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Chubby Cuppy Cake Sam

LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum

MrFisk says...

Oh oh oh
oh i don't know, i don't know, oh, where to begin
we are north americans
and for those of you who still think we're from england
we're not, no.
we build our planes and our trains till we think we might die,
far from North America,
where the buildings are old and you might have lots of mimes.
aha, oh, oh.
i hate the feelin' when you're looking at me that way
cause we're north americans
but if we act all shy, it’ll make it ok
makes it go away.

oh I don't know, I don't know, oh, where to begin
when we're north american
but in the end we make the same mistakes all over again
come on north americans

we are north american scum
we’re from north america

and all the kids all the kids that want to make the scene
here in north america
when our young kids get to read it in your magazines
we don't have those
so where's the love where's the love where's the love where's the love where's the love tonight?
but there's no love man there's no love and the kids are uptight
so throw a party till the cops come in and bust it up
let's go north americans
oh you were planning it i didn't mean to interrupt
i did it once and my parents got pretty upset
freaked out in north america
but then i said the more i do it the better it gets

let's rock north america

we are north american scum
we're from north america
we are north american scum
we are north american

new york's the greatest if you get someone to pay the rent
wahoo north america
and it's the furthest you can live from the government un huh huh
some proud american christians might disagree
here in north america
but new york's the only place we're keepin them off the street
boo boo now we can't have parties like in spain where they go all night
shut down in north america
or like berlin where they go another night, alright, un huh un huh

you see i love this place that i have grown to know
alright, north america.
and yeah, I know you wouldn’t touch us with a ten-foot pole
‘cause we’re north americans.

we are north american scum
we are north americans
we are north american scum
we love north america

take me back to the states man
north american scum
where we can be ????
north american
where the dj ????
here in north american scum
don't blame the canadians
let go north america

CBS: GOPs Ask Palin To Leave

Xax says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Palin can't be any worse than Nancy Pelosi, who the taxocrats made 3rd in line for the Presidency after Bush/Cheney.
Dems are the ones scared sh-tless by Palin, as usual for all the wrong reasons. Their answer to her is to HIDE that semi-affable simpleton Biden, who better show up for the debate dressed as a mime.

First, you obviously haven't seen Palin's interviews. I don't know that there could've been a worse choice.

Second, I read/heard not that long ago that Biden's has given something like 10 times the number of interviews that Palin has since their nominations, so I don't know how you can say the Dems are hiding Biden. The only hiding going on is with Palin, and apparently for a damned good reason.

Christmas comes in just one more day, kids!!

CBS: GOPs Ask Palin To Leave

quantumushroom says...

Palin can't be any worse than Nancy Pelosi, who the taxocrats made 3rd in line for the Presidency after Bush/Cheney.

Dems are the ones scared sh-tless by Palin, as usual for all the wrong reasons. Their answer to her is to HIDE that semi-affable simpleton Biden, who better show up for the debate dressed as a mime.

Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar (Live)

If you piss off a Mime

Muse taking the piss miming

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Muse, miming, newborn, live, and, kicking, pisstake, lipsync, notasgoodasradiohead' to 'Muse, miming, newborn, live, and, kicking, pisstake, lipsync, pissoffmink' - edited by alien_concept

Muse taking the piss miming

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Muse, miming, newborn, live, and, kicking, pisstake' to 'Muse, miming, newborn, live, and, kicking, pisstake, lipsync, notasgoodasradiohead' - edited by MINK

Muse taking the piss miming

EDD says...

^Oh bugger, who else but me could have not understood what you meant by "miming"... Duly upvoted. Although it probably wouldn't hurt to add "lip-sync" in the tags, would it?

Muse taking the piss miming

Britney Spears Live Vocal Track Isolated.

Quboid says...

This is hearsay but apparently at times you can lip read Janet Jackson while "singing", she's counting off dance moves. At least Spears is trying and probably doesn't even know how bad she sounds.

As for how fake it is ... well, what do you expect. Truly talented people can do both but Spears was never famous for talent. If you go to a Spears concert, chances are you are more interested in watching her dance anyway. OTOH, I'd be pissed off if I went to a Pink Floyd concert and they mimed.

Like is said above, I want to hear the studio singing before any tweaks are made.

Little girl deemed not cute enough to represent China

Bush heckled at Monticello

Krupo says...

>> ^seltar:
Somebody should arrange an Anti-Bush Flashmob, and storm all his public talks..
Would love to see 100 mimes miming "Impeach Him!", "Worst President Ever!" etc.


Finally, good for something.

Bush heckled at Monticello

seltar says...

Somebody should arrange an Anti-Bush Flashmob, and storm all his public talks..
Would love to see 100 mimes miming "Impeach Him!", "Worst President Ever!" etc.

All The Memes In The Weezer Video In One Playlist.

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