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Conjoined Twins

choggie says...

nO WONDERS SEEN TO THIS DAY FORWARD, OR IN MOMENTS PAST , CAN PREPARE YOU FOR THE FRENZY OF THRILL THAT AWAITS OUR FANTISTIC, AND AMAZING, ABBERATITOOONNSS OOOOFFF gENETEICS!! mOTHER NATURES CREWL MISFORTune YOU AND I HAVE MANAGED TO DoDGE, BUT THEEESSE PORR SOULS, OR SHOULD WE SAY soul, YOOOU be the judge, astonishing moreso, than the Man Calf, or Elastic Sponge faced Boy, these ladies are sure to satisfy, and perplex, to starle and amuse..the shape of a fantasy unicorn sausage, drifting on glazed brine....blahhab blahab blah blahb blaha !

(hmmm, perhaps this is choggies way of hawking the benefits of voyeurism, human drama, and the showcasing, FOR WHATEVER REASON, images which feed that beast, as here, for whatever the motivation the post came, be you family member, or freakshow attendee, down to the travelin' sideshow, what comes ever year, bout this time!) I'd rather watch Hot Wheels® crash into saltine houses!

High-speed Cruising Down The Panama Canal

Quboid says...

Wow. Between this and the lock video (, I just have to marvel at this piece of engineering, by mother nature and by man. They are planning to expand it too, with more locks - wider ones, as those are pretty tight and ships aren't getting any thinner!

Spectacular Volcanic Eruption

choggie says...

Hey!!!What's wrong with this picture-same viddie I submitted three weeks ago, with a non-pc tag of Global Warming 101"-and it got Das Booted!..I've never been one too back away from dialogue, but rattling off a bunch of unrealated datum to support a religion is fundamentalism at its worse-So I think Global Warming is a crock of shit??! There are still archeologists who hold to the theory of pyramids as tombs. There are probably some Japanese soldiers who still think its WW2 as well.
And the earth still belches more pollutants than all the freekin sentient beings combined.
Thank you mother nature, for teaching us about the true nature of global warming.

Category Icons (Sift Talk Post)

dotdude says...

I previously had brought up a category for pranks, stunts, accidents, injuries, explosions, mother nature, caught on video. I want to suggest a "caught on video" category to take care of the unexpected things that are recorded on video - referring to all the items above.

And I suggest a sifter with a ball of fire coming out of it. Sifters seem to love seeing stuff blown up.

Rebuilding the world! This is real!

LadyBug says...

i was thinking along the same line when they announcer said something about 'absolute piece of mind' ... i'm sorry, but some security boats hopping between the islands wouldn't do it for me ... mother nature sometimes has her own ideas!

Category Icons (Sift Talk Post)

Tornado Video

Seahawk rolls in rough seas (no sound)

Must be seen to be believed: mating slugs (NSFW if you're a

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Beggar's Canyon