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crazy japanese MRI scan (just watch it)

crazy japanese MRI scan (just watch it)

crazy japanese MRI scan (just watch it)

crazy japanese MRI scan (just watch it)

tacotime (Member Profile)

Putting faith in its place

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^chilaxe:
You do seem well-informed on this topic.

1) "These give us an "in" for something like an empirical analysis."
It doesn't seem similar to empirical analysis if people's experiences of mystical feelings are all mutually contradictory. One person believes he or she senses one thing when reading a religious book, and another person senses nothing.

Strictly speaking, simply having a feeling when reading a book is not a mystical feeling. It is just a feeling. I am referring more to things like the [i]writing[/i] of the Bible or the contact that the Oracle of Delphi was said to have with Apollo.

2) "Why should we expect it to conform to the standards of a scientific epistemology?"
These videos are intended for the portion of the population that's open to a rationalist approach. If scientific thought builds civilizations, with their advanced medicine and space travel, and religious thought doesn't have a history of verifiable achievements, a portion of the population will regard the balance of evidence as favoring a rationalist approach.

Sure, a scientific approach is extremely useful for developing new kinds of vehicles, safer homes, and so on. No one denies that. It is not at all clear to me how or why a scientific approach ought to be taken for all phenomena or to explain all ways of thinking about things.

There are a number of philosophical and religious positions which are utterly undecidable on the grounds of science and, if correct, render science woefully incomplete. One must evaluate these positions according to criteria other than scientific, such as coherency, consistency, etc.

3) "If an image of the Japanese Sun goddess Amaterasu were to materialize and defuse all our nuclear weapons, I don't think it would be unreasonable to take as our starting hypothesis that Amaterasu really did just finally prevent a nuclear holocaust. "
Yes, if there was a verifiable supernatural event, that would constitute some evidence.
However, using mystical feelings as evidence, as most people would, doesn't seem to be supported by the balance of evidence when neurotheology, the neuroscience of theology, is taken into account. (Since 1994, neuroscience has been breaking down exactly what happens in order to (assumedly) create mystical feelings... e.g. turn off the neural circuits responsible for the sense of division between self and world, and suddenly we feel "connected to all things.")
Not everyone believes in relying on the balance of evidence, but this video is intended for those who do, or to at least give folks a sense of the advantages of relying on the balance of evidence.

The "balance of the evidence" is that, when you put people having similar religious experiences in an MRI machine, you see similar things happening in their brains, and the things you see are more or less the kinds of things you'd expect to see whether or not you believe there is an anomalous element to the experience.

"Neurotheology" is not nearly advanced enough to come to any conclusions about the ultimate nature of such experiences, and may in fact be incapable of making such conclusions.

alien baby like creature stumps scientists

dag (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Probably best you did, because I wouldn't have. I still think that this is not much different than the MRI one, but meh. So be it... jedi.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I was going to let you discard this, but it was on the front page, so I pulled the trigger. I will agree that it's educational- but it it's still porn, and many people would view it just for the enjoyment.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
MGR: The educational slant on it makes it not porn. Porn is for enjoyment, this is not.
Like this isn't porn either (barring rule 34):

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I was going to let you discard this, but it was on the front page, so I pulled the trigger. I will agree that it's educational- but it it's still porn, and many people would view it just for the enjoyment.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
MGR: The educational slant on it makes it not porn. Porn is for enjoyment, this is not.
Like this isn't porn either (barring rule 34):

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

EndAll says...

>> ^gwiz665:
MGR: The educational slant on it makes it not porn. Porn is for enjoyment, this is not.
Like this isn't porn either (barring rule 34):

Those are hardly the same!

I've seen this video before, when I was about 15 and it blew my mind. I wanted to go test out my newly learn-skills.. and while it certainly is educational, I think it should stay on whatever porn site you found it on.

Also want to note that he mentions before doing this (in the longer version of the video) that his subject has been prepped for months already, with all the massaging and alleviation of pressure and all that. This wouldn't work to the same effect on any old gal. It's not entirely educational in that it's not easily applied knowledge. A lot of work went into having her in that state and able to orgasm in such a manner.

I dunno, I stick to the rule of 'if it's on a porn site, it's porn.'

And this isn't for enjoyment? Go to the original URL, look at how many views it has (8,831,170), and ask yourself how many of the people that watched it DIDN'T have their dick in their hand.

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

MRI Video Of Couple During Coitus

MRI Video Of Couple During Coitus

MRI Video Of Couple During Coitus

demon_ix says...

>> ^gwiz665:
So, we need a whole industry formed around MRI-porn. I can imagine medical students having fun in there now.. and there's the plot.
Go to work, internet.

Something tells me this wasn't the first time sex was captured on MRI. Just the first publicized time

MRI Video Of Couple During Coitus

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