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First Video Clip of Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

chilaxe says...

Woz recently said that this scene has nothing to do with how things actually were.

I was looking forward to this being a smart movie like "The Social Network," but this clip makes it looks like it won't be as good as the old Pirates of Silicon Valley movie with Noah Wyle portraying jobs.

The Woz actor captures nothing about Woz. The only reason we can guess he's supposed to be Woz is he's heavy and has a beard.

Gangnam Style (RaOn Acoustic Cover)

Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for 12.5 Years

Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for 12.5 Years

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

FlowersInHisHair says...

I'd go so far as to call the Noachian Flood episode as attempted speciecide.
>> ^hpqp:

The two most popular Bible stories for kids after the baby Jeebus one are the Garden of Eden/Creation story (hello incest) and the Noah and the Flood story (hello incest and full-scale genocide). Am I wrong?

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

The two most popular Bible stories for kids after the baby Jeebus one are the Garden of Eden/Creation story (hello incest) and the Noah and the Flood story (hello incest and full-scale genocide). Am I wrong?
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^hpqp:
>> ^PostalBlowfish:
In the sense that Creationism is basically a fairy tale, it is appropriate for children. Unfortunately, it's not treated like that. It becomes part of an indoctrination that discourages critical thinking, and there is no question to me that such indoctrination is abuse.

I would not want my kids to be read the kinds of "fairy tales" found in the Bible. The Grimm tales are dark enough, without adding incest, genocide and mass genital mutilation to the mix. The Bible is more like Ovid's Metamorphoses; an important piece of literature you don't put into small children's hands.

Yeah they don't make children read those stories. I'm sure there's one church somewhere that does but everyone I've ever talked to that had a "Churchy" upbringing never heard about that side of the bible. Death yeah, but watch tv today and you get tons of death, so it's not really that big of a deal.

There was never any incest or genocide the way that they tell them. It matters a lot how you present the stories.

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

hpqp says...

The two most popular Bible stories for kids after the baby Jeebus one are the Garden of Eden/Creation story (hello incest) and the Noah and the Flood story (hello incest and full-scale genocide). Am I wrong?
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^PostalBlowfish:
In the sense that Creationism is basically a fairy tale, it is appropriate for children. Unfortunately, it's not treated like that. It becomes part of an indoctrination that discourages critical thinking, and there is no question to me that such indoctrination is abuse.

I would not want my kids to be read the kinds of "fairy tales" found in the Bible. The Grimm tales are dark enough, without adding incest, genocide and mass genital mutilation to the mix. The Bible is more like Ovid's Metamorphoses; an important piece of literature you don't put into small children's hands.

Yeah they don't make children read those stories. I'm sure there's one church somewhere that does but everyone I've ever talked to that had a "Churchy" upbringing never heard about that side of the bible. Death yeah, but watch tv today and you get tons of death, so it's not really that big of a deal.

Dutch Businessman Constructs FullScale Replica of Noah's Ark

A10anis jokingly says...

"So, here is the replica of Noah's ark, to the exact dimensions." "Aw shit, we've put glass windows in it!" The ark was built (according to people who take myth as fact) in 4900BCE, yet glass wasn't around until 1400 years later. But Hey, why let facts spoil a good story?

Dutch Businessman Constructs FullScale Replica of Noah's Ark

Trancecoach says...

You're correct. I meant to write "Full Scale Replica," but there weren't enough character-spaces in the title available. I've fixed the title (sans space) to reflect the change.>> ^spoco2:

The title is misleading. Bu saying 'scale replica' it makes it sound like it's not full size, but rather partial scale.
Saying 'full size' would make more sense.

Dutch Businessman Constructs FullScale Replica of Noah's Ark

Dutch Businessman Constructs FullScale Replica of Noah's Ark

Let It Be (acoustic Beatles cover ) - Mike Masse

SDGundamX says...

I really approve of the way he's going about this--he's not just asking for donations, he's giving back something in return. As a dad with a toddler almost the same age as Noah, my heart goes out to them. Just bought and downloaded the song... hope everything works out okay.

Take that, Bloomberg -- Noah has his first sip of root beer

hpqp (Member Profile)

Waiting for Armageddon

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^lantern53:

I know a lot of Christians and none of them are like the people in this video.
All the Christians I know are pretty nice, decent people, they believe in helping their fellow man, they are empathetic and as normal as anyone else.
Actually, they are better people because they don't go beating their wives, driving drunk, doing drugs, etc. for the most part.
But if you like your bugaboos to be church-going people, so be it.

I know a lot of christians too. Without a doubt most (not all) are nice people. However, their belief in talking snakes, noah, and armageddon and the like is freakish. I don't blame them in the least, as they were indoctrinated into this crazy belief system as children. Not like they had any choice in the matter. It was purely geographic. If they had been born somewhere else, such as afghanistan, they'd likely have been muslim.

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