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Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

OR chiccorea, SHALL WE DRAG, the entire sift community into your fucking therapy sesson, and make a deal of it, which I am VERY want to do. You have shown your ass here with regard to myself, are shitting once-again, on one of my posts, my comments, and you have a fucking problem that may very well cause my account to be unilaterally by admins stripped from me, and I consider ALL of my actions art in my life, INCLUDING my participation on this website.

You are forcing me to be this dick sir, and you have some real problems which are detrimental to this forum. Calling you out once again you pathetic asshole, what's it gonna be??

I'd be more than unhappy to have my account stripped from me by someone who obviously needs some hard-core therapy. You're socially inept and incite these incursions unilaterally with a view to my demise and I take issue with it. Does this make me your whipping-bitch?? Fuck that and no sir, it does not.

All you do here is hunt new submissions to see if you can ban someone for violations of rules, hassle me, and otherwise make benign, one-line comments with a brown-nose-finish as a thematic device.

*edit: I'll let this thread lay fallow or not and then take chichorreas's bullshit to the sift talk forum, I'm tired of one user's mental illness fucking with my place here....

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

How about, go fuck yourself lessee?? Troll here much?? How about you seek professional help with your particular dysfunction with regard to your mental illness, leave my account the fuck alone, and stay the fuck away from my comment threads, please (he asks, anticipating the reaction)??

I have an asshole, I mean, I have a question, asshole. How about, you (meaning you) go and fuck your self, meaning, yourself?? I WILL NOT be bullied by the mentally divergent in a public forum and I'm seldom polite to assholes regardless of imprints or brain chemistry. Now....You get the message yet??

chicchorea said:

...voice of experience...on how many counts?

Inspirational Crazy Talk - Matthew Silver Performance Art

eric3579 says...

*promote the wisdom. Maybe not as crazy as one might think....or he could be mentally ill in which case kinda bums me out. I do however love his energy.

The Secret to a Perfect Body - Genetics

artician says...

I love GATTACA, phenomenal and valuable film.

Aside from that your argument is flawed, because it assumes that human will is not part of its genetics. While I completely agree with the message that the film GATTACA has, because any intelligent, responsible human should immediately recognize the downside of inequality and prejudice, human will, feelings and drive can be as linked to a person's genetics as much as their physical makeup.
This is why mental illness, dementia, autism and all the perceived negative emotional and behavioral disabilities are as readily passed between relatives and lineage as physical traits. People just haven't advanced to the point yet, or just haven't been paying attention enough, to realize and allow this into our collective realm of awareness.

Yogi said:

The best argument against Genetics vs Perseverance that I've seen is Randy Moss vs Jerry Rice. Moss is taller, faster, and just has greater natural gifts than Jerry Rice. Why don't we call Randy Moss the GOAT (Greatest of all Time)?

Perseverance. Rice had that over any natural athlete that came to every NFL camp he went to. Rice was there before everyone, weeks before, and left later. He'd win a superbowl, wait a week and then right back to training. He's the best there was because Genetics doesn't do everything, just watch GATTACA.

But why don't I shut up. Calvin Coolidge said it better than I can.

How Mass Murders Should NOT Be Covered By The Media

AeroMechanical says...

I'd say that once someone as committed mass murder, we no longer need to be so politically correct. Terms like "psycho," "maniac" and "lunatic" are perfectly fine. I believe it would be helpful to draw a firmer line between the typically harmless mentally ill people who deserve sympathy and support and those who have crossed the line to become irredeemable violent psychopaths.

Oh, and Stormsinger, I think the name you're looking for is probably "Johnson."

Fuck The Poor

shoany says...

While I see where you're coming from, I have a few issues with what you're saying:

1. The organization you're referring to is staffed, has offices and overheads. Assuming it isn't corrupt and skimming and holding multi-million-dollar appreciation nights and galas (and we probably shouldn't assume that it isn't), the money you're giving this organization still gets portioned off quite a bit. Your point about helping on the systemic level is quite valid (provided you are channelling your concern into actually doing so), but I'd look more into local community health centres or the nonprofit down the street, and still, that money isn't guaranteed to reach the person in front of you. Much as a social worker can help him connect to essential services, advocate for fair and affordable housing, counsel him on trauma, etc, he will still need money for a lot of basic needs.

2. You are vastly oversimplifying the needs and situation of every person on the street. That person may actually depend on money from strangers to make rent (being that welfare barely puts a dent in even the lowest affordable housing costs), feed kids, buy food that isn't McDonald's or canned food, get a haircut, or a million other things that everyone needs money for.

3. Even if that person intends to spend some of your money on oxy or crack, it is not in your right to judge that. While addiction can very generally be called "bad", this person may suffer from chronic pain, trauma, mental illnesses, or some combination and short of governments finally realizing that housing and caring for the poor is cheaper than incarcerating them and treating emergency health conditions, self-medicating is the only reasonable way they can continue functioning for another day. This isn't even an unlikely scenario; think how easily someone can go from your (or my) comfy life to homeless, poor and desperate. It isn't always "bad decisions"; you could be a contractor that falls and gets a serious injury, hit by a car, stricken with a mental illness you have no control over, traumatized earlier in life, born into a high-risk environment or social strata, or anything else, and then start sliding from there. You develop an addiction, your income comes to a screeching halt, your loved ones can't or get too tired to support you, bills that were routine become suffocating, and there you are on the street, pain exploding relentlessly in your body/mind, on the other side of the decision, seeing chins turned up and eyes turned away from you and hearing people mutter "Don't give anything to him; he's just gonna use it to get high," to each other.

4. Not a single person in the video (and really, in just about every situation you see on whatever street you're on) speaks to or even looks at the guy.

While I wouldn't expect that everyone gives money to folks on the street (I myself have only done it a few times), it frustrates me to hear people insist that nobody should. "He's just going to use it for drugs/booze" is a presumptuous and ignorant statement and mindset.

One more thing: if you really care about urban poverty and those suffering from it, the biggest thing (IMO) you can do is vote for politicians/parties who openly and strongly support social services and welfare, then hold them to their promises. I don't make a ton of money, but I am happy to pay higher taxes and lose some luxuries if it means people who need help just to get by get it.

Fausticle said:

Exactly, a lot of the time giving money on the street is counter productive. It's best to give it to an organization that can make the most use of that money to help people. The majority of people begging on the street are either mentally ill or addicts and they need more then just a couple of bucks to get another fix they need real help from the community.

Fuck The Poor

Fausticle says...

Exactly, a lot of the time giving money on the street is counter productive. It's best to give it to an organization that can make the most use of that money to help people. The majority of people begging on the street are either mentally ill or addicts and they need more then just a couple of bucks to get another fix they need real help from the community.

HugeJerk said:

It's understandable that people would confront a guy for being disrespectful to poor people... it's also understandable that most people don't believe that the best solution is to hand money to some random guy on the street with a placard.

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

Lawdeedaw says...

Your wrong @eric3579. There is no protection for the wealthy--it only looks good to them but everyone is less safe for these policies.

But I must correct one injustice (among a few others) that John was wrong on. Most, and by most I mean most, solitary confinement of inmates does have both appeals policies inside the jail/prison and Judaical recourse. It is not foolproof, but lawsuits have vindicated many people. As such, this forced policies in place when confining an inmate.

Not to mention that many prisoners are mentally unstable as is--just like many homeless are. I am not saying to punish them. The medications they receive in prisons and in jails really are helpful in keeping them functioning in general population these days and should be the first reliance. They really do go above and beyond in many jails/prisons. However, someone who would rip out his own eyeball or shove a pencil up his penis, someone known to be violent, or even those severely handicapped and who would be abused, they must be protected. This guy doesn't point out this--instead it's generalized as ALL torture.

Imagine your son being raped in prison violently by someone with mental illness, just because he couldn't be justified as a danger for his entire stay... Happens every day, and so do the lawsuits. It's an impossible balance really.

And indefinite is a misnomer. 30 days is a common number of maximum days a person can be held in solitary for disciplinary infractions. While this doesn't seem like a lot of time, I understand it's a LIFETIME to spend alone in a room that is abysmal. However, it is definitely not indefinite.

Additionally, the total ratio of inmates incarcerated in general population versus is about 5%. That's pretty small considering the totality of circumstances and general population inmates whose crimes are serious in nature.

As someone who has studied this issue indepth for the last 7-8 years I can say the jail/prison system is a failure on multiple aspects. It causes more crime. It hurts people who would be better served elsewhere. It is racially biased. In most cases there is no way out. However, in the dawning of the age of cameras, much has changed for the better. The fact that guards are charged with crimes for obvious abuse is one. The fact that solitary confinement is now working well is another. Prison populations are expanding less and less.

We should expand upon the good, instead of focus on the bad.

*Disturbing* Police Shooting (killing) Of Albaquerque Man

newtboy says...

I hate to say it, but *snuff
I just watched a murder here...I totally expected him to live, but he didn't. Shooting someone in the back 8-10 times while they are trying to comply with your orders is murder.
When confronted by armed thugs (like these cops), it seems apparent the only safe option is to shoot/kill them before they murder you...that's the lesson I learned from this video (and others). I hope these cops are publicly lynched on video that's forcefully shown to their family and co-workers, then just maybe others will think twice before blatantly murdering known mentally ill citizens who are complying with directions.
Murderers deserve to be murdered IMO, those charged with protecting citizens (and paid well to do so, and given special rights and authority to do so) who then become the murderers deserve the worst we can imagine for them, not a pass. Those that protect them deserve the same.
So incredibly I'm all pissed off over here!

Pregnant Mom Attempts Murder-Suicide by Driving Into Ocean

radx (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I've been here 30 years and in the good ole days, it would snow maybe every year and a half. Lately, it has snowed every year, sometimes twice or three times. What is scary is -- the MOUNTAINS still aren't getting much snow.

It isn't much snow, but I have a very steep driveway that is in the shade of 20 foot tall laurel hedges. If I don't shovel it off, I won't be able to drive out of my garage for a week or so. So the thinnest sheet is shovel worthy at my house.

We're in trouble, this world. I think our species will survive, because we are very adaptable. But it is going to be ugly ugly ugly.

We as a civilization always looked to Nero, fiddling as Rome burned, as the ultimate in self-absorption and mental illness. Now we have a planet full of Neros.

It is bad. And getting worse.

radx said:

About time, isn't it? Is it just a thin sheet or are we talking shovel-worthy amounts?

Weather is completely bonkers this winter. Southern England is drowning, Germany has 12°C (53°F), Austria/northern Italy has 2m of snow, central/southern Italy is drowning.

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

enoch says...

totally agree,
unless you wish to consider the massive rise of:diabetes,hypertension,heart disease,cancer,mental illness,obesity etc etc.

the connections linked to GMO's and its possible harmful effects to mammals and the environment,along with the surrounding ecosystems are beginning to surface.

turns out those company sponsored studies may not be as upfront and truthful as we were lead to believe and there might actually be a reason for concern. the skin of his teeth

chingalera says...

Shit man, there's a long-ass rap-sheet of non-lethal mental illness that puts extreme sports to shame -Bleed yer heart out and feign concern for the human race with worry somewhere else there, Judgy McJudgerstein besides, more room for thoughtful, cautious types like yerself right??

Velocity5 said:

There are enough problems in the world.

Find a hobby that doesn't risk death or dismemberment.

Hail Mary Time...Amen!!!

chingalera says...

There's a simpler way of looking at mental illness or the lack of true freedom, in all her hydratic forms-Religions' a way to get a shitload of peeps to render their souls and Krugerrandz unto Caesar-like entities like preachers, priests, and governments.

What one makes for and of themselves with which to add to the grid, is all that matters in this lifetime-After this world comes pure energy and the bread you've cast comes around again-Make any sense there, god little gee?? True spirituality is coming to grips with time, space, and matter and the influence your perceptive apparatus has on the whole.

robdot said:

If people really, actually, believed in heaven, and hell, they wouldnt take their religion so lightly. It just shows that religion, in all its forms, is bullshit.
If you really believed that the eternal state of peoples souls was at stake. you wouldnt behave, like this.

schlub (Member Profile)

Avruch says...

I do know her. She is severely mentally ill.

schlub said:

I love how people here talk like they know this woman or her situation somehow. Have you considered that maybe she's just a bitch? People are assuming she has some kind of mental illness and are downplaying what she's doing based on their own limited knowledge of the situation.

Anyone who speaks out against her is surely a cad! How DARE you upvote this woman's poor misfortune!

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