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w1ndex (Member Profile)

Girl Surprises Nurse Who Thought She Was Paralyzed

ant says...

Nice. I remember back in late 1984 that I had a major surgery to remove a bone from my right hip into my mouth to make a bigger jaw (born with a tiny one). I had to relearn how to stand and walk. I came back to the hospital and saw my nurse again. She saw me standing and walking slowly. It wasn't loud, happy, and crazy as this video, but still rad. However, I found out my recovery room mate died even though I didn't know him (don't even remember chatting with him too). :~(

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy says...

Actually, I'm selling their audience short. When real scientists present the real data dispassionately, I think the average person gets quickly confused and tunes out. Those that dumb it down enough to be understood invariably underrepresent or outright misrepresent the problems. With so many unscientific voices out there trying to out shout the real data for their own purposes, real scientists fudging the data is near criminal because it's only more ammunition for deniers.

Yes, if you or I heard them lecture, we would likely hear that and even more, but the average, unscientific American would hear "taking in more energy than is leaving" as a good thing, free energy. If they explained the mechanisms involved, their eyes would glaze over as they just wished someone would tell them it's all lies so they could ignore what they can't understand fully. These people are, imo, the majority in the U.S.. They are why we need emotional delivery of simplified science from a charismatic young woman who knows her stuff.
Edit: For example, I had read the published summaries of the recent U.N. report saying we had 12 years to be carbon neutral to stay below 1.5degree rise, they were far from clear that this was only a 50% chance of achieving that minimal temperature rise, or that we only had 8 years of current emission levels to have a 66% chance, still bad odds. I understood they were also using horrendous models for ice melt and other factors to reach those optimistic numbers, and didn't take feedback loops we already see in action into account, nor did they make allowances for feedbacks we don't know about yet. The average reader only got 12 years to conserve before we are locked into 1.5 degree. They don't even know that's when known feedback loops are expected to outpace human inputs, making it exponentially harder if not impossible to turn around, or that 1.5 degree rise by 2050 likely means closer to 3 degree by 2100, and higher afterwards.

Mating habits for European swallows?! How did we get from the relationship of climatology and sociology to discussing the red light district?

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...


"Ok, but don't discount the factual arguments because they are presented with passion. Ignore the emotion and focus on verifying or debunking the facts presented. Because someone on Fox presents their denial argument flatly and dispassionately doesn't make it more correct."

Obviously agreed, exactly what I was saying.

"if the facts are presented clearly and in totality, which she does better than most if not all professional scientific lecturers....sadly"

I think here you are selling scientific lecturers short, or at the least including folks I wouldn't consider scientific at all in the group.

When I think scientific lecturer, I think an actual scientific researcher giving a lecture related to their field of expertise. That even excludes scientific researchers giving lectures outside their field of expertise. I've seen how badly interdisciplinary study types can misjudge their own knowledge of a field. In the hard sciences they can get rooted out faster, but in softer sciences and humanities it's easier for them to keep finding a niche that hides their ignorance.

If you get the CERES team to give a talk on the global energy budget, they will give a lecture a thousand times more complete and accurate, than you, I or Greta ever could. They will confirm the planet is taking in more energy than is leaving. They will confirm their data is corroborated between satellite and ocean heat content measurements. They can say with authority how much energy is being gained, and can even confirm it largely corresponds to what we'd expect from the increased CO2 contributions. If you asked, they would even also admit that the uncertainties on the measured imbalance are larger than the imbalance itself.

Ask them about mating habits for European swallows and you, I or Gretta might well know better than them.

Sailing The Sea Of Stones

wtfcaniuse says...

Our government doesn't give a flying fuck about the GBR or the environment in general as evidenced by all the GBR scandals and the Adani mine.
To use an Aussie expression "It's fuckin fucked mate"

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Prosecution of Julian Assange/Attack on Freedom of Speech

BSR says...

I'll interject.

I accept your challenge.

1) Do you believe love is all you need?

2) Are you aware who the undercover agents are?

3) What do you know about acting?

Can you crack this code?

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home*

GILLIAN: What you're hearing is recorded whale song. It is sung by the male. He'll sing anywhere from six to as long as thirty minutes, and then, start again. In the ocean, the other whales will pick up the song, and pass it on.

(Spock is seen swimming in the underwater tank)

GILLIAN: The songs change every year, but we still don't know what purpose they serve. Are they some kind of navigational signal? Could they be part of the mating ritual? Or is it pure communication beyond our comprehension? Frankly we just don't know.


Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight
Hey you out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home*
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high
As you can see
No matter how he tried
He could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?

Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall

Songwriters: Roger Waters

noims said:

1) Cheers for the interjection. I always appreciate a well-formed argument that challenges my beliefs.

2) I wasn't aware of the exposure of undercover agents.

3) ...and is designed to have - a chilling effect on the publishing of information that shows the state acting in what many would describe as an evil manner.

Blanket Octopuses

Grooveless metal engineering

bremnet says...

No, it's not EDM. It's machined. We produce a variety of cylinder / piston pairs, some with keyed anti rotation or beveled flanges to prevent pull through. The achievement of a visually seamless interface between two parts is certainly not trivial, but with care and the proper sequence of machining steps (guess which face you mill last? right - the one the user sees as seamless) you can do this on good quality CNC's with the right cutters. EDM'ing the complex curved shapes that truly mate across the surface on the early parts shown in the video is very (prohibitively) difficult, as you have to rely on ram EDM which is plain nasty.

worthwords said:

It's a type of electro discharge machining. It has been around for a while but it's so damn satisfying!

In China when a construction contract goes south

Robbery Stopped With Swords

And the best costume goes to... Stuart! (MadTV)

These Fish Are All About Sex on the Beach | Deep Look

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'fishes, Fish, Sex, mating, mates, on, Beach, ocean, sea, Deep Look, reproduce, land, sand' to 'Fish, grunion, Sex, mating, mates, Beach, ocean, sea, Deep Look, reproduce, land, sand' - edited by Eklek

Ants Invade Park

Runaway Scooter

newtboy says...

In late summer, the scooter rut begins.
This can be a trying time for owners, as the immature males tend to charge uncontrollably at the fertile females in an attempt to gain enough speed to mount them. If the male doesn't come in hot enough, the female will reject them, as we see here.

Next, as our traffic safari continues, we'll take a late night excursion in hopes of catching a glimpse of the rare wild sideshow mating dances.

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