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Michelle Bachmann: not caring for the less fortunate

alcom says...

Settle down, everyone. No, she's not talking about the world[sic]. Being poor in the USA is still better than being poor in Somalia. But one is painting with an absurdly broad brush by stating that a significant majority of people struggling to make ends meet can simply get a job to satisfy their luxurious eating needs. A 9% unemployment rate isn't self-inflicted.

>> ^bobknight33:

Don't be so stupid. She is not talking about the wold.
She is talking about lazy people who would rather collect the 99 weeks then magically find a job.
What a great straight talking American. >> ^Peroxide:
Almost a billion or more people in the world today face starvation.
So, Michelle, is a whole 1/7th of the world's population just too darn lazy to punch in their time-cards?
What a stupid, selfish, disgusting human being.

Michelle Bachmann: not caring for the less fortunate

bobknight33 says...

Don't be so stupid. She is not talking about the wold.

She is talking about lazy people who would rather collect the 99 weeks then magically find a job.

What a great straight talking American. >> ^Peroxide:

Almost a billion or more people in the world today face starvation.
So, Michelle, is a whole 1/7th of the world's population just too darn lazy to punch in their time-cards?
What a stupid, selfish, disgusting human being.

"Jackpotfishypoopypants"- (Michele Bachmann Bad Lip Reading)

Bad Lip Reading - Michelle Bachmann

Bad Lip Reading - Michelle Bachmann

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by bareboards2. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Bad Lip Reading - Michelle Bachmann

bareboards2 says...


And this is sooooo good. Dang. Fun to watch again.

Bad Lip Reading - Michelle Bachmann

bareboards2 says...


And this is sooooo good. Dang. Fun to watch again.

Bad Lip Reading - Michelle Bachmann

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by bareboards2. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

Phreezdryd says...

That was certainly one of the most entertaining episodes of 'Worst Persons' I've seen in a long time.
Are the qualifications for public office the ability to spell your name, and have a pulse?
Michele Bachmann starts singing "I'm every woman! Literally!"

Bachmann: Small Government until it comes to religious views

Michele Bachmann: a BLR Soundbite

Michele Bachmann: a BLR Soundbite

Michele Bachmann: a BLR Soundbite

Michele Bachmann: a BLR Soundbite

Michele Bachmann: Cock Eyed Bore

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