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newtboy (Member Profile)

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

newtboy says...

Sorry sunshine, neither of these statements have any basis in reality. If you weren't such a constant liar people might believe this nonsense.

When you lie to 74 million voters (and make no mistake, this is saying all 74 million voters believe the Trump vote fraud lie supported the Trump terrorist attack on congress and deserve to be treated as treasonous terrorists) and tell them they're being robbed of their country by massive fraud and cheating, and the guy stealing your country is going to send the thuggish black mobs to your neighborhood to steal your home, you're bound to set a few off. That's why Trump is culpable, he did that and called for his proud boys and second amendment people to stand up and act (the paired order to "stand down and stand by").

Even McConnell has finally admitted that the attack on democracy by your ilk was at the provocation and direction of the president himself, not looking good for his impeachment trial if McConnell won't stand with and protect Trump.

Who dismissed you and your thuggish comrades? You've been coddled and listened to for months despite having absolutely no evidence of your baseless claims and mountains of evidence against it, and your lies continue, ignoring all facts, pretending you were simply ignored, not that you were heard ad nauseam and found to be dishonest and plain wrong in every single claim. It's like we've had a two month drag out fight over whether the Easter bunny is real, and after two months of attempting to get you back to reality with factual information you claim you were just dismissed and never once listened to or allowed to give your side or evidence of a giant magical egg hiding bipedal rabbit.

Antifa was NOT part of that crowd, they would have been lynched if they were. That's just another right wing fantasy that they think absolves them of the responsibility for their actions somehow. Most of the +- 1000 morons who entered the building looking for representatives to murder and state secrets they could steal and sell to Russia were also anti maskers, making it easy to identify them as long term Trumpsters and debunk your baseless lie designed to shirk responsibility for the attack your president directed and your ilk perpetrated and blame it on political rivals with no evidence. Every person asked said they were there because they were listening to Trump's instructions, not a single one was there because Antifa said to go attack the capitol and stop the steal.

Give us the name of this fake antifa person Newsmax has told you was there inciting action with the thousands of murderous Trumpsters there at Trump's explicit direction, fighting like hell to take their country back, forcing a trial by combat, trying to take out senators, representatives, and the VP in some moronic murderous attempt to install Trump as president by force and can't. They don't exist, and anyone you name will have a great multi-million dollar lawsuit against you for libel, well worth their investigators tracking you down irl. You can join Trump's lawyers in being sued for 100 times the amount you could possibly make in your lifetime. They're liable for $1.5 Billion in losses in just one case. You might get off easy with only a $10 million judgement against you.

bobknight33 said:

When you dismiss 75 Million Americans a few are going to off.

Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

newtboy says...

Killed in cold blood?! Do you not understand the term? It absolutely does not apply here. For once, police shot the right unarmed citizen. My only gripe is there weren't hundreds more terrorists killed attacking America. I'm fairly certain you would agree, if only they were Muslims instead of Trump cultists.

Edit: We will never know who murdered her because she was killed in self (and national) defense. That’s not murder, it’s legal and proper homocide, and incredible restraint (or involvement and support) from police.

How much mainstream media do you watch, because I saw plenty of coverage about her, her past, her family, and her more recent spiral into madness. I’m guessing you’re basing your claim on what Newsmax and OAN said, not any real evaluation of actual media coverage.

She was violently forcing her way into the last secure area where representatives were hiding from the murderous mob hunting them that she was spearheading. A mob that had already murdered a police officer and set up a gallows to hang representatives on.

Please post your address so I can send over a murderous mob to kill you and your family in horrifically torturous ways for disagreeing with me, keeping in mind you have indicated you have no right to defend yourself....or maybe think before excusing armed and murderous insurrection and an attack on congress as somehow peacefully demonstrating instead of deadly treason and an attempted murder filled coup.

TangledThorns said:

Wow, Bill Maher gave more coverage to Ashli Babbit who was killed in cold blood by .gov than the mainstream media did. And we still don't know who murdered her!

Trump Defends Sedition Speech, Support for Impeachment Grows

vil says...

He invited a mob to the White House and told the mob to march to the Capitol and somehow force the Senate and House to not do their duty.

That is Lenin level thinking, only he forgot to organize a military coup, also they failed to take the train station first.

He did not specifically mention breaking in and hitting people with fire extinguishers but can he once in his lifetime actually be held responsible for his own actions?

The people who voted for him should have a longer leash. Anyone who turns away from the clown is saved IMHO.

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

newtboy says...

Not enough by far, by design. Only 1/4 of the capitol police were on duty for this advertised riot/attack on democracy. Offers of backup from DC police and the national guard were refused. Normal non violent events usually have at least double that number, the non violent BLM protests at BLM park (the whitehouse) had over 7500 law enforcement officers stationed for days, this advertised armed attack and trial by combat had what, <500? Almost half of those were diverted to the two seperate live bombs the terrorists set, yet they still refused offers of more officers and didn't even call in off duty capitol police....good thing, they were busy being part of the riot. The FBI had many indications the Trump crowd planned unprecedented violence, dozens if not hundreds of messages calling for murder of BLM and Antifa members, murder of representatives, murder of anyone trying to stop their coup. "Either we get our president or die fighting for him" was a typical message. Rally points in other states discussed. "This is not a March, not a protest, it's war, come ready for battle." Read numerous others.
Turns out in many cases the barricades were useless because cops refused to use them and allowed people to walk through or around. They have been successfully used uncountable times before, but we’ve never had capitol police themselves be part of the mob, and with so many off duty cops and military in the crowd they thought, like at their job, the rules don’t apply to them or those with them. They talked their coworkers off the line in MANY instances, flashing their badges to gain entry then helping other rioters through.

Even if they weren’t stopping everyone, that’s not a reason to remove them so they stop no one. That’s asinine, I suppose you leave your front door open because your windows won’t stop a determined home invader?

Is your point that a fence that has openings is useless....hmmm...I recall someone else that was willing to divide and bankrupt the nation over a 1/2 of a fence...who was that?

greatgooglymoogly said:

It looks like there were enough cops to hold the crowd back if they concentrated at the doors, they made a mistake trying to have a large perimeter, which is why we have videos of them taking barriers down because they were just gone around and useless, not because cops were letting them in. There were about 50 full on riot cops with shields who seemed to hold the rear of the building just fine.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

newtboy says...

Then you're a disingenuous fool and apologist for/supporter of domestic terrorism and sedition, which are a bit more serious than a few cases of arson, there were enough firebombs confiscated to burn the building to the ground, at least two working bombs activated, and an attempted coup including mobs roaming the halls of congress looking to murder representatives including the VP.

If it was a right wing plot you would probably call 9-11 mostly peaceful, only 19 of the 30000 involved did anything wrong.

More like 10-15000, and 1000-1500 smashed in armed with guns, bombs, and molotovs chanting about killing representatives, the rest just attacked the outside and police, set up a hanging stand complete with noose, and stood guard for those inside.

Show me this reporter standing in front of a burning building calling it a peaceful protest, not a protest that became a riot. I challenge you. I can probably find video of every single democrat representative denouncing the summer violence, i can find you video of Republicans gleefully supporting the crowd of terrorists, and even the president supporting them and telling the terrorist mob he loves them.

greatgooglymoogly said:

30-50,000 people in the protest. A few hundred invaded the building. I'd call that "mostly peaceful" by the definition of the reporter standing in front of a burning building saying the same.

Karma Is A Bitch For Lindsey Grahm

newtboy says...

I was talking about the Republicans that supported him and his insane cult and their baseless fraud claims for personal political gains and helped create the seething thicket of violent misguided idiots hunting and threatening liberal traitors now finding that they are considering them the traitors.

Crows coming home to roost in my usage means the beast you created came back to terrorise you instead of your enemies.

The video is one of them being attacked by Trumpsters because he voted to certify the election instead of fighting to audit the vote again. This means his support for Trump's inflammatory claims and rhetoric, implying the election could be reversed (largely because they were making money off the lie hand over fist, not because they believed it) came back to bite them in the ass when reality crashed down and all they could do was delay certification a few hours and the rabid mob blamed them for the theft that never happened.

greatgooglymoogly said:

"Crows have come home to roost" seems to indicate his long term support of Trump has come to bite him in the ass. The opposite is true, the crowd's reaction is a quick knee-jerk response to his speech in the Senate ending his support for Trump.

Karma Is A Bitch For Lindsey Grahm

cloudballoon says...

This is exactly my reading too. The Trump mob is angry at that POS Graham because he said "Enough is enough."

greatgooglymoogly said:

"Crows have come home to roost" seems to indicate his long term support of Trump has come to bite him in the ass. The opposite is true, the crowd's reaction is a quick knee-jerk response to his speech in the Senate ending his support for Trump.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

vil says...

So you are enjoying the leader of the nation you belong to, the country you live in, the party that you support, the representative of the ideas you support, the idiot that you are fan of, making a bigger disgrace of himself than any POTUS in history? No exPOTUS has ever had a mob storm the Capitol to change the election results.

Or do you have some personal reasons to be happy? That would be a relief and make us all happy if you share.

bobknight33 said:

It has been the best week in my 59 years...

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

vil says...

"Mostly peaceful" protests usually happen in a park or a street or a university campus, you know, a public place. And then special forces arrive and beat people up and shoot some.

So this was strange for sure. The police seemed mighty reluctant to fight. The mob looked really crazy, attacked the police, but more verbally than physically, and if physically more just pushing them around than throwing things or hitting cops with them. Not even a good hockey fight. But still they stormed the building. Something aint right.

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

newtboy says...

She wasn’t murdered, she was shot because was a violent traitor attacking police.
How do you know she was unarmed? Because a Trumpster said so? Not that it matters, the mob was armed, she was part of the violent armed mob.
She was rushing police with an armed mob in an effort to subvert democracy. She deserved death along with every single person who entered the building, whether armed or just violently supporting the gun toting, bomb setting, Molotov carrying terrorists who were armed.

Had they been BLM, there would be dozens or more dead and not one that entered the building. Had they been armed Muslims, there would be hundreds dead. But they were armed racist traitors, so one shot is too much? That says a lot about you.

Remember her name as a treasonous traitor to America like all MAGA morons today, and if you find her family, invade their home armed with guns and bombs and destroy it like she was doing. Clearly you think they would be wrong to try to stop that.

TangledThorns said:

Ashli Babbit was unarmed and murdered by .gov yesterday.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

newtboy says...

Fuck you, traitor. This isn’t a joking matter.
You aren’t even joking, you repeated this nonsense with all seriousness elsewhere.

Bombs aren’t peaceful. Many were planted.
Molotov cocktails aren’t peaceful. Many were found before they were used.
Armed forced entry isn’t peaceful. In most states it’s grounds for homocidal defenses.
Hunting congress with intent to harm or kill them isn’t peaceful. It’s treason.
Vandalism isn’t peaceful.
“Combat” isn’t peaceful. Trump directed the mob to start combat at the capitol building.
Destruction of public property isn’t peaceful. $hundreds of thousands in damage.
All these crimes were part of the “combat” Trump directed. Instigating sedition is a capitol offense that calls for a firing squad.

Joe is right, if the Trumps, who called for combat at the capitol building earlier that day, aren’t removed and arrested, along with every single identifiable terrorist in the videos and any police that helped, it is 100% approval of mob rule, and the next armed murderous mob should be hunting Trump and his family. In that situation, poor Barron is going to have to eat them all if he doesn’t want to be lynched and cooked with them.

Every Trump property should be burning right now as property of treasonous traitors. Every Trump family member should be under arrest. The 25th should be enacted, and Trump arrested for directing an attack against America. This was a violent attack on democracy at Trump’s clear and unambiguous direction, but the coward was too terrified to go with them as he promised to. Too bad, would have been nice to see him shot dead by capitol police.

drradon said:

why all the hand wringing? looked "mostly peaceful" to me...

RFK 1968: "An uncontrolled mob is only the voice of madness"

newtboy says...

But no liberal leaders supported the summer riots...often sparked by right wingers committing arson, shooting into crowds, shooting police, repeatedly trying to set bombs where they would kill, and even by police caught on camera directing vandalism and letting white arsonists and murderers walk away, liberal leadership immediately condemned all violence and looting.

Conversely, the leader of the right called for this march on congress and the “combat” that followed. Other Republican representatives have excused it, explained it away, and now are already denying it, claiming those were all ANTIFA dressed as Trumpsters, with white power tattoos, full MAGA regalia, guns, bombs, Molotov cocktails, etc shouting “stop the steal” as they violently attacked police and congress in Trump’s name and at his instruction.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming, but only from one party. Democrats are consistent in condemning mob violence, republicans love it when it suits them.

drradon said:

but, of course not relevant to the burning of municipal buildings in our cities by BLM demonstrators - that was the voice of the people...

neither should have been tolerated, accepted, or promoted by any elected leader. The stink of hypocrisy is getting overwhelming...

Hey, Republicans Who Supported This President...

newtboy says...

*doublepromote *quality

@bobknight33 , how are you going to spin this treason at Trump’s specific direction to be Democrats fault? I hope you were there, every person who can be identified is an accomplice to murder (the woman who died is on your hands), a treasonous traitor who attacked America, and a person guilty of vandalizing federal property which Trump claims he made a minimum 10 years by itself. Your party went from anti American to enemies of the state yesterday, you might want to burn all that MAGA crap you own before they enter your home and drag you off if you ever want out of prison....granted most of these terrorists deserve the firing squad, their supporters just deserve a decade in Guantanamo.

That goes for the capitol police too, they were at least in part complicit, not deploying ahead of the well advertised riot, not using force when they were beaten, pepper sprayed, and threatened at gunpoint. Compared to their BLM response they were cheering on this attack on democracy and showing the kind of restraint that doesn’t border on being complicit, it dives over the line into the deep end of the treason pool.

Trump himself is guilty of directly instigating these riots. How do you like the way he lied to you, saying he’s going to be there then slinking off home instead to watch his mob do their thing? Don’t think for a second that not going excuses his leading of the group, instructing them where and when to attack, or his self serving lies he’s told you to rile them up into a murderous rage. He’s going to be prosecuted over this, maybe removed from office too.

Enjoy, the world now agrees, Trump leads a terroristic, unpatriotic mob of morons willing to commit violence against police and the federal government if they can’t have their way. You should all be put in re-education camps like China did with the uighers with Trump’s explicit support....since you’re incapable of being educated, that’s for life.


Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

vil says...

Nice summary, Newt! My thoughts exactly.

The police seems to favour a bunch of (probably armed) hysterical Karens shouting incoherent nonsense over people who actually have reasons to protest and a clear reasonable agenda. Hockey mums shouting at the referee without understanding the rules.

The only slightly face-saving moment was the guy in Pelosis office writing a message and leaving her cell phone on the table instead of dropping his pants and defecating on it. It is possible that these people will yet come through to realize that no, once again, this is not the end of the world that their prophet is calling for.

Trump thinks this is a reality show and anything goes. Theatrical tactics to make it look like he was cheated out of a big win. Also always backs out of everything he says - not his fault this time either?

Security agencies from top to bottom made to look stupid and weak and slow to react. Look at how many police cars are there, how many policemen in fancy dress. It takes hours to control a few hundred Karens who could have been expected from the moment the president called for a march on the Capitol.

What shall you do with a president who calls for a march on the Capitol?

Edit: just found out there had been violent clashes on Tuesday already - what happened yesterday was either incredible incompetence bordering on mental retardation, or a purposeful extension of Trumps narrative. That the police favour Trump so they let the Trump mob storm the building is a nice scenario for some conspiracy theories of our own now :-)

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