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Judge Judy - Rigor Mortis Stew

newtboy says...

Well la ti dah, your majesty. If rigor mortis stew isn't to your liking, how about a flat meat sandwich?

Dumdeedum said:

Some folk'll never eat a skunk,
but then again some folk'll,
like Cletus The Slack-Jawed Yokel!

To be fair I actually commend them not wasting the venison, but the accents and attitudes don't help their cause.

Saltatio Mortis - Früher war alles besser

Saltatio Mortis - Hochzeitstanz

Saltatio Mortis - Früher war alles besser

Zombie Decomposition (Blog Entry by lucky760)

probie says...

I never had a problem with the whole "fast zombie vs. slow zombie" debate, as technically you could have fast zombies in the first 6-12 hours, before rigor mortis set in. Then you'd start having the classic variety of zombie.

My biggest problem is figuring out how zeds move after death in the first place. Muscles require ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in order to move; it is the primary and only fuel that muscles use. ATP is broken down from glycogen; glycogen is produced by the liver from the carbs, fat and proteins in the food you eat. In order for glycogen to get from your liver to your muscles, your heart has to pump it through your circulatory system. But if our current clinical definition of death is no cardiac activity, then how do zombies move?

geo321 (Member Profile)

New Channel Pending Approval: DEATH. Approve or Disapprove? (User Poll by lucky760)

xxovercastxx says...

I think this would be a good place for some Latin. How about *mortis?

The Latin gives it that artistic, abstract flair that I think you're going for, rather than the snuff undertones of *death. Also, some of the people who don't bother to read the channel rules won't actually know what it means, so maybe they'll just overlook it.

Guess Who This Is (Sift Talk Post)

What is Your Pirate name (Actionpack Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Dirty Morty Kidd

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

What is Your Pirate name (Actionpack Talk Post)

Napalm says...

Your pirate name is:
Black Morty Rackham

Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!

Also Sagemind remember when you had LESS videos than me? lol

Breeder Flies Cat, Airline Delivers Frozen Corpse.

Lieu says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Dude, give it up. you can't prove the cat died of hypothermia, but you also can't prove it didn't, either.

The "you can't disprove it" argument? Give me a break.

The only thing the guy has to go on is that it was sent to a vet that he doesn't know, who said the most likely cause of death was uterine toxity. Now, many things could've happened there.
We don't know what made the kittens die, maybe it was complications, maybe it had something to do with why the cat froze to death, too.

No, we go with whatever explanation is more likely based on the evidence and keep it in context of the situation. And you are weighting the autopsy far, far down in reliability while simultaneously taking the "clean bill of health" the morning before as completely accurate. It's the pet equivalent of a doctor's checkup - it's not going to predict a stroke the next day or a thousand other serious conditions.

The ONLY thing's we know about this video, guy sends a healthy pregnant kitty to someone else on a plane. Cat gets put on plane. Cat is dead and frozen (Twice) upon arrival. There's no middle ground there, we have no information on what happened while it was in the cargo hold of the plane, so for all we know, the landing gear didn't fully close and caused a small draft, at that altitude, the temperature would already be incredibly low, not to mention that it's winter.

We don't need that information, but it would be helpful. Also, have you noticed that most of your argument is actually speculation? What we know is:

1. Pregnant cat gets a checkup and deemed healthy
2. Dies during air travel
3. Described as frozen on arrival
4. Vetinarian's autopsy says the cat died of uterine toxicity from dead kittens.

What's more likely, the checkup couldn't catch that sort of death impending and "frozen" was rigor mortis plus a cooled body, OR, there was some sort of major mechanical failure in the aircraft AND the autopsy was wildy innacurate. Given the available information, it's much more likely to be uterine toxicity.

Now, if it was ME in this situation, and I not only sold a cat to someone for $2500, but one that I'd loved and had for years, I'd probably be pretty pissed off too. And being as the cat was healthy THAT MORNING, the only logical explanation is that something happened to it, more then likely while it was in the planes care. And if they can't prove misconduct on the airlines part, I believe they forfeit any rights to sue for the loss of not only his money, but his pet.

And you complained at me for attempting to "prove" it one way or another? I refuse to ever make a claim of absolute certainty and you just said that literally the only logical explanation was something happened to it.

So, yeah. I'd want my own autopsy on it, too.

The airline offered the cat so he could get his own autopsy but he declined.

The Secret Rulers of the World

bcglorf says...

As much as people try to dispute all of these conspiracy type things there is still one thing: Something caused these conspiracies.

If you can find the first variable that caused a conspiracy then you can find the real answers, and they are never obvious.

I hate to be the Mortis nuntius but if any of this is proven true, the Punishment for this treason is Death. All of the perpetrators as Jefferson put it: Lined up on the white house lawn and made to bear their crimes against the people of the United States. *- this is a paraphrasing.

Well I hope it was worth it, because these fools are going straight to the "Ninth Circle" <- Dante.

Um, did you watch the whole video? Did you get right out to the point were they start talking about how "most jews are decent people", and where it is explained that the zionists are the evil jews who feel they are entitled to the Palestinian homeland? Do you realize that includes ALL of Israel? Did you follow on to the point where they extend that to include 'christian-zionists' as extremists that support Israel? How about the south-park description of christianity?

"if any of this is proven true, the Punishment for this treason is Death. All of the perpetrators as Jefferson put it: Lined up on the white house lawn and made to bear their crimes against the people of the United States"

You realize what that quote looks like attached to this video?

The Secret Rulers of the World

NordlichReiter says...

As much as people try to dispute all of these conspiracy type things there is still one thing: Something caused these conspiracies.

If you can find the first variable that caused a conspiracy then you can find the real answers, and they are never obvious.

I hate to be the Mortis nuntius but if any of this is proven true, the Punishment for this treason is Death. All of the perpetrators as Jefferson put it: Lined up on the white house lawn and made to bear their crimes against the people of the United States. <- this is a paraphrasing.
Well I hope it was worth it, because these fools are going straight to the "Ninth Circle" <- Dante.

The Official Roast of dotdude! (Parody Talk Post)

Arsenault185 says...

On first impression, the one thing that came into my head was refrigerator magnets. That page looks like those little words that people who pretend to have talent use. Seems fitting. Because as far as talent is concerned, I think youd better stick with an art form stick with an art form that that people will recognize. Besides, the latter of the two is right up your alley.

And if all else fails, you could always put on that "I'm Retarded" sign the government gave you to wear and try to sell your crap. People are suckers for retards and will feel bad so they will buy your arts and crafts project which are comparable to a third graders. Retarded third graders. On drugs.

Anyways. as far as that blog goes, I noticed he likes to talk about unexpected boners. I won't even code the link so you can all see it. Some one help him out with that? Poor little guy probably thinks theres something wrong with it and cries when it happens. Even if he knows that its supposed to do that, it probably gets hard from rigor mortis. That is, I'm almost sure it died from lack of use.

I have to stop now. Just talking about this pathetic, talentless, good for nothing, useless, unproductive, leech on the economy is depressing me. Excuse me while I go wipe my ass with a piece of his "art". See dotdude? The Government issued sign works!

Man shoots electricity out from his hand

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