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beardy man explains why indie is shit

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'indie, dubstep, beatbox, sampling, wubwubs, unshaved, udderbelly' to 'beardyman, indie, dubstep, beatbox, sampling, wubwubs, unshaved, udderbelly' - edited by Deano

beardy man explains why indie is shit

Payback says...

>> ^papple:

He comes across as a bit of dick to me. My choice of music is better than yours, and so on.

I doubt he could do it so well if he actually "hated" it. From every video I've seen, he hates everything he does.

(posted before reading hpqp's post)

beardy man explains why indie is shit

Deano says...

For me I feel he's talking about the "shoe-gazing" style of British Indie music that lingered across the 80s and into the 90s. But I guess Indy/Indie means something altogether different these days.

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

beardy man explains why indie is shit

hpqp says...

>> ^papple:

He comes across as a bit of dick to me. My choice of music is better than yours, and so on.

watch the whole thing: he goes through a ton of music genres... calling each of 'em shit. It's just part of the gig.

beardy man explains why indie is shit

westy says...

>> ^Peroxide:

Don't get me wrong, he's talented but you'll never find anything of his on my ipod. Trance for life.

I listen and listened to allot of trance for last 14 years or so, To me so much of it is utter shit its almost not worth listening to all the "shit" to get to the good stuff.

seems to be an issue with allot of electronic music I guess because its easy to produce the basics but hard to make something iconic or sound really tight.

anyway lol I find it strange listening to trance when out the contrast between people doing every day boring shit and what I am listening to is to much , maybe if I was on mushrooms it would work better together.

You probably know about it already but if not you should check out www.DI.FM , They do play annoying adds and lack new content allot but in general its decent.

beardy man explains why indie is shit

westy says...

>> ^papple:

He comes across as a bit of dick to me. My choice of music is better than yours, and so on.

Are you mental , It is clear from his presentation that he is not retarded and its a given that ultimately everyone has a subjective taste in music. Its also the case that some ganras require little thought or effort to produce something that will be perfectly acceptable for a comercail record.

This is probably why he says Dubstep is shit evan though he then says he enjoys it.

The thing with Indy which can also make it "SHIT" even if no music is intrinsically shit is the pretence surrounding it its as if the pretence is 70% of the music in some cases.

Other ganras certainly suffer from retarded pretence it just seems to be particualy prominent in more ganras than other.

Thats said There will be lots of Indy Tracks that I'm sure are really good and deviate from the down the line generic formula and lack the idiotic pretence.

If you are performing to a live audeance like with comedians and comedy you are forced due to lack of time to make statements that on the face of it are sweeping and can be interpreted in a pesamistic or optimistic way. If you look at the character of beardy man then in this case it makes more sense to give him the benefit of the doubt.

beardy man explains why indie is shit

beardy man explains why indie is shit

beardy man explains why indie is shit

beardy man explains why indie is shit

beardy man explains why indie is shit

marinara (Member Profile)

beardy man explains why indie is shit

shagen454 says...

He is good at what he does. But, it is too simple to generalize music the way he does. Indie is just some dumb label that has been milked by the media, the same way alternative, grunge, emo and all of that shit has been. I want to see the media try to milk a genre like power violence ... lets see if they can do it... because they would never make the amount of money they want out of these sheeples.

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