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World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Aside from the profanity, that's about the most sensible summation I've seen so far on this whole kerfuffle lamp. The blockade is there to prevent arms smuggling to terrorists. Would it be nice if Isreal didn't do this? Sure, but wake me up when the Palestinians start abhorring violence and the need for Isreal's security precautions goes away. Isreal sets up the blockade and a bunch of hippies run it. It doesn't take rocket science to predict that there are going to be morons on these boats who are looking for trouble. Isreal should have been better prepared for this. So far I've seen nothing that required firing on these boatniks, aside from their own stupidity for deliberately provoking one of the most no-nonsense military organizations on the planet.

Epic Rain Delay Theatre

Yogi says...

>> ^lampishthing:

FTR that was a rock bottom, followed by throwing elbow guard to crowd, followed by the people's elbow™

Good call Lamp...a few critiques the Rock Bottom doesn't come with a leg hook that was more of a Valdimir Kozlov Backbreaker rack drop. The People's Elbow was better but the elbow guard/pad should be thrown over the opponent towards the camera and when executing the elbow drop you rotate your right leg over the victim before double-pumping the elbow home!

That was all kinds of fun and good call for the coach on the YouTubes.

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

choggie says...

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^lampishthing:
With all this uproar I haven't read anyone offering a different solution. Any ideas?..
I don't agree with the racial profiling but it's worth keeping in mind that this law will be popular until they have an alternative to solve the problem and if the law is taken away by the feds while it's still popular it will make things worse - make the people angrier and more ruthless on the issue.

^Integration is the key. Make it easier for people to legally immigrate and you'll have less illegal immigrants. Trying to stem the flow of people who want to join our country is not the answer. Spend the money on speeding up and creating easier access to the legal immigration process. America is not supposed to be about building walls, it's supposed to be:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

They want to "join" our country rather, FLEE their country because the level of crime and corruption south of the U.S. (assisted every step of the way BY the U.S.) has reached a level any reasonable citizen would have pulled a Bastille Day on their asses for, and killed every last member of their government for getting them there, had they had the education and intelligence. Instead they, like most fucking Americans, are too wiped out from working and too addicted to drugging them selves with chemicals and entertainment.

You are as out of touch as the rest of them buuuurdturgler.

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

enoch says...

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^lampishthing:
With all this uproar I haven't read anyone offering a different solution. Any ideas?..
I don't agree with the racial profiling but it's worth keeping in mind that this law will be popular until they have an alternative to solve the problem and if the law is taken away by the feds while it's still popular it will make things worse - make the people angrier and more ruthless on the issue.

^Integration is the key. Make it easier for people to legally immigrate and you'll have less illegal immigrants. Trying to stem the flow of people who want to join our country is not the answer. Spend the money on speeding up and creating easier access to the legal immigration process. America is not supposed to be about building walls, it's supposed to be:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

totally agree with you bud.
one problem.
that would be really bad for big business.
i mean..workers realizing a common cause and a common foe?
then actually joining in defense of their interests?
no no no no no..
elites dont share with peasants!
they pay a LOT of money to keep the legislators churning out sweet heart deals and they spend the rest of the money keeping us either sedated with mind numbing programming or they create a fear enviroment with their massive propaganda machine.
divide and conquer and then lull us into a television induced coma.
they have gotten better at it over the years and they mean to subjugate us using the very tools we thing are their to benefit us.
it is the ultimate lie and they have done a damn good job of it.

what you propose BT is based on common sense but who would it benefit?
normal,regular you and i..since when did any elite give a rats fuck about you or i?
the only time..and i mean when we,as people,have let it be known it was in their best interest but we have lost that fight over 30 years ago and the majority have no idea they lost.
too wrapped up chasing their own tails.
they gotcha..
they gotcha by the balls.
you dont want to work overtime for no extra pay?
we will find someone who will..good luck paying your balloon mortgage.
bah..i could ramble for hours on this subject but i hope you get my drift.
corporate media=does not work for you and it never has.
capitol hill=bought and sold by your bosses and no longer work for you
judges=nope..not them either.

yet they have actually convinced people it is the brown people who are the problem.
/the mind boggles

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

burdturgler says...

>> ^lampishthing:

With all this uproar I haven't read anyone offering a different solution. Any ideas?..
I don't agree with the racial profiling but it's worth keeping in mind that this law will be popular until they have an alternative to solve the problem and if the law is taken away by the feds while it's still popular it will make things worse - make the people angrier and more ruthless on the issue.

^Integration is the key. Make it easier for people to legally immigrate and you'll have less illegal immigrants. Trying to stem the flow of people who want to join our country is not the answer. Spend the money on speeding up and creating easier access to the legal immigration process. America is not supposed to be about building walls, it's supposed to be:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

Tea Party Reasoning

I Wanna Marry A Lightnouse Keeper- RERowan McDonaldMIX

How Deep Is Your Love - Death Metal Version

conan says...

hehehe i really like those.
and besides: the budget of this beegees clip was somewhere between 120 and 140$. Just three lamps with a few paperfilters. impressive minimalism :-P

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I think this is awesome. When I was a kid I used to be obsessed with modeling clay. I'd make all sorts of crazy creatures, play with them, then destroy them and start anew. I wish I had the technology to make a stop motion with my creations.

Most of the ones myself,my brother and my dad made back in the day involved lego and plasticine to some degree. (I really need to get those films into the digital realm) The problem we found was that the plasticine would melt under the hot lamps we used for lighting. One particular piece I remember had some creature coming towards camera between a couple of rows of trees. The trees were little model ones held up with plasticine bases... over the course of the little movie you watch the trees all droop and collapse to the ground as their bases melt.

Will a Lava Lamp Work on Jupiter

lampishthing says...

>> ^Psychologic:

Talking about a lava lamp working "on Jupiter" is a little misleading since Jupiter is unlikely to have an actual surface.

I think unlikely is tad pessimistic. It seems to me that as the planet is so large and relatively cold (the radiation it emits is roughly equal to that reaching it) that the immense pressure approaching the centre would cause heavier elements to solidify, thus creating a surface.

A more valid argument to me would be whether or not the "lava" would solidify on Jupiter.

Will a Lava Lamp Work on Jupiter

Will a Lava Lamp Work on Jupiter

Psychologic says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
I believe that a typical lava lamp has the liquid and semi-solid portions encased in a glass container. Wouldn't that render pressure issues irrelevant? The light bulb is also self contained in glass or similar air-tight container. All in all, I don't think outside air pressure is an issue until it becomes great enough to break the container.

Yea, if it's sealed then the only pressure change would be from the added weight of the liquids inside the lamp due to gravity, which shouldn't be much.

Temperature would be a bigger factor, depending on altitude. Talking about a lava lamp working "on Jupiter" is a little misleading since Jupiter is unlikely to have an actual surface.

Will a Lava Lamp Work on Jupiter

MaxWilder says...

I believe that a typical lava lamp has the liquid and semi-solid portions encased in a glass container. Wouldn't that render pressure issues irrelevant? The light bulb is also self contained in glass or similar air-tight container. All in all, I don't think outside air pressure is an issue until it becomes great enough to break the container.

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