major offense intended really, as I've done a little hunting myself, but I mean, what's there to laugh at? And did you really think for a second the plank was meant for killing it? I don't think anybody would dare post a video on VS showing people bludgeoning animals to death (no, that's not a dare) and I think you should have realized that, too.

Besides, this was just a fawn/calf and although it's not illegal to hunt them in most countries, in UK, for instance, killing it with the plank would be considered against the law. Anyway, immoral is what it would be, even with a rifle.

Upvote for the nice man. Yes, the same who first reached for his camera, not went to free it straightaway.

Sheriff Allows Illegal Trespass

Devout Christians beware - Teh GAYZ are coming to your town!

MycroftHomlz says...

In reply to "Gay "marriage" lessens the societal value..."

Fortunately, saying something doesn't make it true. In this case, I don't think saying that inheritance and 'the passing on of genetic code' are impeded by alllowing gay marriage or civil unions, are logical reason why gay marriage should not illegal.

Homosexuals should be allowed the same rights to inheritance, and other societal benefits as other members of other groups in our society. Tax benefits, insurance, etc. should all be guaranteed under our constitution.

Second, marriage is not necessary for 'the passing on of the genetic code'. We are the only species that I know of that marries. Putting it in old testament terms, Adam and Eve weren't married, but had two boys. So, you see your second reason is not logical.

If you are for civil unions, then for you it is the religious connotation of the word 'marriage'. In this case, would you agree that states should not be allowed to grant marriages?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

lewis black - end of the year speech

FBI Raid on the Liberty Dollar (Politics Talk Post)

qruel says...

FBI Raid on the Liberty Dollar

This is a terrible thing the FBI has done. This administration must be held accountable
for this treasonous act! And we are to believe there is no conspiracy.

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:

I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.

For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.

We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.

But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.

This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.

The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people’s hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.

I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.

Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don’t let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal – to return America to a value based currency.

Please forward this important Alert... so everyone who possess or use the Liberty Dollar is aware of the situation.

Please click HERE to sign up for the class action lawsuit and get your property back!

If the above link does not work you can access the page by copying the following into your web browser.

Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect

Ehren Watada refuses to de deployed to Iraq

MarineGunrock says...

You're really detracting from the maturity of this discussion with the whole "next question" thing.
But from my understanding, The UN never said "DO NOT GO". They said they didn't want any part in it. They never said it was illegal until 2004. "On September 16, 2004 Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, said of the invasion, "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."
And I'm not here to debate the legality of the war. All I'm saying is that it is not illegal for an individual to be deployed to Iraq. Watada was commissioned in late November or 2003, WELL after the war had begun. It's not that he wanted out of the military as far as I can see. He offered to deploy to Afghanistan, but was denied. However, he was even offered a desk job in Iraq that had nothing to do with combat. Doing administrative work, no matter where it is, in not illegal.

Atheists Spreading the Word

qruel says...

Description of Begging the Question
Begging the Question is a fallacy in which the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true. This sort of "reasoning" typically has the following form.

Premises in which the truth of the conclusion is claimed or the truth of the conclusion is assumed (either directly or indirectly).
Claim C (the conclusion) is true.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because simply assuming that the conclusion is true (directly or indirectly) in the premises does not constitute evidence for that conclusion. Obviously, simply assuming a claim is true does not serve as evidence for that claim. This is especially clear in particularly blatant cases: "X is true. The evidence for this claim is that X is true."

Some cases of question begging are fairly blatant, while others can be extremely subtle.

Examples of Begging the Question

Bill: "God must exist."
Jill: "How do you know."
Bill: "Because the Bible says so."
Jill: "Why should I believe the Bible?"
Bill: "Because the Bible was written by God."

"If such actions were not illegal, then they would not be prohibited by the law."

"The belief in God is universal. After all, everyone believes in God."

Interviewer: "Your resume looks impressive but I need another reference."
Bill: "Jill can give me a good reference."
Interviewer: "Good. But how do I know that Jill is trustworthy?"
Bill: "Certainly. I can vouch for her."

Anti-recruiting protest taser incident: full video

MarineGunrock says...

While the cops may have been overusing force with tazers, protests are supposed to be kept to the side of the road. Protests are not illegal, but there are certain rules that they have to follow. The whole thing about no wood or pvc is to reduce the amount of weapons of opportunity available.
To me, if you're protesting something and you have to cover your face, that seems like you're about to do something that you shouldn't.

But one thing I'll never get is what these people hope to accomplish.
They think that just because a hundred people protested in some random town, the Pentagon will just say "Oh, well, if they want us to, we'll stop recruiting people."
I don't think so.

And the whole thing about recruiters being in schools - they need to do that to let the kids know that there are other options other than college. No, I'm not saying college isn't a good option, but guidance counselors act like they get paid on commission to get kids to go to college. It is possible to have a very lucrative career in the military. It offers a lifestyle that can not be matched in the civilian sector.

Glock Full-Auto Fun

MarineGunrock says...

It's not illegal at shoots like that. Many areas host machine gun shoots that are well-regulated. The gun to his left, for instance, is a M240G, 7.62mm medium machine gun. But yes, it would be illegal for a private citizen to have something like that in his house.

There's still nothing funnier than fat middle-aged men who think they're cool because they own/shoot things that are from the military.

NYC Traffic Officer breaks the law

choggie says...

The little fuck that made this viddy needs to get a life-big deal she was parked there, 5 ft from the frikkin car, she can move it if she has to....would have told the guy he was a dumbasss, to is face, in the store, and perhaps after tuning him up a bit, stolen his camera, so he couldn't masturbate in public any more.....

drattus, there will always be the type of folks best suited to be the cop, or the guard, or the patrolman, etc., and because of the predictable nature of these types of personalities, they will always have a place in societies....

Prisons, are not there to keep criminals away from non-criminals....they are there to generate revenue.

Drugs are not illegal because of their deleterious health effects, or the meltdown they cause in a society in the current paradigm, they are, because they generate revenue.

The individual cop here, is simply an asshole, that happens to be a cop, If she was not a cop, she would probably still be an asshole...just so happens, that the income-generating profession that best suits her, is cop.....cause we all know how much $$$$ you can make on the side, doing things that are illegal.....oh, forgot to mention, the guy who made the film, is a bigger asshole-

drattus, the best way to be an activist against such bullshit??? Break the laws you wish to, obey the ones you do not, but if you can make money with activism, by all means, do that.......until the planet is not run on, by, and for $$$$, it will only get worse, before it gets better......

-the time for civil disobedience has always been now.

Alizee - J'en ai marre

Theft by Deception - a history of tax law

yaroslavvb says...

"Yaroslavvb - quite an interesting point you have, that the impact of a horrible insurance system/health care system should show in the national death rates."

The point is that if "people dying in the hospital while the doctor haggles with the insurance were a common occurence, we'd see an impact on the death rates.

People dying in the hospital because they are refused care is an issue rare enough to make a sensational story for something like MSNBC, like this one

Current tax system is not illegal because there's case law that supports it. In essence, appropriate case law supercedes the literal/original interpretation of the Constitution and Federal Law. Arguing legality of taxes from original tax code, and not the case law that came after it, is a misunderstanding of how the law works in US.

And as we discussed earlier -- the Fed is more appropriately thought of as the "fourth branch of the government". It's a non-profit entity which surrenders any profit it gets over the existing margin back to the Treasury. The reason it is separate from the government is because the legislature, which is constantly preoccupied with winning the next election, is too irresponsible to be trusted with the printing press. There'd always want to print more money, and give the economy a boost just before the re-election, regardless of the negative consequences later on.

"I know of very few people that want to become a cashier for Wal-Mart or K-Mart or Home Depot "

People having to work is not a consequence of civillization, it's a consequence of life. There will always be people who are too lazy or incompetent to get a creative job, and those people will get stuck with low level jobs they don't want. I don't view it as a harm, on the contrary, the 9-5 regime gives them some discipline.

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