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A Flood collapses road in a few minutes

lucky760 says...

The lack of voice over during the video is greatly appreciated. It really helps put things in perspective just watching Mother Nature do as she pleases as if mankind never existed.

Before the vid started I was expecting to be distracted with audible discussion and approaching cars nearly crashing into the asphalt crevasse.

Very nice.

National Debt Grows Too Big for National Debt Clock (0:35)

Any Trip Tips in Vancouver, ey? (Travel Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

I guess wrt plants/gardening, generally we enjoy site seeing especially those crafted by Mother Nature. A museum would be nice. Though we'd also need other "activities" like maybe stage shows, a spa, good food and local specialties, local landmarks, etc. We never actually do it, but we're always up for trying some light hiking through anywhere beautiful and snap photos.

I suppose the biggest thing is we want to experience all the must-see sites/activites specific to the locale. From what I can tell online, there isn't much to do in Victoria. It seems beautiful, but lacking much to do. Sort of like Maui (where it's slow and quiet) compared to Oahu (with a variety of things to do all day and night).

I'd especially like it if there are any local secrets we shouldn't miss like some special dish at a small, out-of-the-way restaurant, etc. We'll probably stick with a bnb in Vancouver and skip Victoria as the ferry seems to just take too much out of a day.

Driving into a MONSTER dust storm in Australia

Dali's car - The judgement is the mirror (1984)

Eklek says...


I question her around the clock
Hanging on her words
Hear myself say the world has stopped
The first step is the worst
The dance is new, momentum high
Like swelling waves around
Hear myself say the flow has stopped
I ask can I be found?

Humanity is young and sure
The judgement is the mirror
Mother Nature and all her work
The judgement is the mirror
The world confronts a change [us chained]
The judgement is the mirror
[It] Smile[s], conscious pain
The judgement is the mirror

The swords of men who criticize
The judgement is the mirror
And this we spend to feed our pride
The judgement is the mirror
She offers me a line of truth
The danger in the mirror
She offers me a line of truth
The danger in the mirror

I question her
'round the clock
Hanging on her words
The world has stopped
The dance is new
The momentum high
Like swelling waves

A few reasons why I love our planet

World Destruction - Johnny Lydon and Afrika Bambaataa (PIL)

Grimm says...

Speak about destruction (x3)

This is a world destruction, your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
Countries are fighting with chemical warfare
Not giving a damn about the people who live

Nostradamus predicts the coming of the Antichrist
Hey, look out, the third world nations are on the rise
The Democratic-Communist Relationship,
won't stand in the way of the Islamic force

The CIA is looking for other detectives
The KGB is smarter than you think
Brainwash mentalities to control the system
Using TV and movies - religions of course

Yes, the world is headed for destruction
Is it a nuclear war?
What are you asking for?

This is a world destruction
Your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
The rich get richer
The poor are getting poorer
Fascist, chauvinistic government fools

People, Moslems, Christians and Hindus
Are in a time zone just searching for the truth
Who are you to think you're a superior race?
Facing forth your everlasting doom

We are Time Zone
We've come to drop a bomb on you

World destruction, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom!

This is the world destruction, your life ain't nothing
The human race is becoming a disgrace
Nationalities are fighting with each other
Why is this?
Because the system tells you
Putting people in faceless categories
Knowledge isn't what it used to be
Military tactics to control a nation
Who wants to be a president or king?
Mother Nature is gonna work against you
Nothing in your power that you can do

Yes, the world is headed for destruction
You and I know it, cause the Bible tells you
If we don't start to look for a better life,
the world will be destroyed in a time zone!

Speak about destruction (x3)

Turning Foxes Into House Pets (Blog Entry by lucky760)

bamdrew says...

"what Mother Nature took thousands of years to do with wolves".

We don't know how long it took for wolves that were scavenging off our dump sites to become dogs that scavenged off our dump sites, that then became the dog as part of our human groups. I suppose thousands of years isn't a poor estimate, but who knows, maybe it was 100 years for the first step (wolves that hung around people as scavengers), then 30 years for the second step (wolf pups that people befriended or took and bred).

btw, this is a fun thought; have you ever seen the images of gangster dudes in Africa with hyenas and lions, walking around with big chain leashes? here's a famous one,

Lightning hitting Eiffel Tower in Vegas

Zifnab (Member Profile)

djsunkid says...

ohhh yeah, ok! I forgot about that bit, and missed it when i watched it just now. fair enough.

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Well with 37 seconds left in the mother nature bit they say f@&k you so I thought it qualified.

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Hey zifnab, I was just going through my vids and discovered that you *nsfwed Powerthirst. There's no swearing or nudity, what gives?

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djsunkid (Member Profile)

Powerthirst - Harness the Power of 400 babies

Crazy Locomotive Snow Plow Gets Stuck

Gattaca Opening Titles

Farhad2000 says...

Here are the quotes for clarity:

"Consider God's handiwork, who can straighten what He hath made crooked?"


"I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature. I think Mother wants us to."


Octopus vs. Shark

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Beggar's Canyon