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Compressed 02: Magnets and Bubbles

How make fire with ice!

Heart Failure and Obesity ...on a Stick!

G.I. Joe - Ice

Gay G. I. Joe

Sainte Barbe

Genesis / Peter Gabriel - The Musical Box Live

Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)

Asmo says...

But that's kinda the point JJ...

Even the most objective person in the world reviewing this game will point out the numerous flaws, anachronims and downright failure points of it. So it'll rate poorly. Then you let history back in the room and it's even worse...

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Oh, I did - thanks for that, fixed.>> ^MaxWilder:

I agree for the most part. The depth of the character interactions was a great pleasure, as was the complex plot for what is really a simple story.
I have to deduct points for some over-the-top Michael Bay style explosion scenes. And a few silly details that were ignored/overlooked. And one or two "Hey! Look! This is the 70's!" moments.
Other than that, great movie. Definitely going into my Blu-Ray collection.
Also, Speilberg was the producer, JJ Abrams was director. I suspect that's what you meant to type.

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

MaxWilder says...

I agree for the most part. The depth of the character interactions was a great pleasure, as was the complex plot for what is really a simple story.

I have to deduct points for some over-the-top Michael Bay style explosion scenes. And a few silly details that were ignored/overlooked. And one or two "Hey! Look! This is the 70's!" moments.

Other than that, great movie. Definitely going into my Blu-Ray collection.

Also, Speilberg was the producer, JJ Abrams was director. I suspect that's what you meant to type.

Approximately 85 years of life in just 40 sec

Anouk & Sarah Bettens cover 'I Alone' (by Live)

Gov't stopped funding charity, private donations surge 500% (Politics Talk Post)

JiggaJonson says...


You have some nerve quoting Thoreau here. The difference between you and Thoreau is that he actually put his philosophical viewpoints into action. If you really believed half of the tripe you talk, you'd be driving without a license plate until you were thrown in jail (Thoreau was jailed for not paying taxes and stayed their until R.W. Emerson bailed him out, something Thoreau hated btw).

So the 18th is rapidly approaching. I've paid my taxes, but then again I, at least in some part, believe in the democratic political system. I wonder if you have the balls to skip out on your tax dues to back up your bulllllllllllllllshit, or if you're, as your page suggests, just trolling through your whole life with ideas you don't have the fortitude to turn into action.

(you're a pussy)

Monkey's Butt Is Red

Kids Reenact The Social Network

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