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Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Every trump chump rally has been a super spreader event.

According to public health officials in five different cities in three different States, Donald Trump's rallies have in fact been super spreader events for COVID-19 and the health officials looked at the hospitalization rates in their areas, the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19, the number of new COVID-19 cases and through contact tracing, were able to determine that these were people who attended Trump's rally or have been in close contact with people who attended Trump's rallies.
These were two in Pennsylvania, two in Minnesota, and one in Wisconsin. These took place several weeks ago, kind of before the really big rally blitz that he has been on the past 10 days.

He may singlehandedly be responsible for the second wave that's starting, Friday was the worst day for infections and hospitalization, Saturday was the second worst. You morons are killing yourselves off for Trump, and those that can get into a hospital and survive the ICU have an average $80000 bill, not including those that require lifelong care from brain damage or lung failures.

I hope Biden makes owning a maga hat the one pre existing condition that invalidates covid coverage, and insurance companies deny you all.

bobknight33 said:

Trump in Gastonia NC with 15,000 supporters tonight and the great Obama pulls 1200 today in Philadelphia.

No one is buying what Democrats are selling, Lies!

MEGA landslid 2020

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

newtboy says...

She refused to answer most questions relative to the job...and was dumbfounded by the most basic, simple question. If he hadn't told her there are five rights she would have answered "freedom of speech" and thought she answered well. She only answered softball questions and pats on the back before this. I can do that all day long.

Oh Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy huwt? Yes, orangutan's bad, but he's not alone. I obviously see far more than just rage, but it is enraging for patriots to see a convicted con man and thief in the Whitehouse costing us trillions and hundreds of thousands of deaths being propped up by our enemies.

No Bob, I clearly don't prefer republicans who fit the definition you came up with...uneducated in crime, that doesn't fit the criminal republicans unless you mean uneducated in fighting crime, then check, rat infected Republican cities (big towns, but we'll humor you) that fits, debauchery (congratulations on looking up the spelling) holy shit does that describe Republicans more than democrats, keeping poor people poor, check republicans, doubly so if you make that poor black people.

Sorry sweetheart. Red Tsunami 2018 + 2020

2020- thanks trump.

bobknight33 said:

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

bobknight33 says...

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

newtboy said:

Lol. Right. More projection. Sorry sunshine, I'm pretty certain I've established a reputation for multiple legitimate sources and verifying my claims in stark contrast to you who only sites illegitimate and unverified far right Russian based internet media.

I seriously doubt that you listened or watched, and I know if you did you didn't understand 4/5 of it. I guess you were totally full of shit saying you're employed and going in to work then.

So, a nominee who can't answer the most basic questions about the constitution should be confirmed as one of 9 people who interpret it? Knowing it forwards and backwards would seem a bare minimum requirement...but not for you or trump, you need a justice who's ignorant of the constitution to get her to ignore and violate it for you. Enjoy the new 19 justice court with 10 new seats filled by Biden and an amendment making adding more unconstitutional. Because we can is now the standard set by Republicans, they have zero legitimacy complaining, and will have zero power to stop it.

So cute, sweety. Pretending to be informed. That's just precious, doll.

Biden waves to missing crowd.

newtboy says...

Intentional infections and deaths vs adult responsibility.

Trump cultists happily put their lives at risk because Trump told them to.
Biden asked people to stay home and safe.

Hate to tell you, not Trump is ALL he has to be unless one of Trump's plots to subvert democracy is successful, his latest being calling on republican governors to claim they don't think the vote total matches their state, so they should toss the vote and just send all pro Trump electors, making us a dictatorship, not even a democratic republic.

bobknight33 said:

Donald Trump Rallies Vs Joe Biden Rallies.

Trump shows up and there are 5,000 to 15,000 to great him.

How on earth do Democrats believe Biden will win?

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad Bobby.
12000 total died vs >210000 and rising fast expected to top 400000 before Biden takes office, and Trump's new plan if he is successful with his coup is to raise that to 8 million dead or more.
Swine flu is the flu, not even a bad one by the numbers, Covid 19 is not. Covid kills 1 in 33 infected, swine flu killed 1 in 5000, and didn't put 20% in the hospital.
Obama put out science based guidelines and warnings quickly, trump continues to lie and claim Coronavirus is less deadly than the flu, nothing, go out and get it.

Trump ignored warnings, trump ignored pandemic specialists and fired them, trump cut travel from China eventually, but only of Chinese, no quarantine for the 40000+ non Chinese he let come in from China, trump ignored the pandemic response plan, and claimed for 5+ months there wasn't one, Trump stupidly blames the last administration for his total lack of preparedness, but he had been president for three+ years when he even noticed, but he takes NO responsibility, not a leader's actions. Trump let 210000+ Americans die according to him to avoid people getting worried, and continues to give horrifically wrong and deadly advice from the Whitehouse now to avoid admitting his total failure to lead.....what a plan.

It sure is looking like a landslide, with Biden ahead double digits in every poll besides a few pro Trump internet polls open only to Republicans by non pollsters. It's so bad Trump is calling on Barr to prosecute Biden now....the problem being he doesn't know for what, and worse, the Republican Senate report already cleared Biden of ANY crimes....and accused every Trump official of lying during his impeachment, including trump himself who they confirmed WAS helped by Russia...remember, that country that put bounties on American soldiers that Trump ignores to this day? Your homeland.
Moscow's Emissary Governing thanks, we tried that, it cost us trillions, tripling the deficit this year, and hundreds of thousands of lives.

Red tsunami, take me away.

bobknight33 said:

It will be a landslide

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Of the near 210000 deaths, >181000 would have been saved, never infected, if everyone had worn masks and the "lockdown" was actually implemented two weeks earlier and was followed.

Trump's "nothing burger" claims and "wear a mask if you want, or not" and slow reactions, lack of concern, complaints about states that did lockdown, and contradictory messages directly caused >90% of all cases and deaths according to the CDC before he removed the real scientists and replaced them with Trump spokesmen who only repeat Trump, not science or facts. Politicizing the CDC is criminal.

Now, if Trump hadn't defunded and disbanded the international pandemic team Obama put in place, the virus likely wouldn't have made it out of China, making all deaths on American soil direct results of Trump's insecurity and inability to lead. Had he used the pandemic plan Obama left that they ignored and claimed didn't exist through June, America might have had a few cases, but not an epidemic. Trump's idiocy, his 80 IQ that seems genius to your ilk, caused it. It's poetic justice it's likely to take him down.

Btw, dumb shit, non n95 masks don't protect the users, they just help control the spread. Not a bit surprised you don't understand....but 3rd graders can.

Side might notice, Trump is on a huge cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and anti viral medications, but not hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine. Why not, @bobknight33? He's pushed it for months as a perfect cure, but won't take it himself. Don't tell me he lied about it's efficacy and safety!
Also, his doctors admitted he's been on them for 72 hours as of Sat morning, so they've known he's infected since Wednesday morning but he still handed out maga caps with bare hands at rallies and pressed the flesh indoors with his major donors during the most infectious period of his infection. He didn't care if he infected all of

bobknight33 said:

Of the 6 Million nicked by Covid and 200K dead how many wore masks?

Trump vs Biden crowd

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, don't you think it's funny that he has to put masks on the crowd behind him so he LOOKS responsible in video clips, but tells the crowd not to wear them? No, you're so cocksprung you think huge crowds without masks are good, and social distancing with PPE is bad, lying about the danger causing over 180000 of the deaths in America or more by having no plan besides drink bleach is good, following medical guidelines is bad.
Again, funny how things that kill Americans and drain the treasury are good to you, things that would save American lives and the economy are bad....kinda like you're an enemy of America, bobski.
Every time Trump holds a rally there's a spike in cases and it extends the shutdown another week+. I bet he has 30+ planned, which will translate into tens of thousands more infected. Obese is a preexisting condition that makes it worse, and on average his crowd is morbidly obese....but as long as you vote first, he doesn't care if you die.

Failed every time he, that's YOU trump. Never won an election, ever.

Trump Says COVID “Affects Virtually Nobody”

simonm says...

So, if these (very soft) numbers are taken into account and this (highly infectious) disease continues to spread throughout the whole of the US, there's going to be this rough breakdown:

0-18: 2217 dead
20-49: 23,840 dead
50-69: 417,000 dead
70+: 3,029,400 dead

Total deaths nearing 3.5 million. And this is considered something to dismiss without concern?

Of course, this is ignoring the fact that there can be long term implications for people who are infected, but survive, too.

bobknight33 said:

The US govt last week updated the survival rates (i.e., IF infected) for Covid19:

0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70+ 94.6%

Trump Says COVID “Affects Virtually Nobody”

The Trump Plan

newtboy says...

Stop posting this unscientific propaganda, pedophilia supporter.

Notice not one reference on any of his "data" because he likely made it up like he usually does.

His data doesn't match any verified data either, and his graphs are intentionally confusing, including individual states and countries in a completely unscientific propaganda graph, some countries with populations in the 70-80000 range. My guess is it's improperly presented this way to hide how bad America has done, with well over half the slots being US states and many of the remaining countries having tiny populations and third world conditions. This is the superstition side of the argument, not science based or scientific at all.

We have >200000 deaths with just over 2% infected. Herd immunity takes 70-80% being infected and a stable virus that won't mutate enough to erase immunity. That's a minimum of 7-8 MILLION Americans dead and p to 21-24 million permanently disabled if we have 1.6 million ICU beds....hint, we don't, so multiply the deaths by 4-7 but lower the disabled numbers, they'll die instead. So far, there's no study that shows herd immunity is even possible, since this virus mutates every few months it's unlikely. I think sacrificing millions - 60 million or more to find out is outrageously insane.

Use real, verified data, we are at best 8th worst (only 7 countries have more deaths per 100000 and 8th highest death rate per infection too). Just look at India, with 4 times the US population, just over 1 million fewer cases than the US, and way less than half the deaths....IN FUCKING INDIA.

Because our population is so large, that puts us at number one in total deaths with 4% of the population but 25% of > 6 times the global average per capita and the most reported deaths by far.

Fail Bobski. Only the most uneducated rubes fall for this ridiculous nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Sweden VS UK
Science Based Policy Versus Superstition

The Trump Plan

newtboy says...

Our health care system was stretched beyond it's limits with under 2% of Americans infected over a 9 month period, and even so 200000 died (likely more), some from lack of access to hospitals because they had zero beds available in entire states.
His plan is now to allow 35-40 times that many people to get infected in the next few years, which would lead to 7.3 million dead if we could give them the same treatment and mortality rate, but we simply cannot. 15-20% need ICU beds and equipment, in Trump's plan 9/10 won't get it at best, all those people will die, bringing the mortality rate up to as high as 20% +-.

.70 (expected minimum effective infection rate) x 350000000(population) x .20 (probable mortality rate without ICU care) = likely 49 MILLION +- expected dead if all goes to plan under Trump's herd mentality apt name since he's lining up Americans and sending us to the killing floors.

So somewhere between an optimistic 7.3 million and a pessimistic 49 million dead sacrificed Americans is his best idea (he knows tested widespread vaccines are years off and only good until the virus mutates, which it has already), plus any collateral damage from no functional health care and other factors. I can't fathom where this 3 million number that's being tossed around comes from, it seems insanely optimistic and not based in reality.

Covid, Facts, Fake news Debunked

newtboy says...

>.01% of the population dead with just over .25% of the population infected is not a mortality/death rate of .01%, it's 4%, and it is enough to overwhelm the global medical system to the point where Trump virus death panels are a real thing, not some fantasy boogie man, and they decide if grandma is worth saving.

Quit trotting out this dumbass, @bobknight33. It just makes it obvious why you are so deluded and confused when you listen to this garbage by a delusional science conspiracy nutjob.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

That's a good one, Bob. We hate fake news, so we want the fake news president who's told more lies in his official capacity in 3.6 years than all presidents combined.
Another red tsunami just like 2018? I'll be on the beach waiting.

Come on Bobby, even you are better than that twaddle.

32.9% drop in GDP is a great job to you, but Obama's constant positive and higher than Trump's numbers were proof he's incompetent.
180000 dead Americans and rising faster all the time with no end in sight is a great job to you, but two dead by Ebola (a more deadly and more infectious disease btw) with zero infections in America is a horrific failure Obama should have quit over.
A conservatively estimated 30000000 jobs lost, 1/2 permanently (some estimates say over 50000000) is a great job to you.
Failed trade talks and wars that have cost us hundreds of BILLIONS in losses is a great job to you, and Obama's successful trade deals and no trade wars made him a failure.
Untold trillions wasted thanks to a disastrous pandemic response, much stolen thanks to zero oversight is a great job, but the federal loans Obama offered to halt the Republican recession were socialism because he took collateral for the money and didn't just hand it out for nothing.

Odd how America does so much better when you say we are failing, and infinitely worse when you say we are doing a great job....almost like you're rooting for our failure....comrade.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA landslide 2020 because Americans are fed up of all the fake news BS last 3.5 years

Trump doing a great job

What is QAnon? If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

newtboy says...

So am I. Well armed. I'm not a bad shot either.

My forefathers actually founded this nation, fought and died to create it. I owe them no less than to defend it against the dark creeping madness with my life if necessary, not that it's what I want. What else am I doing that's more important? Where else do I have to go? (Edit: thanks to our lack of functional Covid response and continued epidemic, no where right now, or for the foreseeable future.)

Yeah, I don't need to be devoured by the mouth of madness. Reading the words infects you, and once you're under Q's influence you'll believe anything. That's how cults work. I only needed to read chapter one of Dianetics to know the destructive self inflicted insanity it contained. Same goes for Q.

If I had the means to move to New Zealand, and if they would have me, I might have a difficult choice to make. Fortunately for them, I don't. Maybe time to add to my firearm collection instead.

StukaFox said:

Uh-huh. You are, 100%.

Remember: these people are as armed as they are stupid. Y'wanna know how completely fucking crazy these shitheels are? Go read the comments section for any political story on Zero Hedge or hang out on 4chan's /pol/ for about 10 minutes. That's the surface-level insanity and it just goes downhill for there.

Like I said before, you have exactly two choices: you can leave, or you can stay. If you stay, good fucking luck.

Democrat COVID Politics

newtboy says...

More bullshit from this YouTube moron who has Trump's c*ck so deep up his ass he's drooling syphilitic discharge.

Ripping up a speech is the worst thing ever in political history? Derp.

The travel ban from China was xenophobic and racist, it only stopped Chinese from coming from China, not Americans, not people from other countries.

The quarantine rule was only for those entering from one province, and was not enforced.

Cuomo was following CDC and Whitehouse guidelines to send the elderly back to their nursing homes after being discharged from hospitals....Derp.
Trump killed 170000 Americans and counting....statistics say he's likely also disabled 500000 for life too.

NYC had the most infected enter through their ports of entry....Trump didn't shutdown travel from Italy or other European countries while they were out of control with new infections. Wonder why?

It's not difficult, this guy and those that repeat his utter bullshit are exponentially more disgusting, cynical, and dishonest than Quomo. Period.

Trump's response was to deny it's a problem for months, dumbfuck.

The field hospitals wouldn't take patients, neither would hospital ships.
Um, you fucking moron again, "elderly patients had covid but were not sick enough to be admitted" doesn't mean "they were too sick to be admitted" you fuckwit.
The CDC guidelines stated clearly they should be sent back to their nursing homes, that was Trump's plan and directive, not Quomo's.

Trump created a complete mess by infecting people in nursing homes while insisting there's no problem, the virus isn't dangerous, and sometimes the virus is a pure hoax. This led to thousands of people dying a day.
The protests didn't start a second wave, the anti mask protests and anti maskers refusing to social distance, having covid parties and gathering indoors exacerbated wave one, we haven't started a second wave yet.
So much erroneous, stupid, blatantly false, self contradictory, hyper partisan, utter bullshit. *lies is right, there wasn't anything else, but this moron has never had facts, only his own uninformed opinion.

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