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Foundry worker puts wet scrap metal in furnace

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Shocking Data On China’s Economic Growth

C-note (Member Profile)

Gas Masks For Horses - January 1940

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Sturgill Simpson - Sing Along (Official Video)

Viking Fingerprint Trigger Lock Picked FAST

bremnet says...

The reason I'd use a biometric vs a keyed trigger lock is for speed and ease of use in the dark. If I have to give it a little squeeze to get it to release, zero concern. Does it secure the firearm? Yes. Is it 100%, no. Show me one that is.

p.s. in a random sampling, the twenty-three 15 year old boys in my algebra class, none of them own or plan to buy a flat piece of bent metal that precisely fits in a lock of this type, let along lock picking tools. The determination that this lock is no good is based on tests that have little to do with the intended function.

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Once again, you ignore fact to spread dishonest propaganda.

This sure looks more like idiot right wing man took his daughter into an Antifa crowd to start a fight he wanted recorded.....again....and repeatedly abandoned his daughter in the process of trying to start fights for the camera.
Who waded into the opposing crowd with their "I hate you" messages? Who is dressed for battle? Who has a metal weapon? Who tried to hit multiple others with that weapon first?

Why don't we see the instigation, only the response? That's obvious to those with a brain....because right wing moron intentionally started a physical fight with a crowd with his child present.

What happens if you wear an AOC shirt at a Patriot Prayer rally? Or an "i hate Trump and the right" shirt? Far worse than this every time.

Republicans now happily include the KKK, Bob. Democrats abandoned racism in the 60's when the Republicans turned to it for survival.
They gladly courted the American racists to get Trump "elected", and for 3 years now have furthered the racist agenda....and you love continuously call it winning.
Democrats denounce Antifa, Republicans say the KKK are good people, patriotic Americans, and gladly welcome in the Republican party, even as representatives.

You know every word of this, but disingenuously spread totally dishonest and divisive propaganda like you get paid in rubles.
So dishonest and dumb, Bob. You don't convince a single person to adopt your dishonest viewpoint with this lame propaganda.

bobknight33 said:

One can argue that Antifa are the fascist.

Antifa is the 21st Century terrorist arm of the Democrat party.

Guess Democrats moved on from the 19 and 20th Century KKK form of terrorism. Democrats do own the black vote now they are going after all the rest.

Is this what the Democrat party slogan of Move Forward represent? KKK to Antifa.

They're Made Out of Meat

BSR says...

Not only that. It sounds as if they are trying to figure out a way to beat the meat.

Fun Fact: We smell like steak when we burn.

Space may be a giant airless vacuum, but astronauts swear that it has an odor. Those who have sniffed the aroma liken it to burning metal, steak, and welding, among other peculiar olfactory memories. "Space has its own unique smell," NASA astronaut Scott Kelly said in PBS' Year in Space documentary.

eric3579 said:

It's hard to believe we've got this far considering....We are made out of meat.

Grim Reaper On His Quad Of Doom

Drachen_Jager says...

This probably needs an EIA too.

Attaching a bunch of sharp blades to your wheel hubs may seem funny, until metal fatigue causes you to throw one in a random direction.

Also... What happens when he falls off?

Also also... No helmet?

Nanowar Of Steel - Norwegian Reggaeton

Street artist in Venice | Banksy

Okilly Dokilly - White Wine Spritzer (Official Video)

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