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How Stupid Are You

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

To those attempting to ban Bobby, I believe it takes a siftquisition to ban a star powered member. That means talking to @dag and @lucky760 then stating your case for his removal, then I think he gets a chance to defend himself. It’s not as simple as typing “ban”…fortunately.

@bobknight33…as I warned, this kind of blatant *snuff is clearly against sift rules, and has led to multiple people wanting you permanently removed. It would be smart of you to kill this offending video before you are actually banned. What will you do without the sift to abuse? Don’t push it that far, it’s clear you’ve intentionally stirred up the hornets nest with this inappropriate snuff film, and clear the sift is done with you being insultingly inappropriate by posting graphic videos of children being murdered.

Maybe I can save you a shitload of trouble maybe not, I’ll try….*kill *discard…nope, didn’t work…you have to save yourself.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again,
Trump's legal team told a judge in Colorado last week that he had no "duty" as president to actually honor the Constitution. (Not sure what he thinks “preserve and protect” means).
This argument is his defense in Colorado. Not that he didn’t engage in an insurrection, but that the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to the president.

I guess it’s game on for Biden who cannot be removed by any means now, and has carte Blanche to try a coup or just end elections outright because the constitution doesn’t regulate what the president does. 🤦‍♂️

This is you guy…this you pick. 😂

BTW- these facts are from every single reputable news outlet, so not righty media, and are in fact what he filed in Colorado court as his defense to being removed from the ballot for participating in an insurrection.

He also claimed absolute immunity for fomenting a coup because stealing the election was part of his official duty as the ex-president…

PS- I’m still waiting, now 7 years later, for what the charges against Clinton are going to be and when will they be filed. You insisted repeatedly after the election when Republicans held the house, senate, Supreme Court, and presidency that charges and prison would come amazingly soon….still waiting. Still no answer 7 years later. It couldn’t be that you just spout wishful nonsense and insist it’s reality, could it? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Getting "facts" from a cereal box are not facts. Quit being so gullible.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For @bobknight33-
Oof….Trump is actually arguing in court he can’t be barred from office because he didn’t take an oath to support the constitution, and wasn’t an officer of the United States (not sure what he thinks holding the office of president of the United States/Commander in Chief is then) so his coup attempt and fomenting then supporting an insurrection was legal!

Again, Trump is arguing in court that the president has no obligation to follow, preserve, protect, or defend the constitution despite taking the oath “will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The judge disagreed. Trial starts Oct 30. This one you can say is just about stopping Trump from running again, but you can’t blame Democrats because it’s Republicans that filed against him in Colorado. D’oh!

I guess that means Joe is free to declare himself president for life with rights of succession in perpetuity! Thanks Trump! 😂

Ruh-roe…Trump’s business fraud case just exposed Ivanka for a $13 million tax fraud because they valued her penthouse at $21 million for loans and net worth but she only paid taxes on it at an $8 million valuation. That’s called tax fraud, WAY more than Hunter is being investigated over. Get ready, round two will be his children in court/prison. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving family. 😂

PS- I was right about Scalise. I seriously doubt rapist cohort (177 kids raped under his watch) Gym Jordan can do better with less support. Even republicans can’t work with republicans.

Bonus- Santos now says after he’s tossed out of congress he’s going to spill the beans on Republicans who he has mountains of dirt on. This is going to be fun. 😂

Second Bonus- Allen Weisselberg’s testimony yesterday may have unraveled a massive criminal conspiracy, including a $2 million severance on the condition he doesn’t cooperate with the prosecution…in writing! That’s the definition of obstruction, and idiot that he is Weisselberg perjured himself badly on the stand yesterday to the point where the DA paused his examination to decide how to prosecute him. May be a 5th criminal indictment for obstruction and witness tampering soon, and another stay in Rikers for Mr lifelong Trump CFO that has absolutely zero accounting knowledge…hide and watch! 😂

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

You don’t know right from wrong…you still worship a treasonous rapist thief and con man who stole from disabled vets and America and you see nothing wrong with him.

Cons are upset at sex education because it makes sexually abusing children much more difficult. Boebert tried to teach children about sex by performing public sex acts while at a play designed and marketed for children…not for the first time. This is the only sex education Cons support…you want the kids too weak and ignorant to possibly stand up when your people rape them, not understanding what sex abuse is makes it much easier for you to get away with it.

251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals tend to focus on issues that actually impact kids. Yea like teaching how to have any kind of sex ---

These children are too fucking weak to possibly stand up... They are --- They don't know all the right from wrong ..

It's OVER For San Francisco

surfingyt says...

The GOPs obsession with SF is hilarious. It's almost (/s) like they're in the closet. Beeewby boy you sure love the city by the gay..... err I mean...... Bay. Looooool

Cowboy prank in Brisbane city

BSR says...

@lucky760 I don't upvote my own videos unless someone else up votes it first. If my video gets no votes and goes into the dust bin then I will upvote it. I will let it know it is loved. Let it know that being nothing IS something. Been doing that going on 11 years now. FYI.

I would have thought that posting a video would automatically score a "1" vote by default. It kinda makes me feel sorry for the "0". I give the "0" a reason to live!! To not be worthless! To let it know it DOES have worth and let it know it can SHINE!

But since you didn't know that... Thank you for having my back. It means a lot to me. 👍

lucky760 said:

@BSR I know you're new here, seeing as you've been a member going on 11 years, but FYI, you can upvote your own videos.

Democrat NYC, citizens fed up of Illegals

newtboy says...

Again, Bobby gets it 100% backwards. Not surprising since he gets 100% of his information from random internet trolls that make a living by lying to MAGgots. Can’t blame them, MAGgots will buy any stupid claim as long as it’s made up and nonsensical.

Democrats aren’t “all for illegals”, they are all for fixing the intentionally broken legal immigration system, but republicans block each and every attempt to fund border patrol or immigration courts, then go on tv and tell Latin America that America’s borders are wide open and they’re welcomed by most Americans and the government, then go on to blame those who say “the borders aren’t open and don’t come” for the people who show up. Just ludicrous….like everything bobby claims.

This manufactured “crisis” is 100% thanks to failed Republican border plans (like build the fence, and close the immigration courts), and the governor of Texas and Florida should be prosecuted for thousands of cases of trafficking undocumented aliens across state borders, a crime called Domestic Transporting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigration status, to transport an alien within the United States by any means of transportation, that has a penalty of up to 10 years per case, and he’s knowingly transported thousands.

Why don’t we just call righties what they are, idiotic criminal bigots.

bobknight33 said:

It's important to file trespass charges in these cases.
traitor gets ejected

Don't forget to trespass these illegals and eject them back across the border.

Funny how Democrats are all for illegals till they show up in their neighborhood and take their resources.

Or should we just call it what Democrats are, Hypocrites

Army Rangers SMOKED Some Crips in 1989

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

Today it was revealed that Elon has cut/refused access to Starlink for Ukraine in the Black Sea in order to intentionally hobble their major counter offensive in the Black Sea and cripple their communication ability and suddenly Elon is calling for an immediate truce (ostensibly with both sides (Russia) retaining any territory taken previously)…so his plan is handing Russia 1/3 of Ukraine and allowing them to keep Ukrainian Crimea…and quick before Ukraine retakes their country.
He has previously said he would not do any such thing ever after offering Ukraine open access to Starlink, but suddenly changed course in the middle of a major military offensive by Ukraine he said would be like Pearl Harbor (meaning the Ukrainians caught a huge number of Russian ships in port vulnerable to attack and could turn the tide of war in one action), but Elon wanted to stop the Ukrainians from achieving such a significant victory so he cut their communications to help Russia! He has admitted this publicly, it’s not supposition.

I hope sanctions are forthcoming…major multiple business ending sanctions.

If you still support Elon, you are the problem. He’s anti American and pro fascist.
Quit X, trade in your Tesla, and tell NASA to quit handing him billions in no bid, no competition, non performance based contracts using tax payer money for failures and global communication projects he capriciously withdraws from our allies when they’re needed most, and uses to prop up and control information for multiple fascist governments to the detriment of the populace but to the benefit of his pockets.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit. You’ve claimed Biden’s (lack of) leadership would lead to a depression soon since the day he took office…actually you’ve claimed that it would if he’s elected since before he won the election in a historic landslide, and have been claiming unemployment numbers would soon skyrocket up since they started dropping shortly after he took office.
I’m glad you now deny that, it means you at least now realize how wrong you were for so long, even though you would never ever admit it. Better to just deny the position you’ve held for the last 3 years. 😂

Things (meaning the economy and the legal woes of your messiah) are ramping up, fool.

It takes time…and failure of leadership, and other forces out of anyone’s control. It hasn’t come to pass despite years of time and external global forces effecting other countries worse than ours…guess why.

You just look at what blazetv Alex Jones and internet randos tell you and think you know something, and in 2/3 of those outlets their creator has admitted in court it’s all pure unadulterated nonsense. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Since Jan 21. Never Said than or anything even close.

Everything is winding down. It takes time. But you are a joke of information. You think you know everything but you don't. I don't I just look at at what is going on.

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

I admit I like the sound of it.
recto + saponification + Cricetidae

A lot of people don't realise that you can just make up words and so long as a meaning is agreed upon, they can become real. It's a perfectly cromulent approach.

newtboy said:

Even google does not know this word, and I like it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump just lost his $100 million defamation suit against his niece, 3 reporters, and The NY Times for exposing the decades of tax fraud he and his father engaged in to build their fortune (as well as redlining) that got them a Pulitzer. 😂

The suit was so frivolous he has to pay all their attorney fees because….get this…his lawsuit was trying to go after them for what is clearly PROTECTED FIRST AMENDMENT SPEECH! Trump absolutely HATES paying lawyers.

So much for his public (but not tried in court because it’s nonsense) defense that his trials are about first amendment protected speech which he reveres….but clearly only for himself.

At some point, he should realize he hasn’t won in court in years and isn’t going to win any of his criminal trials either. His lawyers are all getting disbarred and put in prison, which should be a good indicator of the quality of their legal advice. Never hire YES men to be your lawyers…often your lawyer’s job is to tell you NO!

As a bonus, filings indicate Trump inflated his net worth by 50%, but I think that’s minimizing his exaggeration since in some cases like Maralago he was claiming in sworn financial documents it was a single family residence he could sell for $750 million but in reality it’s valued by the county at $19 million and is only zoned as a social club, not a residence. D’oh! How funny will it be when he can’t come up with the $250 million judgement even after selling his interest in all his properties. He already can’t pay his criminal attorneys and judgements…he couldn’t even come up with $200k bail, he needed a bond!

As a second bonus, the case to disqualify him on the 14th in Michigan has been filed. It’s a winner. But by all means, don’t let that convince you to stop supporting him blindly. We want him to be the nominee, it’s a guaranteed sweep for Democrats if he is.

Proud Boy Joseph Biggs is going to be standing back and standing by for 17 years! He should have gotten 30 with a terrorism enhancement, but his Trump appointed judge felt sorry for him. Cried a river at sentencing. 😂

😂 In Trumps deposition in NY he blamed all the fraud his company committed on his son Eric (omitting Don Jr who was clearly in charge during his presidency)…not sure how he thinks that’s a defense, Eric and Don Jr only ran it (on paper) after 2017, but the crimes charged go back decades.
He said he just didn’t have time to run his businesses, but must have forgotten he had plenty of time to fly to different states (or countries) to play golf at least 298 times during his tenure (at a Cost to Taxpayers of About $144,000,000 according to the GAO)
So, he blames his dumb son for absolutely no defense, just as deflection that reminds everyone what an absentee “always on vacation” president he was. That’s the loyalty he has for others. This is you guy, this you pick.

Is it Legal to Ship Cannabis Seeds in the United States?

newtboy says...

Don’t take legal advice from anonymous Internet personalities.
What he missed is the”or it’s derivatives” part…which could be interpreted to mean if the plant grown from the seed is over .3% it’s a felony (one synonym of “derivative” is “offshoot”, another is “descendant”).
Wait for official clarification before setting yourself up for a stay in club fed. Don’t rely on some random person’s interpretation of untested federal law.

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

I guess you didn’t read…when he finally put out a personal statement, it was mostly about how upset he was at the right co-opting his song because wrote it about them.

The audience however heard every dog whistle, and when they found out he wasn’t racist and was singing about right wing politicians not Biden they dropped him like a hot potato. I’m afraid you are wrong again, the right definitely heard those dog whistles and are pissed he didn’t intend them.

Easy…when he said he thinks diversity is a strength of America, nearly half his right wing audience said “I’m out” and “try saying that in a small town” and no longer call themselves fans…because they’re racist and thought he was too. You can find thousands in the comments sections where his videos were posted before he spoke out. Here’s 8-10…Just read some…“diversity”-comment-he-mad

I’m afraid it’s just know nothing people who latched onto what they heard as a racist anti welfare, conservative song who suddenly ran for the hills when they realized it and he were in fact anti conservative that suddenly hate this song. I admit I listened to it through “conservative ears” (since it was billed as the new conservative anthem) and I also heard every dog whistle they did, meaning it’s a really poorly worded song since so many got its message completely wrong. Even the Republican debate used it, which he found hilarious since the candidates were exactly who he wrote it about…but they were clueless about the irony.

He should have taken the $8 million, he’s going to fade into obscurity without the political backing he was getting.

So let me ask, now knowing he was talking about conservative politicians not liberals, and knowing he believes in diversity not tribalism…are you still a fan? (I know, you don’t/can’t answer questions). I’m not, despite learning all we now know about his intended message…but I retract my accusation that he MEANT it to be racist or hyper conservative.
Yes, I was w-w-w-wrong about HIM, but not his audience or the message they heard. Not the first or last time, but I can admit it when I’m wrong.

bobknight33 said:

You ever think that you are totally wrong on this .

Not racist, Not Anti American, Not MEGA.

Perhaps you are hearing another "dog whistle". Odd thing is that only democrats hear these dog whistles.

People are tired of being screwed and not listen to by their government.

If racist as you say fined a non media reaction to this that indicates so. Find 3

Perhaps its know it all people like you who want to divide people, who want to keep poor people down just for their vote.

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