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Let's teach Tigger, Pooh Bear & Eeyor to Dance - Oh Snap!

bareboards2 says...

*viral maybe? Corporate back door advertising? Disney is pretty draconian with its employees -- I'm thinking they had permission.

I'm getting very suspicious of media hacks, I swear.

Still, this is fun.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Uh oh Psychologic... You're daring to bring the taboos of logic, common sense, and reason into this discussion. That's going to get you labeled as a neocon. Get ready for it - because the neolibs won't stand for your simple, correct assessment of the world's capacity to generate resources.

One of the fundamentaal premises of the kook neolib left fringe is that the world is hovering on the brink of resource exhaustion. Look at this thread. It is filled to the brim with literal idiots who are talking all kinds of bull about stuff they know absolutely nothing about except what has been spoon-fed them by equally ignorant professors and media hacks. Check out this glittering example...

"Ideal population growth is as close to 0% as you can get..."

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Not only does this dingus believe that he knows what number of humams should/shouldn't be born, he also believes he knows what the Earth's 'ideal' population should be. Based on what math? None of course. It's just his opinion.

The neolib left is chock full of these kinds of psuedo-intellectual dipsticks. They go around spouting complete nonsense on topics they know sod-all about and perpetuate fallacies that any person with two gangelon to rub together can see are patently false at face value. But they LOVE this particular left-wing piece of idiocy (overpopulation) because it lets them engage in their favorite pasttime... Making stupid laws to take away freedom, control people, and limit happiness & prosperity based on junk science treated as 'fact' through no other virtue than faith and the psychological makeup of a lemming.

Late to the party but oh well.

Lets see: You bash "the kook neolib left fringe" for their baseless assumptions that the world is hovering on the brink of resource exhaustion, yet you take Psychologic's statement that "we could multiply the Earth's population many times over and still have enough resources for everyone" as gospel. Hmmm. Hypocrisy says hi!

Also, I love how you take Psychologic's assessment that "Infrastructure is the problem" and "The number of people involved isn't the major limiting factor." as "logic, common sense, and reason". Funny. I don't see any logic there considering the fact that "Wars, inept governments, and transportation costs" doesn't automatically exclude population as a significant contributor to famine. War = famine, therefore high population not = famine. Amazing logical inference there.

Hmmm. Perhaps when you say "logic, common sense, and reason", you're talking about Psychologic's claim that "Newer techs will help though. As cheap solar power matures there will be less dependence on power grids (eventually none), and manufacturing processes involving nanotech will reduce the cost of producing necessary items (eventually food too)."

What a prediction! The man must be a psychic or something! He knows in his heart that this "nanotech" thingy will be our salvation! What a brilliant scientific conclusion.

Seriously though, Psychologic's post is as full of bullshit as the posts that preceded it. It just happens to be your preferred flavor of bullshit. But hey, lets stick to the topic at hand here. I wouldn't want to bring something irrelevant such as politics into a discussion about population growth. Oh wait, you beat me to it.

And may I commend you on that wonderfully written diatribe against neolibs. It was definitely not full of your own opinion, and was instead nicely supported by facts, statistics, and science. I especially like the part where you called varietube a "dingus". I'd say something like "childish insults score no points here", but you already mentioned that yourself in your post to varietube below this.

Let me remind you of a quote of yours: "I simply find that I am - sadly - the only person on the sift who is able to provide this much-needed counterbalance in a way that is not inflammatory at its face value."

If your vitriolic rhetoric against neolibs wasn't inflammatory, then I don't know what is. You might want to start practicing what you preach. Unless of course, you feel like it's your duty to counterbalance all the "liberal idiots" on videosift with your own brand of shit.

Reporters On Their Own Failures As Journos

bcglorf says...

Well, I'm going to go ahead and get down voted, but I'm just stubborn that way it seems.

The main stream media's epic failure is not adequately covered in this sound bite. The summary at the end talks about the 'truth' finally coming out. All the media hacks talking points all discuss their failure in coverage in the past tense, as though they've corrected themselves. That simply isn't true. The media is still failing as badly as ever at covering anything related to either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars.

So far I'm safe and think we are agreed. I would attest though that the media has not only failed by being too ignorant and lazy in looking at America's policies, statements and decisions. They are also failing just as badly at presenting the situation of the people in Iraq under Saddam's rule. They are failing just as badly at covering any number of human catastrophes happening around the world. Al Jazeera just recently was the only major outlet to cover the revelation from escaped North Korean elite guards that the North's well known program for testing chemical weapons on humans is not limited to adults, but includes testing on children as well. Note the current tense, it means even today there are children somewhere in North Korea in a glass gas chamber being killed with nerve gas while a 'scientist' times how long it takes them to die. Meanwhile CNN can't be torn away from the latest on MJ's funeral plans to bother mentioning anything amiss abroad.

There is a very uncomfortably gray world out there that the mainstream media just can't be bothered to cover because the public can't be bothered to watch. This sound clip looks like it is not so much addressing the problem of bad media coverage, but trying to pretend that the bad media coverage proves that the war in Iraq was evil incarnate. It looks to me like instead of digging deeper to reveal the complexity of the world, it is instead just trying foist an alternative easy answer and simple explanation. In reality, it just proves that the war, good or bad, was covered miserably by the media, and in fact still is being covered miserably by them. To me that makes the media the absolute worst source to base any good/bad decision on.

What's worse, to me a 'documentary' peddling a different set of easy answers and simple explanations is just another part of the bigger problem. That problem being that people are uncomfortable with a complicated world that doesn't have clear cut good or bad solutions. That means people often prefer simple or easy answers to the truth when the truth makes them uncomfortable.

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Uh oh Psychologic... You're daring to bring the taboos of logic, common sense, and reason into this discussion. That's going to get you labeled as a neocon. Get ready for it - because the neolibs won't stand for your simple, correct assessment of the world's capacity to generate resources.

One of the fundamentaal premises of the kook neolib left fringe is that the world is hovering on the brink of resource exhaustion. Look at this thread. It is filled to the brim with literal idiots who are talking all kinds of bull about stuff they know absolutely nothing about except what has been spoon-fed them by equally ignorant professors and media hacks. Check out this glittering example...

"Ideal population growth is as close to 0% as you can get..."

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Not only does this dingus believe that he knows what number of humams should/shouldn't be born, he also believes he knows what the Earth's 'ideal' population should be. Based on what math? None of course. It's just his opinion.

The neolib left is chock full of these kinds of psuedo-intellectual dipsticks. They go around spouting complete nonsense on topics they know sod-all about and perpetuate fallacies that any person with two gangelon to rub together can see are patently false at face value. But they LOVE this particular left-wing piece of idiocy (overpopulation) because it lets them engage in their favorite pasttime... Making stupid laws to take away freedom, control people, and limit happiness & prosperity based on junk science treated as 'fact' through no other virtue than faith and the psychological makeup of a lemming.

Bush's Legacy

quantumushroom says...

What's left to say?

The mainstream media hacks are fawning idiots with Obama and attack poodles with Bush. Bush never got a fair shake since Day One.

That said, Bush sealed his fate as a failure with the bailouts, which opened Pandora's Treasury for the coming "happy fascism" of the Messiah.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

"So yes, Biden did spank the rightwing hack. So where is the bias?"

Your statement is flawed because Biden didn't 'spank' her. He just fumbled around, acted amazed that she even had the gall to ask such questions, and in the end ran away crying like a little girl. "Wah wah wah - no more interviews for you...!" If Palin acted like Biden after a tough interview then she'd be hassled for it, but the Cowardly Biden gets yet another free pass from neo-libs.,0,5063691,print.story

These are questions the SAME reporter asked McCain...

"There are reports now on in-fighting between her [ Sarah Palin's] staff and your staff. Is that indicative that she believes your ticket is not going to win, that she's positioning herself for the future?"
"You've made Joe the Plumber the centerpiece of your campaign in the past week, yet independent analysis shows that he would do better under Obama's tax plan. How do you respond to that?"
"Your plan has tax cuts for the wealthy. Do the wealthy really need tax cuts?"

Tough questions for both candidates. That's not a right-wing media hack. That's a JOURNALIST doing thier job for a change. Biden/Obama have been getting free-rides and everyone knows it. The 'hacks' all left-wing neo-libs deperately trying to get Obama elected and abandoning all professional ethics in the process. They aren't journalist anymore. They're cheerleaders. What else can explain them totally falling asleep at the wheel (on purpose) regarding Obama's background?

Just like this guy says... Everyone knows the media is slanted 90/10 towards Obama. You guys here are just a sad, pitiful reflection of how stupid the general public is, dancing to the media fife. How does it feel to be such a mindless pile of complete and total tools?

Palin on Abortion Clinic Bombers - Not Terrorists

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

joedirt says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
"Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

Questions for you.

- Was this a Rightwing Media Hack?
I'll add some reminders since you seem to be semi-retarded.
"isn't Senator Obama's comment a potentially crushing political blunder?"
"you may recognize this quote, ... -- how is Senator Obama not a Marxist"
"Are you saying America's days as the world's leading power is over?"

    Would those be journalistic questions, or just push-polling nonsense?

- Did Biden answer her nonsense and even go toe to toe with her and maybe even make her look foolish?

So yes, Biden did spank the rightwing hack. So where is the bias? What does any of this have to do with Obama sycophantism?

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

burdturgler says...

She might as well have asked:
"Some people say you are a secret member of the klu klux klan, how do you then justify running with a black man?"
There was nothing "challenging" in her questions. They were rude, ignorant talking points, period.

>> ^quantumushroom:
You should be grateful someone--anyone--in the media asks challenging questions; no one in the "non-liberal" mainstream media will ask anything serious of a candidate they privately endorse...

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

I've seen plenty of videos with titles slanted the other way. If they're is a bias in what is upvoted on to the top 15 its obviously a reflection of the users of the site. If you want to change things, a good start would be to collect the user names of likeminded users, and, when you submit things you think they'll like, drop them a line to drive something that might otherwise not make it to 10 votes right onto the sift. This is not frowned upon in the slightest.

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Lol - I love you guys... On the same page we have "Christopher Hitchens slams Palin" and also "Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Lol - I love you guys... On the same page we have "Christopher Hitchens slams Palin" and also "Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

thinker247 (Member Profile)

mefa says...

Haha, sure. Come on over.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
If John McCain wins? Yes.

In reply to this comment by mefa:
lol, you serious? =P

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
Do you need a roommate? I can pay in US dollars, which are oh so valuable right now.

In reply to this comment by mefa:
What the fuck is wrong with Sweden? I live here and I can GUARANTEE that every single thing about Sweden works better than any American state has to offer.
Stupid ignorant bitch.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

11807 says...

>> ^mauz15:
And yet, someone just linked me to this very same video saying how after this "tough" interview it was no wonder Obama was not taking any more interviews in FL or something. The person said Biden got angry because she asked the right questions. Someone explain to me how can the 45 people who upvoted can see the bullshit but there are other people who actually think this is a defense for Mccain and a loss for Biden?

Well, it sounds like to me she's just preaching to choir. I can't see this interview converting any watchers one way or the other. It would just cement already established opinions on McCain and Obama.

It's even weirder to hear socialism as a buzzword again. Suddenly because there is international connections with a person, it makes him/her a socialist. I have a friend working with the Peace Corps. in China. Is he now a socialist? The way the term is being used you'd think we'd time warped back to the days when the government issued the "Duck & Cover" PSA's.

If redistributing wealth is socialist, then the "True Americans" best prepare to get rid of Social Security too, dooming all those who legitimately rely on it to postpone retirement or not retire all-together. Simply raising taxes here and lowering taxes there hardly qualifies as socialism compared to the literal transference of monies paid from workers sent to those retiring.

mefa (Member Profile)

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