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Inception -- Final Trailer (Christopher Nolan)

Hybrid says...

Couldn't agree more. I've always thought Leo was a decent actor.

This film looks incredible though. Christopher Nolan is a genius.>> ^deputydog:

And please, someone let me in on the DiCaprio hatred; I hear it all the time, and it's always baseless.

Police Punch Fan During Game, Fans Retaliate

Djevel says...

>> ^MrFisk:

Rage against the machine.

I wish it would happen more often when excessive force is being used against the apprehended. I have to think about that statement a bit because I hate to see anyone get hurt, but if you have a dude on the ground and five LEO's on top of him at the neck, torso and legs and one of them is punching him with a nightstick because he won't "comply", I don't really have a huge amount of sympathy for their point of view.

Small riot breaks out at SB1070 protest - Live Leak

MarineGunrock says...

I understand what you're saying, but I think your approach is too broad. Being brown isn't probable cause. Getting pulled over and not speaking a lick of English? Probable cause. The law wasn't written to enact some 21st century witch hunt. It was written to give Arizona's LEOs the authority to deal with illegals when needed. It was written so that they have a plan of action when they do legitimately suspect that someone is an illegal instead of just passing their hunch up the chain of command.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

The making of the Old Spice 2010 Superbowl ad: ONE TAKE!

KnivesOut says...

>> ^dracoirs:
>> ^spoco2:
I can't upvote, as while the commercial is brilliant, and the way they made it is fascinating, the host IS A DICK.
Bloody hell, gush more why don't you? Pretend like you know what they're talking about (Catapult? Really, you actually thought they meant a catapult... idiot)... I couldn't watch it to the end thanks to his insanely annoying presence.

If I could downvote you I would. Leo Laporte is a wonderful man. Good old TechTV FTW

Leo LaPorte is a douchebag

Greatest Tech Support Call Ever

westy says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I've sniffed on open wireless connections before. I've never done anything with information that's been revealed that way, but I've still looked out of curiosity. Except for this one situation...
This was this crazy girl who got hold of my friend's email account and proceeded to sabotage everything she could; everything from myspace to attempting to access her bank account. Crazy girl's father has ties with local politicians so the police wouldn't act. Once I was certain of crazy girl's identity I parked down the street from her house and harvested as much information and evidence as I could. After that I made sure she knew that someone else was playing her game and they were much better at it. She stopped all her shit after that.
It turned out she was harassing several girls, all of whom had dated her boyfriend at some point in the past.
Anyway, my point was that all the shit he talks about, while not really common, is not as uncommon as most people assume. Where I live, I'd say open wifi is probably not going to cause you any problems. If you're in a city, open wifi is a huge risk.
>> ^westy:
this guy is a Twat ,
I mean what a fucking dick making out stuff is dangerous , not letting the other woman speak , and not actually being realistic or clear.
What a fucking nob
Its not to hard to emgin that a noob who is used to using a laptop in Coffey shops or free open wifi that is 100% legit did not reolise the difference between that and using a open wifi at home.
Also he totally exaggerates the risks.

I know most the risks and the reality of stuff happening I have done alot of network security and almost started a bissiness bassed around securing wifi,

The person at more risk is the guy with the open wifi and Evan then its not HUGE . sum one at random steeling internet from an open wifi is at minimal risk. the same sort of risk level as people who don't use a fire wall or old copies of windows. probably far less risk than sum one that downloads of dodgy sites , maby evan less risk than sum-one that downloaded pirate stuff regulary.

The issue i have is that leo's tone of voice and the way he interrupts what she is saying rather than just been clear and going over the facts.

for example using a pc without a fire wall is not advisable and opens you up to possable atack and varouse negative things.

but its not the case that if u don't have a fire wall your pc will catch on fire and you credit information will be stolen immediately.

Its just about been balanced and clearly explaing things.

The making of the Old Spice 2010 Superbowl ad: ONE TAKE!

The making of the Old Spice 2010 Superbowl ad: ONE TAKE!

spoco2 says...

>> ^dracoirs:
>> ^spoco2:
I can't upvote, as while the commercial is brilliant, and the way they made it is fascinating, the host IS A DICK.
Bloody hell, gush more why don't you? Pretend like you know what they're talking about (Catapult? Really, you actually thought they meant a catapult... idiot)... I couldn't watch it to the end thanks to his insanely annoying presence.

If I could downvote you I would. Leo Laporte is a wonderful man. Good old TechTV FTW

He may be a wonderful man, but he is incredibly painful to listen to in this piece, he is atrociously gushing and misses the point they're making on a number of occasions... it's just a terrible piece.

The making of the Old Spice 2010 Superbowl ad: ONE TAKE!

dracoirs says...

>> ^spoco2:
I can't upvote, as while the commercial is brilliant, and the way they made it is fascinating, the host IS A DICK.
Bloody hell, gush more why don't you? Pretend like you know what they're talking about (Catapult? Really, you actually thought they meant a catapult... idiot)... I couldn't watch it to the end thanks to his insanely annoying presence.

If I could downvote you I would. Leo Laporte is a wonderful man. Good old TechTV FTW

Greatest Tech Support Call Ever

MaxWilder says...

I just couldn't listen to the whole call. Too painful.

Leo is awesome. One of the nicest guys in tech support, and that's why he's got a bunch of shows and successful blogs and podcasts. He gives very good info, and everyone would do well to listen to him.

My biggest problem with him is that he is probably too nice. He spends a lot of time explaining basics and talking to noobs, which bores the hell out of me so I switch the channel. Like on this video.

Greatest Tech Support Call Ever

rabidness says...

westy you forced me to put a hiatus on my lurking.

He isn't over exaggerating the risk at all and really, why let the caller keep cutting into the response/information when she clearly has no clue. Also, Leo Laporte is a really friendly person. I don't think he comes off like a dick... it's just a really funny call. Someone calls in because their stolen wireless is gone... this is the kind of material for a prank call.

IMAX Hubble 3D - Trailer

XTC - Generals and Majors

INCREDIBLE video of space shuttle ascent

Misirlou ('Pulp Fiction' theme) on guitar, with pencils

Grimm says...

He met Leo Fender the guitar and amplifier Guru and Leo asked Dale to play his newly creation, the Fender Stratocaster Electric Guitar. The minute Dale picked up the guitar, Leo Fender broke into uncontrolled laughter and disbelief, he was watching Dale play a right handed guitar upside down and backwards, Dale was playing a right handed guitar left handed and changing the chords in his head then transposing the chords to his hands to create a sound never heard before.

Leo Fender gave the Fender Stratocaster along with a Fender Amp to Dale and told him to beat it to death and tell him what he thought of it. Dale took the guitar and started to beat it to death, and he blew up Leo Fender's amp and blew out the speaker. Dale proceeded to blow up forty nine amps and speakers; they would actually catch on fire.

Joke for a promote (Comedy Talk Post)

laura says...

This one I got by googling "best joke":
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

“I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes” replies Watson.

“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson ponders for a minute. “Well,

Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.

Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.

Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe.

But what does it tell you, Holmes?”

Holmes is silent for a moment.

“Watson, you idiot!” he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!”

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