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Samoa Tsunami - Jesus Rebuke The Waves

Phonecium says...

^Not at all, but not unlike the faith anyone devout or solidified in their convictions maintains, a simplistic argument like the one above is enough to satisfy the laziest of minds.

Some pray for death, others wealth, others for the ultimate salvation of mankind in the form of a working knowledge of the mechanics of the universe. Prayer is meditation however remedial one might perceive another's process to be.

"God,Dam the water about to wash us uphill then out to sea??!"

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

joedirt says...

>> ^Jesus_Freak:
The order and certainty, which I thank Science for demonstrating, in the laws of physics and can honestly say "gee, neat that it all just came together like that?" Our planet alone would have had to have been to result of 10,000,000 lottery odds occurrences all happening in concert. Nothing was behind that?
You science guys have far more faith than I!

This is the laziest argument based out of complete lack of understanding of science. A Judeo-Christian God is the ONLY explanation for a carbon-based watery sacks of organic lifeforms that depend on oxygen and a specific temperature region.. It must have been God!

Did you ever think there is a 100% chance that we live on a planet that happens to support liquid water and an oxygen rich gaseous atmosphere? And that it isn't a random fluke our planet just happens to inhabit a narrow band of distance from a certain size star? And that the moon provides tidal forces on a mostly water planet? The reasonable explanation is that life developed to suit its environment and NOT that some mystical being created a world for us to inhabit.

You do realize there is life that developed at the bottom of the oceans in high pressure, high temperature thermal vents that uses methane for energy?! Or even silicon based thingys in some volcanic places.

Why would a horrible, inconsistent, editted, poorly translated, politicized book like the Bible be the best (or even good) explanation of anything?
You do realize half of your Bible is a bunch of oral traditions from hunter gather tribes that were adopted and put into writing to make a book that is more akin to a Boyscout Manual then anything else.

If there was a God that inspired a book, why is the Bible so flawed? Why are there so many contradictions and even what we now consider nonsense? Why do you pick and choose what parts of this holy scripture to follow? Why are you not out there stoning people to death as your God commands you to?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

I think you missed the primary argument of the video entirely. This video doesn't say God is nonexistent, it argues against the petty squabbles of religions all laying claim to scientific evidence as evidence for their particular god. It sounds like you're attacking the title (and creator of the video, as well as the practitioners) and not the content. The content as I heard it said nothing about the nonexistence of a God or gods.

I'm not saying you have an agenda, but a lot of what you say around here appears to attack the superficiality of anything liberal, and not really the meat of... well, anything, except that which you subscribe to. Granted you must have a reason for believing what you believe, but, myself, well, I subscribe to very little (including atheism) and haven't yet found a reason to believe anyone about anything. Just my observation, I may be wrong about you but am willing to hear your side of the fence.

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
M'eh - nothing new here. This is just another in a long line of athesistic oriented strawman arguments. Personally cherry picking your opponent's point of view for them so you can knock them down is the laziest, most simplistic of methods. Yawn.

The reality is that atheists really kind of miss the whole point in the argument. I'm going to help all you atheists out for a second here. Accept or reject the assistance as you will...

The main problem with the atheistic argument is that they misplace their conclusions. The many 'problems' that atheists cite tend to be the foibles, mistakes, and misapplications of PEOPLE. And yet, athiests say that these problems mean that GOD does not exist. This is misplaced blame. Merely because followers make mistakes, misunderstand things, or are imperfect practicioners of their religions does not logically conclude that God does not exist, or that he is 'making' these people so screwy.

Most religions are more than willing to conceed that they are not perfect. The central tenant of many religions is that men are flawed and must follow after the higher ideals that 'God' represents (however clumsy the attempt).

So ultimately, videos like this are silly. They take the mistakes, weaknesses, and extreme examples of error that are inherent to 'people' and try to make the case that 'God' is wrong/bad/non-existent. They knock at religion in general, but offer no superior moral system to replace it. Real religion is the effort to improve the self. No atheist argument is going to be able to halt that effort.

The Great Debate Between Theist and Atheist

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

M'eh - nothing new here. This is just another in a long line of athesistic oriented strawman arguments. Personally cherry picking your opponent's point of view for them so you can knock them down is the laziest, most simplistic of methods. Yawn.

The reality is that atheists really kind of miss the whole point in the argument. I'm going to help all you atheists out for a second here. Accept or reject the assistance as you will...

The main problem with the atheistic argument is that they misplace their conclusions. The many 'problems' that atheists cite tend to be the foibles, mistakes, and misapplications of PEOPLE. And yet, athiests say that these problems mean that GOD does not exist. This is misplaced blame. Merely because followers make mistakes, misunderstand things, or are imperfect practicioners of their religions does not logically conclude that God does not exist, or that he is 'making' these people so screwy.

Most religions are more than willing to conceed that they are not perfect. The central tenant of many religions is that men are flawed and must follow after the higher ideals that 'God' represents (however clumsy the attempt).

So ultimately, videos like this are silly. They take the mistakes, weaknesses, and extreme examples of error that are inherent to 'people' and try to make the case that 'God' is wrong/bad/non-existent. They knock at religion in general, but offer no superior moral system to replace it. Real religion is the effort to improve the self. No atheist argument is going to be able to halt that effort.

Cat in A Hat? This Cat IS a Hat!

ziggystardust (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

ziggystardust (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

What part do you play in the VS community? (Mystery Talk Post)

blankfist says...

A tolerated child?! I'm a man! I won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? Sometimes, there's a man. And I'm talkin' about the Dude here - the Dude from Los Angeles. Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Dude. The Dude, from Los Angeles. And even if he's a lazy man - and the Dude was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in all of Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide. Sometimes there's a man, sometimes, there's a man. Well, I lost my train of thought here. But... aw, hell. I've done introduced it enough.

Death Race (2008 Trailer) Remake With Jason Statham

My dupe solution (Sift Talk Post)

kulpims says...

how about just searching the sift before posting? I mean, sometimes you'd still post a video that has already been submitted and that's alright - shit happens, right. but I dare say most dupes happen simply because people don't make an effort (and that's coming from the laziest guy on the sift)
anyway, I like your idea, ashes2flames. something has to be done about this

edit: just found one - see, that's what I'm talking about. found the original in less than a minute. I should change my nick to "dupehunter"

Top 5 Laziest Inventions

Batman Needs A Little Help (8 secs)

lucky760 says...

Oh, come now. He obviously could have grabbed the corners of his cape to create a batchute and slow his descent. Just being lazy. Guess he's waiting for the Japanese version which will grab your cape for you.

It's Not Halloween Until Somebody Cries

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