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The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

Jake here, 27 this week, Pennsylvania.
working on my Ph.D. in Genetics studying Herpes Simplex Virus 1. About two years to go, then post-doc work, then hopefully teaching at a small college or working for the CDC in the field/over-seas. No ropes tying me down right now except my will to finish this whole grad school thing.

I like WoW and some other games. Just bought and finished Portal in the last 2 hours and loved it. I tend to read Sci-Fi and Fantasy mostly... other-worldly stuff, escapism in other words. (Currently reading: The Chronicles of Amber, The song of Albion, Paradise Lost, Why I am a Christian, Romans.) I LOVE scrabble and play it online regularly. I like fishing/golfing/martial arts/

Play piano and sax, learning guitar. Played in or directed 6 jazz bands, 1 jazz quartet, 2 concert bands, 1 marching band, 3 contemporary church bands, 1 dixieland band, 1 pit orchestra, 1 stage orchestra, 2 ska bands, and an assortment of short-lived, one-time other this and that. DJed trance, drum'n'bass, and deep house for number of years in college. Produced some trance and Drum'n'bass

I get one social night a week most weeks and I go to a local pub/restaurant Wednesday night with a group of good friends for "trivia night." We almost always win. Our trivia guy is obsessed with the Peanuts cartoons.

I'm moderate, conservative, libertarian. I think right wingers are too afraid of change...and a tad too cold and impractical. I think left wingers are more DEgressive than they are PROgressive...and a tad too whiny and naive. I think our government is far too large, too nosey, too expensive, and should declassify about 90% of all that crap they have stored away in some salt mine somewhere. Also, Block Votes are bullshit.

I'm Christian...made the real choice in college. I'm not Catholic, but I don't think they're unsaved. I respect Judaism and Israel most of the time. I respect my Islamic friends, but not radical, imperialistic clerics and their followers. I have Buddhist and Hindu friends as well, but they hardly practice.

Deaths caused by war so far this year (Since Jan 1, 2008): 76,345
Abortions so far this year: 20,534,725
Births so far this year: 59,873,488

I chose this new avatar because I spend 90% of my waking hours around academics and "thinkers" who don't do much else in life and really don't get out enough.

Final thought: The internet needs a new meme STAT.

Annoying kid PWNED by t̵u̶b̶a̶ sousaphone player

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kid, marching, band, sousaphone, marching tuba' to 'kid, marching, band, sousaphone, marching tuba, fanfare, dutch, katwijk' - edited by Eklek

Annoying kid PWNED by t̵u̶b̶a̶ sousaphone player

Wynder says...

Arnold Schwarzenegger says, "It is not a tuuuba!"

It's a fairly big no-no to break ranks of any formation -- this in particular looked like a miltary marching band. I know when I was in Drum & Bugle Corps we nearly came to blows on more than one occasion for people doing this.

Annoying kid PWNED by t̵u̶b̶a̶ sousaphone player

Annoying kid PWNED by t̵u̶b̶a̶ sousaphone player

HaricotVert says...

I've played in a marching band, and the last thing I want is little kids running around my legs when I'm holding a $2000 instrument.

And it's not so much of a bow as a "squat."

>> ^lertad:
Ah, but he takes a bow! How do you explain that motive, HaricotVert?

>> ^rasch187:
what are you, his defense attorney?

Annoying kid PWNED by t̵u̶b̶a̶ sousaphone player

Cal Bears Band "Video Game" Half-time Show

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'california, cal, bears, football, half time, video, game, tetris, mario, zelda' to 'california, cal, uc, berkeley, football, half time, marching band, tetris, mario, zelda' - edited by JAPR

Krupo (Member Profile)

rickegee says...

Like everything that I do, it is mostly the truth. I was fortunate enough to spend a summer dancing and drinking in Krakow in 2001. The marching bands and singing children were wonderfully real, but thankfully, the harsh Danish martial law stayed away.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Your bio story intrigues me. Fiction or some kind of real account?

Michigan Drum Line

Cal Bears Band "Video Game" Half-time Show

NIN - Something I Can Never Have

vairetube says...

His former piano teacher Rita Beglin said "Reznor always reminded me of Harry Connick, Jr." when he played.

Reznor later confessed, "I don't want to give the impression it was a miserable childhood."

At the Mercer Area Junior and Senior High Schools, Reznor learned to play the saxophone and tuba. He was a member of both the jazz and marching band. Former Mercer High School band director Dr. Hendley Hoge remembered Reznor as "very upbeat and friendly". Reznor also became involved in theater while in high school. He was voted "Best in Drama" by classmates for his roles as Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar.

Also he dropped out of college while studying computer engineering in 1983.

He was a janitor for studio owner Bart Koster, who commented that Reznor was "so focused in everything he [did]. When that guy waxed the floor, it looked great."

Reznor often travels under the assumed name "Steve Austin" from The Six Million Dollar Man.


Amazing Drum Tenor Solo

CptMonkeyPants says...

ah brings me back to the ole marching band days... gotta respect the quad players (forget what they call quads when they add the 2 drums in the middle)

Those frikkin' things are heavy as hell and you have to march with them.

RESPECT! - Ravenous Wolves Commercial

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'commercial, funny, comedy, band, wolves' to 'commercial, funny, comedy, band, wolves, pack, marching band, advertising' - edited by maatc

Marching band re-enacts "Thriller" video.

Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps - James Bond

Nebosuke says...

Makes me miss my competitive marching band days... but because of my college schedule I was never able to do a DCI group.

The Caveys are awesome and some of that drill (the movements on the field) was crazy, but I don't agree with the all-male corps. I probably would have tried out for the Cadets if I had done a corps.

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