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Pomplamoose girl covers "The Book of Love"

Pomplamoose girl covers "The Book of Love"

Twenty Four Thousands Watts Stereo Pumping Onto Girl

choggie says...

those low dbs' may not be hurting her ears...from the look on her face her CNS is being fucked with-the body's involuntary processes run on electricity/magnetic fields-not good for the insides. Over -loading a car with extreme audio is the ghettoist of ghetto pastimes...

geo321 (Member Profile)

Plasma Rocket

GeeSussFreeK says...

Ion rockets (they aren't really rockets, they are called ion thrusters) as they stand do not generate that much thrust. This is vastly different than an ion drive. The only function the magnetic field has in this drive is to focus what is a very traditional "jet stream" of superheated plasma out the tail. A ion drive uses the magnetic field to "push" off ions...very different concepts. The ion drive is great because the amount of fuel is needs is so minute...but thrust is also fairly pitiful.

(upon further reading, the best ion drive is about x2 less powerful than this particular drive. This particular drive is running at 59% efficiency. They have plans for a slightly larger rocket that is about 80% or so efficiency, which brings them up to about what a normal rocket efficiency is.)

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I think this was posted after this video raised the question about a dropped bullet and a bullet fired from a gun. The question being, which bullet will hit the ground first?

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
What is the question? There wasn't enough context for me to understand what the hell was going on. Except a gun, in a really cool device that I want for my self.

Also, one of the proposed ways, from the link above, to bend or curve a bullet is to make a very large magnetic field and have, of course, bullets that contain enough magnetic materials in them to be affected by said field.

Mythbusters - Fired Bullet Vs Dropped Bullet

NordlichReiter says...

What is the question? There wasn't enough context for me to understand what the hell was going on. Except a gun, in a really cool device that I want for my self.

Also, one of the proposed ways, from the link above, to bend or curve a bullet is to make a very large magnetic field and have, of course, bullets that contain enough magnetic materials in them to be affected by said field.

The double pendulum gives an example of chaotic motion

swedishfriend says...

It is not a matter of just practicality. The frikken moon and sun would have to be in the exact same positions never mind the constantly shifting magnetic field of the earth. You would have to rewind all the vibrations in the universe to get the same motion when it goes on for that long with so many moments where either pendulum could go either way. Nature is soft and wave-like so there is no same spot one could start them at and the waves that we see as atoms will never be the same ever again so there is no same thing to line up the same. And you don't even have precise moments in time since movement and geography of nature is smooth and not step-like so you cannot even release the waves that make up the object at a certain time. In short: Too many variables in a system like this to reproduce it (it is cause and effect but causes that go back into infinity).


:: The Illusion Of Reality ::

lars says...

Energy Density, Wave Function Densities, The Fractal Nature of groups exploring their harmonics.

There is the SpaceTime Continuum, but its only inhabitant is Energy ! It's all Energy !
(tell me, what in this world is not reducible down to its most basic level as being just energy ?)

Energy manifests itself in 4 States:

1. The Radiative State - the EM spectrum of radiations: which move at the Ratio of Space to Time; otherwise known as the Speed of Light, but as Dobson says, "It isn't a speed of anything at all, it's the Ratio of Space to Time." Things are set-up that way from the outset. Light doesn't move at a 'speed' it moves at the Ratio of the Space-field to the Time-field when they overlap each other in forming the SpaceTime Continuum thru which it moves as we observe it.

2. The Special State called Matter - that Energy has the ability to assume. How Energy can assume the special state we call matter isn't understood yet, but it does. Protons and Electrons, and their still mysterious combination, the Neutron. For a neutron will spontaneously devolve into a proton and an electron in about 15 minutes if left unattended and not in an atomic nucleus.

3. The Electrical State - usually a flow of electrons, but sometimes protons. Electricity behaves in different ways than matter does, even tho it is made of the same 'particles'.

4. The Field State - the Electric Field and the Magnetic Field. Magnetic fields can permeate solid matter as if it wasn't there !, suggesting to my mind that it is perhaps partially in another 'dimension' simultaneously with this one. (not the best way to say it, but it's a start)

And another thing ! "Consciousness has an adjacency with the physical world, not an overlap."
I'm not fully able to explain or yet understand the implications of this statement, I need to ask Paul Dirac about it.

Do you believe in a God? (User Poll by gwiz665)

enoch says...

great poll my atheist friend.
i am quite up-front concerning my faith,but i rarely speak about it.
so i think this a proper forum to maybe share a tidbit with you all.
i had a wonderful conversation with IamtheBlurr.he was respectful and curious so the conversation was well balanced.i shall paste my final reply to him.i will not post what he sent me (it is public) because i dont feel that proper.
in our last correspondence he had asked me a slew of questions in which i attempted to answer to the best of my ability.
here is that reply:

you dont ask the small questions do you?/grins
IATB:Why do you believe what you have faith in?
enoch:why are you here?for what purpose do you serve?what is the meaning of existence?
i am not trying to berate you with rhetoric.just giving you the scope of your might have well asked me "in one sentence explain the big bang and its relation to gravity and magnetic fields".the reasons why i have faith are complicated as they are simplistic.grand as they are minute.
if i had to answer in a short,finite sentence.i would say because there is more to the universe than we can comprehend,and that we are a part of something far greater,more beautiful than our limited perceptions can comprehend.could i be wrong? of course,i have to leave that option open,to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible leaves a wide margin for error,hence the term faith and not "Know".it is also why i do not preach,or attempt to convince others of my righteousness.the closest i can come to explaining,and i most surely will fail,is that i have a sense of something behind the is not tangible but it is etheric in nature..yet it is not.everytime i have found myself at a crossroads and attempted to control my destiny i met resistance,but when i surrendered to it,i was always led to the what i most needed and wanted at the time.
is that scientific? no.
do i have any conclusive proof other than anecdotal?no.
could it possibly be something "other"? yes.
if i would say yes to this,why say i have faith? because i have to leave that option open.just because we dont understand it now,does not mean mankind will not understand the mechanics of it later,and it is quite possible there is a totally scientific reason for it.
but if thats true,why say say you have "faith" at all? just because mankind can define or explain a universal mechanism does not detract from my only strengthens it.
IATB:Regarding philosophy, do you know the definition of the word “conjecture”?
enoch:yes,and it is a trap i try to avoid.sometimes i succeed,other times i is conversations like these that help me avoid such is easy to become comfortable when everybody is saying the same thing.challenge the idea and you may find yourself with not only a new way of thinking but a much crisper outlook.trimming the fat as they say.
IATB:That is to say, why do you believe what you believe?
Do you know of any beliefs that you hold which do not have supportive conclusive evidence?
enoch:just that we are a triune.mind=proven.we have one.body=proven.we have that also.spirit=unproven and no discernable test to date to even measure for one.hence the term "faith".
IATB:When I say, I don't believe that there is life on Mars, what do you think I am saying?
A) There is no life on Mars
B) I don't believe there is life on Mars.
C) Both of the above
enoch: B there has been no proof nor disproof of life on mars.there is conjecture based on certain enviromental conditions that may have,or has,supported life.but no actual proof as of yet.
IATB:What is a greater strength?
A) The ability to share ideas.
B) The ability to discern the truth of a shared idea.
enoch: this is a trick question for the answer is both.because they speak of a polarized speaks of arbitrary sharing=good.
the other speaks of a personal ability to dissect and discern the shared idea.
both are good and have strengths.i think if you made A)the ability to share ideas without rebuttal or discussion.would have been a better statement for me to judge their strengths.

on a final note.understand that the way i perceive the universe and hence my faith would have had me burned at the stake for heresy a few hundred years ago.when i use the term "god" i am not referring to a masculine entity that resides outside space and time and watches over us as if we were a colony of dispense his wisdom and fickle judgment as a school yard bully distributes marbles.i use the term as a interpretation of god is subjective and is not based on any text or scripture.i adhere to no dogma at all.
to put things in their simplest form.the universe and everything within god.
i am running out of time my friend so i will have to bring this to a close.
i hope i answered your questions satisfactorily and i hope the conversations continue.feel free to ask me more questions.i hope your car is coming along nicely.
till the next time..namaste.

What Would Jesus NOT Do?

rychan says...

To be pedantic:
1) Turning the deserts into fertile lands wouldn't cure hunger in the long term. Famines are caused by changes in the amount of food production. Although this is addressed later, with the idea of perfect meteorological systems.
2) A geologically inactive planet would be a crappy place after million of years. Erosion would wear down all of the mountains. Ecological diversity would disappear. Nutrients would become increasingly scarce. For example, Australia, the oldest, flattest, and least geologically active continent, has some of the worst soils in the world (although it does still have some fertile regions). See

And if the geological activity completely stops, meaning the Earth's core stagnates, then our magnetic field goes away, then our atmosphere is scoured by the solar wind and we are bombarded with cosmic rays and Earth become more like Mars.

So really we should be hugely grateful that we're on this geologically active planet.

deputydog's new blog - and other great Neatorama posts (Sift Talk Post)

EndAll says...

"NASA Levitates Mouse Using Magnetic Fields"

Just sifted this video showing that process in action (I think), just with frogs, grasshoppers and stuff. Definitely fascinating.

Oh and deputydog's new site/blog is awesome! He's added a lot already. I've got it bookmarked now.

Wireless Electricity Demonstration (TED Talk)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Well, it seems that the waveform of the magnetic field alters when it achieves its harmonic...ness. Perhaps it could just turn on and off like every so often and check to see if it gets a harmonic signaling of some sort. Some kind of cycling that happens very very quickly and doesn't use very much power. As it is, electronics that are plugged in do draw small amounts of current even though they aren't actually using any...this could be MORE efficient in that respect. Though the overall effectiveness is what I want to know about.

IAmTheBlurr (Member Profile)

enoch says...

you dont ask the small questions do you?/grins
IATB:Why do you believe what you have faith in?
enoch:why are you here?for what purpose do you serve?what is the meaning of existence?
i am not trying to berate you with rhetoric.just giving you the scope of your might have well asked me "in one sentence explain the big bang and its relation to gravity and magnetic fields".the reasons why i have faith are complicated as they are simplistic.grand as they are minute.
if i had to answer in a short,finite sentence.i would say because there is more to the universe than we can comprehend,and that we are a part of something far greater,more beautiful than our limited perceptions can comprehend.could i be wrong? of course,i have to leave that option open,to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible leaves a wide margin for error,hence the term faith and not "Know".it is also why i do not preach,or attempt to convince others of my righteousness.the closest i can come to explaining,and i most surely will fail,is that i have a sense of something behind the is not tangible but it is etheric in nature..yet it is not.everytime i have found myself at a crossroads and attempted to control my destiny i met resistance,but when i surrendered to it,i was always led to the what i most needed and wanted at the time.
is that scientific? no.
do i have any conclusive proof other than anecdotal?no.
could it possibly be something "other"? yes.
if i would say yes to this,why say i have faith? because i have to leave that option open.just because we dont understand it now,does not mean mankind will not understand the mechanics of it later,and it is quite possible there is a totally scientific reason for it.
but if thats true,why say say you have "faith" at all? just because mankind can define or explain a universal mechanism does not detract from my only strengthens it.
IATB:Regarding philosophy, do you know the definition of the word “conjecture”?
enoch:yes,and it is a trap i try to avoid.sometimes i succeed,other times i is conversations like these that help me avoid such is easy to become comfortable when everybody is saying the same thing.challenge the idea and you may find yourself with not only a new way of thinking but a much crisper outlook.trimming the fat as they say.
IATB:That is to say, why do you believe what you believe?
Do you know of any beliefs that you hold which do not have supportive conclusive evidence?
enoch:just that we are a triune.mind=proven.we have one.body=proven.we have that also.spirit=unproven and no discernable test to date to even measure for one.hence the term "faith".
IATB:When I say, I don't believe that there is life on Mars, what do you think I am saying?
A) There is no life on Mars
B) I don't believe there is life on Mars.
C) Both of the above
enoch: B there has been no proof nor disproof of life on mars.there is conjecture based on certain enviromental conditions that may have,or has,supported life.but no actual proof as of yet.
IATB:What is a greater strength?
A) The ability to share ideas.
B) The ability to discern the truth of a shared idea.
enoch: this is a trick question for the answer is both.because they speak of a polarized speaks of arbitrary sharing=good.
the other speaks of a personal ability to dissect and discern the shared idea.
both are good and have strengths.i think if you made A)the ability to share ideas without rebuttal or discussion.would have been a better statement for me to judge their strengths.

on a final note.understand that the way i perceive the universe and hence my faith would have had me burned at the stake for heresy a few hundred years ago.when i use the term "god" i am not referring to a masculine entity that resides outside space and time and watches over us as if we were a colony of dispense his wisdom and fickle judgment as a school yard bully distributes marbles.i use the term as a interpretation of god is subjective and is not based on any text or scripture.i adhere to no dogma at all.
to put things in their simplest form.the universe and everything within god.
i am running out of time my friend so i will have to bring this to a close.
i hope i answered your questions satisfactorily and i hope the conversations continue.feel free to ask me more questions.i hope your car is coming along nicely.
till the next time..namaste.

Wireless Electricity Demonstration (TED Talk)

RadHazG says...

Its not about effort, its about getting rid of wires. Also about getting rid of batteries which genuinely do cause quite a mess and problem. It wouldn't necessarily call for a complete revamping of the electro-infrastructure of the earth either. As per the demonstration you would still need to plug *something* in (at least for now) and then all your devices that you actually use you no longer have to worry about keeping charged all the time as well as no longer having to worry about (power) cables all over the place.

All in all an incredible tech. with quite a number of applications. I could definitely see future homes being built with one of those WiTricity transformers built into its own designated space in the house somewhere. Wouldn't even need to be in the open, just stick it in the wall or floor with a section of wall/floor over it you can remove if something breaks. *That* would be the main concern of course, is making sure it's just as reliable over the long term use as current power availability.

Oh and considering its a magnetic field, suppose its a good thing CRT's are going the way o' the dodo, no?

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