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Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

newtboy says...

The invalid and corrupt SCOTUS changed the law to make “official acts” by one person, the president, above the law, can’t even be scrutinized…which has NEVER been the case, indeed our government was designed to avoid exactly that. NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW has been the American motto since its inception. That creed has now been invalidated by this unfathomable decision which adds the asterisk “*except the president when acting officially” while intentionally leaving open the question of what is an official act and what isn’t, allowing for uneven, unequal, inconsistent application based on politics or payoffs, not law or facts.

They did say acts by the POTUS in or outside their authority can be prostituted…legalizing bribery so long as the policy change comes before the final check. A Freudian slip you got correct. That was another change this extremist court just made.

Once again since you cannot read or comprehend what you’ve been told repeatedly, the position was not fear mongering about hypotheticals, it was pointing out the specific anti democratic crimes already committed and those promised by one candidate in their campaign of retribution against the non cultists…the exact examples brought up during arguement that were just determined to be legal, like the assassination of a political rival by the military. That is not hypothetical now, they ruled on it precisely.


No President has ever needed immunity for official acts before Trump because none ever tried to commit felonies then hide behind their authority as president (Nixon tried, but like Trump his crimes were definitely unofficial acts not official no matter how he tried to make them official, not presidential orders but campaign activities just like the coup, but he had the moral fortitude to step down and go away, Trump would rather burn it all down.)

Explain why Trump needs immunity if he didn’t commit crimes.

bobknight33 said:

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals.

Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

bobknight33 says...

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals.

Supreme Court ruling on Donald Trump immunity

newtboy says...

Lied to? How so….be specific.

😂 Reiterate the oblivious 😂….um…yes. The oblivious felon did make this claim first, the oblivious “justices” did reiterate.

So why is Trump celebrating like he just got a get out of jail free card?

This is not how it’s always been, before this ruling official acts still had to be lawful…not anymore. As long as they’re official acts, they are legal (as far as penalties are concerned) no matter what the law says. That’s what they ruled.
Edit: They did not give the disgraced ex president his claimed total immunity however…if the courts decide fomenting a coup was not an official presidential act, or falsifying documents for fake electors is not an official president’s act, or secretly pressuring a governor to “find” 11000+ votes is not an official presidential act, or taking and withholding classified state secrets and lying about having them to the FBI and actively hiding them from warranted searches after he was no longer president are not official presidential acts, then he still has some serious legal trouble to add to whatever happens next week at his sentencing.

As long as the President is using official powers, what he uses them for cannot be questioned. Biden could assassinate Trump like he claims Biden tried to do 100% legally now, and Thomas, and Alito, and the other corrupt “justices” that invalidated a long cherished institution for money, and anyone he thinks threatens America…100% immune because protecting the nation is a Presidential duty.
Fortunately Trump tried to hide most of his crimes by using unofficial orders to non governmental agents through unofficial channels, so he’s got an uphill climb to argue they are official acts.
The issues listed in the dissent are not extreme or hypothetical, they are in fact campaign promises by the convicted felon and terrorist leader and specific examples argued by the Trump lawyers as things that are (now) legal…like assassination of a political rival.
The court just couldn’t help but try to minimize its extremist ruling that upends 248 years of the rule of law and puts the president above the law when using presidential powers (like assassinations, or cancelling elections, jailing political rivals, disbanding the border patrol, etc.) by calling threats made by those who have followed through on those exact same threats before “fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals"
The president refusing to accept the election results and trying to seize or hold onto power illegally was one example…not extreme or hypothetical or fear mongering, it fucking happened, and this ruling means it may be legal (if considered official).

Biden damn well better make use of this immunity to save democracy or maybe he deserves to lose, he now has carte Blanche to pull anything, absolutely anything as long as he says it’s for America, everything is allowed, nothing is forbidden. I’m worried he has morals and won’t use these new unlimited assassination and coup powers…very worried. I know for an absolute certainty that the other guy doesn’t.

bobknight33 said:


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

Sadly this had to go to the Supreme court just to reiterate the oblivious. When will you learn -- you are always being lied to about Trump.

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals."

Supreme Court ruling on Donald Trump immunity

bobknight33 says...


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

Sadly this had to go to the Supreme court just to reiterate the oblivious. When will you learn -- you are always being lied to about Trump.

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals."

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You keep claiming you are doing excellent, have become rich raking in all that Tesla cash and DJT earnings…and the skyrocketing value of your Convicted Felon Trump NFTs and golden sneakers. I guess that was all bullshit? 😂

Many are broke because they did work for convicted felon DJT and he stiffed them on the bill, putting them out of business. Some are broke because they gave everything to convicted felon, rapist, and business fraud disgraced convict Trump or invested in him and he gives nothing back EVER. Some are because the 2020-21 Trump recession hurt them badly and they haven’t recovered fully yet. Some because they divested in anything “woke” before realizing they now own nothing but worthless anti woke stocks, some because they went “all in” on Tesla as you suggested right before it crashed and burned, some because they attacked the federal government and their defense is expensive. Companies continuing to reap record profits doesn’t help. Derp.

Most Americans are doing quite well, I am, WAY better than during the Trump slump when my investments made under 5% per year, this year I’m already over 10% growth in under 6 months…sadly some only watch propaganda outlets that hammer in daily that they aren’t doing well, don’t trust economic numbers, your paycheck, jobs numbers, your bank account, the gdp, or your recent purchase history, or $3 gas, just trust them you are poor. Sadly they also don’t grasp that they were infinitely worse off in 2020, your memories were wiped front to back, full wipe, to forget the entire last year of the last administration, forget the negative gdp, the millions of lost jobs, the hundreds of thousands of closing businesses, the empty shelves, the fear mongering, the race riots, the million + deaths, the skyrocketing inflation from outrageous and useless spending sprees (like the PPP free money handout program) ballooning the debt, and have been told to not believe the amazing gdp, 13+ million jobs created, hundreds of thousands of new businesses, plunging inflation, record market numbers, etc.


Also “We are here in Sunset Park to worship the greatest president in U.S. history.” Convicted felon Trump’s introduction at his cult meeting….i mean political rally.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Why did Trump need to make the hyper narcissistic “god made Trump” video?
Because he needs to because god doesn’t want Trump (proven by his constant losses)?
He puts out those videos claiming he’s the messiah and you stupidly still claim you aren’t in a cult. I won’t insult your lack of intelligence by pretending you believe the nonsense you spout…not even you are that dumb and ignorant, and that is a LOW bar.
Pretty hilariously clueless for you, or any MAGgot, to complain about fear mongering since it’s constantly and consistently been your main tactic….the world will end and you will die if you don’t vote for Trump, he’s said that. He’s also said it’s ok if you do die, as long as you vote for Trump first (or your relatives hide your death and use your vote for Trump).

bobknight33 said:

The left need to make such fear videos because Americans want Trump in 2024.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

newtboy says...

It’s far from just letting others say it with no contradiction for months, it was the same hosts themselves saying the election was stolen that now admit they never believed the big lie, so could never have believed Dominion orchestrated it.

The great part is this essentially makes the case for Dominion, because part of winning their case involves proving malice, and saying these horrible lies day after day when you know they aren’t true, inviting the same conspiracy mongers on day after day to sell the same ever more convoluted lies for months, knowing what they say is nonsense and nodding along and agreeing knowing you are not only ruining a multi billion dollar business with lies but also putting its employee’s lives at risk from your viewers, all because the machines functioned properly and didn’t give the election outcome you wanted is pretty much the definition of malice.
Dominion deserves every penny of the $1.6 billion they request for actual damages then triple it for punitive damages.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

luxintenebris says...

o r a n g e l o v e r s
don't get to call anyone
foolish - giving money to a 'billionaire'
a tool - Jan 6 was a sea of mallet heads
(used for dirty work)
imply others are more malleable than themselves (inspired to meaningless violence, told to 'guard' ballot boxes - like toothless people trying to chew gum - actively ignoring the plethora of graft (& other crimes), while listening to hate mongers trying to gaslight all the criminal/obnoxious/thuggish behavior. is enough to make baby Jesus cry.

that and PHAWK nuzz 🦜
is the height of unearned arrogance.

Blah Blah Blah?

Sheer poetry

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah.
You are a TOOL.
You are a FOOL
You are exactly what they want.

Republican Socialists

luxintenebris says...

for answers, might look at causes and things that haven't worked. possibility of realizing what ISN'T the leading cause -

- and addressing those that DO and the answers reveal themselves more readily.

altering the subject a bit, OPEC is working on throwing a wrench into the works. i'd suggest not letting them alter our course by re-electing the group that has no desire/experience/answers in solving anything. *

kinda like...if the boat is sinking locate the ones helping to bail and those who aren't - and toss the R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶s̶ slackers overboard and keep the actual help.

rather have folks that try, than all those that cry, cry, cry.

*sans deals w/the devil, war mongering, or weathering the rich while damning the poor = last forty years

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

You absolutely deviate from that.
You never see wrong from Orange people, and rarely from white, but see nothing but wrong from darker skinned people.

You just see white and black and think it’s the same thing as right and wrong.

I don’t judge people by anything but actions….that leaves most people on my shit list, melanin levels have no bearing on that.

Yes, it is hypocritical because, yes, you did back Bundy at the time and were outraged he was shot, even though he took over a park armed, threatened rangers and police, shot his gun, and fled from police before being shot still armed. Hard to handle that with the courts when he’s on the highway shooting.
You supporting him and were angry, saying those cops didn’t need to shoot him, but are cheering on cops shooting an unarmed man running away no longer threatening anyone… 60 times. The difference? One was extremely more dangerous, violent, armed, and white. You only see the other one as the problem. That’s hypocritical.
I see 60 shots as the problem, and don’t believe the police version that he even fired his gun without proof.

Government overreach? Are you talking about Bundy’s other anti government armed action when he stole grazing from public lands and held off law enforcement with an armed violent militia, which you supported? Cheering him on for refusing to pay for using public lands for private profits and using deadly force against law enforcement? I’m talking about when he violently took over a park for months with more armed violent militia….which you also supported.

My life is pretty good. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I know you can’t understand thinking about someone else’s situation, but it used to be considered normal…real conservatives know that.

Lol…I’m not on any other social media at all, and I rarely get my news here. Sucker. Nice try, but I look for actual sources, not nut jobs saying what I want to hear, like Trump who got the election fraud fraud from an anonymous Twitter account.
It’s pretty telling that you think the way to “truth and understanding “ is remove all sources of information. What exactly do your eyes see with your head in that dark hole? Mine are wide open in the sunshine, sunshine. I see not only the “truth”, but also the various attempts at lies, and being (and keeping myself) fairly well educated I can tell the difference, a trait I’m afraid you sorely lack, friend. Thanks so much for the offer, but it’s like a deaf and blind man offering to lead someone with glasses across the freeway.

On the contrary, we’ve been here for you for over a decade, calmly explaining reality as you scream nonsense and fear monger. We will be here tomorrow. Assuage your fear of abandonment and maybe you can begin to think rationally.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

Lawrence: ‘Fox News Has Blood On Its Hands’

cloudballoon says...

Oh it'll change things, for the worse. Fox News will dig in ever more in its myriad fear-mongering and white victimhood theories. Its Ring-wing viewers will get ever more indoctrinated and think of even more extreme forms of violence. It's how they get their highs.

While the Left just get some weed for their fix and at least hurt nobody.

Now hand over the $1000 so I can pass it to an animal rescue, instead of giving it to the bobs to get more guns.

eoe said:

$1,000 that nothing will change.

Living person placed in a body bag for cremation

cloudballoon says...

In Hong Kong (where I was born), a majority of seniors are reluctant to vaccinate even amid its deadliest 5th wave of Covid (blame anti-government sentiment, doctors ruling against vaccinating seniors & sensational media fear-mongering of rare vaccine side-effects over logical thinking, facts & mathematical probability) brought me to think that many of them have a death wish anyway. It's kind of a cultural thing.

BSR said:

This person doesn't care one way or the other.

Guess who for 5 power points.

Biblically Accurate Angels

cloudballoon says...

Hey it's White, so you shouldn't be feared. Just like W. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw his pure, pure caucasian soul and tell us he shouldn't be feared, right? Right?

Dark joke aside, any Christians who'd take all the mythical/fantastical aspects of the Bible in a literal sense are pretty brain-head and gullible to begin with. Better to figure out the symbolic or allegorical meaning of those verses.

Centuries/millenniums ago people - from the West to the East - would claim they saw dragons but instead were just seeing tornadoes instead. They couldn't process what they saw with the science we now know so they wrote those fantastical stuff in the Bible. It's their "truth" not ours.

Just like the far right is living a different kind of fantastical, wholly imagined fear-mongered "reality," or like many people in Russia honestly brainwashed into believing Putin is currently liberating Ukraine.

Buttle said:

Angels approaching humans almost always say "fear not". There has to be a reason for that.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

I read it, nowhere did it give an estimate of what those protests cost, and it indicated there were multiple other routes for the oil to travel so didn’t even disrupt oil transportation completely, much less ALL commerce.
And it was about pipelines crossing their (or protected) land it seems, a far cry from the truckers. Yes, the validity and severity of your cause matters, just like the damage you do and to whom.

Billions worth of goods stuck temporarily…but no actual estimated cost for their delay, this cost billions in lost production and salaries that won’t be recovered.

That protest was targeted against the offending entity, not the populace. I have no issue with natives blockading their own land and preserves that feed those reservations against permanent destruction for some private profits. That’s a far cry from the truckers blockading the main border crossing for industry and tourism because they’re afraid to get a poke.

The numbers I saw were special. Hundreds of millions-billions lost (your billions in goods delayed doesn’t have a price tag). That was before the bridge was reopened. These protesters weren’t satisfied with that damage and continued to close your capitol with ever shifting demands. Since regular measures had failed, I support emergency measures, seizure, even forfeiture after trial, of any funds or tools used.

Perhaps they became only as localized (but certainly not as targeted, and localized in a city not the unpopulated country), but they had already done exponentially more damage and showed no sign of end or even demands.

Let’s ignore someone personally supporting a grass roots movement outside their country and control, please. I find it a red herring totally unconnected to how he governs.

Yes, some Floyd protests were more violent than the truckers, some weren’t, remember how they were all violently smashed, tear gassed, rubber bullets galore, run through with police trucks, unmarked vans pulling up and grabbing people crossing the streets, unmarked vans driving through towns full of police shooting tear gas at any moving body, etc? Don’t pretend the response is similar.
Also, the Floyd protests lasted a weekend in most cases (occupy Portland really wasn’t about Floyd) and went elsewhere the next march. They weren’t closing down one area for weeks intent on staying. Most lasted hours and were peaceful until police became violent, despite right wing media’s fear-mongering.

I think you’re stretching, putting on blinders, and doing insane mental gymnastics to pretend you believe that. From the actual damage caused, the idiotic reasoning behind it (quickly abandoned), the extremely uncanadianness of the self centered far right rally masquerading as protest, the international damage, the foreign involvement from planning to funding, these are unique “protests” in numerous ways.

Their idiotic beliefs are only one of many distinctions I’ve pointed out, and as I mentioned only color public opinion and the amount of patience they’re given by the public, not how the government treats them. It’s not at all honest for you to pretend that’s the entirety of my position…it’s very Bob of you, and has lost some of my respect.

Pipelines crossing sovereign territory or preserves = bad so blockading those areas to force pipeline movement = good….oil companies didn’t truck the oil out, they increased shipments from other areas by rail. Read the article you linked.

Native cultures and governments are different. Pretending an elected board for a reservation works for the people is naive in the extreme. Read about politics on reservations, who funds the people that get elected in most cases, what happens to opposing candidates…saying the board signed off while so many showed up to fight against it seems a bit at odds, no? Like maybe the board members were bribed, had ties with the oil industry, or other conflicts….just maybe?

And again, those protests didn’t cost a fraction what the truckers did from my research. Delaying delivery of a billion in goods isn’t the same as costing a billion in losses. Neither is delaying or cancelling a billion dollar project. Be adult please….don’t make such specious arguments ….please. They don’t slip by, and they make me think you are being disingenuous.

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bremnet says...

I hate it when the uneducated try to explain a complex issue and do a piss poor job of it. Is PFAS a problem? Sure. Are ALL PFAS compounds a problem with regards to their toxicity? No. The small molecule species are problematic because of mobility. The polymeric species are stable as fuck, that's why they were invented and why we use them as seals and barrier layers to isolate corrosive liquids and gases, and why we use them in such things as medical implants. The polymers excel because they are inert and largely unreactive. So - are they all bad? No. Are they all good? No. But it's too late - the fuckwits like Oliver have fueled the Emotional Response bus, and society won't stand for outdated concepts like scientific investigation or rational thought. Eight member countries of the EU are presently on track to restrict or ban all PFAS in any form, sweeping all compounds into the same category with no differentiation between a water soluble perfluorinated molecule like perfluorinated PVME and a one million molecular weight PTFE polymer. If it has a -CF2- moiety in it, it's subject to being banned. Good science doesn't matter any more, the knee-jerk fear mongerers are now making the decisions.

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