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Selfie Bear

How Trump Is Playing Kamala Harris Like A Video Game

newtboy says...

Since birth. Trump feels threatened constantly, every single day, by every person he meets. It’s obvious. (Insecurity is linked to mental health conditions such as narcissism, anxiety, paranoia, and addictive or dependent personalities….sound familiar?)

His personality is one of pure insecurity.

Seriously, when has Trump NOT felt threatened by anyone?

That’s why he demands total compliance, fawning, adulation, and 100% public agreement or you’re his next target.….he can’t stand it if anyone disagrees with him about anything, or doesn’t give him preferential treatment, or isn’t puckered enough to kiss his unwiped ass.

The fact that he expects everyone else to compromise for him, but can’t fathom the reverse also indicates clinical insecurity.

That’s why he insisted people only get to know what he claims about himself….no tax disclosures, no financial disclosures, no putting his holdings into a blind trust, no registering as an agent for multiple hostile foreign powers (like Russia, N Korea, Saudi Arabia, and China, all of which helped “fund his presidency” (by which I mean bribed his family to the tune of multiple billions in return for classified information, preferential treatment, and ignoring treaties (like our obligation by treaty to give a strong, even nuclear military response to aggressive expansion in Ukraine.))). He’s terrified people will hate him if they know him.

That’s how people who feel constantly threatened act, not strong, secure people, but weak insecure people act that way, buddy. That you guy. That you pick. A cowardly baby conman who is anti constitution, anti democracy, and anti American….just like his cultists.
Your cowardly silence since the election is just more evidence. Where’s your red tsunami I was pissing into? Where’s the bravado and certitude? Where’s the unearned vitriol and threats? All evaporated in a puff of reality.

bobknight33 said:

Seriously when has Trump felt threatened by anyone?

Trump didn't do anything wrong

cloudballoon says...

I'm at a point where I can agree that "Trump didn't do anything wrong"... FOR HIMSELF. Narcissism is what a narcisist do. What's wrong with that, am I right?

It's the idiotic, blind, gullible, unthinking, racist, over-privileged, brain-damaged, "billionaire"-worshipping, unpatriotic, non-sensical, self-defeating cultists that's doing everything wrong. What's sadess & most pathetic is that there's enough of these cultists to make America turned to shit by voting Trump into the WH in 2016.

Hear why Bob from PA regrets voting Trump in 2016

newtboy says...

Thanks Bobby, I needed a laugh.
Boss Trump. LMAHS! You mean in the vein of Boss Hogg? Sounds about right, obese moron constantly trying to steal public funds and abuse his office with the help of his sycophantic toadies. Is that what you meant?

Trump bluster aside, there's nothing else there. He's pure bluster encasing, narcissism, rudeness, classlessness, and most of all massive insecurity. Rodney Dangerfield should play him in the movie.

PS, don't look at ANY polls, they might burst that little bubble you pretend to live in.
Also ignore that there are now at least 3 large, well funded conservative/Republican groups putting out anti Trump commercials daily that all regret voting for Trump....not to mention he's lost the vote of every Bernie Bro who voted out of spite, every farmer, and those 8% of minorities that voted for him...even the military is unhappy because he took money from military family housing for his fence, so their children live with black mold so trump can stage a photo op.
Lol, Bobby. It's far more likely YOU are a fake. It's a certainty you are a Russian agent, the only questionable part is if you know it or not.

bobknight33 said:

Its a fake.

Trump bluster aside no one regrets voting for BOSS TRUMP.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. It was a good joke to those of us with a sense of humor about Trump's narcissism and his inability to accept he's not "a perfect human being" (his words).

I think he means Trumpsters.
For someone who claims he doesn't like Trump, you sure bend over backwards to defend his inability to walk down a not steep ramp. It's not clear you don't like him, it is clear you strongly prefer him to Biden, but why? Please give 3 specific juxtapositions/examples.

Trump isn't even the leader of his administration. He's incapable of leadership. He holds the position of leadership but without the ability.

Um...I'm pretty sure he was talking to Trump, or do you also talk yourself up unsuccessfully, doing nothing useful, just whining? Lol.

Hmmm...looking at your profile a question comes up....are you just another Bobknight33 sock puppet? He started one every few weeks right when your account started, timing and political position line up perfectly, and like all the others you've never posted a video. Color me suspicious. Seems like every right winger that comments here started their account within weeks of each other and you all only comment except the main account, bobby, who does post videos. Hmmmm.

harlequinn said:

It's barely a "joke".

"You people" eh? I guess you mean Republican. I didn't vote for him bud, I'm not a citizen yet. And for the record, it's pretty clear I don't like him. But I don't suck from the Democrat teat just to oppose Trump. I'm not that naive.

FYI, he's the leader of all Americans.

Lol, you think I'm going to "shut the fuck up" because you said to. So funny. I'll do whatever "the fuck" I please thanks mate.

Do something useful? Where? In my day job? On the internet? Lol, I'm about as useful as you are on the internet.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

But sticking with Trump is sticking with your crazy chick that tries to stab you in your sleep at least once a week, is so dumb she can't read or write, is aggressive and insists you back her up on her insanity or be prepared to be stabbed extra this week, and is so inconsistent that even when you repeat her positions verbatim she claims you never support her and attacks with everything at her disposal vs an ex girlfriend who you already know is only average intelligence, isn't violent, doesn't need you to constantly legitimize their insanity, and can accept it when you disagree.

Then there's the narcissism.
Then there's the grift and graft.
Then there's the lawlessness.
Then there's the ignorance.

Yes, Trump is more interesting, like an atom bomb is more interesting than an M-80.
"May you live in interesting times" is a curse, not well wishes.

scheherazade said:

Dream date? Nah man, just anyone that wouldn't be embarrassing to be seen with.

I mean, if the choice is between:

1) Continuing dating a crazy chick, waiting a little longer and seeing who else comes around


2) Switching now to a chick that's so dumb it hurts

I pick #1. At least she's entertaining.

I mean, ideally, I'd pick neither, but we don't have the ability to unelect the office and leave it empty.


Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

moonsammy says...

Eh, I agree in theory but think that in practice it's a rather pointless endeavor. The type of person who is self-centered and entitled enough to make the "it's someone else's job to clean up my shit" argument is not the type of person who, in my experience, is remotely likely to change. Narcissism precludes negative judgments on one's self. Plus most of the time calmly explaining anything to a person who already feels you've wronged them is not going to result in the outcome you'd like. You might say that some of the time it'll have a positive impact, but I think on balance the amount of strife I'd put myself through for that rare "win" isn't nearly worth it.

I do feel this approach might work if there's a friend or family member with the offender, but even then at best it's a dice roll. Maybe the other party will point out that the asshat was in fact in the wrong, and that may alter their behavior in the future just to avoid an argument. However, if the 3rd party spends a lot of time around the entitled asshole in question then there's a good chance they either behave similarly themselves, or are well aware of the asshattery and know it's pointless to fight them on it. So... yeah. Maybe a semi-public shaming? Don't think filming would ever help things stay cool though.

newtboy said:

I think you help people by showing them their mistakes, calmly explaining them if needed, and you help the public by exposing those who angrily deny any obligation to be responsible, civil, or accept established social obligations so others don't rely on them or trust them to do the obviously right thing so the public has the information needed to know to distrust and shun them.

You don't help by excusing inappropriate behavior.

Snowblower Race

Daily Show : Trump Weaponizes Victimhood to Defend Kavanaugh

RFlagg says...

Let us not forget he mocked a reporter's disability, which his supporters of course also deny. There's zero good in that man... never was. He was shit before he had his show, he was shit during it, he was even bigger shit after. Then again, I tend to think narcissism is one of the worst qualities to have, right after greed... and he's got both to the nth degree.

ChaosEngine said:

Yes.... but at the same time clearly mocking her to anyone with half brain (so about 2% of his audience).

The same way that I can tell you that I think Trump is really, bigly smart and not at all a narcissistic, hobbit-handed, sexist, racist asshole and you can figure out that I'm not being 100% genuine.

Trump Won't Win

newtboy says...

Poor Bob, the BBC light ribbing over Trump's anemic "biggest inauguration audience ever in the nation's history" dwarfed by the wedding crowd upset you? Snowflake. ;-)

Not a memory lane of me saying that.
I called it for Trump when the DNC got caught....actually before then but not with certitude until then. I knew he was right, he could murder someone publicly in cold blood and not lose a vote, because his supporters are morally bankrupt tribalists. I knew decades of philandering, often with his friends wives, pussy grabbing, daughter lusting, school fraud, charity fraud, repeated bankruptcy, thousands of lawsuits, hush money, mob/Russia ties, a long history of cheating the little guy, blatant racism, being narcissism personified, and having zero capacity for honesty had no effect on them, it was clear that Clinton, whose voters had morals, was a huge long shot at best when the primary underhandedness came to light, she only drove the right to the polls, not the left. They couldn't have created a more polarizing candidate with more baggage.

Never underestimate the stupidity and gullibility, or count on the morality of the American voter or you'll look the fool like these people did.

bobknight33 said:


Memory lane.. Just Saying...

Learning about nuclear power with the commander-in-chief

RFlagg says...

No Mr Trump (RE: 0:52)... if you were a Liberal Democrat, nobody on the left would be calling you a smart man, or even a good man. You are the very picture of a fucking idiot. You could have been left of Bernie, and your narcissism would have made me sick. You are a near illiterate moron, and this wouldn't be a problem if you just kept to reality TV that appeals to other idiots, or the immorality of ripping off your contractors, but you ran, and run, to be the President of the United States, made us the laughing stock of the world. The media gives you a hard time, not because you are conservative, or because they lie, or because of some liberal agenda, they give you a hard time because of your banal idiocy, the fact YOU lie, that you constantly contradict yourself, that your people have to contradict you. that you can't seem to understand even basic concepts my 13 year old could grasp with far greater ease than you. Don't worry though, the minority part of the population who voted for you, will have faith in you no matter what, you could come out and say you did conspire with the Putin to win the election, and none of them would care, because you aren't Clinton, and they'd just see it as saving America in the end, such is the power of the brainwash on the far right... hell, I'd doubt the GOP itself would have enough balls to do anything about it other than say it was bad for you to do. Anyhow, you fucking moron, you massive failure of a human, you waste of star-stuff, nobody on the left would say you were smart, or appreciate you at all, we'd all see you for the looser you are, it isn't your politics that causes it, it's because of facts. Of course I realize that there are some big words here, and you can't read it, but I'm sure one of your actually smart, but greedy people, can help parse it for you, and stroke your ego about how it was an unfair attack and yada yada yada... and you and your followers would just say I'm brainwashed by the evil liberal media like NPR, but if you'd learn to vet things... which I know is well beyond your imbecile mind, one learns to see where the truth lies... Hell, you pompous buffoon, even when I was a far right, evangelical Christian, and pushing for strong Republican ties, I'd still have thought you to be the biggest idiots to ever hold the office.

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

newtboy says...

What a douche.
I wish that diplomat had reverted to his MMA training and knocked Trump out instinctually.
Can someone please, please knock this feckless and feculent, piss faced failure off his high horse?
*quality example of unrestrained narcissism personified

Sam Harris on Trump

MilkmanDan says...

I think Sam Harris is awesome, so there was a lot of interesting stuff in there even though it came from before the election.

I agree with everything he said about who Trump is; his motivations (or lack thereof), narcissism, potential psychological issues, etc. Yet I disagree with his threat analysis. I still think that Trump's "balloon flying around randomly" presidency seems like it could easily be better than a Clinton presidency.

Trump will cause some incidental damage with his chaotic randomness. But basically, it will be 4 years (please) of loud noises and flashing lights that mostly goes nowhere. Hillary, with all the baggage and rumors etc. that may not true, is still in general the kind of person that people like Hitchens said she was. She's savvy, subtle, and frankly dangerous. And she's extremely well connected. When Trump randomly bungles his way into some big screw-up, we're going to hear about it. If Hillary weaseled into some dirty back-door stuff that could cause real long-term problems, there's a good chance we'd never find out about it.

Then he mentioned the "Trump vs random US citizen" argument. Jesus, I'd have taken random US citizen in a heartbeat over Trump or Clinton. Hell, I think that would be a fantastic way to call a mulligan and replace every last member of our corrupt, incompetent, and entrenched congress...

The Philosophy of Shia Labeouf – Wisecrack Edition

Sagemind says...

Personally I think he's just finding his way in life just like the rest of us. All actors have a certain amount or Narcissism or what I call the "look at me" syndrome. That's what makes them comfortable being actors. I like what he's doing.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

Obama never acted so infantile and rude to Faux news, even though they are much worse about spreading fake news. He answered their questions and gave them many (>11) interviews where they consistently asked loaded bait questions, hounded him about fake scandals, taunted, insulted, and rudely interrupted him over and over, he even sat down with Oreilly again after papa bear was such an insulting disrespectful asshole the first time. He did call them out a few times, but mostly just ignored the insanity they spew.
Trump, on the other hand, can't let any slight go without becoming unhinged, and he retaliates like a 2 year old at any perceived enemy, and fawns over anyone that compliments him. CNN had the audacity to report an unflattering but important story about claims being made about the president elect and so they'll be blacklisted for his administrations term (imagine if the same story was about Obama, any news organization not talking about it would be called apologists and left wing propagandists that should be strung up from the nearest tree) Such transparent hyper narcissism, so easily exploited by others much smarter than he, makes him incredibly dangerous for us all.
Singling out a news organization that's not been friendly to you as liars and treating them as enemies is a clearly recognized Nazi tactic they used in their rise to power. It should be watched carefully lest this behavior evolves into totalitarian fascism.

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