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A Gentlemen's Duel - an animated short

Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008) Official Trailer

HadouKen24 says...

Huh. Looks like they're taking it in a direction that arcs back closer to the book's storyline, if the few seconds flashing a mech is any indicator.

Really, though, I'd like to see the first Starship Troopers remade to be more like the book. CG these days is advanced enough to make it cost-effective. Instead of a skinny looking soldiers wielding wimpy assault rifles, we'd finally get to see a platoon of soldiers in hardened mech suits equipped with machine guns and tactical nukes.

It would be amazing.

Clarkson Kills a Corvette... With a Helicopter

rychan says...

The Corvette is a colossal piece of crap and a near perfect example of why I wouldn't buy an American car. I'm an American and I know well how stupid most of us are.

Luckily engineering in America isn't done democratically, so I think your logic is faulty.

The US has the best higher education in the world, and the best engineers in the world. But frankly, the most talented mechanical and electrical engineers are probably more interested in building space equipment, nuclear submarines, fighter jets, supercomputers, or even helicopter gunships.

Compare this to 1980 Japan, where their brightest mechanical engineers would build either robots (smallish industry) or cars, because there wasn't much of an aerospace, defense, semiconductor, or space industry.

These days I think Europeans (EADS) and Japanese have more space, semiconductor, and defense industries attracting talent, while car engineering is becoming sexy with the interest in hybrid, fuel cell, and intelligent cars, so maybe things will even out more.

I did know an MIT Mech E who went to Ford out of school, but he left relatively quickly. I know a Gatech Mech E who's happily working at Lockheed Martin.

Quake deathmatch with a wraparound screen: awesomeness

Quboid says...

FPS isn't the sort of game I'd see it as being ideal for. I'd love something like this for Flight Simulator, just build a cockpit in the middle and you're good to go. It wouldn't need to be much either, once you have the monitor set up working, it would cost less than a grand to get an acceptable cockpit - which has got to be chicken feed compared to the cost of this! (The cost of a system to run FSX at that resolution is terrifying enough!)

I think this is really best for games that separate view angle from main body angle (by Body angle, I mean what the player controls, be it a human body or an aircraft, tank, mech-warrior or whatever). Quake does not, were you look, your whole body faces, but in FSX, the pilot's head can be turned separately from the plane's direction so the cockpit can be stationary inside the monitor loop and to look out the left cockpit window, you look to your left and see the in-game cockpit trimmings and view outside. There are quite a few games which have this separation of view angle and movement angle, all realistic flight sims, detailed racing games, Armoured Assault is a shooter but it has this separation and it would be ideal. I guess it's useful in the same games as TrackIR is, although unlike TrackIR, this probably wouldn't suck. By keeping the body controls as they are (joystick or yoke for FSX) and virtually removing all head movement controls, you'll have a much more immersive game. In flight sims you can always get disoriented when screwing with the view angle controls, with this you have the small factor of your neck being twisted to keep your brain under control.

Awesome stuff, bad choice of software to show it off. Give me Flight Simulator X on this for a reasonable price and I'll bite. It wouldn't even need to be 360 degrees, about 240 would be enough as behind, you only see the back of the cockpit or the passenger area.

MechWarrior 4: Vengeance Intro

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Even not counting the videogames the Mechwarrior/Battletech universe liscense is HUGE, although the audience might be alittle older now. I really stopped enjoying the videogames after MW3. The first Mech Commander and MPBT were greatness too.

MechWarrior 2 Intro

Nazi Robot Attack

New Battlefield 2142 Trailer !!!

Krupo says...

In retrospect, the funniest thing here is how you have the three guys, mechs, and chopper fly-by at the end, all in perfect formation, just to make the vid look cool of course - when if ever do you see ANYTHING move in perfect formation when you play that game?

Epcot Center: When Everything Else is Booked

Amazing mechanical MONDO SPIDER

eric3579 says...

Just wanted to encourage anyone that likes this type of thing, GO TO BURNINGMAN. Thats where I saw the spider last year. By the way I was there with my friends who built the robot mech thing that is my thumbnail pic.

the HAL cyborg suit makes you 5 times stronger (demo @ 3:00)

New Battlefield 2142 Trailer !!!

BoneyD says...

BTW, is that a Madcat mech? How original...

Heh.. Please.. There isn't an new idea under the sun, nowadays. This is hardly any more or less guilty than the anything else. I invoke the example of Warcraft copying Dune 2... they all do it

New Battlefield 2142 Trailer !!!

Real Japanese Mech Warrior

Farhad2000 says...

Logically there is no way a mech will be created for military purposes in replacement of conventional forces. What one would see is armoured suits akin to Starship Troopers (The book not the crappy movie)

Real Japanese Mech Warrior

Krupo says...

I wonder how long it'll take for technology to go to the point where a real mech warrior would be able to survive on a real battlefield? A well-placed TOW missile would blast the crap out of this sucker - how much armour would be needed, or would futuristic energy shields be necessary to make such a war machine practical? And of course, that's to keep the machine up, and operator from getting sniped.

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