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Dude in a Ferrari Runs Over Cops Foot

ulysses1904 says...

Oh okay, no fact-checking required. All I have to do is watch videos on the internet and I'll "see the rage in the faces of the MAJORITY of cops" (my emphasis). So by your logic if I saw one internet video last week of police brutality and then I see two videos this week of police brutality that means that incidences of brutality have doubled, right?

Try reading Barry Glassner's "The Culture of Fear", it talks about how the media and people in general like to see trends where there may not necessarily be any. And of course some drama-llama will misinterpret what I'm saying and assume I'm all for a "police state" and I deny the existence of police brutality or I condone it, yak yak yak. The usual Internet Debate Club horseshit.

So when the original poster makes reference to the INCREDIBLE rise of police brutality I say cite me some sources other than viral videos and protest sign slogans.

Also next time include a link to police misconduct stats that look like they were done by someone that went to a university, not USA Today.
>> ^chingalera:

Sorry there criminal justice professor, no need to site anything but internet sources, you have eyes and everyone has cell phones to record, you can see the rage in the faces of the majority of cops. They pump the shit into homes 24/7, 365 to let us all know that crime is on the rise and more cops with better weapons are needed.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

messenger says...

No. Sweeping a prejudice under the rug has never done anything to eliminate it. As we all have prejudices (and I'm assuming nobody here will deny it as you're all an intelligent bunch), what could be wrong with admitting one and trying to get rid of it?

I'm Canadian and I acknowledge that I too associate her particular accent with lack of intelligence. If someone is saying something and trying to make it clear they think it is an ignorant point of view, they might put on her accent. I and everyone else understands that they're trying to appear ignorant. It's a very common stereotype.

So it's me, and @spoco2, and just about all English speakers, at least in Canada and northern parts of America, who associate this accent (rightly or wrongly) with lack of intelligence.

Now, once you have identified your prejudice, a thinking person (unlike the idiot in this video) will try and divest themselves of their prejudice by actively seeking counterexamples to their prejudice. And if you're already connected to a community with massive exposure to internet videos, that's the obvious place to start.

I'm not sure what wiser thing Spoco2 could have done. It's not like you can just wish prejudice away. It's a pattern that your brain has noticed, and brains are brilliant at pattern matching. They will not just accept it if you repeat to yourself it's not so. The next time Spoco2 or I hear that accent, we'll still think it sounds unintelligent, unless we start hearing examples of intelligent speakers using it.>> ^bareboards2:

Maybe if you had just done a tad bit of research and replaced your own mental image? Take responsibility for the fact that it is you who is uninformed about intelligent folks with southern accents, instead of putting your prejudice out there?
I think that might be the essential problem. We all have prejudices. We need to take personal responsibility to reshape our thinking patterns. By asking the question, the prejudicial point of view was somehow oddly reinforced. Giving it energy, instead of bleeding the energy out of it. Does that make sense? By the fact of asking, it somehow perpetuated the stereotype. It's not logical, but humans aren't logical in every moment.
My cousin came to visit from Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest, at age 50. First time outside Middle America. It broke my heart when she said she didn't want to talk to anyone for fear that they would think she was some dumb yokel because of her accent.
Because it is out there that if you talk that way you are stupid.

Why I changed my mind On The Martin killing (Controversy Talk Post)

kymbos says...

That's the power of the internet, my friends.>> ^peggedbea:

Wait, so a grown man admittedly pursues an unarmed kid, against the advice of the police, and said unarmed kid ends up dead and you don't think the grown man needs to be arrested and investigated? And your justification for this stance is that the internet video you watched was overzealous?

Why I changed my mind On The Martin killing (Controversy Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

Wait, so a grown man admittedly pursues an unarmed kid, against the advice of the police, and said unarmed kid ends up dead and you don't think the grown man needs to be arrested and investigated? And your justification for this stance is that the internet video you watched was overzealous?


Tickling a Pygmy Owl

Pretty Much My Experience With Minecraft In A Nutshell

luxury_pie says...

>> ^SeesThruYou:

Once again, another fan-made Minecraft video that only further reinforces the blatant fact that fan-made Minecraft videos are the worst... the absolute BOTTOM of the fucking internet video pile. I play Minecraft, but I don't understand ANYTHING portrayed in this video. WTF?? No creativity, no originality, no humor... 100% pointless drivel. I lost IQ points watching this bullshit.
Remember Magibon? The asian-looking girl who did nothing but sit in front of a webcam for 2 minutes, blinking her eyes and then citing some random Japanese phrases?
Yeah, she's a cinematic GENIUS, worthy of winning a Nobel Prize, compared to the morons who make Minecraft videos like this one.

I have more in the unsifted list, waiting for your precious IQ points. Only if you're interested.

Pretty Much My Experience With Minecraft In A Nutshell

SeesThruYou says...

Once again, another fan-made Minecraft video that only further reinforces the blatant fact that fan-made Minecraft videos are the worst... the absolute BOTTOM of the fucking internet video pile. I play Minecraft, but I don't understand ANYTHING portrayed in this video. WTF?? No creativity, no originality, no humor... 100% pointless drivel. I lost IQ points watching this bullshit.

Remember Magibon? The asian-looking girl who did nothing but sit in front of a webcam for 2 minutes, blinking her eyes and then citing some random Japanese phrases?

Yeah, she's a cinematic GENIUS, worthy of winning a Nobel Prize, compared to the morons who make Minecraft videos like this one.

You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

budzos says...

I just don't think it's fair to say it's revenge or sadistic purely ego-driven assault when he's hitting them on the ground. That ensures the window clerk's victimization at the hands of the legal system, meaning in the end he probably should have just let the girl slap him, jump the counter, and manhandle and berate him for ten minutes until he goes into a seizure like the video of the girls assaulting the tranny (until he went into seizures, at which point they kept trying to attack) in a McDonald's.

It's still self-defense to be hitting someone who is down. People get back up. Having been assaulted a couple times, worked in bars, and watched years of internet video, I think it's all self-defense until the person who has attacked you is unconscious, not moving, or yelling "I'm sorry".

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
Then I don't understand your pro-assaulter mentality.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^petpeeved:
Completely generic hyperbole.

Have you ever been physically assaulted in public before?


I'm pro-peacekeeper (even when the person taking those reins is an out-of-her-element woman unaccustomed to displays of brutality). Watch the video again. Tell me that the McDonald's employee with the pipe was acting in self-defense and not revenge for most of the fight. To my eye, and I've seen a ton of these fights in person, once the McDonald's employee got the upper hand (and it only took one or two hits), he went into revenge mode, thus surrendering any moral high ground he may have had earlier.

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

Taint says...

Did you miss the part where I said I'm against assassination by presidential fiat?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you must have.

"ring of hate and evil"? Seriously?

You insinuated that partisanship is affecting my ability to reason, then link to a video that has jack shit to do with anything I said about the hypocrisy in news coverage. I point out how way off you are, and you call me a shithead.

You're the one who down voted me, douche, and clearly without even reading what I wrote.

"I guarantee you watch more Fox News than I do"

"so stop being a judgmental douche"

Jesus Christ, do you even read what you write?

Everything you accuse me of is exactly what you're doing. You're going to guarantee how much Fox News I watch?

I don't need the fucking Nielsen ratings to your house to see what you're typing.

"Also, this is a local affiliate which has no real connection to the bullshit politics of the network"

Hey, one last defense of the hard hitting local news team!

Your side of this conversation is a parody of itself.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Taint:
Who are you referring to with "we"?
Since you didn't comment on the video you linked, nor did you post it, I assume by "we" you mean Arlen Spector and the republican party?
Is that the "we" you're a part of?
Since that would mean you're identifying yourself with the Republican party while accusing me of partisanship?
Is that the "we" you were referring to? You and Arlen? Or you and your fellow republicans? Or perhaps you and the organization of News Corp who you seem intent on defending for some reason.
I pointed out the obvious selective outrage of Fox News and its affiliates because it's relevant to this video in particular, and is beyond evident to anyone not under a rock during the Bush Administration.
You respond with a link from C-Span.
So you either think that my comment was directed toward you and your buddy Arlen Spector, or you have your head so far up Rupert Murdoch's ass that you don't even realize that you're defending Fox News, declaring yourself a Republican, and missing the point entirely.

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^Taint:
Smell the hypocrisy.
Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...
Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.
But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.
I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.
The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

That's what you think this is about? Partisanship? Man, I'm so sick of this two party system. It's a cancer to reason. I wish both of them would rot on the vine of tyranny.
We complained about this under Bush too.

No need to be a shithead. I'm anti anyone being assassinated. If you can't agree with that, then fine, go on being someone in favor of murder and assassinations, and stop looping the rest of us into your ring of hate and evil. I guarantee you watch more Fox News than I do. I watch zero of it unless it comes across the occasional internet video here and there, so stop being a judgmental douche, thanks.
Also, this is a local affiliate which has no real connection to the bullshit politics of the network.

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