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Total solar eclipse in Iwo Jima, Japan. 22 July 2009

Ornthoron says...

Very cool. If you pause the video at for instance 3:20 or 5:00, you can discern the Sun's magnetic field lines as vague filaments in the corona. This is because the charged plasma particles in the corona are unable to travel transverse to the field lines.

This is also the best live footage I've ever seen of a solar prominence.

Wireless Electricity - Plugs are for losers

shole says...

should be noted that he is hyping about two completely different technologies
the first is magnetic resonance, which is just magnetic fields causing a resonation to generate electricity within it's field
and the other is radio frequencies, which counter to what he says, IS dangerous in large power values - as in cancer
so it's not something you want to hang on your wall and project across the entire room, but is fine to use as a lowpowered tabletop where you put your phone or controller to charge as it dissipates at larger distances

1:1 transfer would be technically impossible even with wires, but even more so when you have to convert it back and forth
especially as the sending unit has no knowledge how the power it transmits is being consumed, if at all, so it's an always-on powerwaster
i hope there's some tech in development that would allow appliances to communitcate with the transmitter and only request specific amount of power when necessary

i don't see any technical reason to be only directional, other than being a lot more efficient
i guess optimally you could put it in your ceiling light fixture to power the entire room
remains to be seen how this tech evolves
personally i'll stay away until power consumption gets under check, and then wire my work desks with it so i can forget about charging my phone/laptop/mice

Aliens Of The Deep - Mission To Europa

rosekat says...

>> ^cybrbeast:
I don't see the problem with a nuclear power plant. It's designed so that there's not too much fall-out if the rocket would fail during launch.
And about contaminating another planet. You should know that the Jupiter system already has an extraordinarily intense radiation due to the strong magnetic field. Furthermore a reactor might help in heating and sterilizing the probe to remove any Earth life, which might be a far bigger threat to the alien life if it's there.

Hmmn good point regarding Jupiter's radiation belt, but there must still be balance which could potentially be disrupted. And I'd think the Thermosphere would do a decent job of burning up and sterilising that earth junk no?

Aliens Of The Deep - Mission To Europa

cybrbeast says...

I don't see the problem with a nuclear power plant. It's designed so that there's not too much fall-out if the rocket would fail during launch.
And about contaminating another planet. You should know that the Jupiter system already has an extraordinarily intense radiation due to the strong magnetic field. Furthermore a reactor might help in heating and sterilizing the probe to remove any Earth life, which might be a far bigger threat to the alien life if it's there.

Joe Rogan - "We're On A Rock Flying Through Space"

budzos says...

This thought is pretty much always on my mind. All that sits between us and the cold black emptiness of space is a thin layer of atmospherre and a very fortunately placed magnetic field.

Angels and Demons vs. real life

How to: Demolish a house using AntiMatter!

demon_ix says...

The book (and now movie) Angels & Demons is built around the premise that someone (CERN and a random particle accelerator) managed to:

A. Create enough anti-matter to make a visible amount, or, a big blob of anti-matter. Kinda hard when collisions produce single atoms. Especially if you know what Avogadro's Number means.'s_number

B. Separate that anti-matter from the rest of the atomic mess that would result from the actual generation of the anti-matter.

C. Contain that anti-matter without allowing it to touch any other matter, including pesky matter such as air, tables, containers of any kind, etc. In the book they solve this by creating magical vacuum containers with perfect magnetic fields that suspend the anti-matter in the exact center without allowing it to move in any direction. Since anti-protons would be negatively charged, I suppose that's a technical problem, not a theoretical one.

Anyway, I think Billy has his work cut out for him.

Free Radio Saturn

ELee says...

The audio is a representation of radio frequency signals measured at Saturn. The RF signals are described as 'kilometric' - which means wavelengths around a kilometer. This means they have a frequency around 300 kHz (on the lower side of AM radio) - since the speed of light is 300,000 km/s - i.e. a 1 km wave goes by at a frequency of 300,000 times per second. To let us hear the patterns in the signal, they shifted these RF signals down by a factor of 30 or so, and converted them to sound - around 10 kHz.

These RF signals are due to the motions of charged particles (electrons and protons) trapped in the magnetic field of Saturn. As the particles cycle back and forth along the magnetic fields, they move at different speeds and spread out, with different frequencies coming at different times. Converted to sound, it becomes these eerie tones.

The giant planets have very large magnetic fields. The charged particles come from the Sun, and also interact with the moons and rings. Jupiter has an even more powerful magnetic field, and radio bursts indicate that lightning bolts jump the space between Jupiter and the inner moons.

Here is a video that shows a model of Saturn's magnetic field.
The video must be correct, since the narrator has a british accent.

How To Build A "Perpetual Energy" Light Bulb (Not really!)

mauz15 says...

>> ^mintbbb:
I have always said I suck at tagging videos. I put it under 'science' because he is building a gadget, using magnets and magnetic fields to make it spin. I though of putting it is engineering too. Lucky I didn't.
I work at Starbucks these days, but doesn't mean I am dumb. Beleve it or not, I have a Masters degree IN SCIENCE. English is not my first language, and I suck at choosing channels. That's why all you nice people out there can change them to whatever best suits you.
Perpetual machine is ikiliikkuja, kone joka luo energiaa tyhjasta, eli on tieteellisesti mahdoton. Laite joka pysyy liikkeessa ilmat etta siihen tuodaa mistaan lisaa energiaa. Maailmankaikkeuden energia on vakio, ja energiaa kuluu aina, vaikka kitkaan jos ei muuhun. A machine that creates energy out of nothing, or a machine once started would run forever without additional energy to say it shortly in English.

I think you misinterpreted my post. I was not saying you were dumb. But it confused me because it was labeled as science but perpetual energy in quotations. This gave me the impression that you either knew this is nonsense and therefore put it in quotations OR you did not know and thought this was scientific. It is as if I post an astrology theory in quotations and label it as science or spacy because they use machines or talk about space, do you see the confusion that could cause?

In summary, this has nothing to do with your intelligence. I was just a bit confused, that's all.

How To Build A "Perpetual Energy" Light Bulb (Not really!)

mintbbb says...

I have always said I suck at tagging videos. I put it under 'science' because he is building a gadget, using magnets and magnetic fields to make it spin. I though of putting it is engineering too. Lucky I didn't.

I work at Starbucks these days, but doesn't mean I am dumb. Beleve it or not, I have a Masters degree IN SCIENCE. English is not my first language, and I suck at choosing channels. That's why all you nice people out there can change them to whatever best suits you.

Perpetual machine is ikiliikkuja, kone joka luo energiaa tyhjasta, eli on tieteellisesti mahdoton. Laite joka pysyy liikkeessa ilmat etta siihen tuodaa mistaan lisaa energiaa. Maailmankaikkeuden energia on vakio, ja energiaa kuluu aina, vaikka kitkaan jos ei muuhun. A machine that creates energy out of nothing, or a machine once started would run forever without additional energy to say it shortly in English.

(Member Profile)

Kinetic Ball Sculpture

MojoeMAN says...

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^joedirt:
There have to be in tubes or something. I'm not sure if this is what they say it is, it might be wires. The amount of energy if that is a 8' tall room is staggering.

I don't get it. How much energy is required to move a ball bearing on a string?

That was my fault. The video originally said that the balls were being moved by a magnetic field. joedirt was referring to that and not the strings.

Breaking! There might be LIFE ON MARS (farting microbes)

supersaiyan93 says...

>> ^jwray:
Mars is not terraformable. Its gravity is too weak to hold water (literally) at earth-like temperatures. In theory we could send a shitload of methane and CO2 over there to warm it up, but that would escape into space rather quickly.
Titan has a similar situation (with half the escape velocity and a bit less than half the surface temperature of mars) but its atmosphere is probably constantly being replenished from frozen and liquid hydrocarbons in its mantle and cryovolcanism induced by tidal interactions with Saturn.

More to the point, because Mars doesn't have an active magma region to interact with the upper crust, Mars doesn't create much of a magnetic field. This would mean that even a Mars with a terraformed surface and a breathable atmosphere would still be subjected to potentially lethal solar radiation.

IBM molecular MRI

Gapo says...

I think they'll use it to scan certain molecules like proteins. And I don't think that you could scan anything bigger then a protein because it seems like they test the behaviour of the molecule to the magnetic field and therefor get some answers about its shape.

IBM molecular MRI

quantumushroom says...

Old news. I invented this two years ago with some paper clips, a watch battery, lemon juice and four pointy cups from a water cooler. They'll soon discover the magnetic field "domes" fall prey to quantum nonlinear space-time diffeomorphisms that thwart all attempts at clear readouts of volume resolution.

(All right, I'm lying. I used two paper cups).

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