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redacted (Blog Entry by deathcow)

blankfist says...

You have to consider, major news outlets may find the bluish, more life-like xray images to be too graphic for their site/channels, so it wouldn't outside the realm of possibility for them to darken, desaturate and alter the images a bit.

Less ubiquitous non-news outlets seem to use the higher resolution blue images that seem like they'd make a nude image if you made a negative adjustment the image.

Japanese Whaling Ship Shears Bow off High Speed Anti-Whaler

bcglorf says...

>> ^schomg:
So in your world non-human animals are only eligible for life and dignity if they're endangered? Do you consider killing animals an act of harvesting a resource, and if the resource isn't running out it's all good?
>> ^TheFreak:
The Japanese are catching Minke whales in Antarctica. This whale is nowhere near endangered by anyone's estimation.

No, if they are delicious and not endangered it's all good.

The corollary is that if they are cute then they should also be spared. The only moral dilemma is when an animal is both delicious and cute, then you have to weigh the two against each other. For example, baby chicks can be cute, but, they grow up.

And endangering human life like the Sea Shepherd crew does is an automatic nomination for a ticket out of the gene pool IMHO.

Coral Gardening - Bringing Life Back To The Reefs

Xaielao says...

Absolutely. We have conservation on land that replants trees as we cut down others and helps endangered populations regain a foothold and sets swaths of wilderness aside as protected land that cannot be developed on.

Besides trying to protect sea life like dolphins and wales, we do little of this in the oceans and it is about time. While corporations dredge the sea bed and strip whole areas clean for their resources and hundred mile wide piles of plastic bags and other garbage float around the ocean. Helping to replant a coral reef is an excellent start.

On a personal level I don't eat ocean fish accept on a very rare occasion. Even if that means missing out on some of my favorite foods and only saving them for a rare treat. I still have my salmon (fresh caught is the only way to go,) catfish and tilapia.

Hilarious Stand-up on Heaven and Hell

Baby Chicks dumped alive into a grinder (and other horrors)

Baby Chicks dumped alive into a grinder (and other horrors)

blackest_eyes says...

To everyone defending the chick-grinders: are you really sure you're not just trying to protect your peace of mind? The fact is, you like meat. You want to continue to eat meat - a lot of it probably - and you don't want to pay too much for it. Human minds are great at producing justifications for their desires. We're very good at deceiving ourselves into thinking we came to a conclusion through logic and reason, when really, we are motivated by the need to justify. So you should always be suspicious of a justification that conveniently happens to justify behavior that otherwise might be considered immoral. In your mind, try to separate the chick-grinding from the meat-eating you want to justify. Watch the video again, and instead of thinking of chicken nuggets dipped in honey mustard, think of a brand new form of life being brought into this world, only to snuffed out before even getting a chance. It doesn't matter if chicks can't feel or experience life like an adult human can - neither can human babies. Yet I'm sure you'd object to throwing them in grinders. This isn't about animal cruelty so much as a fundamental respect for conscious beings.

Tales of Mere Existence - Sitting On The Bus

Billy Mays - The Resurrectifier

chilaxe says...

Also, despite the level of wealth Mays had, he played with fire by being overweight and not exercising regularly. Those are risk factors for heart disease, which is one of the leading causes of death, and in his case, he paid the ultimate price. It's one thing for normal people to experience those risk factors, but for someone living the easy life like him, it doesn't seem like he was being a very good role model.

Only 8% of Americans adhere to all 5 of the medically agreed upon healthy habits, so it's not a surprise, as tragic as it is, that heart failure occurs more than it needs to.

guymontage (Member Profile)

Barack Obama Joins Hall of Presidents@Disney's Magic Kingdom

Citrohan says...

They didn’t seem to get the facial features right, but it is really remarkable how the body and hand movements seem so life like and natural. They really have come a long way with the technology.

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

>> ^NobleOne: but how does it have life?

Notice that you treat life as an object, like hair, or toenails, something which an organism "has". We speak this way because our language has evolved in an environment where religious views, where deities "grant" life, were assumed to be true and our language implicitly makes these religious assumptions.

"life" like "god" is a word which is such an artifact, and its use colors our understanding, even when the old assumptions have been proven false.

"life" seems to imply deity, because the word was created with that implication, but that implication dose not have any bearing on the truth of the matter. Our amassed knowledge of biology renders life much more gray and arbitrary, but we still speak as though it is a feature of a thing.

Get that out of Siftbot's Girlfriend's Mouth!

Corgi Dances for His Dinner

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 2

9364 says...

Is anyone else sick and tired of the forced artificial 'cover' system dropped into every single console shooter these days? (Mind I'm a PC gamer but I do play console to pc 'ports'.)

Yahtzee appears to be getting tired of it as well. Every game from Halo to GoW to Mass Effect throws in these waist-high walls in the middle of roads, paths, even indoors to give the players cover. It's fake, it's boring and it's old hat. I much prefer shooters that take advantage of true collision detection for their cover. Like FarCry 2, where cover consists of things you would use for cover in real life, like trees. In FC2 if I'm injured I duck behind a tree in hopes of gaining cover for a few seconds so I can put my elbow back in place, instead of ducking behind a low concrete wall in the middle of an office hallway to regenerate ala GoW.

Am I alone in this?

chilaxe (Member Profile)

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